Western Oregon University


Robert S. Turner, Jr.

Biology Dept., Division of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Western Oregon University, Monmouth,

OR 97361, (503) 838-8224 turnerr@wou.edu


June, 1992 Introducing Recombinant DNA Technology into the Undergraduate Curriculum

National Science Foundation Training Program, Univ. of Wisconsin at LaCrosse

LaCrosse, Wisconsin

Nov., 1987 AIDS Trainers' Program for AIDS Educators,

AIDS Division of Oregon State Health Dept., Eugene, Oregon

Sept. 1971, Ph.D. Developmental Biology with Dr. Philip Grant,

University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon

Summers of 1968-70 Student (1968) and Course Assistant (1969 & 1970)

Marine Embryology Course, Marine Biological Laboratory

Woods Hole, Massachusetts

June 1964, B.S. Biology, Seattle University

Seattle, Washington


July, 2006- present Associate Professor , Biology Dept, Western Oregon University

Jan-June, 2006 Visiting Professor, Biology Dept, University of Miami, Miami, FL (WOU sabbatical)

June-Dec, 2005 Interim Dean, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences

1999-2005 Director, Honors Program

1991-1994 Coordinator, Biology Department

1989-Present Associate Professor

1986-1989 Assistant Professor,.Biology Dept., Div. of Natural Sciences and Mathematics,Western

Oregon University, Monmouth, OR 97361

1986 Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Cell Biology and Anatomy,School of

Medicine, Oregon Health Sciences Univ.

3181 S.W. Sam Jackson Park Rd., Portland, OR

1985-86 Part-time Instructor, Natural Science Department, Clackamas Community College, 19600 S. Molalla Avenue, Oregon City, OR 97045

1984-85 Research Associate for Dr. Stuart Burstin, Brockton V.A. Medical Center, Brockton, MA 1975-83 Assistant Professor, Biology Department, Wesleyan University, Middletown, CT 06457

1974-75 Postdoctoral Fellow with Dr. Robert G. ,Department of Biological Chemistry, Harvard University Medical School,Boston, MA

1971-74 Postdoctoral Fellow with Dr. Max M. Burger, Biochemistry Department, University of

Basel, Switzerland (1972-4),Biological Sciences ,Princeton, Princeton, NJ (1971-2)

Administrative Assignments at Western Oregon University 3 Major Assignments

Interim Dean, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, June-Dec, 2005

Director, Honors Program, 1999-2005

Chair, Biology Department, 1991-1994

Instructional Assignments

at Western Oregon University

BI101, BI102, BI103:General Biology BI211, BI212:Principles of Biology

BI326: Embryology BI341: Genetics BI388: Cell Biology

BI407: Biology of Aids BI432: Immunology BI407: Cancer Biology

BI475: Molecular Biology CH450: Biochemistry BI211X: BioExcel

at Oregon Health Sciences University

Human Embryology

at Wesleyan University

Introductory Biology Embryology Membrane Biophysics

advisor for 6 undergraduate and 4 Ph.D. theses

Other Representative Collegiate Assignments at Western Oregon University (12 unlisted Assignments)

Interinstitutional Faculty Senate, 2000 – 2005; Vice President - 2004 President - 2005

Director, Honors Program, 1999 – 2005

Search Committees: University President, 2001-2, Provost, 2003-4, 3 others

Grants and Awards

PLTL Subgrant

2004-5 Extension of the PLTL Model from the Three Term First Year Biology Sequence for Science Majors to Biology and Earth Science Courses for nonScience Majors

PLTL Subgrant with Dr. Karen Haberman

2000-1 Application of the PLTL Model to Content Mastery and Retention of Students in Three

Term First Year Biology Sequence for Science Majors

John Templeton Foundation - with Dr. Dale Cannon, Philosophy Department

1998-99: to support interdisciplinary Junior Honors Seminar "Science and Religion”

Oregon Collaborative for Excellence in Teacher Preparation:

1999-2000: Faculty Fellow - Applying the MathExcel Model to Improve Retention of Potential

Science Teachers in the First Term Biology Course

1997-99: Faculty Mentor: Reforming the Teaching of Entry Level Science for Nonscience Majors

Oregon State System of Higher Education Faculty Productivity Grant:

1994-95: Oregon State System of Higher Education Faculty Productivity Grant: Reforming the

Teaching of Entry Level Science for Nonscience Majors

Faculty Development Grants:

1999-2005: 10 different grants from Western Oregon University Faculty Development Fund in support of undergraduate research in Biology; 2004-5 grant to support Cary Costa’s research on “Effect of Maintenance in Polluted Water on Phagocytic Activity of Fish Spleen Cells”

Recent Publications and Presentations

Brooks, Jana, Galvan, Irja, and Turner, Robert S., Jr., “Methods to Study the Living Immune System Cell Function in High School Biology Laboratories” Proc. OR Acad. Sci.XXXX (2003) poster

Zimmerman, Sheri and Turner, Bob “Peer Led Teaching and Learning Workshops in Biology at Western Oregon University: The Four Term Experience” Proc. OR Acad. Sci.XXXIX (2002). abstract

Turner, Robert S., Jr., “Peer Led Teaching and Learning Workshops in Biology at Western Oregon University: The First Term’s Experience” ” Proc. OR Acad. Sci.XXXVII, (2001). abstract

Turner, Bob "No More Lectures" invited presentation in IMPROVING COLLEGE BIOLOGY  EDUCATION symposium at meeting of Pacific Div., AAAS, Corvallis, OR, June, 1997

Turner, Bob "Nontraditional, No Lecture Presentation of College Biology to Nonscience Majors." Proc. Pacific Div., AAAS, v.16, p. 65 (1997) abstract

Turner, Bob "Assessment of Performance and Attitudes of Nonscience Majors Enrolled in a Nontraditional, No Lecture College Biology Course." Proc. Pacific Div., AAAS, v.16, p. 65 (1997) abstract

Research Projects and Scholarly Activities

Extension of the PLTL Model from the Three Term First Year Biology Sequence for Science Majors

to Biology and Earth Science Courses for nonScience Majors

Effects of Water from Degraded Environments on Functions of Fish Immune Systems Cells

Application and Analysis of Effectiveness of PLTL to Content Mastery and Retention of Students in

Three Term First Year Biology Course Sequence for Science Majors, 2000-present

Applying the MathExcel Model to Improve Retention of Potential Science Teachers in the First

Term Biology Course 1998-1999


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