Ecology Final Project - Ms. Cuthrell's Class Site

Ecology Final Project

This Final Project will be worth a total of 400 points. You may choose a combination of projects that equals 400 – 450 points. These extra points will count as bonus if you receive over 400. Here is a general list of possible projects and their point values. Directions for each project follow.

Current Events Summary and Vocab (10 articles/35 words) 400

Current Events Summary and Vocab (5 articles/20 words) 200

Ecology Board Game (up to two people per board game) 200

Current Events TV News Report (Up to 3 people per video) 100

Other Video Project (See Ms. Cutrhell for Approval) 100

Jeopardy Review Game 100

Ecology Comic (or Series) 50

Ecology Political Comic 50

Ecology Poem (or Series) 50

Ecology Story 100

Ecology Children’s Book 50

Ecology Song 100

Unit Poster 50

Your ideas? See Ms. Cuthrell for approval of a project not

on this list ???


FINAL GRADE ````= ( )

Examples of Project Combinations:

Current Events (5 articles) + Ecology Board Game

Current Events (5 articles) + Ecology Board Game + Ecology Poem

Ecology Comic + Ecology Song + Ecology Board Game + Video Project

( If you are working together with someone on the video or the board game, each member of the group receives the same grade. Make sure to choose partners who will work as hard as you will.

( You can do a maximum of two different video projects (group or individual). See me for details. Other than a video, you cannot do any project more than twice.

( If you choose to turn your 50 point project into a video (Ex. Read childrens book aloud on video, animate a comic, read poem on video to pictures/clips, etc) it will be worth an additional 100 points. Videos must be burnt to a DVD or copied to flash drive to make sure I can view it.

( Projects must be turned in with paperwork items in a Report folder (available at all stores where you can find school supplies for less than $1) with 3 brads to hold your papers in the folder. You can also turn in a 3-ring binder and donate it for an extra 50 points. All papers should be hole-punched and labeled according to the description listed on next page.

This project will not be accepted after 2:45 p.m. on June 1, 2016. Not turning this project in will result in a zero, which will significantly affect your grade. This will be in place of your final exam grade. IF YOU CHOOSE NOT TO DO THE FINAL PROJECT, YOU WILL STILL BE EXPECTED TO TAKE THE FINAL EXAM ON THE DUE DATE.

Copies of this sheet and detailed project descriptions will be available in the classroom by request from the teacher as well as located in a folder in your class’s box.

Detailed Project Descriptions

Current Events Summary and Vocab (10 articles/35 words) 400

Find and cut out/print 10 ECOLOGY related current event articles. (No more than 8 can be from the internet) If you use internet articles, you must print the internet page they come from, you cannot copy/paste into a word document without permission.

* For each article you must write/type who wrote the article, where you found the article, and when it was written (even if this info is included in the article, it must be written in the format below or you will not receive credit)

Who: Jane Doe

Where: Sun Journal

When: September 31, 2010

This is where the summary goes. Remember: AT LEAST 10 sentences. Attach your article at the top or bottom of the page. Internet articles can be on a separate page preceding or following the article.


You must summarize each article using at least 10 sentences.

You must highlight a total of 35 NEW science words in the articles and define them. List these words at the back of your project like a glossary in alphabetical order.

Articles cannot be written before September 20, 2014

Current Events Summary and Vocab (5 articles/25 words) 200

Same as above except: only 5 articles, all can be from internet, 20 New Science words

Ecology Board Game (up to four people per board game) 200

Develop a board game that incorporates concepts learned from at least 2 units in this semester.  You will need to type rules that explain your game, and all questions/answers should be typed as well. 

Requirements:  illustrated game board, game pieces, creative, typed game component (ex. questions)*, typed rules. 

*Note: If you have cards as a part of your game (like the Chance cards in Monopoly) These must be typed, nicely handwritten/illustrated – not torn up pieces of scrap paper!

Current Events TV News Report (Up to 3 people per video) 100

Should be between 3 and 10 minutes (not including title/credits)

Should be set up as a field report (reporter with microphone) or studio report (anchor(s) at a desk)

Story(ies) must incorporate either a current event in Ecology or be a spin-off of a current event in Ecology (science fiction). Story must incorporate factual information about Ecology. Don’t forget to be creative!

Other Video Project (See Ms. Cuthrell for Approval) 100

3 to 10 minutes (not including title/credits)

Video must incorporate Ecology concepts learned this semester.

Typed summary of plot/concept, Typed script (1-3 pages) or story board, summary of each persons contributions, File on Flash drive or DVD of video project.

Jeopardy Review Game 100

You will need to develop one round (25 questions) of Jeopardy that focuses on at least 2 chapters covered this semester.  Your questions should be researched and correct answers must be included.  Points will be given for creativity, accuracy, and content.  You must have questions and answers typed on paper in addition to their inclusion in your Powerpoint presentation.  See Ms. Cuthrell for a downloadable template for the Jeopardy game.

Don’t Forget!! You will need to develop Category Names, and provide questions and answers in a separate typed document.

Ecology Comic (or Series) 50

Develop a comic strip or series of strips that incorporate concepts learned this semester.  Show off your artistic skills and your writing skills in a comic that develops a story or lesson in ecology.

Illustrated, 8 or more boxes (2 sets of 4?)

Ecology Political Comic 50

Find a political comic from the internet or a magazine describing an ecological issue. Cut and paste the comic onto a sheet of paper and tell the same information that you did for the ecology article. ( Who? Where? When?) Then describe the ecological concepts that apply to the comic in at least 5 or more sentences.

Ecology Poem (or Series) 50

Develop a poem or series of poems that incorporate concepts learned this semester. Some forms to consider include: limericks, free verse, haiku, couplets, and any others that you've studied in English class. Your poem should be creative and stick to the chosen format as best as possible.

Typed, 1-3+ pages (250 word minimum), double-spaced.

See this website for a list of poem types/forms.

Ecology Story 50

Write a short story about concepts from ecology. Incorporate 2 or more units we have covered in class. Story should be interesting, fun, and creative!

Typed, 500 word minimum

Should include either a hand-drawn illustration/cover page or a picture that relates to the story

Ecology Children’s Book 50

Should be at least 6 pages in length, illustrated, neat, creative

Cover 1 or more units of ecology

Incorporate ecology concepts and terms

Children’s books teach a lesson! Make it ecologically oriented…

Ecology Song 50

Write a song that is all about ecology! Should have a chorus and 3 verses minimum.

You may also choose to rewrite the lyrics to a famous tune (children’s song, christmas song, musical number, Lady Gaga, etc.) to be ecology related.

Song lyrics should be typed and include either sheet music (piano, guitar, other) or just say “To the tune of ________”

Unit Poster 50

Make a poster outlining the information for one unit in a creative and interesting way.

Must incorporate a 3D element, at least 3 visuals, and cover an entire unit.

Must be neat, organized, creative, and present factual information in an interesting way

Your ideas? See Ms. Cuthrell for approval of a project not on this list ??


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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