Telecare LIN



April 2014

Welcome to an additional supplement from the Technology Strategy Board (TSB), Knowledge Transfer Network and the Telecare Learning and Improvement Network.

Scroll through this supplement to the April 2014 Newsletter for a comprehensive summary of online news stories relating to Telecare and Telehealth from the UK and around the world. They cover the following topic areas:

• Policy, funding and trends (pp 1-12)

• Business intelligence and product development (pp 12-26)

• Research, evaluation and evidence (pp 26-28)

Policy, funding and trends

To view information on policy, funding and trends that may be of interest, click on the links below:

#gbdoc: Great Britain Diabetes Online Community

‘It’s all about me’: how to personalise healthcare

‘Vulnerable won’t suffer after £5m cuts’

£10 each can save the NHS

£230m fund announced for GP IT

2020 Roadmap eHealth Initiative

A ‘disruptive’ US primary care delivery app with UK roots

A Better Plan - website

A call to action: transformative ideas for the future NHS News, events & publications  

A commitment to care - Norman Lamb speech

A debate around how hospitals use data is needed

A fragmented system can't deliver whole person care

A new settlement for health and social care - The King's Fund

A radical redesign of services for the 21st century

A small compendium of potentially useful info

A user centred quality standard for Telehealth and Telecare - Healthcare Conferences UK

A year is a long time in the politics of integrated care - The King's Fund

A year on, challenges remain in the NHS clinical commissioning group system

A&E alternatives: where to go when it isn't an emergency

ACC TV (UK) Specialist Social and Senior Care Training Organisation

Accesses to health data made public

Accountable Care Organisations – The Nuffield Trust

Accountable care organisations can teach the NHS about integration

ACPRC Website

Adaptor to 'revolutionise' eye care

Adult social care in England: overview 

Adult social care 'under pressure'

Alfi Assisted living for independence -Telecare and Telehealth

Alfi Telecare

All things being equal: co-production and integration

Alzheimer's: new test is 'major step forward'

Amazon Fire TV 'a great experience'

Amending the National Health Service Act 2006

Apple plans to create 'transparent' iPhones with rear camera technology

Are expectations for integrating health and social care unrealistic?

Are medical apps on your smartphone good for your health?

Art therapies have become a mainstream partner to medicalised healing

Barker Commission: 'Grasping the nettle of the need for additional finance'

Bassetlaw: Patients are Now Taking Control of Their Own Health with New Telehealth Service

Berners-Lee seeks web 'Magna Carta'

Better Care Fund – Benefits to Social Care

Better elderly care is the only way to ease the burden on the NHS

Big data puts the doctor in your pocket

Bill needs push to sweep away 'inflexible' healthcare regulation framework

Bionic ears: let's hear it for cochlear implants…

Birmingham's patient feedback app benefits doctors and patients alike

Blood pressure 'spikes' for doctors

Blood test could detect early signs of dementia, scientists say

Blood test 'finds Alzheimer's early'

Boris's MedCity launch neglects digital health sector (Wired UK)

Breathe Easy groups

British hospital to become first in Europe to use Skype for consultations

British Lung Foundation - Leading the fight against lung disease

Britons overwhelmingly against GP charges to help NHS balance books

BT criticised over rural broadband

Building self-monitoring healthcare technology into everyday living - Oxehealth

Businesses braced for dementia care crisis to hit workplace

Businesses sign up 400,000 dementia friends

Call for action over weekend doctors

Call for foreign private firms to take over NHS hospitals comes under fire

Can boards clip paper? An HSJ roundtable

Can Simon Stevens build a coalition for change? The King's Fund

Can Simon Stevens save the NHS? A GP's perspective

Canadian mail service to scrap all home deliveries

Care and Repair - Ageing Well at Home

Care Bill guidance will urge councils to slash personal budgets bureaucracy

Care bill: MPs must not miss this opportunity for reform

Care bill: there is still work to be done

Care campaign Home and care Age UK

Care homes are not all dreary TV dungeons that smell of wee trust is on the line

CareLink Plus Telecare Alarm Services - Brighton & Hove City Council

CASA visits Edinburgh Scottish Centre for Telehealth and Telecare

Case Study: Community Matrons & Telehealth in Halton & St Helens

Cash awards on offer for ideas to tackle isolation among older people

CATCH website

Charities can ease the burden on healthcare

Chief Medical Officer publishes annual report on state of the public’s health

Chubb champions future designs to support independent living

Clinical commissioning groups – the one-year health check-up

Cochlear ear implants for adults: experts call for review

Co-Creating Health through Digital Technology

Coming of a new age - the younger older generation

Comment: Silver splitters are putting significant pressure on care system, MP warns

Commission on future of health and social care in england - Call for evidence The King's Fund

Commissioning for Effective Service Transformation: What we have learnt

Commuters 'like choosing GP practice'

COMODAL - Health Design & Technology Institute

Compare All Care Find care homes, home care and more in my area

Comparing Health Systems – UK NHS Performance - The Nuffield Trust

Competition authorities water down private hospital break-up plans

Concessions on hospital closures stave off Commons rebellion

Confusing care system driving people to breaking point

Consultation on how we regulate, inspect and rate services Care Quality Commission

'Consumer revolution' is driving wearable healthcare tech (Wired UK)

'Control freak' Jeremy Hunt accused of manipulating NHS for political ends

Corner-shop GPs are blocking NHS reform, says Nicholson  

Cornwall Pioneer programme

Could robots help children with autism?

Council matchmaking: should councils help us make friends?

Council to farm out social care services to deal with government cuts

Councils are too distracted by cuts to think creatively about contracts

Councils could be plundering public health budgets, journal suggests

Councils 'divert' public health cash

County Councils Network Counties and the Care Bill: CCN Research and Recommendations

Cultivating better care - Social care blog

Cuts have left 250,000 older people without state care, report says

Cutting-edge drugs to be fast-tracked to patients

Data video: what's blocking a paperless NHS?

David Behan: a reluctant rescuer of the crisis-hit care regulator

David Cameron: cash in your pension pot, and you may be liable for care

David Cameron's £50m package will fund 'bespoke' GP services for elderly patients

DCLG offers £410m for service re-design around user needs

Deeper cuts to adult social care packages planned as council budgets drop by 4% - Community Care

Dementia Friends - website

Department of Health Improvement Plan: April 2014

Developing products for social care - ABI

Diabetic people 'having unnecessary amputations'

Did the NHS get lucky this winter?

Digital health and care - Scottish Development International

Digital healthcare revolution relies on new form of tablet

Digital inclusion: housing providers need to think mobile

Digital local government: a future in Google Glass and the internet of things

Digital medical records: do Patients Know Best?

Digitising the NHS by 2018 - One Year On

Diseconomies of scale - Locality

Do older people need an emergency pathway of their own?

Do preventive home visits work?

Doctor Know: A knowledge commons in health - Nesta

Doctors' Surgeries Are Told To Open All Hours

Does the secret to social impact measurement lie in algorithmic data?

Does the 'smart' patch mean an end to sniff it and see?

Don't patronise the elderly. Just show them some respect

Don't see older people as a 'burden' on the NHS

Dr Hilary Jones Epilepsy Guide

Drugs companies buy NHS patient data, register reveals

'Early access' drugs scheme launched

Effective health care for vulnerable groups prevented by data gaps

E-Health Insider :: £2.2m to deploy digital wards

E-Health Insider :: A Locala service for local people

E-Health Insider :: Another view of Code4Health

E-Health Insider :: Calderdale issues £30m EPR tender

E-Health Insider :: advisory group announced

E-Health Insider :: advisory group meets

E-Health Insider :: Changes at the top for NHS England IT

E-Health Insider :: Charity launches autism social network

E-Health Insider :: Code4Health - it's alive!

E-Health Insider :: Community and mental health IT hots up

E-Health Insider :: CQC consults on inspection regime

E-Health Insider :: CQC updates trust risk ratings

E-Health Insider :: Dashboard shows ambulance waiting times

E-Health Insider :: EHI Intelligence forecasts IT growth

E-Health Insider :: EHI Interview: Emma Rourke

E-Health Insider :: EHI Live and kicking in 2014

E-Health Insider :: Evidence developed for IT investment

E-Health Insider :: From www to zzz

E-Health Insider :: Get set for the Digital Health Festival

E-Health Insider :: GPSoC signed without TPP

E-Health Insider :: HIMSS UK launched

E-Health Insider :: HSCIC publishes data audit

E-Health Insider :: HSCIC responsible for slow progress

E-Health Insider :: Joe’s view of

E-Health Insider :: Kelsey admits use unclear

E-Health Insider :: Leeds CCG seeks feedback on GPs via text

E-Health Insider :: 'Losers and winners' for GP IT

E-Health Insider :: Millions spent on mobile tech

E-Health Insider :: Morecambe delivers digital letters

E-Health Insider :: NAO raises social care alarm

E-Health Insider :: NIB informatics strategy outlined

E-Health Insider :: North Staffs plans Skype consultations

E-Health Insider :: Nottingham reduces heart patient visits

E-Health Insider :: Nurse tech trusts rush to spend £30m

E-Health Insider :: Oncology decision support app deployed

E-Health Insider :: Open Eyes and Raspberry Pis

E-Health Insider :: Patient Online accelerates

E-Health Insider :: RoI evidence needed for tech strategy

E-Health Insider :: Scotland creates innovation portal

E-Health Insider :: 'Step-up' the paperless drive - TechUK

E-Health Insider :: Stevens calls for change on first day

E-Health Insider :: Tech city, Dundalk style

E-Health Insider :: Trusts need two years' extra XP support

E-Health Insider :: Wearables to hit health mainstream

Elderly care faces 'catastrophe'

Elderly 'suffer in silence' under NHS care, says watchdog

England 'being caught up on NHS'

Estimates of the Very Old (including centenarians), 2002 - 2012, United Kingdom - ONS

Excess weight blamed for eighth of hospital admissions for women over 50

Facebook buys UK maker of solar-powered drones to expand internet

Facebook pays $2bn for virtual reality firm Oculus

Facebook your doctor: the future NHS? Healthcare IT News

'Family doctor service on brink of extinction', says new GP leader

Fears that hospitals are covering up death rates

Five minutes with … the chief medical officer of Emis Group

Five tips for making your council website work on a mobile phone

Five top tips for commissioning support units

Five ways to fund the NHS that Reform might like to consider

Focus on wellbeing – an alternative cure for the NHS's ills

Fraud 'costing NHS £5bn a year'

Fulfilling Lives: Supporting people with multiple needs: Funding - Big Lottery Fund

Future Lives - Social Care and Health - Worcestershire County Council

General practice is in crisis – the government must act

General practice plays a role in driving quality and improving health services

Glimpse of June NHS England IT Strategy emerges - BJHC

Go Digital Newcastle launches to bring a predicted £150m to city economy

Good luck with the new job, Simon. Here's your to-do list…

Google Chromecast review: streaming stick with diverse potential

Google Flu Trends is no longer good at predicting flu, scientists find

Google Glass – Wearable tech but would you wear it?

Google Glass may revolutionise medical treatment

Google Glass on sale for one day

Google invests in more robots

Google, Facebook, Amazon: algorithms will soon rule our lives so we'd better understand how they work

Google’s Chromecast streaming stick set to go on sale in the UK this week

Government has no idea how social care cuts affect older people's health, warns report - Community Care

Government plans to put calls by emergency services on mobile networks

GP contract changes 2014-15

GP-led local NHS bodies forced to put health services out to tender

GPs' surgeries to open all hours in £50m reforms

Group to help people remain at home

Guidance on medical device stand-alone software (including apps) : MHRA

HackForLiving: A weekend of calm collective thinking with AgeUK

Half of Silicon Valley startups are 'silly', says Bill Gates

Hard disk pioneer wins tech prize

Haughton Thornley Medical Centres - Patient information portal

Health Innovation Procurement Portal (Scotland)

Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt gains powers to shut good hospitals without consultation

Health service facing biggest challenge in its history, new NHS chief says

Healthcare 'unfit for ageing UK'

Healthy diet means 10 portions of fruit and vegetables per day, not five

Hello My Name Is…website

Help develop the communications strategy for social care reform Social care

HHS draft report on health IT framework published

Hi-tech fire alarm in safety halt

HMA, The University of Sheffield and Tunstall Healthcare collaborate to develop new mHealth Assist mobile platform for supported living

Home broadband speeds double in two years as UK overtakes EU competitors

Hospices can support the needs of the UK's ageing population

Hospitals feeling the pinch

How can the NHS tackle its innovation deficit?

How CCGs can commission successful telehealth services Inside Commissioning

How kinder communities are helping to reduce isolation among older people

How Long until Your Smartphone Is a Medical Device? EMDT - European Medical Device Technology

How much do we want to keep the NHS publicly funded and free?

How public managers can help the fifth of people without internet access

How sustainable is your smartphone? - interactive

How tech is handing back aspects of health and wellbeing to the people

How to improve care for older people: HSJ readers' ideas

How US libraries are becoming community problem solvers

Huge cuts or tax rises needed to pay for ageing population, says thinktank

'Huge variation' between hospitals

Hunt's decision to cancel the NHS pay rise shows just how tight money is

IBM's Watson to help fight cancer

If NHS data goes online, what will happen to the old and the poor who can't access technology?

Improving General Practice – A Call to Action

Improving General practice - Call to Action - Phase 1 Report

Improving housing can help build better healthcare

In a bad mood? Your social networks might be to blame

Inequality in Healthy Life Expectancy at Birth by National Deciles of Area Deprivation: England, 2009-11

Information governance in the NHS: the challenges and the future

Innovations in the delivery of care for older people The King's Fund

'Internet of things' funding pledge

Investment needed to improve quality of care for older people

Is it really a good idea to be connecting with your NHS Family Doctor via Facebook?

Is the internet harming medical research?

It is time for a new settlement for health and social care in England - The King's Fund

It is time for a new settlement for health and social care

Japan's solution to providing care for an ageing population

Jeremy Hunt to veto 1 per cent pay rise for NHS workers

Jeremy Hunt: message to NHS staff on supporting compassionate care

John Middleton: 'Public health is about making ordinary lives richer'

Keep track of your wellbeing with an online health record

Latest Newsletter and information for organisations

Leading telehealth and telecare consulting services available from PA through new ESPO framework

Life mapping will set you on the road to contentment

Loneliness will be top of agenda as experts unite at summit

Long term conditions: Will that telecare system deliver the promised savings?

Long-term ill get new lifeline aid

Lung cancer survival rates 'poor'

Making the care system fit for an ageing population - The King's Fund

Managers delay publication of practice boundaries pilot evaluation once again

Many A&Es 'have missed wait target'

Massive fall in care spend for older people since 2010

Medical innovation: doctors and patients encouraged to give views

Medical Innovations Summit at the Royal Society of Medicine April 5 2014

Mental health cuts 'risk lives'

Mental health funding changes in NHS will put lives at risk, say charities

'mHealth Assist' Mobile Health Platform Collaboration - CATCH

mHealth innovation pathway

Microsoft: Cortana will order flowers - and Kinect could come to Windows Phone

Microsoft's $2.5bn question: what if it doesn't release Office for the iPad?

Mind-controlled robotic suit to debut at World Cup 2014

Mindings Dementia Trial in Suffolk - Early findings  Mindings

Mindings introduces “Groupings”!  Mindings

Ministers tell GPs to open all hours

Mobile alerting trials for public emergencies (UK)

More NHS hospitals failing to meet targets on treatment waiting times

Mounting pressure on social care to build evidence base

Move to block hospital closures law backed by 20 coalition MPs

MPs, support the care bill and it will come back to bite you

NAO - Adult Social Care in England

Nature of the Debate - Solutions Not Problems - The Nuffield Trust

Nearly half of politicians think 'free' NHS is in jeopardy

Neurological conditions among older people are falling off the health agenda

New ‘mHealth Assist’ Mobile Platform Collaboration - HMA Digital Marketing

New coalition aims to boost self care in England

New drugs fast-tracked for severely ill NHS patients

New England Telehealth Consortium Chooses FirstLight Fiber for Data Center and Regional Expertise Jaymie Scotto & Associates

New EU survey on telecare and services in the home  Medway

New findings from AKTIVE study reveal previously unevaluated benefits of telecare

New NHS chief angers unions with praise for private sector innovation

New NHS chief warns of the burden of an ageing population

New NHS chief: Stakes have never been higher for service, warns incoming Simon Stevens

Next Generation Telecare

NHS blunders put millions of records at risk

NHS boss Simon Stevens to give up Leeds for London

NHS charges could pay for free elderly care - commission

NHS chief David Nicholson offers tough medicine as he stands down

NHS Choice framework

NHS complaints system 'too complex'

NHS data-sharing 'a no-brainer', says health chief

NHS England » ‘Putting Patients First’ – NHS England’s Business Plan 2014/15 – 2016/17

NHS England » Better Care Fund Planning

NHS England » Clarifications post 14 February draft Better Care Fund plan submission

NHS England » Full text of Simon Stevens’ speech

NHS England » Health and Wellbeing Boards – if there’s a will, is there a way? – Dr Graham Jackson

NHS England » High quality care for all – the role of the national quality working group

NHS England » Improving General Practice – A Call to Action – emerging findings report published

NHS England » Learning from Health and Wellbeing Boards’ first full year offered for peers’ future development

NHS England » Major strides in tackling dementia – Alistair Burns

NHS England » New NHS chief vows to listen to patients

NHS England » NHS England invests £230m to secure world-class GP IT systems

NHS England » NHSCitizen: reflections and learning from Expo 14 – Olivia Butterworth

NHS England » Patient safety alert on minimising risks of omitted and delayed medicines for patients receiving homecare services

NHS England » Patient safety alert to improve reporting and learning of medication and medical devices incidents

NHS England » Putting compassion at the heart of healthcare – Jane Cummings

NHS England » Simon Stevens spends first morning as Chief Executive at the hospital where he started in the NHS 26 years ago

NHS England » Technical Guide to Clinical Commissioning Group and Area Team allocations 2014-15 and 2015-16

NHS England » The Friends and Family Test – proof of success through action – Tim Kelsey

NHS England » Winter health check – 21 March 2014

NHS facing 'biggest ever challenge'

NHS Finances – Are The Wheels Coming Off? The Nuffield Trust

NHS fraud could be as high as £5bn a year, says former health service official

NHS future could see you Facebook your doctor

NHS hospitals suffer annual loss for first time in eight years

NHS may need to apply more patient charges, says report

NHS must do more to help people stay healthy, says new boss

NHS patients are missing out on life-saving robot surgery

NHS reform: special measures

NHS Set To To Trial Edible Health Sensors

NHS spends £100m a year on patients who should be discharged

NHS urged to halve serious mistakes

NHS users should pay £10 a month, says former health minister

NHS VIDEOS Pulmonary rehabilitation - NHS Choices

NHS will not survive after 2015 if austerity continues, warns chief

NHS workers' views are 'damning indictment of Jeremy Hunt's record'

NHS: resisting cost inflation pressures

NHS: 'Team effort' to stay healthy

NICE should be handed broader remit to consider wider impact of NHS spending, says Burnham

Nicholson awards NHS England 'five out of ten' for first-year performance

Nimbus Medical - website

No place like home? Looking to the US model of residential care

No proven benefit from home care for older people, finds research review

NSA revelations 'changing how businesses store sensitive data'

Number of people over 100 in UK increases almost fivefold

Obesity fears over council cuts

Older people in NHS care suffering in silence, says health service ombudsman

One in four patients fail to take their blood pressure pills

One man and his dog – and the benefits of integrated care

Online activism: it's easy to click, but just as easy to disengage

Online tool could be used to identify public figures' medical care, say critics

Open access to data can break down barriers and empower patients

Open at nights and weekends, Cameron tells GPs: PM launches £50million fund to ensure patients can see a doctor at all times

Open letter to Jeremy Hunt: barriers to a paperless NHS

Opening up the G8 dementia summit – evaluating our digital coverage

Our ageing population: what role will you play?

OurHousing - website

Outgoing NHS boss Sir David Nicholson wants to work with press regulator to stop health service being undermined by ‘sensational’ newspaper stories

Overweight 'being seen as the norm'

Overworked doctors pose threat to patient safety

Oxehealth - Inside Technology

Pain relief plea for terminally ill

Patient Access - "My own 24-hour receptionist"  -

Patient care under threat as overworked doctors miss vital signs, expert warns

Patient has pioneering 3D face op

Patients 'imprisoned' in care homes

Pension reform may threaten right to free social care, warn charities

Pension savers to be shielded from higher care costs

Pensioners who do not volunteer reduce their life expectancy, says Lord O'Donnell

Personal Budgets: not what they seem

Personal health budgets - website

Pilot project lets people ‘try before they buy’ assistive technology - Blackburn with Darwen Council

Pioneering programme reduces need for dementia medication

PlaceShapers conference shares vision for integrated homes, health and care

Political interventions in NHS make little difference across UK, study finds

Poor 'face many years of bad health'

'Post-it notes' transfer files just by sticking them on a computer

Practice to pilot text messaging feedback for Friends and Family Test

Practices handed £20,000 for unplanned admissions DES  

Practices must implement 'care plans' by July to achieve £20,000 DES payments

Preparing for life after Living Fund - Community Care

Prescribe sleep for diabetes and obesity, GPs told  

Private care homes: Only cameras in rooms will end patient abuse

Private hospital groups braced for break-up ruling

Proteus Digital Health', NHS England and UK Trade & Investment to Bring Transformative Digital Health Technology to the UK Digital Health

PTCVoice: Becoming Cyborgs: Ear-Based Wearable Tech Disrupts Healthcare

Public health, one year on: highs and lows for local government

Public sector cuts: an opportunity to start a public sector spin-out?

Rationing NHS care: why we need a serious debate

Refilling the Innovator's Prescription: The new wave of medtech  Nesta

Reminiscence & Technology Ramblings of a geek

reminiscence therapy

Report of the workshop on facilitating shared ownership on health and wellbeing boards

Report on public expenditure on health and social care: response

Research to reveal value placed on self-management support by patients with long-term conditions

Retired baby boomers 'can be the charity workers of the future'

Revealed: one-third of choice pilot practices failed to register a single patient

Revealed: the 'conveyor belt care' of those with dementia

Rise of the silver surfers

Ruptured aorta patients less likely to get surgery in UK than US, says report

Samsung Gear 2 and Gear Fit review: smartwatches on the up

ScottishGovernment - News - Royal assent for Integration Bill

Sharp rise in number of people needing palliative care

'Shortage of senior nurses in NHS'

Should we pay a monthly membership fee to the NHS?

Sign Up To Safety - The path to saving 6,000 lives

Simon Stevens sets out vision for radical NHS change and innovation

Simon Stevens, the new head of NHS England, has a daunting task ahead

Sir Richard Thompson makes rare and frank diagnosis of NHS

Six in 10 family doctors considering early retirement

Sixteen ways councils can better use data

'Skype saved my life'

Smart Bulb 'could prove revolutionary' for deaf people

Smartbeds plan for Blackburn care homes

Smartphone overuse may 'damage' eyes, say opticians

Smartwatches and Google Glass in wearable technology showcase

Smartwatches: less than half a million in use in the UK

Smokefree - Home

So which country has the best NHS?

Social care cuts are local government's guilty secret – but not for long

Social Care for Older People – NHS Quality - The Nuffield Trust

Social care sector leaders urged to change direction on personal budgets

Social care: the crisis is getting worse Care in crisis

Social workers criticised for not signposting disabled people to support options - Community Care

SociBot: the 'social robot' that knows how you feel

Solving the NHS care and cash crisis - Reform

Sony unveils digital paper tablet

St Helens - telehealth

Statistics - Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)

Stop bulk buying public services and save £16bn

Stroke survivors lose a month of healthy life for every 15 minute delay

Take care with pension reforms Public Finance Opinion

TaskRabbit: home help 2.0

Technology to Care - website

Technology: using power for good

Telecare & Telehealth: Drivers for Digital Inclusion

TeleCare Application prepared for second pre-test in Kraków Use Case

Telecare EPG - The ultimate product prescribing toolkit for telecare professionals

Telecare goes on tour in Gloucestershire - Gloucestershire County Council

Telecare goes on tour in Gloucestershire

Telecare, Careline and Responding Service - Southampton Annual Report 2013

Telehealth on the rise – but is there anything that will burst this bubble? - Oxehealth

Telemedicine - Nimbus Medical

The A&E doctors moving to Australia

The battle to control your heating

The benefits of internet innovation are hard to spot in GDP statistics

The health and wellbeing system improvement programme and partnership prospectus

The Imperial Patient Safety Challenge

The increasing evidence of how self-directed support is failing to deliver personal budgets and personalisation

The internet of illness: how smartphones will monitor health

The Internet of Things Good Governance Institute

The King’s Fund: Self-Care in the Digital Age

The Mental Capacity Act is failing, says Lords - News from Parliament

The NHS and social care are in crisis. But if it's bad for the patient, it's bad for the economy

The NHS does not use innovation effectively

The NHS is overlooking charities

The paperless NHS: a chief executive's perspective

The Potential for TeleHealth to Meet the Needs of an Evolving NHS

The role of assistive technologies in delivering integrated care - Healthcare Conferences UK

The scientific study has become a flawed manual for living

The social care and health systems of nine countries - King's Fund

The tech is smart... but who’s going to wear it?

The wealthiest get 20 more years of life in good health than the most deprived

'Themed' dementia care home to open

There's no financial, ethical or clinical justification for NHS charges

Thousands of 999 patients picked up by taxis

Thousands of dementia patients not referred to specialists

Thousands of dementia sufferers should be offered drug trials

Thousands of hospital patients being moved at night

Thousands of people with mental health needs denied social care amid cuts - Community Care

'Threat of extinction' to GP service

Three biggest risks councils face - and how to manage them

Three funded PhD studentships - Technology for Healthy Ageing and Wellbeing (THAW) network - CATCH

Time to think how we share out the NHS cake

TLAP - Personalisation Action Plan

Too-smart cities? Why these visions of utopia need an urgent reality check

Top smartphone chat apps reviewed

Totally Plc in contract with NHS Kingston CCG 8 April 2014 Stock Market Wire

Trust in the internet 'now missing'

Tunstall Blog – Celebrating the change makers

Tunstall Blog – Enhancing independence – it’s time to get AKTIVE

Tunstall Blog – SEQOL and the pulse of Swindon

Tunstall to preview new mylife telehealth module

Tunstall, University of Leeds and Oxford University partner to find new evidence on benefits of telecare

Twitter launches photo tagging feature

UK 100-year-olds increase by 73%

UK government pays Microsoft £5.5m to extend Windows XP support

Unwired Health Scottish Centre for Telehealth and Telecare

Use everyday technology to deliver extraordinary care

Video: The Telehealth Pilot NHS Bassetlaw Clinical Commissioning Group

VIP visitor wowed by ‘brilliant’ care at Airedale Hospital

Wearable smart gadgets go on show

Wearables: one-third of consumers abandoning devices

Webinar: TeleServices: Expanding the Role of TeleHealth

Welbeing Case Studies

Welcome Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and ME Northern Clinical Network

Welcome to Citizens Online Digital Inclusion Citizens Online


Welsh NHS has worst waiting times in UK for life-saving diagnostic tests

What can councils do to combat loneliness? – live debate

What is the role of technology in health and care integration? – discussion roundup

What Japan teaches us about better care for older people

What providers should do to improve long-term care for frail older people

What the Care Act 2014 means for the outsourcing of social work - Community Care

What the Care Act 2014 will mean for continuity of care - Community Care

What the future holds for travel

What's in the new NHS boss's in-tray?

What's next for personalisation? - blog from Care Minister, Norman Lamb

White people the least healthy ethnic group in Britain

Who is blocking change in the NHS?

Whose NHS is best? It's the wrong question

Why are housing associations struggling to provide value for money?

Why David Cameron's 5G internet will be so fast it's almost pointless

Why Google wants to be on your TV and up your sleeve

Why most public sector strategies aren't actually strategies at all

Why technology is no longer a barrier in the NHS

Why we all need to carry the torch for technology enabled support - David Cockayne

Why we all need to carry the torch for technology enabled support - Telecare - Provision - Older People - Browse by topic - Learn and Improve - Homepage - Housing LIN

Wiltshire Link Homecare Telecare service - welfare check calls, call help pendant

With this ring: the wearable smart ring that controls your world – in pictures

Without Living Fund, it's a bad time to be disabled

Business intelligence and product development

To view information on business intelligence and product development that may be of interest, click on the link below:

‘Electronic skin' equipped with memory

10 Sensor Innovations Driving the Digital Health Revolution

10 Surprising Social Media Statistics That Will Make You Rethink Your Social Strategy

15 health and fitness apps Apple calls “essential”  

15 year-old creates a 3D printed iPhone case that’s also a stethoscope

1984 All Over Again--The Digital Health Revolution

23 Tech Innovations for Health and Education

3 Things To Know When Adding Wireless Capability to Legacy Devices

3 tips to make the most of BYOD  

3 trends shaping telehealth  

3D-printed implants restore baby's breathing

4 mHealth survey findings from HIMSS14  

5 Benefits of Telemedicine for Senior Caregivers Medical Diaries

5 Digital Technologies That Every Hospital Needs

5 futuristic connected gadgets you’ll want in your home

6 mHealth Apps to Watch: Bringing Patient Needs to the Forefront of Healthcare

60% of GPs now using eHealth tools, says EU

7 health apps you need to know about

8 Technologies That Are Transforming Health

A digitally-enabled health system  

A DIY medical diagnosis app  

A Framework for Telehealth Program Evaluation

A Gold Gadget That Would Let You Stop Heart Attacks With a Smartphone Design

A Google Glass App For Doctors To Stream Video Of Patients To Consult Other Doctors

A Look at Two mHealth Patient Engagement Solutions

A proposed use of @theRSA's "Steer" for a behavioural change for dementia friendly communities

A pulse check on wearable tech: Think beyond the wrist already  

A smartphone algorithm with inter-phone repeatability for the analysis of colorimetric tests

A 'wearable' for wheelchairs to prevent pressure ulcers

A Wearables Startup Playbook  

A Wrist-Worn Gadget That You Can Modify

AAL JP Call 2014: Info Day and Consortium Building

AANS Neurosurgeon – New Apps May Help Detect Seizures, Treat Strokes

About Telehealth

Accenture and Airedale - NHS Futures Summit

ACOs will push hospitals beyond the EHR  

Adventist Health launches ‘telehealth’ initiative

After everything else, choose the technology

AirStrip acquires Sense4Baby assets from West Health  

Alere HomeLink - Alere Connect

AliveCor-Practice Fusion partnership hints at future opportunities & challenges of the “quantified self”

Alzheimer's prevention trial to monitor reactions to higher disease risk status 

American Well rides ObamaCare telehealth wave

An app a day keeps the doctor away?

An mHealth call to action  

App enlists music, art for treatment of Alzheimer's disease

Apple Designer Jonathan Ive Gives Rare, Remarkable Interview  - TIME

Apps now helping to monitor medical conditions

Apps Selected by Mobile Health Global

Are Hackathons the Future of Medical Innovation?

Are Healthcare Consumers at the Forefront of Digital Health? : Health in 30

Are RNs getting the right mHealth tools? Healthcare IT News

Aroyga - The largest diabetes prevention mHealth program in the world

ATA's tele-ICU guidelines aim to ensure patient safety

ATC 2014 - Health Informatics Society of Australia

At-Home DNA Test Can Detect Signs of Colon Cancer

Augmedix gets $3.2 million to bring Google Glass to doctors  

Avoid The ER, the Urgent Care, even the regular doctor's office - Telemedicine in The Midwest is here

Awesome Digital Citizenship Graphic for your Classroom

Axxess Launches New Home Health Care Mobile App

Azoi unveils thermometer-equipped, pulse-ox, and ECG-sensing smartphone case, Wello  

BabáBepantol Baby App

Battery that dissolves in the body could power embedded health sensors

Benchmarking Deployment of eHealth among General Practitioners (2013)

Benefits of Telehealth in ICUs Outweigh Costs, Study Finds

Better care for frail older people - Deloitte UK

Beyond the SmartWatch -- Startups Push Body Monitoring Wearables

Big data healthcare: The pros and cons of remote patient monitoring

Bill Gates: The Rolling Stone Interview

Birmingham telehealth company healthPERX partners with eDocAmerica to offer more services

Blood Coagulation Testing Using Smartphone Touchscreens

Boom in personal health tech could be your lifesaver

Bosch Healthcare selects Brain Resource's MyBrainSolutions for use in telehealth solution

Brain Resource Partners with Bosch Healthcare on Health Buddy Web

Brighten Center - website

Bring the Doctor with You - TIME

Bring your own wearables on the way, Google exec warns CIOs

BrownIT Teams with AudioEye to Provide Voice-Driven Website Technology for Federal Government Healthcare IT Sector


Call Cleveland Clinic, Get an Appointment the Same Day: How's That Possible?

Call for contributions and side events - AAL Forum

Calls for national telehealth strategy - Australian Ageing Agenda

Can A Big Old Hierarchical Bureaucracy Become A 21st Century Network?

Can Big Data Provide the Trust We Need To Improve Healthcare?

Can Mobile Technology Cut Health Costs?

Can pharmacists fuel mHealth?  

Can Telehealth and Integrative Medicine Coexist?

Canada, Taiwan urged to step up e-healthcare cooperation

Cancer is an eHealth priority

Cardiac Rehab Patients Who Use Smartphone App Recover Better

Care Delivery Beyond the Walls of the Doctor’s Office — Celebrated at This Year’s IHI Summit

CareBeacon looks to be Moves for mPERS  

Caregivers: It's Not Magic, It's Technology

CarePredict Debuts Remote Health Monitoring for Seniors  Qmed

Case study illustrates how telehealth achieves triple aim

Case Study: A Framework for Telehealth Program Evaluation - Telemedicine and eHealth 2014 April v.20 (4) 393-404

Castlight Health’s chief medical officer chalks up success to team, singular product focus  

Centre for Ageing Better - website

Change My Steps - website

Chrome OS and Bluetooth Smart could be handy for Android wearables SDK

Chronic pain: can treatment over the Internet help?

Clinical Research Performance - social media for healthcare & life sciences

Colorimetrix - Mobile Colorimetric Diagnostics

Commission to adopt the Green Paper on mobile Health

Compendium of innovative health technologies for low resource centres

Computing is still too clunky: Q&A with Charlie Rose and Larry Page

Congress takes another shot at FDA's mHealth priorities  

Connecting People Study

Continuous Monitoring in an Inpatient Medical-Surgical Unit: A Controlled Clinical Trial

Cool Healthcare Tech from Past Five Years HealthWorks Collective

Coordinated Care Helps Elderly With Chronic Diseases

Could mHealth Improve Healthcare in Developing Countries?

Could Modular Smartphones Change mHealth?

Crowdfunders beware: Indiegogo caught in crossfire of campaign’s dubious claims

Crowdfunding The Next Healthcare Hit

CSC - Teleservices for Better Health

DDA - Dispensing Doctors' Association Scotland debates telecare

Dell Healthcare Launches mHealth Innovation Startup Challenge

Deloitte Infographic—mHealth: A check-up on consumer use Health IT Center for Health Solutions

Deployment of an mHealth Patient Monitoring Solution for Diabetes—Improved Glucose Monitoring Leads to Reduction in Medical Expenditure

Developers of mhealth devices willl need to know how to work with FDA

DialNurse Telehealth - 24 Hour Medical Consultation by Physicians and Nurses

Dialog wearable epilepsy aid by Artefact predicts seizures

Diapers that analyze urine could reduce UTIs among people with dementia

Did Google Glass really save the life of Patient in Hospital or was it just the EHR?

Digital Agenda for Europe - European Commission

Digital Health - HAPP-I - Brighten Center - Health apps improvement study

Digital health and fitness trend up at SXSW  

Digital Health And The Transition To Nothing

Digital Health Festival 2014

Digital health startup's device for detecting arrhythmia raises $17M

Direct-to-consumer telemedicine - has its time come?  

Doctors 2.0, 5-6 June in Paris

Doctors and mHealth apps: chaos, evidence, creation

Doctors and Tech: Who Serves Whom?

Doctors hacked Google Glass to revolutionize the way they treat patient

Doctor's home visit is back — kind of — as telehealth flourishes nationwide

Doctors monitor patients remotely via smartphones and fitness trackers

Doctors Saved 1 Hour Daily Using Laptops/Tablets for Hospital Rounds

Does social change always need a great leader or innovator?

Does telecare prolong community living in dementia? A study protocol for a pragmatic, randomised controlled trial

DORO AB - Doro opens experience store in Paris and increases efforts within direct sales channels

EC - Definition of a frame of reference in relation to primary care with a special emphasis on financing systems and referral systems

E- eHealth law & policy interviews and hot topics in ehealth and law

eHealth in the EU: What's the Diagnosis?

eHealth in the EU: what's the diagnosis?

eHealth, telehealth and overcoming the hype cycle

Elon University - Imagining the Internet

Emergency Rooms Are No Place for the Elderly

Envisioning Health & Social Care 2020

E-Participation: the Future of Citizen Engagement in the EU

Eric Topol on the Health Revolution Senior Planet

European Commission asks for help from industry to regulate, encourage mobile health  

Evaluation of different features of an eHealth application for personalized illness management support: cancer patients’ use and appraisal of usefulness.

Excitement for Mobile Health Sensors Will Fuel Innovation in Health Care

Expanding Technology in the ICU: The Case for the Utilization of Telemedicine

Eyeing commercialization, WellDoc taps biotech vet for president post  

Facebook, death and memorialisation - UCL Social Networking Sites & Social Science Research Project

Family Storit

FCC Launches Task Force for Mobile Health

FDA Clears First Medical Device for Preventing Migraine Headaches

FDA Creates Medical App Regulation Maze

FDA finally issues proposed rule simplifying medical device classification

FDA Finds Medical Device Recalls Nearly Doubled In 10 Years

FDA reveals health IT report coming soon  

Federal Efforts to Define and Advance Telehealth—A Work in Progress

Feds release report on mHealth governance  

Fifteen Influencers Shaping Digital Health in 2014

Fifteen percent of consumers who know about wearables own one  

Fitbit’s app will be preloaded on all HTC One smartphones  

Fitness trackers are no good at counting calories, and other lessons from wearing four at once

Forget the iWatch. 10 Examples of Next Generation Body Sensors

Forget the Quantified Self. We Need to Build the Quantified Us

Forget Wristbands, Health Trackers of the Future Will Be Skin Patches

Forget wristbands, the future of health tracking is skin-mounted, say scientists

From Healthcare to Parking, 3 Game-Changing Tech Innovations

George Eliot Hospital Change Day video

Geriatricians Question Five Common Treatments

Germany launches 1st prescribed app turns cell phone activity into health tracking tool to spot depression

GOLD - the Global initiative for chronic Obstructive Lung Disease

Goodbye charts: Boston docs using Google Glass for patient history

Google Glass as a telemedicine camera vs. tool for the visually impaired

Google Glass Coming to Rhode Island Emergency Room to Help Diagnose Skin Conditions (VIDEO)

Google Glass gets wearable neuro app Healthcare IT News

Google Glass puts the focus on Parkinson's

Google Glass Startup Augmedix Nabs $3.2M to Rehumanize the Doctor-Patient Interaction

Google Glass startup targets doctor-patient communications  

Google Glass to Provide Mobile Access to Patient Images, Health Info

Google Just Unveiled Its Next Big Wearable Computing Platform

Grampians Medicare Telehealth

GSMA mHealth Activities in Sub-Saharan Africa: Progress Report

Guest Blog: Active Citizenship in the 21st Century Connecting with People

Guided Apps - website

Hasbro Children's Hospital study finds texting program good option for teen girls' health - Hashtags Search Engine

Health app users beware: Thousands are available, but their effectiveness and safety require more study

Health apps and wearables are crap (science says so) - Techly

Health board says more outback patients tapping into telehealth services

Health Data Exploration project

Health Information Technology: An Updated Systematic Review With a Focus on Meaningful Use

Health Ministry, doctors reach agreement on telemedicine (S Korea)

Health News - Is laughter the best medicine? Cartoons could help patients cope with their chronic conditions

Health News - New coalition launched to make person-centred, coordinated care a reality for people living with long-term conditions

Health researchers see unique opportunity in self-tracker data  

Healthcare in the future: Will advancing technology make doctors unemployed?

Healthcare Tech Talk website

Healthcare Denmark - website

HealthInterlink gets FDA clearance for remote patient monitoring system mHealth: SickKids iPhone app helps kids with cancer fight pain

Hearables – the new Wearables.

Heart failure patients open to tech but prefer docs to manage condition

Heart Failure Patients' Perceptions and Use of Technology to Manage Disease Symptoms

Heartbleed bug may be a healthcare disaster  

Helping 'smart' devices talk to each other

Heralding healthcare of the future - Australian Ageing Agenda

Here are 5 of the hottest health IT startups at SXSW

Here Comes Google's Plan To Take Over Wearable Technology

Home Voice Control Software  PCByVoice

Home - EarlySense

Home automation and ambient intelligence

Hospital Wi-Fi No Longer A Nice To Have Extreme Networks

Hospitals and Pagers

House of Commons - Health Committee - HC 436

How can academic eHealth keep up with the tech world?

How Digital Checkups Provide Better Patient Care [Future of Health]

How digital health could reshape the concept of patient safety  

How Google Manages Continuous Innovation in a Rapidly Changing World

How London plans to become the 'health-tech capital of Europe'

How mobile health is different in China, its second biggest market  

How one health network saved lives, money with messaging

How One Nurse Practitioner Sees 200 Patients Across 60k Square Miles

How social business is transforming healthcare

How tech is changing the healthcare system in the US

How to Be An Innovator: Your Personal Roadmap

How to Democratize Product & Process Innovation: What We Learned by Hacking

How to Move the Needle in Digital Health

How to Reduce Healthcare Cost by Implementing Intelligent Information Technologies

How To Run 30 Health Tests On a Single Drop of Blood

How Virtual Reality is Treating Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

How wearables can objectively track outcomes in patients

How Wearables Help Care For The Elderly - Wearable World News

How will mHealth evolve in 2014?

Hubli students develop health app for Australian senior citizens - The Times of India

Humana and Pharos Innovations Partner on Telehealth Pilot for People Living with Diabetes

Humana Partners with Pharos Innovations on Remote Monitoring Diabetes Pilot

IBM's Watson Attempts To Tackle The Genetics Of Brain Cancer

Idea guy vs. the implementer: Two tech CEOs disagree on the promise of digital health

Ideal Life website

IEWM Events & Blog Launch of Dementia Assistive Technology Toolkit

Implantable technology will get under our skin

Implementing advances in telehealth (AJN)

Implementing healthcare at a distance: getting telemedicine to work across Northern Europe News The University of Aberdeen

In a sea of mobile health devices, how do we know which ones are most effective?

In-Depth: Digital health APIs every health startup should know  

In-Depth: Providers’ inevitable acceptance of patient generated health data  

Innovations in Healthcare IT from Mark Brown - BrownIT Corporation

Inside Mickey Hart's brain: How tech and neuroscience are converging

Inspiring Health - website

Intel confirms acquisition of health wearable company Basis Science  

Intel Launching $100 Million Fund for Smart Devices

Internet of things – Ali Rogan, Tunstall Healthcare

. Powered by RebelMouse

Interoperability Analysis West Health

Interoperability Could Save 30 Billion Nationally

Interview Ronald Weinstein, M.D., Director, Arizona Telemedicine Program

Is Collaboration Limited by Organizational Structure?

Is Social Media Bad For Your Health? [INFOGRAPHIC] - AllTwitter

Is Telemedicine the future of healthcare?

Is the iPad the best tablet for the elderly MyAgeingParent

It’s all about the user – designing user interfaces for worldwide mobile health

ITU - eHealth

Jones: Walgreens has the best app in the world

Kaiser Embraces Telemedicine To Improve Access To Dermatology KPBS San Diego Public Radio & TV: News, Arts & Culture

Kannact raises $3M for tablet-based home health offering  

King's College London - New research to revolutionise healthcare through remote monitoring of patients

Korea pushes ahead with telemedicine, cabinet approves

KU Telemedicine & Telehealth - Eliminating distance as a barrier to health care

Labour: Response to the interim report from King’s Fund Commission on the Future of Health and Social Care - Andy Burnham 

Lactate sensor Insight promises to help runners, cyclists workout smarter  

Laptops 'could save doctors' time' - Jersey Evening Post

Larry Page: "Making our medical records open for sharing will save 100,000 lives a year"

LeadingAge: Expanding the World of Possibilities for Aging

LGA response to King's Fund report on future of health and social care 

Life & Smart Home Awesomation - Revolv

LionsGate Technologies raises $2M for smartphone-enabled pulse oximeter  

M2M/IoT Sector Map :: Beecham Research

Manage Your Diabetes, Smart Glucose Meter – Meter And App In One - MyDario

Managing Chronic Disease at home with Telehealth

Manchester mHealth Ecosystem

Marvel’s iPhone App Turns Sketches Into Tappable Mobile App “Prototypes”  

Mayo Clinic study finds app reduces cardiac readmissions by 40 percent  

Mayo uses mHealth to reduce cardiac readmissions by 40%  

Measuring patient engagement 'a science, not a dark art'  

Medical Device Interoperability West Health

Medical Emergencies Shows Use of iDevices Among Healthcare Workers

MediSafe Project - website

Medivizor » 7 Reasons Why Patients Blog

Medlert Offers Smarter, Faster, Connected Emergency Help

Medtronic and partners are using mobile tech to screen thousands in India for ear infections

Meet the 'Most Connected Man' in the World

Mental health on the go: Reducing anxiety with smartphone app

mHealth + Telehealth World - July 2014

mHealth Apps Need More Review

mHealth events for 2014

mHealth Green Paper consultation

mHealth in the US and UK: Two countries divided by a common language  

mHealth Market 2015 - 500m people using healthcare smartphone applications

mHealth Monthly Mashup: Release 25.0 – watching Out for the iWatch and the next revolution in wearable tech

mHealth reminders improve diabetes care, reduce costs by 8.8%

mHealth Roadmap: A Structured Approach

mHealth Infographic

mHealth: Healthcare's Magic Pill

mHealth's great untapped potential: Nurses  

Mobile app, feedback help cancer survivors lose weight

Mobile devices create 'hospitals without walls' for rural areas

Mobile Health Care Making Its Mark

Mobile Health Competence Centre - mHealth

Mobile health devices can increase patient adherence

Mobile Health Library' Partnership Brings Needed Patient Support Services to Oncology Nurses... -- DOYLESTOWN, Pa., Nov. 13, 2013 /PRNewswire-iReach/ --

Mobile Health Library

Mobile medical apps risky

Mobile Monitoring to Be mHealth’s Biggest Driver Through Decade’s End

Mobile Tech Extends Hospitals' Reach Into The Home - InformationWeek

Modern-day House Call

Monitor highlights need for innovation as funding pressures grow

Most Individuals Would Share Self-Tracked Health Data for Research

Multineurons is developing head-worn sensor & iPad app to monitor patients with brain disorders

My Last Column Focused On Digital Health - Four Books To Keep You Busy

MyHealthAvenue - Android Apps on Google Play

N=1: How automated tools will help lower costs by personalizing healthcare

Neelie Kroes: mHealth will reduce costly visits to hospitals

New deal combines two diabetes and elderly care eHealth services  

New Hospital Telemedicine Services: Potential Market for a Nighttime Telehospitalist Service

New Map of Twitterverse Finds 6 Types of Networks

New Samsung S Band fitness tracker spotted

New Telehealth Program Aims To Increase Specialist Care in Northern California - California Healthline

New trial telehealth system helps stroke patients recover at home

New Wearable Antenna Could Aid in Health Monitoring

New wireless defibrillator could save lives

New Zealand integrates national telehealth services

Nielsen: More fitness devices purchased in-store than online  

NodeXL: Network Overview, Discovery and Exploration for Excel

Non-contact sensors look to push mHealth to new heights  

Nudge, dementia friendly communities and consumer behaviour

Nurses often view teleheath as threatening, disruptive

nuviun digital health blogs, news & whitepapers revolution in healthcare in the UAE Saudi GCC

NYC digital health accelerator adds patient engagement, big data analysis to targets

Off the shelf, on the skin: Stick-on electronic patches for health monitoring (w/ video)

Official Google Blog: Sharing what’s up our sleeve: Android coming to wearables

Older Adults and Technology Use

On the hazards of significance testing. Part 1: the screening problem

One Day Your Smartphone's Screen Could Be Used To Test Blood

One in Four Lives - White paper (Australia)

One in Four Lives

Online Doctor – Convenient & Discreet Online Diagnosis  

Online physician visits company Stat Health raises $3.5M  

Op-ed: Why telemonitoring makes sense for Connecticut’s chronically ill

OpenTele - The telemedicine solution for mobile healthcare

Opportunities in mhealth: Docs use apps to make them more efficient, want mobile EHR access

Orange Healthcare - Orange Healthcare to deploy region-wide telemedicine platform in Aquitaine

Out With the Stethoscope, In With the Smartphone: How Genomics and Digital Advances Will Reshape Practice

Overcoming Hurdles in Telehealth: Part 1 Cost Considerations

Overcoming Language Barriers in Telehealth

Pact’s Mobile Technology Handbook

Part 2 of 3: Dr. Ernest L. Carter Discusses Telehealth’s Past, Present, and Future by Phine Simms  telemedicine

Partnership to develop mobile health platform to support independent living

Patient focused remote health monitoring

Patient, heal thyself: What your 'activation' score tells your doctor

Patient-centered telemedicine policy raises licensure questions

Patients see doctors through video connections

Patients want more services, online outreach from pharma  

PatientsLikeMe signs five-year data access deal with Genentech  

Paul Burstow MP: Realising the potential of an ageing society

Personal health records help mentally ill patients with comorbidities access medical services : Clinical Endocrinology News

Philips Lifeline launches home-based cellular PERS, mPERS still to come  

Philips tests innovative telehealth solution for pregnant women

Physicians need to adapt to practicing in a digital world

Physios Online

Picture Perfect Diagnosis. Care via telemedicine speeds stroke diagnosis

Pill Finder - rapid pill identification

PillPack - website

Pocket diagnosis: App turns any smartphone into a portable medical diagnostic device

Poor sleep doubles hospitalizations in heart failure patients 

Prediction: 24 million will use diabetes apps by 2018  

Predictive tech is getting smarter and more pervasive -- but more controversial, too

Premier League of TeleHealth Experts Launches Worldwide TeleHealth Company

Prime Time: Can the Health App Wild West Be Tamed?

Proposed health IT strategy aims to promote innovation, protect patients, and avoid regulatory duplication

Pros and cons of Kaiser's ambitious mHealth efforts  

Providing a Telemedicine system for Diabetic Patients for Controlling the Blood Sugar Level with solving the Scalability problems

PSSRU Unit Costs of Health and Social Care

Qualcomm strikes deal with leading telehealth provider - Mobile World Live

Quality assessment of X-rays interpreted via teleradiology for Médecins Sans Frontières

Quantified Care - website

Quantified Health – It’s Just A Phase, Get Over It. Please

Real Life Stories - Transforming Your Care

Reducing Readmissions With Telehealth

Reflexion Health raises $7.5 million for Microsoft Kinect-powered physical therapy  

Reining in FDA regulation of mobile health apps

Remote Medicine Tests Physician Licensing Rules

Remote monitoring brings chronic disease management home  

Renewing Health - mHealth

Report Predicts Increase In Video Consultations

Report: This Is What Apple's Fitness Tracking App Looks Like

Res e Care website (Australia)

Researchers are making a smartphone lens that can spot sickness

Revisiting how Christensen’s “disruption innovation” in healthcare means decentralization  

Rhode Island Hospital ER begins Google Glass dermatology study  

Right to ask' for personal health budget now in place The Commissioning Review

Rise of the robots

Roshan's Telemedicine Project

RSA - Managing Demand: Building Future Public Services

Runtastic adds hydration tracking feature, now has 30 million registered users  

Samsung introduces the Ultrasonic Galaxy cover for fans with bad eyesight

Samsung S Band is a wearable fitness tracker, smartphone companion

Scanadu production backed up, but FDA loophole ready to go  

Scanadu production problems mar rollout of mobile health device to Indiegogo backers

Screenshots Show an Apple ‘Healthbook’ App - WSJ

Searching for the wearable technology killer app

Senior Planet web site

Sentara Healthcare’s CMO explains how telehealth improves the patient experience Articles  Main

Sesnory UX website

Shaping your telehealth strategy

SHC Lifeline - Medication Dispenser

Should you trust Dr. Google? Can you really trust online health information?

Show, Don’t Tell, Telehealth Benefits

Simple technology to deliver telehealth in the home

Simply Measured’s Complete Guide to Twitter Analytics Simply Measured

SITraN :: Telemedicine

Sleepio website

Slow broadband puts patients at risk

Small survey shows government health workers bullish on big data  

Small trial shows $50 smartphone endoscope performs well  

Smart skin patch knows when you need your meds

Smartphone App May Help People Overcome Alcoholism

Smartphones are speeding up trauma care practice

Smartphones collect data to predict onset of depression

Smartphones could become disease-diagnosing tricorders

Smartphones to diagnose diseases in real time

Social Media and Internet-Based Data in Global Systems for Public Health Surveillance: A Systematic Review

Social Media Marketing World Sketchnotes – #smmw14

SocialDiabetes is the winner application of the Big Impact Award at the MWC Barcelona 2014 - mHealth

'Soft Electronics' Makes Wearable Computing Something You'd Actually Wear

South by Health

South Korea will not regulate Samsung’s Galaxy S5 as a medical device  

Sprint reveals first 10 companies in its mobile health accelerator  

Staffordshire appoints firm to build social care website  

Stanford develops two low-cost, smartphone-enabled eye cameras  

Stanford University develops $90 iPhone accessory to replace ophthalmology kit costing tens of thousands

Startup bolsters Medicaid care managers with two-way text messaging  

Startup crowdfunds iPad-enabled food scale that estimates nutritional info  

Staying Home, Connected to the World

Stick-On Monitoring Patch Moves And Stretches With Skin

StratoScientific smartphone stethoscope

Stroke caregivers happiest when they tend to their own needs too

Study explores text message health service

Study finds child obesity prevention apps don’t use recommended behaviors, strategies  

Study finds discharged heart patients who received telemonitoring services less likely to be readmitted

Study finds heart patients who received telemonitoring services were less likely to be readmitted  

Study Published in US Endocrinology Shows ActiveCare Diabetes Management Program Significantly Reduces Healthcare Costs

Study shows smartphone app can help nurses screen, counsel smokers  

Study visit Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, March 12-13th CASA Europe - Regions for Smart Living

Study: 7 different federal definitions of telehealth

Study: Algorithm uses activity, breathing data to predict heart failure events  

Study: AliveCor Heart Monitor can identify high risk of stroke in previously undiagnosed patients  

Study: Bedside sensor reduces length of stay in hospital and ICU

Study: Hospital IT investments in nursing Smartphone solutions poised for explosive growth, Says Spyglass Consulting Group

Study: More training needed to get elderly using mHealth tools

Study: Pedometer program helps motivate participants to sit less, move more

Subversive social communities to drive organisational change

Summary of Care Apps - VA Mobile Health

SUNDROP initiative Telemedicine shows high accuracy in diagnosing ROP  Ophthalmology

Support for Carers of People with Dementia

Survey: One third of wearable device owners stopped using them within six months  

Survey: Smartphone systems for nurses poised for big growth  

SXSW Standout ThriveOn Is Making Strides For Affordable Mental Health Care

Tablets for In-Home mHealth HealthWorks Collective

Technology That Gets Under Your Skin

Technology to Care

Technology to set the pulse racing

Telecos need to pursue mHealth - Voice&Data

Teledentistry Serving Rural Areas  MouthWatch

Teledermatology App System Offers Efficiencies and Can Reliably Prioritize Inpatient Consults

Teledermatology consultation using a smartphone multimedia messaging service for common skin diseases in the Korean army: a clinical evaluation of its diagnostic accuracy

Telehealth / Telemedicine /Connected Health

TeleHealth adds a personal touch

Telehealth and Wireless Telemetry from Honeywell, Medtronic, Bosch to Propel U.S. Patient Monitoring Market to over $4 Billion by 2020

Telehealth celebrates 20,000th patient

Telehealth could cut Medicare Advantage costs, group says Government Health IT

Telehealth doesn't need fibre, the technology already exists: Experts  

Telehealth framework goes beyond just tech

Telehealth Gets New Momentum, Allies - iHealthBeat

Telehealth helps home dialysis rates

Telehealth Improves Outcomes, Reduces Costs

Telehealth International Partnership - Building Healthier Communities

Telehealth Opportunities Arise as South Korea Opens Door to Telemedicine

Telehealth research goes commercial for aged care

Telehealth roundup: mHealth “tsunami” promotes remote care  

Telehealth Technology Lets Us Be Proactive About Our Health

Telehealth: A Case Study in Disruptive Innovation.

Telehealth: A new model for care delivery

Telehealth: The next big health care game changer is happening now

Telehealth: The VA Connects with Healthcare Defense Media Network

Telehealth: When health care meets cyberspace - Mayo Clinic

Telemedicine "coming of age" in New Mexico: UNM Health Sciences Center

Telemedicine and e-Health AcuteCare Telemedicine Blog

Telemedicine and eHealth Conference held in Tallinn on 23-24th of April - e-Estonia

Telemedicine and its Future in Health and Social Care

Telemedicine and mobile technology revolutionize U.S. and China

Telemedicine Connects UVa. to Uganda

Telemedicine could be useful for nighttime patient admissions

Telemedicine Policy Puts Patients at Center

Telemedicine program helps those with chronic pain in New Mexico

Telemedicine Robots Expanding Patient Access to Medical Care HealthWorks Collective

Telemedicine will be the norm as care shifts towards patients  

Telemonitoring NI :: Delegation from Barcelona visit Telemonitoring NI centre for learning visit

Telemonitoring Services report launch (NI)

TeleServices for Better Health: Expanding the Horizon of Patient Engagement

Text-messaging program good option for keeping teen girls healthy

The $97M sleep device market is ripe for consumer-facing trackers  

The 3 Pillars of mHealth Smart Phone Health Care

The 5 hottest health-tech startups at SXSW

The Apple iWatch is coming and what Physicians should be on the lookout for

The benefits of e-health support for older family caregivers in rural areas

The benefits of learning social care the digital way

The Bias Against Innovation Innovation Insights  

The Challenge of Engaging Patients to Engage

The Cofounder Of 23andMe’s Next Project: Mining Your Quantified Self

The Connecting People Intervention

The Dangers Of Quality Improvement Overload: Insights From The Field

The Doctor Will See You Onscreen

The EarthWorks - How to build successful mobile health applications

The effect of Telehealth on community delivered diabetes care: a cross sectional study

The four futures of health care: simple, guru, ecosystem, self-care Health Populi

The frightening truth about the security of our healthcare data

The future looks bright for mHealth  

The future of health care is social, and techie

The Future of mHealth - Studio Mashbo

The future of medicine

The health benefits of texting

The Ideal Length for All Online Content

The Internet of Bodies Is Coming, and You Could Get Hacked

The Internet of the future  

The man of the 1900s vs. the man of the 2000s

The Monitored Man

The New Digital Age: Transforming Nations, Businesses, and Our Lives (Vintage) eBook: Eric Schmidt, Jared Cohen: Kindle Store

The New Health IT Arms Race Between The US And EU

The Next Big Health App Needs to Do More Than Just Track Our Numbers Gadget Lab  

The next big thing in wearable tech may be ear computers

The Paradox of Technology Bolstering the Doctor-Patient Relationship

The Patient Experience Infographic

The Perfect mHealth Facebook Business Page

The Phone Oximeter: An innovation for maternal health in design and process - Innovate Development

The Rehabilitation and Assistive Technology research group: New video about the SMART Stroke project

The rise of mobile-first infrastructure

The Rush to mHealth is on Among Wearables Makers

The Telehealth Pilot - NHS Bassetlaw Clinical Commissioning Group

The Use of Mobile Technology to Improve Health Care and Reduce Costs in China and the United States

The View Of Digital Health From An 'Engaged Patient'

The Web at 25 in the U.S.

This smart armband tracks your sick child's temperature

Thrombosis and Haemostasis Archive: Schattauer GmbH Verlag für Medizin und Naturwissenschaften

Tiny sensors can tell if antibiotics are working - Futurity

Tiny Ultrasonic Device to Travel Arteries and Image Coronary Blockages

To live longer we have to change outdated ideas of what it means to grow old

Today’s diabetes apps are far away from meeting the seven best practice standards

Today’s Leading mHealth Solutions May Cut Healthcare Costs for Diabetic Care

TomTom Cardio Runner & Multisport with Optical Heart Rate In-Depth Review

Too Many Unneeded Brain Scans for Headaches, Study Suggests – WebMD

Toshiba's New Breathalyser Detects Diseases in 30 Seconds

Totally Health website

Tracking System Could Sound the Alarm of Health Changes in Older People, If They Are Willing to Wear It MIT Technology Review

Transforming a digital health technology tool into a solution  

TraveDoc, A Healthcare App For Travelers, Will Expand To The Middle East And South Asia  

Tunstall wins Hanover housing association tender for alarm call and door entry framework

Tyto Care raises $4M for consumer-facing, diagnostic physical exam device  

UA Telemedicine Program helping breast cancer survivors

UC Davis taps for psychotic illness study  

UC Davis tests new smartphone app to help patients with mental illness

UK becomes the first country to develop smart cities standards

UK begins assessment of Proteus Digital Health’s intelligent medicine platform  

United Allergy Services launches mobile healthcare app to encourage patient medication adherence

UPMC improves the workflow for docs on tablets  

VA gets $567 million for telehealth services in 2015 budget  

VA Mobile Health Pilot Programs VA Mobile Health

Validic Raises $1.25 Million For mHealth Integration Engine

Validic raises $1.25M from SJF Ventures to build out team  

Video conferencing in healthcare: Who gets the check?

Video: Clinical mobility trends 2014

Videoconferencing - doctors delivering healthcare through telemedicine

Views on Telemonitoring Services (NI)

Virtual Health Care Will Revolutionize The Industry, If We Let It

Vodafone and AstraZeneca announce partnership for mHealth patient services - Vodafone

Wal-Mart shoppers: The doctor will see you now

Want to Start a Business? Check Out Mobile Health

WANTED: An mHealth App to Slash Healthcare Costs

We Are Social - Future Factors 2014

Wearable computers and biosensors

Wearable device heart rate monitoring entering the consumer mainstream

Wearable Devices: Selfies For Health Nuts?

Wearable electronics could someday run on body heat

Wearable M2M turned into a reality

Wearable Technology Application Chart :: Beecham Research

Wearable technology comes in the form of a skin patch - QR Code Press

Welcome Implementing Transnational Telemedicine Solutions The University of Aberdeen

Welcome  TraveDoc

Welcome to the AAL Partner Search facility — AAL Partner Search

WellDoc Receives $20 Million to Support BlueStar, an FDA-Approved Mobile Prescription Therapy  diaTribe

Wellframe gets $1.5M for patient engagement software  

Wellpoint CEO: Technology, smartphones will shape healthcare's future

West Health Institute gets ONC, FDA support for interoperability  

What do patients expect from mHealth?

What does Budget 2014 mean for Health and Wellbeing?

What ePatient Can Teach mHealth Marketers

What is Telecare?

What mHealth can do for you

What mistakes is your company making on social and how can you fix them?  memeburn

What Will it Take to Get the Elderly to Trust mHealth?

What Your Activity Tracker Sees and Doesn’t See

What’s the New Future of Aging Services Disruptive Demographics Big Think

What's keeping telemedicine from reaching its potential?

When is a mobile app a medical device? The future of healthcare may depend on the answer

When Is An iPad More Than An iPad? When It Is An FDA Regulated Medical Device

White House FY 15 budget continues support for Veterans via telehealth

Who were the biggest winners and losers of the G8 dementia summit? My survey of 88 persons without dementia

Why Doctors Still Use Pen and Paper

Why patient-centered care will naturally move toward telemedicine

Why Tablets Are The New Frontier for In-Home mHealth - eCaring Forum

Why WiFi will be soon indispensible at hospitals

Will mHealth change the business plan for healthcare?  

With Its New Samsung App, Health Startup Lark Moves Away From Hardware  

Withings launches wireless BP cuff with Android support  

WoHIT 2014 - HIMSS Europe

Year-long trial finds that Mindings makes people happier!  Mindings

Yes, There’s an App To Reduce Heart Failure Hospital Readmissions MDDI Medical Device and Diagnostic Industry News Products and Suppliers

You'll soon have 16+ different smart glasses to choose from. Here's how to pick the right one

Your Next Passcode Might Be Worn On Your Body - iQ by Intel

Your Sensored Life: An Expanded View of Quantified Self

Zero to One Million in One Month! Is KP's mHealth initiative the fastest ever adoption of a digital health service in history?

MeMD Expands Access to Healthcare by Bringing Its Online Telemedicine Service to Every State in the U.S.

CloudVisit Telemedicine and I Do App Announce mHealth Partnership

In Search of a Few Good Apps

Raiding the public health budget - BMJ

Research, evaluation and evidence

To view information on research, evaluation and evidence that may be of interest, click on the links below:

"Just a Telephone Call Away": Transforming the Nursing Profession With Telecare and Telephone Nursing Triage

A framework for telehealth program evaluation

A Multicenter Study of ICU Telemedicine Reengineering of Adult Critical Care

A pilot study of a mobile-phone-based home monitoring system to assist in remote interventions in cases of acute exacerbation of COPD

A randomised controlled trial of providing personalised cardiovascular risk information to modify health behaviour

A randomized controlled trial of a nurse-led case management programme for hospital-discharged older adults with co-morbidities

A Randomized, Controlled Pragmatic Trial of Telephonic Medication Therapy Management to Reduce Hospitalization in Home Health Patients

A Systematic Review of Web-Based Educational Interventions

A Tale of Two Cities: STEMI Interventions in Developed and Developing Countries and the Potential of Telemedicine to Reduce Disparities in Care

A tele-oncology model replacing face-to-face specialist cancer care: perspectives of patients in North Queensland

A tobacco cessation treatment model using telehealth: a pilot evaluation in Veterans

Agreement between telepsychiatry assessment and face-to-face assessment for Emergency Department psychiatry patients

Are we sure that Mobile Health is really mobile? An examination of mobile device use during two remotely-delivered weight loss interventions

Assessment of mobile device and SMS use for diet and exercise information among rural Mexican-American adolescents

Cardiovascular polypharmacy is not associated with unplanned hospitalisation: evidence from a retrospective cohort study

Cell phones and CHWs: a transformational marriage?

Chat-based telepharmacy in Denmark: design and early results

Comparison of Mobile Apps for the Leading Causes of Death Among Different Income Zones: A Review of the Literature and App Stores

Continuity and the Costs of Care for Chronic Disease

Developing Business Models for Using Mobile Phones to Strengthen Preventative Healthcare in South Africa Snyders Journal of the International Society for Telemedicine and eHealth

ECG in patients with acute heart failure can predict in-hospital and long-term mortality

Effect of mobile phone short text messages on glycaemic control in children with type 1 diabetes

Effectiveness of a smartphone application for improving healthy lifestyles, a randomized clinical trial (EVIDENT II): study protocol

Effects of lifestyle-related interventions on blood pressure in low and middle-income countries: systematic review and meta-analysis

Electronic health record use, intensity of hospital care, and patient outcomes

Empowering interprofessional teams to perform effective handoffs through online hybrid simulation education

Evaluating User Perceptions of Mobile Medication Management Applications With Older Adults: A Usability Study

Evaluation of different features of an eHealth application for personalized illness management support: cancer patients' use and appraisal of usefulness

Evaluation of web-based, self-administered, graphical food frequency questionnaire

Expert and experiential knowledge in the same place: Patients' experiences with online communities connecting patients and health professionals

Going Mobile: How Mobile Personal Health Records Can Improve Health Care During Emergencies

Google Glass in pediatric surgery: An exploratory study

Home care nurses' experiences with using electronic messaging in their communication with general practitioners

How virtual admission affects coping – telemedicine for patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

Impact of lifestyle factors on fracture risk in older patients with cardiovascular disease: a prospective cohort study of 26,335 individuals from 40 countries

Indoor and Outdoor Social Alarms: Understanding Users' Perspectives

Integrated Telehealth Care for Chronic Illness and Depression in Geriatric Home Care Patients: The Integrated Telehealth Education and Activation of Mood (I-TEAM) Study

Knowledge and skill retention of a mobile phone data collection protocol in rural liberia

Lost in translation? ‘Evidence’ and the articulation of institutional logics in integrated care pathways: from positive to negative boundary object?

mHealth apps need more review, assessment

Mobile health: a synopsis and comment on “Increasing physical activity with mobile devices: a meta-analysis”

Mobile Personal Health Application for Empowering Diabetic Patients

Mobile technology for obesity prevention: a randomized pilot study in racial- and ethnic-minority girls

Moderators of the effectiveness of a web-based tailored intervention promoting physical activity in adolescents: the HELENA Activ-O-Meter

Nearly three-quarters of prescription-takers use mobile apps, including most older adults and seniors

New JAMA article suggests review and certification process for mHealth apps

Nurses' and community support workers' experience of telehealth: a longitudinal case study

Online patient resources for hernia repair: analysis of readability

Parental health information seeking and re-exploration of the 'digital divide'

Patient and Caregiver Incongruence in Advanced Heart Failure

Personal health communities: a phenomenological study of a new health-care concept

Practical aspects of telehealth: doctor–patient relationship and communication Online Library

Practical aspects of telehealth: establishing telehealth in an institution

Preventive Home Visits for Mortality, Morbidity, and Institutionalization in Older Adults: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Privacy-Related Context Information for Ubiquitous Health

Professional conduct among Registered Nurses in the use of online social networking sites

Psychological therapies (Internet-delivered) for the management of chronic pain in adults - The Cochrane Library - Eccleston - Wiley Online Library

Revolutionising management of chronic disease: the ParkinsonNet approach  

Sharing medical data easily using interdigital mobile communication

Smartphone Ownership and Interest in Mobile Applications to Monitor Symptoms of Mental Health Conditions

Systematic review of research into frequent callers to crisis helplines

Systematic Review published in JMIR on the problem with mobile apps for mental health

Telehealth: A Case Study in Disruptive Innovation : AJN The American Journal of Nursing

Telemedicine and M-Health Convergence: Market Shares, Strategies, and Forecasts to 2019

Telenursing - A Potential Resource in the eHealth Agenda of India Sharma Journal of the International Society for Telemedicine and eHealth

Text messaging and improved data help cut missed and cancelled appointments in London  BMJ

The Impact of a Web-Based Educational and Support Intervention on Parents' Perception of Their Children's Cancer Quality of Life: An Exploratory Study

The need for an integrated approach to remote monitoring of physiological data and activity data

Trends in Hypertension Prevalence, Awareness, Treatment, and Control Among US Adults 80 Years and Older, 1988-2010

Using mobile phone text messaging for malaria surveillance in rural Kenya

Using mobile phones and short message service to deliver self-management interventions for chronic conditions: a meta-review

Using the iPod Touch for Patient Health Behavior Assessment and Health Promotion in Primary Care

Vital Signs Monitoring Market - Market Landscape Analysis of Blood Pressure Monitoring Devices, Pulse Oximeters and Temperature Monitoring Devices - Forecasts up to 2018

Wearable accelerometry-based technology capable of assessing functional activities in neurological populations in community settings: a systematic review

Web- vs. telehealth-based delivery of cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia: a randomized controlled trial.

Newsletter supplement prepared by Mike Clark (@clarkmike) and brought to you by the Telecare LIN on behalf of the Technology Strategy Board. Newsletters and supplements are archived at .uk


Disclaimer: “We provide this newsletter supplement for information purposes only and neither the Technology Strategy Board nor the authors accept any liability whatsoever for inaccuracies, errors or omissions therein or for any consequences arising therefrom.”



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