The Methodist Council


Methodist Council Appointments, October 2014

(Underlined names indicate new committee members. Reasoned statements as received are set out at the end of the committee listings.)


(1) Authorisations Committee (SO 011)

The Revds J Keith Burrow, Helen D Cameron, Stephen J Lindridge, Janet E Preston, Andrew M Roberts, Bruce D Thompson (Chair), Deacon Andrew Carter

(2) Connexional Allowances Committee (SO 212(4)):

The Revds Anne E Brown, Paul D Critchley, Stuart Gunson, Deacon Ian H Murray, Mr John A Bell (Chair), Mrs Carole Booth, Mr Brian Oakley, Dr Roy Swanston

(The same persons also act as the committee for each of the following: Fund for the Support of Presbyters and Deacons, Methodist Medical Benevolent Fund, Trinity Hall Trust, Methodist Ministers’ Children’s Relief Association)

(3) Medical Committee (SO 212(5))

The Revd Dr Brenda M Mosedale (Chair), Dr Sarah Ashley, Ms Sarah E Cave, Deacon Susan W Culver, Dr Andrew Doddrell, Dr Ajay George, Dr Ruth Girvan, Dr Carole Jackson, Dr Diana Newson, the Revd Richard J Teal, Dr Ninian Thomson, Dr Clive Timehin, Dr Richard M Vautrey, Dr E Janet Wigley, the Revd Michaela A Youngson

In attendance: Ms Amanda J Amor (Advisor), Mr Tony Tidey (Convener)

(4) Connexional Grants Committee (SO 213B)

Mrs Helen Woodall (Chair), Ms Regina Ansah, Mr Bala Gnanapragasam (Mission in Britain Sub-committee Chair), the Revd Wendy M Mair, Dr Daleep S Mukarji (World Church Sub-committee Chair), Mrs Vera Lacey-Krylova, Mr Graham Pegg (non-voting, Chair of Monitoring, Evaluation, Learning and Dissemination)

Monitoring, Evaluation, Learning and Dissemination (MELD)

Mr Graham Pegg (Chair), Mr Peter Broekhuizen, Mr Christopher Finbow, the Revd Richard W Thompson

Mission in Britain Sub-Committee

Mr Bala Gnanapragasam (Chair), Mrs Susan Johnson, the Revd Dr John A Illsley, the Revd Andrew S Farrington, Mr Ian R Morris

Chaplaincy Stream

The Revd Dr John A Illsley (Chair), the Revd Patricia A Brooks, Mr Cliff Everitt, Mr Eric Asamoa-Frimpong

Heritage Stream

Mr Ian R Morris (Chair), Mr James Hart, Dr Helen Wilkinson

Mission and Ministry in Britain Stream

Mrs Susan Johnson (Chair), Mr Timothy J Baker, Ms Charity Nzegwu, Ms Geraldine Pearce, Mr Neville Walton

Property Stream

The Revds Andrew S Farrington (Chair), Nicholas C Bentley, Beverley D Boden, Mr David Spracklen, the Revd E Adam Wells

World Church Sub-committee

Dr Daleep S Mukarji (Chair), the Revd Dr Richard N Clutterbuck, the Revd Laurence Graham (Methodist Church in Ireland), the Revd Graeme J Halls, the Revd David A Haslam

World Church General Grants Stream

The Revd David A Haslam (Chair), Mrs E Jill Baker, Ms Janice M Clark, the Revd Laurence Graham, the Revd Brian R Jones, Ms Louise Murray, Mrs Elaine Robinson

Nationals in Mission Appointment Stream

The Revd Graeme J Halls (Chair), Mr Edwin C Fowler, Mr Ivan Kirkpatrick (Methodist Church in Ireland)

Scholarship and Leadership Training Stream

The Revd Dr Richard N Clutterbuck (Chair), Dr Elizabeth Harris, the Revd Dr Wendy Kilworth-Mason, the Revd Andrew Letby, the Revd Francis S Nabieu

(5) Safeguarding Advisory Panel (SO 232(1))

The Revd Ian T White (Convener)

i) The Revds Janet I Atkins, Henry Lewis, Mr Peter Ackerley, Mr Tim Carter, Mrs Sarah Chadwick, Mrs Barbara Hutchinson, Ms Hilary Murden, Mrs Ann Taylor, Mr Chris Wood

ii) The Revds J W Wesley Blakey, Alison F Tomlin; Deacon Margaret L Cox, Dr Judith M May-Parker, Sister Eluned Williams

(6) All We Can (Methodist Relief and Development Fund) Trustees (SO 245)

Mr David Lewis (Chair), Mrs Sian Arulanantham, Ms Lesley Bilinda, Mr Paul Cornelius, Mr Tom Hall,  Ms Nancy Kelley, Mrs Karen Lawson, Mr Jim Marr (Vice Chair), Mr Jeremy Moodey (Treasurer),the Revd Graham Thompson, Mr Bernard Whiteside.

Advisor: Mr David Nixon (World Development and Relief Committee)

Link person from the Council: The Revd Graeme J Halls

(7) Presbyteral Candidates and Probationers Oversight Committee (SO 321)

(i) The Revds J Trevor Dixon, Sonia M Hicks, Mr Leon A Murray

(ii) The Revds Peter E Powers, Lisa Quarmby, Caroline A Weaver

(iii) The Revd Dr Andrew D Wood (Chair)

(iv) Mr David Ingham, Mrs Pearl Quartey

(v) The Revd Dr Jonathan R Hustler

(vi)   tbc

(vii) tbc

(viii) Deacon Eleanor Griffin

(8) Stationing Advisory Committee (SO 323)

The Revds Jennifer A Hurd (Chair), Mrs Patricia M Bates, Mrs Alyson Ellis, the Revd Dr Jonathan R Hustler, Mr Ken Jackson, Dr Tom Jones, Mrs Ann P Leck, Deacon Karen McBride, Mr Andrew Owen, the Revd Ian D Pruden, Mr David Tilley, the Revd Ian Yates

(9) Diaconal Candidates and Probationers Oversight Committee (SO 326)

The Revds Andrew M Baker, Dr Jonathan R Hustler, Gillian M Newton, Deacons Susan W Culver (Warden of the MDO), Claire E Gill, Anthony B Martin, Andrew C Packer, Annie Trembling, Mrs Rosemary Harrison (Chair), Miss Marion Mear, Dr Malcolm Stevenson

(10) Candidates’ Appeals Committee (SO 326A)

The Revds R Graham Carter (Chair), Christopher J Cheeseman, David S Cruise, Derek H A Davidson, Antony F McClelland, Malcolm A Rothwell, Ivan J Selman (Retired Presbyters); the Revds Sylvester O Deigh, Dr David Dickinson, Doreen C Hare, Andrew J L Hollins, Vindra Maraj Ogden, Colin A Smith, Philip S Turner, Nicola Vidamour (Serving Presbyters); Deacons Kathleen Barrett, Gwynneth Bamford, Allyson Henry, Gwenllian R Knighton, Karen McBride, Jane S Middleton, G Peter Ogle; Dr Stewart Barr, Mrs Stella Bristow, Mr David Hulse, Mrs Ann P Leck, Mrs Helen Martyn, Mr David E Morgan, Miss Ann Pardoe, Mrs Joyce Powell

(11) Network Committee: Discipleship & Ministries Learning Network (SO 32A3)

Mr Edward Awty (Chair); Ms Sharon Lam, the Revds Dr Calvin T Samuel, J Alistair Sharp, Mr Richard Wills, the Revd Andrew D Wood, Mr Ian White, Ms Jude Levermore (ex-officio non-voting).

(12) Listed Buildings Advisory Committee (SO 332)

The Revd Anthony J Parkinson (Chair), Ms Elaine Blackett-Ord, Dr Peter Forsaith, Mr Peter Iles, Mr Jeremy Lake, Mr Martin Lougher, Mr John Prichard, Dr Christopher Wakeling, Ms Helen Whittaker, the Revd Steven J Wild

(13) Methodist representatives to the Methodist-Anglican Panel for Unity in Mission (SO 334)

The Revd John Hellyer (Co-Chair), Mrs Jenny Easson, the Revd Graham R Kent, Deacon Gwenllian R Knighton, Mr David Phillips, Mrs Heather Shipman, the Revd Neil A Stubbens

(14) World Methodist Committee (SO 335)

(i) Chair: Mr Luke D Curran

Secretary: Mrs Janice Clarke

Assistant Secretary: the Revd Dr Reynaldo Leao-Neto

Exchange Secretary: Mr David Friswell

ii) Other British Members of the World Methodist Council: The Revds John C A Barrett, Martyn D Atkins, Suva L Catford, David M Chapman, Sylvester O Deigh, David Jebb, Karen Jobson, Timothy J Macquiban, Lionel E Osborn, Claire R Potter, Mark Rowland, Jennifer A Spouge, Nicola Vidamour; Ms Ruby Beech, Mrs Janice Clark, Mr John Colenutt, Ms Christine Elliott, Mrs Christy-Anna Errington, Mrs Sarah Friswell, Mr Samuel Hutchinson, Mrs Alison M Judd, Ms Muriel A Sowden, Mrs Anne Vautrey

(15) Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Committee (SO 336)

(i) The Revd Stephen J Poxon

(ii) Mr Doug Swanney

iii) Ms Megan Thomas

(iv) Dr Val Turner

(v) The Revds Peter E Barber, Olufemi R W Cole-Njie, Anne Ellis, Barbara T Routley, Ms Irene McKay

(16) Methodist Heritage Committee (SO 337)

(i) Mrs Sarah Friswell

(ii) Mr Gary Best, the Revd David G H Leese, Mrs Ruth E Pickles, the Revd Jennifer M Potter

iii) Mr Philip Thornborow

iv) Mr Doug Swanney

v) Mr J Keith Cheetham, Dr Deborah Gaitskell, the Revd Dr Stephen Hatcher, the Revd Dr David J Hart, Mr Eric Watchman, the Revd Dr Martin Wellings

(17) Law and Polity Committee (SO 338)

The Secretary of the Conference: The Revd Dr Martyn D Atkins

The Secretary of the Committee: Mrs Louise C Wilkins

Mr Simon Birks, Mr David Booth, the Revd James A Booth, the Revd James Cruddas, Mr Graham Danbury, the Revd Jennifer M Dyer, Dr Robert Gaitskell QC, the Revd David Gamble, Mr David L Gibson, the Revd Dr Andrew Goodhead, Mr John C Hicks, Mrs Susan R Howdle, Mr D Lynn John, Mrs Nwabueze Nwokolo, Miss Elizabeth H Ovey, the Revd Gareth J Powell, Mr Richard Price, the Revd Keith A Reed, the Revd Colin A Smith, the Revd Kenneth E Street, the Revd James N Tebbutt, Mr David S Walton.

(18) Cliff College Committee (SO 341(1))

Mrs Lesley Barrick, the Revd Dr Christopher Blake, Mr David Brown, the Revd Rachel D Deigh (Chair), Mr Neil Fell, the Revd Prof James Grayson, Mr Stephen Judd, Ms Jude Levermore, Mr John Newton, the Revd Canon Yvonne Richmond, Dr Justin Thacker, the Revd Dr Mark H Wakelin

Governance/Connexional Representative: To be appointed by the Network Committee

(19) London Committee (SO 363)

Chair: The Revd Michaela A Youngson

Two representatives of the Beds, Essex, Herts District: The Revd Anne E Brown; Mr Bob Butcher

Two representatives of the London District: The Revd David J Gillman; vacancy

Two representatives of the South-East District: The Revd John Hellyer, Mr Colin Pearson

One representative of those circuits in Northampton/East Anglia Districts previously in the London North-East and London North-West Districts: Mr Peter Candlin

Treasurer: Mr Michael Allan

Finance Officer (non-member, in attendance) & Secretary: Mr Chris Linford

(20) Presbyteral and Diaconal Reinstatements Panel (SO 761(4))

The Council is asked to appoint the members of the Ministerial Candidates’ Selection Committee (which was appointed by the Conference) to act as the Reinstatements Panel under Standing Order 761(4) with the addition of the Revd John N Bates and Mrs Louise C Wilkins.

(21) One Mission Forum (SO 1001)

The Conference directed that the One Mission Forum be established from 1st September 2015, and work is underway to identify appropriate members of the Forum.

(22) British Methodist-Roman Catholic Dialogue Commission

The Revds Dr Neil G Richardson (Co-Chair), Dr David M Chapman (Co-Secretary), Christine M Howe, Dr Timothy S Macquiban, Neil A Stubbens, Peter G Sulston, Dr Martin Wellings, Dr Stephen D Wigley; Miss Rebecca Belshaw, Mr David Bradwell

(23) Ecumenical Stakeholders’ Forum [in addition to the ex-officio members)

Sister Eluned Williams (Chair), Mr Roy Crowder, Mr Michael P King, the Revds Dr David P Easton, Dr Ian D Morris, Richard J Teal, Dr Stephen D Wigley

(24) Finance Sub-Committee of the Strategy and Resources Committee

Mr Andrew G Gibbs (Chair), Mr Ted Awty, Mr Ian Farquhar, Miss Margaret Faulkner, Mr Malcolm Pearson, the Revd Stephen J Radford

(25) Joint Advisory Committee on the Ethics of Investment

The Revd John D Howard (Chair)*, Professor David Clough, Dr Brian Gennery, Ms Alison Jackson, Ms Rachel Lampard, Mr Chris Moorhouse, Mr Neville White (Secretary) (and seven members appointed by the Central Finance Board)

* this is a further appointment for a period of up to six years

(26) Methodist/United Reformed Church Interfaith Relations Group

The Revd Gareth Jones – Co-Chair, Mr Julian Bond, the Revd Pamela M Cram, the Revd Raymond G Gaston, the Revd Barbara C Glasson, the Revd Susan D Male, the Revd David Musgrave

(27) Methodist/United Reformed Church Liaison Group

The Revds Richard J Teal (Co-Chair), David C Gibson, Kavula J John, Neil A Stubbens; Mr Dudley Coates

(28) Pay and Grading Sub-Committee of the Strategy and Resources Committee

The Revd David Goodall (Chair), The Revd Sue Keegan von Allmen, Mrs Sue Jakeman, Mr Norman Mann, Mr Keith Webster

(29) The Prayer Handbook Resource Group

Chair: The Revd C Norman R Wallwork

Editor: Ms Primivera Quantril 

World Church Relationships Leader: Mr David Friswell

Publishing and Fundraising Team Leader: Ms Sarah Bennison

Marketing Coordinator: Ms Suzanne Johnson

Editor and Writer: Mr Ken Kingston

Learning and Development Officer: The Revd Inderjit S Bhogal

(30) Scrutiny Group (Senior Members of the Connexional Team)

Appointed by the Council to consider presbyteral and diaconal extensions which are its direct responsibility:

The Revd Loraine N Mellor, the Revd D Paul C Smith, Mr Eric Watchman


(31) Connexional Manse Trustees

Mr Reg Everest, the Revd Dr Stuart Jordan, Mr Cliff Lewer, Mr Peter A Mills, Mr Chris Osborn, Mrs Hilary Porter, Mr David Stabler, Mr Andrew Thorneley (Chair)

(32) Connexional Trustees for the Central Hall, Oldham Street, Manchester

The Revd David R Westhead, Mr Ronald W G Lucas (Chair), Ms Anne Goodman, Mr Nick Moore, Mr Philip Morrey

(33) Methodist Church Collection of Modern Christian Art - Trustees

The Revd Graham R Kent (Secretary), the Revd Geoff R Cornell, Mr Paul Bayley, Ms Meryl Doney, Dr John Gibbs (Chair and Treasurer), Ms Sarah Middleton, Professor Ann Sumner (Collection Custodian), Mr Bob Williams (Secretary, Friends Group) with Dr Peter Forsaith (Research Fellow Oxford Centre for Methodism and Church History) in attendance

(34) Methodist Church House Management Committee

The Revd Alan J Combes, Mr Andrew G Gibbs, Mr Barry Natton, Mr David A Quick, Prof Roy Swanston

(35) Queen Victoria Seamen's Rest Trustees

The Revds Stuart Jordan, Michael Long, Colonel (Rtd) Derek Bristow , Mrs Mathilda Small-Byam, Mr Peter George, Mr Ian Pattison, Ms Geraldine Pearce, Mr Philip Sheppard, Mr Terence Simco (Chair), Miss Jean Thomas, Mr Barry Vaughan, Mr Roy Wadeson

(36) Southlands Liaison Group (who are also Trustees of the Southlands Methodist Trust except for the Chaplain and the senior member of the academic staff)

Chair: The Revd Dr David G Deeks

Head of Southlands College: Dr Christopher Stephens

Chaplain of Southlands College: The Revd David A Innes

A Senior Member of Academic Staff based in Southlands College nominated by the University: Dr Paul Sutton

Representative of Richmond & Hounslow Circuit: Mr John Logan

Representative of District/Connexion: The Revd Jennifer A Impey (a Chair of the London District), Mr Dean Sutton, Mr Nigel Fairhurst (Treasurer), Miss Elizabeth H Ovey

Representative of the Connexional Team: Ms Jude Levermore

London regional coordinator of the DMLN: The Revd Dr Joanne H Cox-Darling


(37) Churches’ Legislation Advisory Service

The Revd Gareth J Powell; Mrs Louise C Wilkins

(38) Churches Ministerial Counselling Service Steering Group

Mr Tony Tidey, Ms Joy Scholes

(39) The Commission of the Covenanted Churches in Wales

The Revds Catherine Gale, Delyth A Liddell, Sister Eluned Williams

Alternate: The Revd Jennifer A Hurd

(40) The Free Churches Group

The Revd Neil A Stubbens, A Chair of District

(41)      Leys School Governors

            The Revds Julian M Pursehouse, Timothy A Swindell, Alison E Walker, Mrs Patricia Graves

(42) Prison Chaplaincy – Free Churches Oversight

The Revd Robert Wilson

(43) South East Institute for Theological Education (SEITE) Governing Body (Methodist Church Representative)

The Revd Jennifer A Impey

(44) Women’s World Day of Prayer National Committee for England, Wales and Northern Ireland

Dr Elizabeth Burroughs

Reasoned Statements

(The number in brackets refers to the committee number in the list.)

Mr Michael Allan (19) Chartered Accountant with 38 years experience in public practice.  Former Church, Circuit and District Treasurer.

Ms Amanda J Amor (3) Pensions Manager

The Revd Andrew M Baker (9) District Probationers’ Secretary for the South East District with experience of supervising probationers, mentoring candidates for ministry and chairing the Overseas Service Group.

Mr Timothy J Baker (4) Works as a Communications Officer for a grant-making charity. A Local Preacher, recently a member of the One Mission working party

The Revd Peter E Barber (15) Chair, Chester and Stoke District

Mrs Patricia M Bates (8) Former member of the Presbyteral Candidates Selection Committee with experience of ministry issues; member of the Queen’s Oversight Committee

The Revd Nicholas C Bentley (4) Superintendent in the Oldham and Saddleworth Circuit. Currently a senior project manager for BT. Wide experience both in finance and project management

The Revd Inderjit Bhogal (29) A member of staff of the Discipleship and Ministries learning network (Bristol and West Midlands Region)

Mr Julian Bond (26) Director, Christian Muslim Forum

The Revd Beverley D Boden (4) Minister in the Walsall Circuit; a qualified Chartered Accountant

Colonel (Rtd) Derek Bristow, Chief Executive and founder of the Federation of Merchant

OBE DL BA Chartered MCIPD (35) Mariners, Deputy Lieutenant for the County of Cambridgeshire and a former Engineer Officer in the Merchant Navy who served as a Police Officer for 29 years

The Revd Patricia A Brooks (4) Supernumerary minister who has experience of church fundraising and overseeing grant applications for continuing development in ministry grants for ministers in the district

Mr David Brown (18) Cliff College Student President 2014-15

Deacon Andrew Carter (1) Nominated by the Methodist Diaconal Order

Mrs Janice Clarke (14) Former Mission Partner and former Secretary of the World Federation of Methodist and Uniting Church Women

The Revd Olufemi R W Cole-Njie (15) Chair of the EDI Race Stakeholder Forum

The Revd Dr Joanne H Cox-Darling (36) London regional coordinator of the DMLN and an associate tutor at the Queen’s Foundation.

Mrs Jenny Easson (13) Extensive ecumenical engagement over many years; nominated by the Scotland District.

The Revd Anne Ellis (15) Chair of the EDI Gender Stakeholder Forum)

The Revd Raymond G Gaston (26) Interfaith Tutor at the Queen’s Foundation. Authorised presbyter.

The Revd Barbara Glasson (26) Team Leader, Touchstone Centre

Mrs Patricia Graves (41) Professional background in social and mental health care. Currently Church Steward at Wesley Methodist Church, Cambridge

Deacon Eleanor Griffin (7) Ordained in 2009 and has since served on a District Candidates’ Committee and as an accompanist for a student deacon

The Revd Graeme J Halls (6) Nominated by the Council as a link person between the Council and the trustees of All We Can

Dr Elizabeth Harris (4) Associate Professor in the Comparative Study of Religion at Liverpool Hope University, Moderator of the Inter Faith Theology Advisory Group of Churches Together in Britain and Ireland

The Revd Sonia M Hicks (7) Presbyter in the Thames Valley circuit and a member of the Queen’s Connexional Course Oversight Committee; has served in circuits in the MCCA and Ireland

The Revd Dr Jonathan R Hustler (7, 8, 9) Ministerial Coordinator for Oversight of Ordained Ministries

The Revd Jennifer A Hurd (8) Chair, Synod Cymru

Mr Samuel Hutchinson (14) Methodist Children and Youth Assembly

The Revd Dr John Illsley (4) 23 years presbyteral ministry in the UK and Hong Kong with 16 years’ experience as an accountant

Mrs Susan Johnson (4) A Local Preacher since 1987. Previously worked as Connexional Mission Education coordinator and most recently as Mission Development Enabler Darlington

Mr Michael P King (23) Representative to the Annual General Meeting and Senior Representatives’ Forum of Churches Together in Britain and Ireland

Mrs Vera Lacey-Krylova (4) Previously a Mission Partner in Antigua. Has experience of project management and strategic development in a range of international contexts.

Mr Martin Lougher, BSc (Hons) An experienced architect with extensive professional

B Arch (Wales), RIBA, ARB (12) experience working on private and public sector property projects and considerable experience of working on church conservation projects.

The Revd Dr Timothy S Macquiban (22) Director of the Methodist Ecumenical Office, Rome

Ms Irene McKay (15) Chair of the EDI Disability and Impairment Stakeholder Forum

Mr Leon A Murray (7) Past Vice-President. Currently serving as a member of the Queen’s Foundation Local Oversight Committee

The Revd Francis Nabieu (4) Presbyter in the York Circuit; originally from the Methodist Church Sierra Leone Conference, served 11 years as President

The Revd Gillian M Newton (9) Chair of the Sheffield District

Mr David Nixon (6) Convenor of the Methodist Church in Ireland's World Mission and Development Office

Mr Chris Osborn (31) Link Trustee for the Birmingham and Warwickshire manses; he is retired and provides sound systems to churches

Deacon Andrew C Packer (9) Experience of serving on groups including the Diaconal Candidates’ Selection Committee, a Pastoral Oversight Committee for students and a District Vocations Selection Committee; has also acted as a mentor to diaconal probationers

Ms Geraldine Pearce (4) Circuit Manager of Sheffield Circuit and member of LEP; experienced project manager in voluntary and charity sectors including the Red Cross

The Revd Stephen J Poxon (15) Presbyter in the New River Circuit, past President of the Conference, former Chair of the Lancashire District. Also former Chair of the World Church Committee, and Secretary of the Methodist Missionary Society.

The Revd Julian M Pursehouse (41) Chair of East Anglia District

The Revd Lisa Quarmby (7) Currently serving as District Probationers’ Secretary for the Darlington District

The Revd Barbara T Routley (15) Chair of the EDI Sexual Orientation Stakeholder Forum

Mr David Stabler (31) Link Trustee for the manses in Birtley, Durham and Middlesbrough. His background is in Methodism from Newcastle on Tyne, holding office at Church, Circuit and District level.

Mr Doug Swanney (15) Connexional Secretary

The Revd Richard J Teal (23) Representative to Churches Together in England Enabling Group

Dr Justin Thacker (18) Cliff College Academic Dean and BA Theology Programme Leader

Ms Megan Thomas (15) Youth President

Deacon Annie Trembling (9) Serves on the Wolverhampton and Shrewsbury District Candidates’ Committee and as a diaconal accompanist; currently serves on the Queen’s Connexional Course Oversight Committee as a student accompanist

Dr Val Turner (15) Nominated by the Methodist Council to serve on the EDI Committee

The Revd Alison E Walker (41) Presbyter in the Cambridge Circuit and has eleven years experience in ministry and three years as Lay Chaplain to International Students (HE); has been involved with children and young people in Sunday School, holiday clubs and residential camps

Mr Eric Watchman (30) Brings experience of appointments and interviews in a university context to appointment procedures at Circuit and District level

Mr Ian White (11) Representative of the Council on the Network Committee

The Revd Michaela Youngson (19) Chair, London District


|Committee |SO |Number on list |

|All We Can (MRDF) Committee |SO 245 |6 |

|Authorisations Committee |SO 011 |1 |

|British Methodist-Roman Catholic Dialogue Commission | |22 |

|Candidates’ Appeals Committee |SO 326A |10 |

|Churches’ Legislation Advisory Service | |37 |

|Churches Ministerial Counselling Service Steering Group | |38 |

|Cliff College Committee |SO 341(1) |18 |

|Commission of the Covenanted Churches in Wales | |39 |

|Connexional Allowances Committee |SO 212(4) |2 |

|Connexional Grants Committee |SO 213B |4 |

|Connexional Manse Trustees | |31 |

|Connexional Trustees for the Central Hall, Manchester | |32 |

|Diaconal Candidates and Probationers Oversight Committee |SO 326 |9 |

|Ecumenical Stakeholders’ Forum | |23 |

|Equality Diversity and Inclusion Committee |SO 336 |15 |

|Finance Sub-Committee of the SRC | |24 |

|Free Churches Group | |40 |

|Joint Advisory Committee on the Ethics of Investment | |25 |

|Law and Polity Committee |SO 338 |17 |

|Leys School Governors | |41 |

|Listed Buildings Advisory Committee |SO 332 |12 |

|London Committee |SO 363 |19 |

|Medical Committee |SO 212(5) |3 |

|Methodist-Anglican Panel for Unity in Mission |SO 334 |13 |

|Methodist Church Collection of Modern Christian Art – Trustees | |33 |

|Methodist Church House Management Committee | |34 |

|Methodist Heritage Committee |SO 337 |16 |

|Methodist/URC Interfaith Relations Group | |26 |

|Methodist/URC Liaison Group | |27 |

|Network Committee of the DMLN |SO 32A3 |11 |

|North Bank Estate Trustees | |35 |

|One Mission Forum |SO 1001 |21 |

|Pay and Grading Sub-Committee of the SRC | |28 |

|Prayer Handbook Resource Group | |29 |

|Presbyteral and Diaconal Reinstatements Panel |SO 761(4) |20 |

|Presbyteral Candidates and Probationers Oversight Committee |SO 321 |7 |

|Prison Chaplaincy – Free Churches Oversight | |42 |

|Queen Victoria Seamen’s Rest Trustees | |35 |

|Safeguarding Advisory Panel |SO 232(1) |5 |

|Scrutiny Group (Senior Members of the Connexional Team) | |30 |

|South East Institute for Theological Education | |43 |

|Southlands Liaison Group | |36 |

|Stationing Advisory Committee |SO 323 |8 |

|World Methodist Committee |SO 335 |14 |

|Women's World Day of Prayer National Committee for England, Wales and Northern Ireland | |44 |


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