Business Systems & Technology

Computer Application in Business I & II Syllabus / ContractAn in-depth study of vector graphics creation. Students design, create, and manipulate images for integration in publication layout and design, Web output, use in other software packages, or immediate output. Topics include vector imaging tools, technical illustration, bitmap to vector conversion, typography, and output considerations. PREREQUISITE: None, but previous computer experience is necessary. This course is intended to introduce the communication arts student to the capabilities of digital image creation and editing using Adobe? Illustrator?. It is important to note that the scope of the application has evolved to a degree that it is not possible to cover every aspect in detail. We will emphasize those operations most applicable and necessary to the designer and illustrator. It is the objective of the course to provide a foundation for further learning and practical application of the Illustrator application in the digital design and illustration environment. Textbook / Materials:Text: Adobe Illustrator CC 2018 release – PDF formatChris Botello, Adobe Illustrator CC - Revealed, Cengage LearningAdobe Illustrator CC Digital Classroom - WileyData Files: Instructor will provide instructions for obtaining the Data FilesSoftware: Microsoft Office 2019, Internet Explorer 7 or 8, Google, Adobe Illustrator CC, and Windows 10 will be used. Handouts: Additional handouts may be required. Instructor will provide information on obtaining this material. Curriculum Course OutlineWeekTopicMaterial1Getting to Know IllustratorExplore the Illustrator workspaceView and modify artboard elementsWork with objects and smart guidesCreate basic shapesApply fill and stroke colors to objectsSelect, move, and align objectsTransform objectsMake direct selectionsWork with multiple artboards2Creating Text and Gradients Create point textFlow text into an objectPosition text on a pathManipulate text with the Touch Type toolCreate colors and gradientsApply colors and gradients to textAdjust a gradient and create a drop shadowApply gradients to strokes3Drawing and Composing an IllustrationDraw straight linesDraw curved linesDraw elements of an illustrationApply attributes to objectsAssemble an illustrationStroke objects for artistic effectUse Image TraceUse the Live Paint Bucket toolExplore alternate drawing techniques4Transforming and Distorting ObjectsTransform objectsOff set and outline pathsCreate compound pathsWork with the Pathfinder panelApply round corners to objectsUse the Shape Builder toolCreate clipping masks5Working with LayersCreate and modify layersManipulate layered artworkWork with layered artworkCreate a clipping set6Working with Patterns and BrushesUse the Move commandCreate a patternDesign a repeating patternUse the Pattern Options panelWork with the Brushes panelWork with scatter brushesCompare the Paintbrush tool to the Blob Brush tool7Working with Distortions, Gradient Meshes, Envelopes, and BlendsEdit colors and distort objectsWork with gradient meshesWork with envelopesCreate blends8Recoloring Artwork and Working with Transparency, Effects, and Graphic StylesUse the Transparency panel and the Color PickerRecolor artworkApply effects to objectsUse the Appearance panelWork with graphic stylesUse opacity masks9Creating and Designing GraphsCreate a graphEdit a graph using the Graph Data windowUse the Group Selection toolUse the Graph Type dialog boxCreate a combination graphCreate a custom graph designApply a custom design to a graphCreate and apply a sliding-scale design10Creating 3D ObjectsExtrude objectsRevolve objectsManipulate surface shading and lightingMap artwork to 3D objectsWork with a perspective grid11Preparing a Document for Prepress and PrintingExplore color theory and resolution issuesWork in CMYK modeSpecify spot colorsCreate crop marksCreate bleedsSave a file as a PDF12Drawing with SymbolsCreate symbolsPlace symbol instancesModify symbols and symbol instancesCreate symbol instance setsModify symbol instance sets13Preparing Graphics for the WebCreate slicesSpecify slice type and slice optionsUse the Save for Web dialog boxCreate an image mapExport Illustrator graphics for the web? All scheduled topics are subject to change based on class needs and progress ?Work Ethics I.Work attitudes and characteristicsa.Respect Respect is necessary everywhere and to everyone. If you respect yourself GUARANTEED others will respect you. We will be working together for 36 weeks; please be considerate and have common courtesy for all. b.Responsibility Responsibility is a big word with a huge task/duty. You are free to make choices, however, think first before you act/react. Ask yourself what are the consequences? What will I gain or lose? How will it affect others? Will it be worth my time and effort? II.Clean-up work stationWorkstation consists of a desk, chair & computer terminal (Keyboard, CPU, monitor and mouse), which must be kept in an orderly condition. Before exiting classroom, ensure that workstation is clean of any papers, binders &/or text books and chairs are pushed in. Mandatory Supplies for Class 16gb USB / Flash Drive (required) minimum for this class. I am not responsible for your flash drive. You are not allowed to share your flash drive (I do not want to see any other student’s work on your flash drive). If you are caught sharing your work or cheating of any kind, it will be an automatic F for all the assignments and a detention and or a referral will be issued. In addition, you will also lose all privileges in my classroom and will be subject to additional work. $10 class fee Mandatory! Class fees not paid will be placed on student’s account. ?Printer – a must have. All assignments for this class must be printed, color optional. Don’t have a printer, find an alternative method before the due date. There are consequences for not printing your work (# 7 classroom rule)Headphones - WILL only be used when viewing teacher led video posted on teachers’ website or when instructed on YouTube (no sharing). Air pods are not allowed in this classroom!Teaching Methods and Grading Lectures/Demonstrations: Important material from the text and outside sources will be covered in class. You should plan to take careful notes as not all material can be found in the texts or readings. Discussion is encouraged as is student-procured, outside material relevant to topics being covered.Assignments: Skills Reviews, Project Builders, Design Project, Portfolio Project, and other projects and readings will be periodically assigned to help support and supplement material found in the lessons. These assignments may require the application of various software applications.Quizzes: Occasional scheduled or unscheduled quizzes will be given to help ensure you stay up with assigned material.Projects / Exams40%Quizzes 30%Class Assignments 20%Home Learning10%100 - 90%A 4 points89 - 80B 3 points79 - 70C 2 points69 - 60D 1 points59 - 0F0 pointsComputer PolicyCheck/inspect the equipment before and after use. Make certain all components (mouse, keyboard, etc.) are present and in proper working order. Communicate with instructor on any concerns regarding equipment.The computers are for school use only. Downloading/playing games and music are strictly PROHIBITED as well as, surfing the Internet, and chatting on-line. If you are caught surfing the internet without my express permission, it will result in an automatic detention or referral! You will also receive an F for the assignment posted at the time of the infraction!Consider this your one and only warning!CLASSROOM RULESI will RESPECT the opinions and views of the teacher and other students.I will not eat food or candy, chew gum, drink or groom myself in class.Before the beginning of class, all cell phones, smartwatches, airpods must be placed in the appropriate cell phone pouch (back of the room). Each of you is assigned a seat/computer number. That is the same cell phone pouch you will use to place your cell phone. If I catch you, and I will, your electronic device will be collected and turned over to the office for parental release. If you have a SMART watch, and I catch you playing with it, I will take it?away and along with your cell phone and it will be turned over to the office.?Airpods / Headphones / Beats – I see it, it’s in your ear, it’s in your lap, it’s gone! Your parents will have to pick them up (same rule as the cell phone)4. I will be in my seat by the bell and prepared for class. After 3 un-excused tardies, parents will be contacted, and a detention will be issued. Continuous tardiness will result in a referral. Skipping my class is an automatic referral.BATHROOM – LATE or NOT WORKING, no bathroom, plain and simple. Each student will be allowed 2 bathroom passes per nine weeks. Once you exhausted your passes, oh well! Also, there will be no bathroom pass for the first 15 minutes of class or the last 15 minutes of class.If you miss an assignment because of you were absent, left early or in a sport / field trip, you have one day to make up the assignment, otherwise it is a Z. If you were absent on the day the assignment is due, it is your responsibility to turn it in on the following class period. Printer – All Adobe Illustrator assignments will be printed (PDF format). Submitting into Google Classroom will not be accepted. Color is optional. If a student fails to print an assignment before the said due date, student will have up to three additional class periods to submit the printed work. But there is a catch. For everyday a student submits an assignment after the due date, one letter grade will be drop for each day the assignment is late. For example, one day after due date, highest grade possible would be a B. Two days late, highest grade possible would be a C. Three days late, highest grade possible would be a D. After 4 days, automatic F.Do not ask me for a pass to go to another classroom, to see your coach or any other person, unless you have a written letter or pass from said teacher, coach or administration!And finally, YouTube or other websites. Don’t try me, I’m only going to tell you once. If I see you on any website NOT part of classroom instructions without my permission, you will receive an F for said assignment and possible detention, referral or lose of privilege. CONSEQUENCES FOR BREAKING ANY PART OF CLASS CONTRACTVerbal WarningLoss of PrivilegesDetentionParent/Teacher ContactReferral to AdministrationIn some cases, an administrative referral may be given without previous parent contact!right97155Student Contact Sheet00Student Contact Sheet Period_________Name ________________________________________ Phone ______________Address __________________________________________________________Email ________________________________________ Mother’s Name _______________________________________________Place of Employment __________________________________________Work Phone ________________________ Other ____________________E-mail_______________________________________________________Father’s Name _______________________________________________Place of Employment __________________________________________Work Phone ________________________ Other ___________________ E-mail_________________________________________________Medical Concerns or Special Needs ______________________________________________________________________________________________________Parent(s), please read the class contract before signing. Please pay close attention to rule numbers #3, 4 & 7 (classroom rules). Student must place all electronic devices in the appropriate electronic pouch. Students must have printer ready to go or student must make arrangements with the media center to print any assignment. Media center hours vary and sometimes are close for other student activities. If the media center is closed, students must find another way to print but the grading consequences continues. Deadlines are deadlines.Signature___________________________________________________________(print only this page of the contract and return it before the due date) ................

In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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