Password protecting Microsoft Word and Excel documents

Password protecting Microsoft Word and Excel documents


Password protecting Microsoft[pic] Word and Excel documents.


Tip: Before password protecting any document, you may wish to create a backup of the non-password protected file in case you forget the password in the future.

Users who are creating a Microsoft Word or Microsoft Excel document that they wish to keep confidential or to only be viewed by people who should be viewing it may wish to enable a Microsoft Word or Excel password on the file to help protect the contents of the file. Below are the steps required for creating a Microsoft Word or Excel document with a password.

1. Open Microsoft Word or Microsoft Excel and the document you wish to password protect.

2. Click File

3. Click Save As

4. In the Save As window[pic], click the Tools option in the upper right-hand side of the window[pic].

5. From the Tools drop-down menu, select General Options

For 2007


6. This will open a Save window[pic] that will allow you to specify a password used to open the file or modify the file.

Password to open - Entering a password for this option will make the file only readable to the users who know the password.

Password to modify - Entering a password for this option will allow users to view the file but only edit and save the file if they know the password. Keep in mind, however, that a user could open the file, copy the contents of the file to another file, and modify and create their own document.


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