Advice, Support and Professional Development

| | |

| | |

|Contents | |

| | |

| |Page |

| | |

|Introduction |3 |

| | |

| | |

|Services provided by educationGateshead | |

|1. Advice, Support and Professional Development |4 - 6 |

|2. E-Learning |7 - 8 |

|3. Governor Support Service |9 - 16 |

|4. Music Service |17 – 20 |

|5. Psychology Service |21 – 22 |

|6. School Sports Partnership |23 – 27 |

|7. SENIT |28 |

|8. EMTAS |29– 31 |

| | |

|9. Education Support |32 - 37 |

| | |

|Benefits of buying these services |38 |

|Payment |38 |

|Definition of Services |38 |

|Getting the best from the SLA |38 |

|Guarantees |39 |

|How to contact us |40 |


Welcome to educationGateshead’s 2015/2016 range of Service Level Agreements.

Gateshead education success story continues as our performance continues to be well above what might be expected given the context of the Borough. It has been extremely pleasing to see that Gateshead School’s inspected in this “new, raising the bar” Ofsted framework have been extremely successful.

While recent years have brought a number of challenges, especially in relation to reductions in public funding, I am pleased to say that we continue to offer a broad range of services.

As a response to the changing educational world there has been significant effort to develop increasingly responsive and flexible services. All SLAs are underpinned by the principles of providing schools with bespoke high quality support, challenge and leadership in an environment of shared aims and genuine partnership. We aim to provide high quality, value for money and customer responsive services for schools.

The educationGateshead teams are extremely pleased to offer these SLA’s earlier in the financial year in line with all of the Council’s Service to Schools. We will aim to provide you with additional detail if needed over the coming weeks.


Steve Horne

Service Director, Learning & Schools


Advice, Support and Professional Development Specification


Areas funded by the Council and free to Schools which are not Academies

• A brief annual data analysis report sent to the Headteacher and Chair of Governors

• Inspector and Consultant support if a school is categorised as B,C, D or E in the School Intervention and Support Policy

• Support for Headteacher Appointments

• Statutory monitoring; for example with assessment and SEN

• Support with capability/disciplinary issues in partnership with Human Resources

• Support for EYFS (half day for each school)

• Support for SEN (half day for each school)

• Support for statutory assessment

We want our work to be of a consistently very high standard. To this end, will work in partnership with school leaders to ensure that we deliver the support that schools want and need. T. Furthermore, the Council wants to maximise the impact of this work on your school. As a result, the Council is offering additional Services which the School has agreed to buy back. The Scope of these Services is outlined below and depends upon which Package the School has purchased.


The Service shall commence on 1 April 2015 and shall expire on 31 March 2016

Service Specification

Services offered by the Council

The Council will provide your school with a link inspector whose role will be to provide support, challenge and advice based on a secure understanding of the school’s performance and context. Most link inspectors are employed as part of the Council’s Inspection Team, but we also use high quality and proven associate members within the team.


The Council will provide:

• 3 link inspector/external SIP visits a year in support of school improvement/self-evaluation

• Presentation of a full Annual Report at a Governors’ Meeting, incorporating a detailed data analysis

• Access to the extensive Pupil Performance Knowledge Base (PKB) on the Gateshead Learning Platform. [For the Pupil Tracking Tool please see the E-learning Service Level Agreement specification]

• Support for Governors with Headteacher Performance Management

• Face to face and telephone support and advice on statutory and non statutory issues including Ofsted inspection, safeguarding and the latest Government policies

• Reduced cost of all additional “bought” days and training events/conferences

• Access to the extended NQT support programme

• Reduced rates within our extensive CPD programme as well as certain free events such as ‘Talking Heads’

• Support for deputy and assistant headteacher appointments

• Access and hosting of School Self-Evaluation Framework web tool

• NQT registration

GOLD OPTION All Primary Schools/Academies £4900

Two year buy-in Schools £4785

The Council will provide the range of services included in the Silver option and also up to 2 days further support. This can be provided in the full range of School Improvement by Inspectors or Consultants as appropriate. This may include the following areas:

Early years, numeracy, literacy, teaching and learning, curriculum development, assessment, improving behaviour and attendance in the classroom, classroom management, teacher performance management, SEN, vocational curriculum, , Citizenship, PSHE, departmental reviews

As in previous years these days are designed to be extremely flexible and meet the specific needs of your school. We will work with you in many different ways, for example:

• Support with curriculum development

• In class support including peer teaching and demonstration lessons

• Joint observation of teaching

• Whole staff training

• Leadership development programmes

• School reviews, including those to model an Ofsted inspection

• Safeguarding review

In addition, if we can’t provide support directly, we will procure it on your behalf and ensure that it is of the highest quality.

The Council prides itself on the range and scope of innovative and exciting projects and developments it can offer. Recently, these have included the creative curriculum, forest school developments and various subject based projects. Access to, and involvement in these innovations is available to all schools which buy into the Gold Option.


All Secondary Schools/Academies £5200 p.a.

or £5100 per year for those signing up to a two year deal

The Council will provide the range of services included in the Silver option including up to 3 days further support. This can be provided in the full range of School Improvement by Inspectors or Consultants as appropriate. This may include the following areas:

Numeracy, literacy, teaching and learning, curriculum development, assessment, improving behaviour and attendance in the classroom, classroom management, teacher performance management, SEN, vocational curriculum, Citizenship, PSHE, Re-engagement and the alternative curriculum, departmental reviews.

As in previous years these days are designed to be extremely flexible and meet the specific needs of the school. In addition, schools will benefit from having access to a named, practising Ofsted Inspector from the Council.

Furthermore, we will work with you in many different ways, for example:

• Joint observation of teaching

• Whole staff or group training, for example, data interpretation for Governors

• Leadership development programmes

• Safeguarding review


SILVER Option £4195.00 p.a.

GOLD OPTION (Primary schools) £4900.00 p.a.

GOLD OPTION (Primary Schools 2 year contract) £4785.00 p.a.

GOLD OPTION (Secondary Schools) £5200.00 p.a.

For additional work NOT included in the chosen option Subscription Level

Consultancy/Training & Conference Rates

| |Consultancy Rates |Training/Conference Rates |NQT’s |

|Level of subscription |

|Primary/Special |£2050 |

|Secondary |£2627 |

|Additional Services/Charges |

|Extra Full Governing Body Mtg |£357 (maximum 2 hour meeting) |

|Committee Mtg |£189 (maximum 2 hour meeting) |

|Staff Appeals/Grievance Mtg |£189 (minute taking only) |

| |+£123 (circulation of papers & arrangement of venue with unions and other |

| |parties) |

| |+£56 (per rearrangement of meeting) |

| | |

|Meeting Continuation Charge (additional charge for meetings over |£60 |

|the 2 hour SLA charge, pro rata per hour) | |

|Primary & Special | |

|Parent Governor Elections |£90 |

|Parent Governor Ballot |£180 |

| | |

|Secondary | |

|Parent Governor Elections |£300 |

|Parent Governor Ballot |£500 |

|Governor Development | |

|Training (for schools not in the SLA) |£90 (per governor per session attended) |

|Bespoke Training Session (1 ½ hours) |£220 |

|Standard Plus 1 Package |

|(3 x up to 2 hour maximum FGB meetings per year) |

|(3 x up to 2 hour committee meetings per year) |

|Primary & Special |£2485 |

|Secondary |£3063 |

|Additional Services/Charges |

|Extra Full Governing Body Mtg |£357 (maximum 2 hour meeting) |

|Committee Mtg |£189 (maximum 2 hour meeting) |

|Staff Appeals/Grievance Mtg |£189 (minute taking only) |

| |+£123 (circulation of papers & arrangement of venue with unions and other |

| |parties) |

| |+£56 (per rearrangement of meeting) |

| | |

|Meeting Continuation Charge (additional charge for meetings over |£60 |

|the 2 hour SLA charge, pro rata per hour) | |

|Primary & Special | |

|Parent Governor Elections |£90 |

|Parent Governor Ballot |£180 |

| | |

|Secondary | |

|Parent Governor Elections |£300 |

|Parent Governor Ballot |£500 |

|Governor Development | |

|Training (for schools not in the SLA) |£90 (per governor per session attended) |

|Bespoke Training Session |£220 |

|(1 ½ hours) | |

|Standard Plus 2 Package |

|(3 x up to 2 hour maximum FGB meetings per year) |

|(6 x up to 2 hour committee meetings per year) |

|Primary & Special |£2923 |

|Secondary |£3500 |

|Additional Services/Charges |

|Extra Full Governing Body Mtg |£357 (maximum 2 hour meeting) |

|Committee Mtg |£189 (maximum 2 hour meeting) |

|Staff Appeals/Grievance Mtg |£189 (minute taking only) |

| |+£123 (circulation of papers & arrangement of venue with unions and other |

| |parties) |

| |+£56 (per rearrangement of meeting) |

| | |

|Meeting Continuation Charge (additional charge for meetings over |£60 |

|the 2 hour SLA charge, pro rata per hour) | |

|Primary & Special | |

|Parent Governor Elections |£90 |

|Parent Governor Ballot |£180 |

| | |

|Secondary | |

|Parent Governor Elections |£300 |

|Parent Governor Ballot |£500 |

|Governor Development | |

|Training (for schools not in the SLA) |£90 (per governor per session attended) |

|Bespoke Training Session |£220 |

|(1 ½ hours) | |

|Standard Plus 3 Package |

|(3 x up to 2 hour maximum FGB meetings per year) |

|(9 x up to 2 hour committee meetings per year) |

|Primary & Special |£3360 |

|Secondary |£3937 |

|Additional Services/Charges |

|Extra Full Governing Body Mtg |£357 (maximum 2 hour meeting) |

|Committee Mtg |£189 (maximum 2 hour meeting) |

|Staff Appeals/Grievance Mtg |£189 (minute taking only) |

| |+£123 (circulation of papers & arrangement of venue with unions and other |

| |parties) |

| |+£56 (per rearrangement of meeting) |

| | |

|Meeting Continuation Charge (additional charge for meetings over |£60 |

|the 2 hour SLA charge, pro rata per hour) | |

|Primary & Special | |

|Parent Governor Elections |£90 |

|Parent Governor Ballot |£180 |

| | |

|Secondary | |

|Parent Governor Elections |£300 |

|Parent Governor Ballot |£500 |

|Governor Development | |

|Training (for schools not in the SLA) |£90 (per governor per session attended) |

|Bespoke Training Session |£220 |

|(1 ½ hours) | |


Governor Support

0191/4338628 or

Academy 2015/16

Standard Package

• a high quality full clerking service

• provision of a clerk for three full governing body meetings (up to 2 hours) per year

• governor training led by experienced trainers on an annual programme

• maintenance of membership data and monitoring of governor vacancies

• support and guidance on recruitment and retention

• enhanced Disclosure & Barring Service clearance for all governors

• comprehensive advice and support for new governors and new chairs

• guidance on annual planning for governing bodies

• support on governing body self-evaluation, to identify strengths and areas for improvement

• regular updates and guidance on educational developments including OfSTED requirements

• model policies

• advice on governance requirements and good practice

• monitoring on the effectiveness of governing bodies, including targeted support for governing bodies as required

Standard Plus 1 Package

All of the above in the standard package, plus:

• a high quality clerking service for three committee meetings per year (up to 2 hours each).

• the option to purchase one bespoke full governing body training session (1 ½ hour) at a reduced cost of £180.

Standard Plus 2 Package

All of the above in the standard package, plus:

• a high quality clerking service for six committee meetings per year (up to 2 hours each).

• the option to purchase one bespoke full governing body training session (1 ½ hour) at a reduced cost of £180.

Standard Plus 3 Package

All of the above in the standard package, plus:

• a high quality clerking service for nine committee meetings per year (up to 2 hours each).

• the option to purchase one bespoke full governing body training session (1 ½ hour) at a reduced cost of £180.

Academy Plus

For academy’s we can provide the following additional package of services:

• clerking of the annual general meeting (AGM for members)

• appointment/election and removal services for governors

➢ submissions to Companies House for the appointment/election of new governors (AP01 form - submitted to Companies House within 14 days of appointment)

➢ completion of governors Statement of Eligibility (retained by company secretary)

➢ submissions to Companies House in relation to governor resignations/removal (TM01 form submitted to Companies House within 14 days or resignation)

Optional Extras

The Academy also has the option to purchase:

• clerking of additional committees (extra ordinary, pupil discipline, staff discipline) and other bespoke meetings on an ad hoc basis

• parent election services

• places at the annual conference for governors

Costs as detailed for the combination of all the services detailed:

|Standard Package |

|(3 x up to 2 hour maximum FGB meetings per year) |

|Primary/Special |£2050 (plus Academy Plus add £525) |

|Secondary |£2627 (plus Academy Plus add £630) |

|Additional Services/Charges |

|Extra Full Governing Body Mtg |£357 (maximum 2 hour meeting) |

|Committee Mtg |£189 (maximum 2 hour meeting) |

|Staff Appeals/Grievance Mtg |£189 (minute taking only) |

| |+£123 (circulation of papers & arrangement of venue with unions and other |

| |parties) |

| |+£56 (per rearrangement of meeting) |

|Meeting Continuation Charge (additional charge for meetings over |£60 |

|the 2 hour SLA charge, pro rata per hour) | |

|Primary & Special | |

|Parent Governor Elections |£90 |

|Parent Governor Ballot |£180 |

| | |

|Secondary | |

|Parent Governor Elections |£300 |

|Parent Governor Ballot |£500 |

|Governor Development | |

|Training (for schools not in the SLA) |£90 (per governor per session attended) |

|Bespoke Training Session (1 ½ hours) |£220 |

|Standard Plus 1 Package |

|(3 x up to 2 hour maximum FGB meetings per year) |

|(3 x up to 2 hour committee meetings per year) |

|Primary & Special |£2485 (plus Academy plus add £525) |

|Secondary |£3064 (plus Academy plus add £630) |

|Additional Services/Charges |

|Extra Full Governing Body Mtg |£357 (maximum 2 hour meeting) |

|Committee Mtg |£189 (maximum 2 hour meeting) |

|Staff Appeals/Grievance Mtg |£189 (minute taking only) |

| |+£123 (circulation of papers & arrangement of venue with unions and other |

| |parties) |

| |+£56 (per rearrangement of meeting) |

|Meeting Continuation Charge (additional charge for meetings over |£60 |

|the 2 hour SLA charge, pro rata per hour) | |

|Primary & Special | |

|Parent Governor Elections |£90 |

|Parent Governor Ballot |£180 |

| | |

|Secondary | |

|Parent Governor Elections |£300 |

|Parent Governor Ballot |£500 |

|Governor Development | |

|Training (for schools not in the SLA) |£90 (per governor per session attended) |

|Bespoke Training Session (1 ½ hours) |£220 |

|Standard Plus 2 Package |

|(3 x up to 2 hour maximum FGB meetings per year) |

|(6 x up to 2 hour committee meetings per year) |

|Primary & Special |£2923 (plus Academy plus add £525) |

|Secondary |£3500 (plus Academy plus add £630) |

|Additional Services/Charges |

|Extra Full Governing Body Mtg |£357 (maximum 2 hour meeting) |

|Committee Mtg |£189 (maximum 2 hour meeting) |

|Staff Appeals/Grievance Mtg |£189 (minute taking only) |

| |+£123 (circulation of papers & arrangement of venue with unions and other |

| |parties) |

| |+£56 (per rearrangement of meeting) |

|Meeting Continuation Charge (additional charge for meetings over |£60 |

|the 2 hour SLA charge, pro rata per hour) | |

|Primary & Special | |

|Parent Governor Elections |£90 |

|Parent Governor Ballot |£180 |

| | |

|Secondary | |

|Parent Governor Elections |£300 |

|Parent Governor Ballot |£500 |

|Governor Development | |

|Training (for schools not in the SLA) |£90 (per governor per session attended) |

|Bespoke Training Session (1 ½ hours) |£220 |

|Standard Plus 3 Package |

|(3 x up to 2 hour maximum FGB meetings per year) |

|(9 x up to 2 hour committee meetings per year) |

|Primary & Special |£3360 (plus Academy plus add £525) |

|Secondary |£3937 (plus Academy plus add £630) |

|Additional Services/Charges |

|Extra Full Governing Body Mtg |£357 (maximum 2 hour meeting) |

|Committee Mtg |£189 (maximum 2 hour meeting) |

|Staff Appeals/Grievance Mtg |£189 (minute taking only) |

| |+£123 (circulation of papers & arrangement of venue with unions and other |

| |parties) |

| |+£56 (per rearrangement of meeting) |

|Meeting Continuation Charge (additional charge for meetings over |£60 |

|the 2 hour SLA charge, pro rata per hour) | |

|Primary & Special | |

|Parent Governor Elections |£90 |

|Parent Governor Ballot |£180 |

| | |

|Secondary | |

|Parent Governor Elections |£300 |

|Parent Governor Ballot |£500 |

|Governor Development | |

|Training (for schools not in the SLA) |£90 (per governor per session attended) |

|Bespoke Training Session (1 ½ hours) |£220 |


Governor Support


Or email : or

Please contact Governor Support Team if you have any additional needs above what is currently offered as we would be delighted to discuss your bespoke needs.

Gateshead Music Service

Gateshead Music Service is part of the Gateshead and South Tyneside Music Education Hub – a strategic partnership of two well established, high quality and ambitious local authority music services and a diverse range of successful and highly respected partners and collaborators.

The Hub Mission is to deliver and lead on a high quality, cost effective and innovative musical offer for all children aged 5 to 18 and enriching music activities in the wider community, so that each individual can reach their personal level of excellence and develop a life-long love of music.

Arts Council funding to the Hub must be directed at the core activities of the National Plan for Music Education. As a result, one of the primary objectives of the Hub is to give all children first access to music and clear progression routes thereafter – an objective that is reflected in the Service Level Agreements offered.

The Music Service will continue to engage with pupils all ages, ranging from students with special educational needs to the exceptionally gifted and talented. It also provides support for teachers in all schools in Gateshead through in-service courses as well as general advice on musical matters.

The service aims to enable all Gateshead pupils to achieve their potential as musicians (both listeners and performers) through access to:

• Tuition on a wide range of instruments both in school and at outreach centres. This can include whole class First Access (formerly known as Wider Opportunities) tuition supporting the government’s desire for all children to have the opportunity to learn an instrument for at least a term; small group tuition for learners who wish to progress beyond first access and individual tuition for advanced learners.

• Ensemble opportunities: the Music service manages a wide range of ensembles at varying levels that enable pupils to progress through different levels of excellence to senior ensembles that perform at national venues.

• Network meetings for teachers to share best practice and develop collaborative learning opportunities, and in-service courses for teachers, newly qualified and experienced, on a range of musical topics.

• Advice on musical issues including the National Curriculum reform and delivery

• Digital resources that enhance curriculum music lessons delivered by non-specialists

Service Features

By purchasing a Music Service SLA schools will be guaranteed:

• Access to a quality supply of appropriate musical instruments and other resources

• Prioritised repair to instruments

• Consistency of tuition by appropriately qualified music specialists over a period of time

• Free access to network meetings for school music staff

• Advice on the selection of appropriate instruments

• Advice on music for use in schools

• Advice on access to ensembles

• Recommendation of appropriate tutors and piano tuners

• Guidance concerning instrument repair and maintenance

• Specialist support for exceptionally talented pupils

• Advice and guidance prior to Ofsted inspections. Music Service staff will be fully conversant with the National Plan for Music Education.

Unfortunately what we can’t do:

• Guarantee a specific slot in the school timetable, though we will do our best to accommodate your requests

• Provide free instruments for use by other providers.

• Provide absence cover if you use music staff for PPA cover

• Our teachers are musically well qualified, but we cannot guarantee QTS staff for PPA cover.

Primary and Special Schools

In order to meet the requirements of the National Plan for Music Education each primary and special school will receive 45 minutes of free time per week for one term (which equates to 9 hours). This must be used for whole class tuition in primary schools and used appropriate to need in special schools.

Small group tuition in primary schools is for progressive learners. Groups are normally of 3-4 pupils, but may include high-achieving individuals or larger groups of up to 12 learners.

Charanga Musical School (a digital teaching and learning resource) may be added to any

SLA package at a cost of £160. An element of training is included in the cost.

Arts Award ‘Discover’ and ‘Explore’ are also available to children learning instruments in

classes. Please ask for further information about accreditation and costs.

Secondary schools

Subsidised charges to schools are in operation with no free time allocation. Small group

tuition in the secondary sector should be for 3-4 pupils at lower grades, reducing to individual lessons for learners achieving at grade 5 level or equivalent and above. Whole class tuition may be arranged for secondary schools by negotiation.

Workshop opportunities and specialised visits offered by partners will be notified as they arise during the year.

Additional Services Available

A wide range of other musical activities, support and development opportunities are also available for schools through the Gateshead & South Tyneside Music Education Hub. These will be advertised in a separate brochure and on the website. If there is something specific you require, please get in touch to discuss your needs.

Tuition will be supported by the loan of instruments whenever possible. These instruments will be of sound quality and fit for purpose. The Gateshead Music Service will undertake to repair these instruments free of charge, and supply consumables such as strings as required.

It is expected that those instruments with a replacement value of over £300 will be covered by insurance; this is the responsibility of the parents/guardians of the pupils to whom the instruments are loaned unless by prior arrangement with the Gateshead Music Service. The Music service will give guidance on the value of these instruments.


| | |

|Whole Class Tuition | |

| | |

|Banding |  |

|A |  |

|Schools receive 45 mins whole class tuition per week for 36 weeks (first term is free) - Total 27 hours|£792 |

|support | |

|B | |

|Schools receive an average of 2 hours per week for 36 weeks - Total 72 hours support |£2,772 |

|C Schools receive an average of 3 hours per week for 36 weeks – Total 108 hours support |£4,307 |

| | |

|D Schools receive an average of 5 hours per week for 36 weeks - Total 180 hours support |£7353 |

| | |

|Small Group Tuition | |

|Banding | |

|A | |

|Schools receive an average of 2 hours per week for 36 weeks - Total 72 hours support |£2,520 |

|B | |

|Schools receive an average of 4 hours per week for 36 weeks - Total 144 hours support |£4,968 |

|C | |

|Schools receive an average of 6 hours per week for 36 weeks - Total 216 hours support |£7,398 |

| | |

|D Schools receive an average of 8 hours per week for 36 weeks – Total 288 hours support |£9,792 |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

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| | |

|Small Group Tuition | |

|Banding | |

|A | |

|Schools receive an average of 3½ hours per week for 36 weeks - Total 126 hours support |£4,473 |

|B | |

|Schools receive an average of 6 hours per week for 36 weeks - Total 216 hours support |£7,560 |

|C | |

|Schools receive an average of 10 hours per week for 36 weeks - Total 360 hours support |£12,420 |

|D | |

|Schools receive an average of 15 hours per week for 36 weeks - Total 540 hours support |£18,495 |

| | |

|E Schools receive an average of 25 hours per week for 36 weeks – Total 900 hours support |£30,600 |

|Buy as you Use Cost - outside of agreed packages - Primary and Secondary |

| | | |

|Whole Class Tuition - per hour |£45 | |

|Small Group/ Ensemble - per hour |£36 | |

| | | |

|Training Course/ Inset – per hour |£70 | |

|Training Course/ Inset – whole day |£360 | |

| | | |

For further information please contact:

Henry Edwards on 0191 4338690 or email

Barbara Murray on 0191 4338685 or email


The Psychological Service consists of a group of highly qualified and skilled child-focused practitioners, who provide a range of services for children and young people aged 0-19. They aim to raise attainments, promote emotional well-being and achieve positive outcomes through the application of psychology to teaching, learning and behaviour. The Service promotes inclusive practice and aims to increase resilience within the most vulnerable children and those with additional or special educational needs.

All schools will receive:

(Non-Traded Services)

• The provision of Psychological Advice for statutory assessment of children with Special Educational Needs

• Provision of advice regarding the progress of children with Statements

• Rapid critical incident and bereavement response

• The facility to buy sessional or hourly Educational Psychologist time, either in advance or on a ‘pay as you use’ basis. However, the latter will be dependent upon the capacity of the Service.

Those schools buying into the SLA will receive in addition:

(Traded Services)

• A named Educational Psychologist who will provide support and advice and act as a link with the Psychological Service

• A reliable service providing regular visits across the year

• An equitable allocation of psychologist time, based upon number of pupils on roll and a social deprivation indicator

• Planning meetings, additional to the allocated visits

• Educational Psychologists who are registered with the Health Professions Council and who undertake regular CPD and clinical supervision

• Educational Psychologists who are part of the wider educationGateshead network of services, who have knowledge about the children and families within Gateshead schools

• Access to a wide range of knowledge and skills within the Service, including autism, emotional resilience, early years, attachment and therapeutic approaches.

• Opportunities to access consultation, training, individual assessment, group work and therapeutic interventions

• Opportunities to access additional time from Trainee Educational Psychologists on placement from Newcastle University during their first year of training

Cost of Service

|Banding for Gateshead Primary, Secondary and Special Schools |

|A |B |C |D |E |

|£515 |£1030 |£1545 |£2060 |£2575 |

Band A Schools receiving 7½ -15 hours (3-6 sessions) per year

Band B Schools receiving 17½ - 25 hours (7-10 sessions) per year

Band C Schools receiving 27½ - 35 hours (11-14 sessions) per year

Band D Schools receiving 37½ - 45 hours (15-18 sessions) per year

Band E Schools receiving more than 45 hours (18 sessions) per year

Additional Sessions – Standard Rates

|Advance Sessions (2½ Hours) |Cost |

|3 sessions – I session per term |£711 |

|6 sessions – 2 sessions per term |£1358 |

|12 sessions – 4 sessions per term |£2596 |

|24 sessions – 8 sessions per term |£5068 |

|38 sessions – 1 session per week |£7,830 |

|Buy as you Use | |

|1 session |£258 |

|1 Hour |£103 |

Training packages can also be purchased. Prices will vary according to duration, participant numbers and content, but begin at £160 per hour, including course materials.

Group work is also offered, which can be tailored to pupil need. Prices will vary according to the number in the group and the content; however prices begin at £700 for a 6-week course.

Prepaid packages must be booked at least one term in advance to allow for effective work planning and allocation of Educational Psychologists to schools.

For further information please contact

Carolyn Lamb on 0191 4338562

or Diane Groves on 0191 4338550

or email

School Sport Partnership

The Gateshead School Sport Partnership co-ordinate activities and facilitate collaboration amongst our schools, their clusters and key partners.

Our vision is for all school age (4-19) children and young people in Gateshead to experience and enjoy high quality Physical Education, Physical Activity and School Sport (PEPASS), building the foundations for an active and healthy lifestyle.

We aim to realise the benefits of involvement in high quality PEPASS for the young people of Gateshead in life as well as sport.

Service Features and Price

Buying into the School Sport Partnership ensures schools and young people benefit from the high quality resources and programmes we provide. Costs are categorised by school type, size and level of affiliation (Entry, Gold and Silver).

NB: The School Sport Partnership SLA operates across the academic year (September - August)

| | |Cost of affiliation |

|Type of school/academy |Number of pupils on roll |Entry level |Silver |Gold |

| | |(pay as you go) | | |

|Infants |N.A. |£0 |£265 |£418 |

|Primary | ................

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