Minutes of the UMAC Board Meeting 2012

Minutes of the UMAC Board Meeting 2012SINGAPORE, 10-12 October1st MEETING: October 10th, 2012 – National University of Singapore (NUS) MEMBERS PRESENT: Hugues Dreyssé (Chairperson), Ing-Marie Munktell, Peter Stanbury, Panu Nyk?nen, Elena Corradini, Christine Khor, Nathalie Nyst, Andrew Simpson, Graciela Weisinger. APOLOGIES: Cornelia Weber, Kate Arnold-Foster, Lyndel KIngThe meeting was called to order at 12:00 p.mHugues Dreyssé welcomes the Board Members present. He points out the need to hold a Board meeting on Friday afternoon, and then proceeds to address the following issues:COOPTATION OF GRACIELA WEISINGER CORDERO AS ACTING SECRETARY OF THE BOARD: Hugues Dreyssé states that Aldona Jonaitis has tendered her resignation as Board Secretary. The position was offered to Graciela Weisinger, who has accepted it. The proposal will be submitted for approval at the Annual General Meeting (AGM). The Acting Secretary will be in charge of writing Minutes, coordinating Board Meetings, answering members’ enquiries, and keeping UMAC members e-mailing up to date.2012 CONFERENCE IN SINGAPORE: Hugues Dreyssé pointed out the importance of having prominent NUS officials at the meeting, who, despite their busy agendas, shared the half-day opening session of the Conference. H. Dreyssé confirmed the AGM to be held on Friday 12th.WORKING GROUPS: Hugues Dreyssé presented the three Working Groups, and he will send an email to UMAC members encouraging them to join the working groups. He also pointed out that the “Strategic Planning” Working Group has lost its leader due to Peter Tirrell’s resignation. Peter Tyrell’s work so far is appreciated. The Group aims at casting this Committee into the future: Strategic Plans are designed three years in advance, and they are submitted for approval at the AGM. Ing-Marie Muntkell volunteers to continue Peter Tirrell’s work. UMAC PUBLICATIONS POLICY: 1) Journal: The importance of this publication was pointed out, as well as the possibility of inviting contributions by personalities from different countries to write about topics relevant to the Journal. Andrew Simpson states that proposing outstanding academics from various countries to write articles may be a way to keep the Journal contents’ high standards, and he suggests trying to gain UMAC’s Journal recognition by institutions across the world.Currently, UMAC’s Journal is quoted by a Swedish organization. Hugues Dreyssé proposes to contact a new International Committee consistent with UMAC’s goals –such as CECA– to issue joint publications. Graciela Weisinger suggests planning thematic issues for 2014 and inviting specialists to write contributions –including also scholars who do not work in university museums.2) Newsletter: Hugues Dreyssé suggests it should be seen as a communication tool and that it should be included as a strategy to lure members. Thus, he points out, it could be important to work on a evolution of its layout, as well maybe as to shorten it and issue it more more often. Using Facebook or a blog will also be considered. Elena Corradini and Andrew Simpson with the help of Lyndel King, have volunteered to put forward a more interactive newsletter proposal in 2013. RIO DE JANEIRO GENERAL CONFERENCE 2013: Hugues Dreyssé has travelled to Sao Paulo and Río de Janeiro, Brazil, where he contacted Roberto Brandao, the chairman of ICOM Rio 2013 and the Professor José Lira which is proposed as UMAC’s liaison in Brazil. UMAC’s program for the meeting may comprise two conference days, and a third day visiting an observatory as well as a university museum, among other recreational activities. Members of AAGM are planning to attend the Rio de Janeiro Conference jointly with UMAC. Also, new Board members elections will be held –with a view to incorporating young people as part of our strategic vision. UMAC 2014 & 2015 CONFERENCES: Hugues Dreyssé announces that the 2014 UMAC Meeting will be held in Alexandria, Egypt with CECA. Proposals for the 2015 meeting are put forward, taking into account that the 2016 General Conference will be held in Milan, Italy. The general consensus is that a country in South Asia, Canada, USA or Australia would be best. The Philippines offered the University of Santo Tomas, in Manila, to hold the meeting.The meeting closed at 1:30 p.m.2nd MEETING: October 12th, 2012 – National Library of Singapore MEMBERS PRESENT: Hugues Dreyssé (Chairperson), Ing-Marie Munktell, Peter Stanbury, Panu Nyk?nen, Elena Corradini, Christine Khor, Nathalie Nyst, Andrew Simpson, Graciela Weisinger. INVITED GUEST: José LiraThe meeting was called to order at 2:00 p.m.RIO DE JANEIRO CONFERENCE 2013: Hugues Dreyssé produced a map showing the location of the premises in Petropolis, where the General Assembly will be held. The site is far from the downtown area. Thus, shuttle buses will be available from hotels to the premises. H. Dreyssé will get in touch with friends and colleagues of Marta Louren?o’s in Brazil, in order to gather a local team to deal with logistics. José Lira volunteers to make arrangements from Sao Paulo as much as possible, but he points out that certain reservations, tours, etc. need to be handled from Rio de Janeiro. He suggests organizing UMAC?S program only after the meeting to be held in Petropolis, from November 19th to 23rd, as part of the IBRAM Forum.Hugues Dreyssé requests raising papers academic level as from 2013, given the committee’s close relationship with universities. Peter Stanbury suggests assessing the abstracts submitted to make sure that they comply with requirements such as being concise, subject-relevant, and using comprehensible English. Elena Corradini proposes writing down guidelines for abstracts submission. Graciela Weisinger argues the problem is that if someone interested in attending a conference does not have a paper or poster to submit, institutions will not pay for their tickets and participation expenses, which results in a lack of attendees. Hugues Dreyssé suggests solving this by further developing the Poster Session. Andrew Simpson states another problem is that just by reading an abstract it is not possible to know if a speaker has a good paper or only a brief talk and plenty of photographs of some specific project at his/her museum. Hugues Dreyssé appoints a Scientific Committee for papers selection: Graciela Weisinger and José Lira in charge of organization, Catherine Gildtrap, Peter Stanbury, Elena Corradini, Nathalie Nyst, Hugues Dreyssé, Marta Louren?o. José Lira suggests including also Marta Cristina Bruno (National Council of Research) and Marcos Granato as members of the Scientific Committee. Hugues Dreyssé requests allowing for the possibility of someone else joining it too. José Lira will send an email informing that the institution he works at, the Centre of Cultural Preservation, is an ICOM member and will be a part of the organization of the 2013 UMAC Meeting. Thus, papers will be forwarded to 2 Scientific Committee scholars. Peter Stanbury suggests early April 2013 as deadline for abstracts submission. Hugues Dreyssé proposes choosing an interesting theme contributing to the submission of at least 5 or 6 outstanding papers. He also extends the debate over potential topics until December 2012. The overall theme put forward by ICOM Brazil: “Museums (memory + creativity = social change)” is analyzed. Then followed a discussion of possible themes for UMAC: (Self)evaluation (a way for u-museums to find some solutions to their own problems); University museums as actors of social change inside society; Evaluation and social change: Change is everywhere inside and outside the university. How are university museums adapting to these changes? In which ways can we properly evaluate such changes? Peter Stanbury will write a draft to assess which themes may be selected.GRANTS: José Lira suggests leaning towards accepting applications sent from countries in the Caribbean, Africa, and Eastern Europe. Peter Stanbury requests including Greece, Spain, and Portugal, in view of the economic hardship they are currently undergoing. Hugues Dreyssé reminds us it is ICOM Paris that is in charge of granting fellowships. Nevertheless, UMAC will email every Newsletter recipient to inform them about fellowships for members under 35 years of age.Elena Corradini will give a presentation introducing the following ICOM General Assembly 2016, to be held in Milano.UMAC CONFERENCE 2014 IN ALEXANDRIA: Hugues Dreyssé requests that the Board decide whether to join the CECA to hold the 2014 Meeting. The motion is approved by unanimous consent.UMAC CONFERENCE 2015: Hugues Dreyssé confirms Manila, in the Philippines –whose university campus is very suitable for the event- has volunteered to host the conference. Should the University of Manila’s proposal not pan out, Melbourne, Australia, or Taiwan may be potential venues for 2015 meeting.UMAC BOARD ELECTIONS 2013: The Board has exchanged about the future UMAC board which will be elected in 2013. Everybody agrees that young people must be, in one way or another, be associated to the new board, in order to ensure the development of UMAC.FINANCIAL AFFAIRS: Panu Nyk?nen states that UMAC has 2 bank accounts but ICOM Paris wants each committee to have their own account at HSBC Bank. UMAC already has an account with this bank with funds from 2012. The Board decides to also keep the account UMAC has in Finland. Christine Khor requests covering the expenses of some attendants to the Meeting in Singapore who cannot afford travel, lodging and registration expenses. The motion is approved by unanimous consent.DATABASE: Nathalie Nyst points out that no survey is perfect and that it would be best to have data comprise two distinct sections: a 1st one, common to all countries, and a 2nd one, where every country could include whatever information they wanted to. Elena Corradini points out that one person per country should be in charge of collecting the information from university museums and updating the database. Also, she commits to sending Hugues Dreyssé and Panu Nyk?nen an estimate of the cost of hiring someone in Italy to improve a database updating method. Then, she will contact Cornelia Weber to try out the new proponed method and, should it work, the funds necessary to carry out the job will be disbursed. If the new method works in Italy, it could also be applied in other countries. Andrew Simpson volunteers to implement it afterwards, in Australia. Hugues Dreyssé underscores the importance of having a South East Asia university museums database in the future.AWARD: The first call for this award has received only 4 entries. Thus, it was decided that further advertising should be made in order to lure more candidates. The papers submitted should comply with proceedings requirements, and they need to have been submitted and accepted for the conferences held over the last two years (e.g. in 2013, the works to be featured will be those accepted for Singapore and Lisbon). The possibility of awarding a diploma to the winner/s and the university they represent has been discussed.WEBSITE: after exchanges of the participants, Elena Corradini and Andrew Simpson, in coordination with Cornelia Weber, will propose a draft with ideas for a more interactive platform. Andrew Simpson commits to reviewing some existing platforms to use as potential examples. The meeting closed at 05:00 p.m.Graciela WeisingerRecording Secretary ................

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