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Dr. R. Sreedhara, MD, FACP

American Board Certified In Internal Medicine & Nephrology

Associate Professor of Nephrology, Institute of Nephro-Urology, Bangalore

Formerly Associate Professor of Clinical Medicine at State University of New York Health Sciences Center at Brooklyn, New York, USA

Consultant Nephrologist, Wockhardt Hospital & The Bangalore Hospital, Bangalore


139, 32nd Cross, 11th Main Mobile: +91 (80) 98801 50813

Jayanagar 4th Block East Hospital: +91 (80) 6621 4120

Bangalore 560011, India e-mail: rsreedhara@

|education |

|College |The National College, Bangalore, India. Fourth Rank in the State among 117,000 students. |

|1979-81 | |

| | |

|Medicine |Mysore Medical College, University of Mysore, India. Passed in First Class. Seventh Rank in the University. Degree: MBBS|

|1981-86 | |

|POST-GRADUATE qualifications |

|1991 |Diplomate in Internal Medicine, American Board of Internal Medicine. |

| |Diplomate in Nephrology, American Board of Internal Medicine. |

|1994 | |

| |Re-Certification in American Board of Internal Medicine & Nephrology. |

|2004 | |

|Clinical Training |

|1986-87 |Rotating Internship, K.R. & Combined Hospitals, Mysore, India. |

| |Residency in Internal Medicine, Georgetown Department of Medicine at the District of Columbia General Hospital, Washington|

|1988-91 |DC. |

| |Nephrology Fellowship, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, Nashville, Tennessee, USA. |

|1991-94 | |

|Academic Appointment |

|1999-2002 |Associate Professor of Clinical Medicine, State University of New York at Brooklyn Health Sciences Center, Brooklyn, New |

| |York, USA. |

| | |

|2007 – |Associate Professor of Nephrology, Institute of Nephro-Urology, Bangalore. |

|research Appointment |

|2002-2004 |Medical Director, Outcomes Research International, Inc., Florida. |

|2004-current |Medical Director, Outcomes Clinical Research India, Bangalore. |

|Teaching Experience |

| | |

|1994-2000 |Third and Fourth Year Medical Students from State University of New York at Brooklyn, New York & St. George’s Medical |

| |School rotating through the Long Island College Hospital. |

| | |

| |Residents and Nephrology Fellows at the Long Island College Hospital: Teaching Rounds, Patient Management Rounds, |

| |House-staff conferences, Internal Medicine Board Review. |

|2004-2006 | |

|2007 – |Research Advisor for Nephrology fellows, Internal Medicine residents and Medical students in the Division of Nephrology |

| |and in the Department of Internal Medicine at the Long Island College Hospital. |

| | |

| |Visiting faculty for the DNB program in Nephrology at NU Trust, Bangalore. |

| | |

| |Associate Professor, Institute of Nephro-Urology, Bangalore. |

|Medical practice |

| | |

|1994 – 2000 |Practiced at a very large dialysis center based at the Division of Nephrology, Department of Internal Medicine at the Long|

| |Island College Hospital, New York encompassing more than 1000 dialysis patients at any given time including 100 peritoneal|

| |dialysis patients. It is one of the largest and longest running dialysis programs in the United States. |

| | |

| |Practiced at a large Nephrology practice in Florida, affiliated with the busiest cardiovascular surgical program in state |

|2000 – 2003 |of Florida. |

| | |

| |Consultant Nephrologist, Bangalore, India. |

|2003 – |Wockhardt Hospital, The Bangalore Hospital, and Sagar Apollo Hospital. |

|Additional clinical training |

| | |

|2002 |Transplantation Mini-fellowship, Life Link Transplant Institute, Tampa, Florida. |

|2003 |Y-Tec Peritonioscopic PD catheter implantation, Lafeyette, Indiana. |

|2003 |Renal Ultrasound Course, NKF Spring Clinical Meeting, Dallas, Texas. |

|Medical Licenses |

| | |

|1987 |Karnataka, India, No. 25932 |

|1990 |Maryland, USA, No. D40572 |

|1991 |Tennessee, USA, No. MD021984 |

|1995 |New York, USA, No. 201322 |

|2000 |Florida, USA, No. ME80037 |

|Professional memberships |

| | |

|1988 – 2003 |American Society of Internal Medicine. |

|1989 – 2003 |American College of Physicians. |

|1992 – 2004 |National Kidney Foundation, USA. |

|1993 – 2004 |American Society of Nephrology. |

|1994 – |International Society of Nephrology. |

|2003 – |Association of Physicians of India-Karnataka chapter |

|2004 – |Indian Society of Nephrology-Southern Chapter |

|2006 – |Indian Medical Association |

|2008 – |Indian Society of Nephrology |

|Additional professional activities |

| | |

|1994 – |Manuscript Reviewer, Kidney International. |

|1995 |Abstract reviewer, 28th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Nephrology. |

|1996 – |Manuscript Reviewer, American Journal of Kidney Diseases. |

|1996 – 2000 |Member, Institutional Review Board, The Long Island College Hospital. |

|1997 – 2000 |Vice Chairman, Institutional Review Board, The Long Island College Hospital. |

|2001 – 2004 |Medical Director, Outcomes Research International, Inc. |

|2004 – |Medical Director, Outcomes Clinical Research India, Bangalore. |

|2004 – 2007 |Member, Ethics Committee, Clinigene, Bangalore, India. |

|2006 – |Member, Independent Ethics Committee Consultants, Bangalore, India. |

|Research Experience (IN CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER) |

| | |

|1992 – 94 |Recipient of Research Fellowship Award from the National Kidney Foundation, USA. Mentor: Raymond M Hakim, MD, PhD. |

| |Professor of Medicine, Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville, TN. The topics of interest during the research |

| |fellowship years included: |

| |Study of uremic platelet dysfunction using a novel device to measure shear-induced platelet aggregation and calcium flux; |

| |flow-cytometry to study platelet surface receptors involved in platelet aggregation; effect of hemodialysis procedure and |

| |dialyzer membrane on platelet function in uremic patients. |

| | |

| |Study of elastin peptide levels in hemodialysis patients to understand the effects of membrane biocompatibility on elastin|

| |metabolism in uremia. |

| | |

| |Study the mechanism(s) of decreased erythrocyte survival in uremia. Study the effects of membrane attack complex (C5b-9) |

| |on the fragility of erythrocyte and the effects of various dialysis membranes. |

| | |

| |Predictors of survival in end-stage renal disease. Effects of dialysis dose, nutritional indices and demographic variables|

| |on patient survival in hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis. |

| | |

|1994 – 2000 |Lipoprotein(a) levels in CAPD and HD patients and its relationship with cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. |

| | |

| |Co-Principal Investigator, Normal Hematocrit Cardiac Study (sponsored by AMGEN). Protocol No. EPO-930107. Multi-center |

|1994 – 2000 |Phase III clinical trial to determine the effects of normal versus anemic hematocrit in hemodialysis patients with cardiac|

| |disease. |

| | |

|1996 |Co-Principal Investigator, Pimagedine Study (sponsored by Alteon, Inc., Ramsey, NJ). Protocol No. 201228-PR0014. |

| |Multi-center Phase II & Phase III placebo-controlled safety and efficacy study of Pimagedine in Diabetic Patients with |

| |ESRD on Hemodialysis. |

| | |

|1996 – 99 |Co-Principal Investigator, Losartan Renal Study (RENAAL) (sponsored by Merck & Co., Inc.). Protocol No. 147-00. |

| |Multi-center, double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study to evaluate the renal protective effects of Losartan in |

| |patients with non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus and nephropathy. |

| | |

|1996 – 2001 |Co-Principal Investigator, Iron Deficient Erythropoiesis and effectiveness of Iron therapy in ESRD patients treated with |

| |rHuEPO: Analysis of reticulocyte hemoglobin content (CHr) (sponsored by Bayer Diagnostics). |

| | |

| |Principal Investigator, Evaluation of CHr in Anemia Management in PD. |

| |Adequacy in Peritoneal Dialysis: Effects of residual renal function and delivered creatinine clearance on patient |

|1996 – 2000 |morbidity and mortality. |

| | |

| |Principal Investigator. An open label, randomized study of Novel Erythropoiesis Stimulating Protein and recombinant human |

| |erythropoietin for the treatment of anemia in patients with end-stage renal disease receiving dialysis (Phase II study, |

|1997 – 2000 |Protocol No. 980211, sponsored by AMGEN) |

|1998 – 2000 | |

| |Principal Investigator. A randomized study comparing the efficacy of once weekly versus 3 times weekly administration of |

| |Intravenous Novel Erythropoiesis stimulating protein to subjects with end-stage renal disease receiving hemodialysis |

|1999 |(Phase III study, Protocol No. 990773, sponsored by AMGEN) |

| | |

| |Principal Investigator. A randomized study comparing the efficacy of once weekly versus 3 times weekly administration of |

| |Subcutaneous Novel Erythropoiesis stimulating protein to subjects with end-stage renal disease receiving hemodialysis |

| |(Phase III study, Protocol No. 990787, sponsored by AMGEN) |

|2000 | |

| |Co-Principal Investigator. A randomized, double blind, parallel group evaluation of usual care plus Cerivastatin 0.4 mg |

| |once daily compared with usual care (placebo) alone in patients with end-stage renal disease new to hemodialysis: |

| |Cerivastatin Heart Outcomes in Renal disease: Understanding Survival. (CHORUS Study No. 100253, sponsored by BAYER, Inc.) |

| | |

|2000 |Co-Principal Investigator. Study of Lanthanum carbonate as a phosphate binder in chronic hemodialysis patients. |

| | |

| |Principal Investigator. A Phase 3 Study to Assess the Efficacy and Safety of an Oral Calcimimetic Agent (AMG 073) in |

| |Secondary Hyperparathyroidism of End Stage Renal Disease Treated with Hemodialysis (Protocol number 20000172, sponsored by|

| |AMGEN). (Published: Block GA et al. N Engl J Med 2004: 350; 1516-25) |

|2000 – 2001 | |

| |Principal Investigator. A Randomized Double-blind, Placebo-controlled Study to Assess the Safety and Efficacy of a |

| |Calcimimetic Agent (AMG 073) in Subjects with Secondary Hyperparathyroidism of Chronic Renal Insufficiency (Phase 2 study,|

| |Protocol number 20010239, sponsored by AMGEN). (Published: Charytan C, et al: Cinacalcet hydrochloride is an effective |

| |treatment for secondary hyperparathyroidism in patients with CKD not receiving dialysis. Am J Kidney Dis 46:58-67, 2005) |

| | |

|2001 – 2002 |Principal Investigator. A Placebo-controlled-, Double-blind, Extension Study to Assess the Long-term Safety of an Oral |

| |Calcimimetic Agent (AMG 073) in Secondary Hyperparathyroidism of End-stage Renal Disease (Phase 3 study, Protocol number |

| |20010240, sponsored by AMGEN). |

|2001 – 2003 | |

| |Prospective evaluation and management of diabetes, hypertension and proteinuria in a rural population (25,000) in |

| |Karnataka with special interest to minimize end-organ damage. |

| | |

| |Investigation of Adequacy, Nutritional & Peritoneal transport Characteristics in Indian Peritoneal Dialysis Patients: |

|2002 – 2003 |Indian Adequacy Study Group. (Sponsored Baxter International) |

| | |

| |Screening and Early Evaluation of Kidney Disease Project (SEEK). A prospective multicenter project to gather data |

| |regarding chronic kidney disease (CKD) in India in collaboration with Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA. |

| | |

| |An open-label prospective study to evaluate the efficacy and safety of rHuEPO (Biocon) in patients either on dialysis or |

| |non-dialysis for the management of anemia of chronic kidney disease. Sponsored by Biocon, Bangalore, India. |

|2002 – 2003 | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|2003 – | |

|ongoing | |

| | |

|2003 – 2004 | |

| | |

| | |

|2005 – | |

|ongoing | |

| | |

| | |

|2005 – 2006 | |

| | |


|1993 – 95 |National Kidney Foundation of USA (Research Fellowship Award). |

|1996 |National Kidney Foundation of NY/NJ (Young Investigator Award). |

|1997 |National Kidney Foundation of NY/NJ (Young Investigator Award). |

|Publications |

| |Journal Articles |

| |Sreedhara R, Himmelfarb J, Lazarus JM, Hakim RM. Antiplatelet therapy in graft thrombosis: Results of a prospective, randomized, double |

| |blind study. Kidney Int 1994;45:1477-83 |

| | |

| |Sreedhara R, Itagaki I, Lynn B, Hakim RM. Defective platelet aggregation in uremia is transiently worsened by hemodialysis. Am J Kidney Dis|

| |1995;25:555-563 |

| | |

| |Sreedhara R, Itagaki I, Hakim RM. Uremic patients have decreased shear-induced platelet aggregation mediated by decreased GP IIb-IIIa |

| |receptors. Am J Kidney Dis 1996;27:355-364 |

| | |

| |Avram MM, Sreedhara R, Patel N, Chattopadhyay J, Thu T, Fein PA. Is an elevated level of serum lipoprotein (a) a risk factor for |

| |cardiovascular disease in CAPD patients? Adv Perit Dial 1996;12:266-271 |

| | |

| |Avram MM, Bonomini LV, Sreedhara R, Mittman N. Predictive Value of Nutritional Markers (Albumin, Creatinine, Cholesterol and Hematocrit) |

| |for Patients on Dialysis for up to 30 Years. Am J Kidney Dis 1996;28:910-917 |

| | |

| |Avram MM, Sreedhara R, Avram DK, Muchnick RA, Fein P.. Enrollment Parathyroid Hormone Level is a New Marker of Survival in Hemodialysis and|

| |Peritoneal Dialysis Therapy for Uremia. Am J Kidney Dis 1996;28:924-930 |

| | |

| |Sreedhara R, Avram MM, Blanco M, Batish R, Mittman N. Pre-albumin is the Best Nutritional Predictor of Survival in Dialysis. Am J Kidney |

| |Dis 1996;28:937-942 |

| | |

| |Mittman N, Sreedhara R, Mushnick R, Chattopadhyay J, Zelmonovic D, Vaseghi M, Avram MM. Reticulocyte hemoglobin content predicts functional|

| |iron deficiency in hemodialysis patients receiving rHuEPO. Am J Kidney Dis 1997;30:912-922 |

| | |

| |Ismail N, Sreedhara R. Ischemic Renal Disease (Review). J Med Liban. 1998 Jan-Feb;46(1):29-35. |

| | |

| |Avram MM, Sreedhara R, Mittman N: Long term survival in end-stage renal disease. Dial Transplant 1998;27:11-21 |

| | |

| |Avram MM, Sreedhara R, Chattopadhyay J. Dialysis in Diabetic Patients: Three Decades of Experience, from 1964 to 1997, Nephrol Dial |

| |Transplant 1998. |

| | |

| |Sreedhara R. Characteristics of peritonitis in HIV-positive PD patients. Semin Dial. 2000 Sep-Oct; 13(5):338. |

| | |

| |Avram MM, Sreedhara R, Fein PA, Oo KK, Chattopadhyay J, Mittman N. Survival on hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis over twelve years with |

| |emphasis on nutritional parameters. Am J Kidney Dis, S-77-81, 2001. |

| | |

| |Antithrombotic Trialists’ Collaboration. Prevention of death, myocardial infarction and stroke by antiplatelet therapy: Collaborative |

| |meta-analysis of 266 trials involving 200,000 patients at high risk of occlusive vascular events. BMJ 2001. |

| |Book Chapter |

| |1. Avram MM, Sreedhara R: Morbidity and Mortality in Hemodialysis in Textbook of Nephrology editors: Massry and Glassock, Fourth Edition, |

| |pages 1505-1519, publisher Williams & Wilkins, New York, 2001. |


| |Block GA, et al. Cinacalcet for Secondary Hyperparathyroidism in Patients Receiving Hemodialysis. N Engl J Med 2004;350:1516-25. |

| |Charytan C, et al. Cinacalcet Hydrochloride is an Effective Treatment for Secondary Hyperparathyroidism in Patients with CKD Not Receiving |

| |Dialysis. Am J Kidney Dis 2005;46:58-67 |

| |Achieving NKF-K/DOQITM bone metabolism and disease treatment goals with Cinacalcet HCl. Moe SM et al. Kidney Int 2005;67:760–771 |

| | |

| | |

| |Abstracts |

| |Sreedhara R, Himmelfarb J, Lazarus JM, Hakim RM. Antiplatelet Therapy in expanded polytetrafluoroethylene graft thrombosis: Results of a |

| |randomized double blind study. J Am Soc Nephrol 1993;4:388 |

| | |

| |Sreedhara R, Itagaki I, Hakim RM. Defective platelet aggregation in uremia is transiently worsened by hemodialysis. J Am Soc Nephrol |

| |1993;4:388 |

| | |

| |Sreedhara R, Davidson JM, Himmelfarb J, McMonagle E, Hakim RM. Dialysis patients have high concentrations of elastin peptides which are |

| |influenced by membrane biocompatibility. J Am Soc Nephrol 1993;4:388 |

| | |

| |Sreedhara R, Itagaki I, Hakim RM. Decreased platelet aggregation in renal failure may be mediated by decrease in platelet surface receptors|

| |involved in aggregation. J Am Soc Nephrol 1993;4:432 |

| | |

| |Sreedhara R, Itagaki I, Hakim RM. Shear-induced platelet aggregation in Uremia. Proceedings of AAMI Cardiovascular Science and Technology |

| |Conference, Dec, 1993 |

| | |

| |Sreedhara R, Avram MM, Fein P, Javed M, Mittman N. CAPD patients with cardiovascular disease have increased Lp(a) levels which may be |

| |associated with decreased survival. J Am Soc Nephrol 1995;6:588 |

| | |

| |Mittman N, Avram MM, Castanares A, Oo K, Licht J, Sreedhara R. Severe Neuropathy predicts mortality in non-diabetic hemodialysis patients. |

| |J Am Soc Nephrol 1995;6:552 |

| | |

| |Mittman N, Avram MM, Loutoby R, Sreedhara R. Association of serum bicarbonate to survival in hemodialysis: a non-linear relationship. J Am|

| |Soc Nephrol 1995;6:552 |

| | |

| |Mittman N, Avram MM, Bonomini L, Oo K, Licht J, Sreedhara R. Hemodialysis treatment dose is an independent determinant of seven year |

| |survival. J Am Soc Nephrol 1995;6:610 |

| | |

| |Zafar S, Jorden A, Fein PA, Sreedhara R, Avram MM, Chattopadhyay J. Is elevated Lp(a) a risk factor for cardiovascular disease in CAPD |

| |patients ? 16th Annual Conference on Peritoneal Dialysis, Seattle, Feb 21-23, 1996. Perit Dial Int 1996;16:S63 |

| | |

| |Patel N, Thu T, Fein PA, Sreedhara R, Genabe MI, Avram MM. Importance of demographic and nutritional markers as predictors of long-term |

| |mortality risk in peritoneal dialysis patients. Perit Dial Int 1996;16:S29 |

| | |

| |Avram MM, Mittman N, Patel N, Chattopadhyay J, Sreedhara R. Predictors of long-term survival in hemodialysis: Eight years of prospective |

| |follow-up. ASAIO, May 2-4, Washington DC. ASAIO J 1996;42:80 |

| | |

| |Mittman N, Avram MM, Oo K, Licht J, Sreedhara R. Severe neuropathy and urea reduction ratio independently predict mortality in non-diabetic|

| |hemodialysis patients. ASAIO J 1996;42:80 |

| | |

| |Patel N, Avram MM, Mittman N, Sreedhara R. Predictors of long-term survival in hemodialysis: Eight years of prospective follow-up. NKF |

| |fifth annual Spring Clinical Nephrology meeting, Anheim, CA April 25-28, 1996 |

| | |

| |Avram MM, Patel N, Mittman N, Sreedhara R. Predictors o long term survival in Hemodialysis. Eight years of prospective follow-up. EDTA 33rd|

| |Congress of the European Renal Association/EDTA, June 18-21, 1996, Amsterdam |

| | |

| |Avram MM, Sreedhara R, Batish R, Chattopadhyay J, Mittman N. Characteristics of Very Long-term Survivors on Hemodialysis; Survival up to 30|

| |Years. J Am Soc Nephrol 1996;7:1437 |

| |Sreedhara R, Avram MM, Patel N, Ganzon R, Chattopadhyay J, Fein PA. Correlates of Very Long Term Survival in Peritoneal Dialysis Patients. |

| |J Am Soc Nephrol 1996;7:1465 |

| | |

| |Avram MM, Sreedhara R, Fein PA, Mittman N. Prealbumin Is the Single Best Indicator of Nutritional Status and Prognosis in Dialysis |

| |Patients. J Am Soc Nephrol 1996;7:1437 |

| |Avram MM, Sreedhara R, Ukiomogbe C, Thu T, Mittman N. Serum Intact Parathyroid Hormone Is a New Independent Predictor of Mortality in |

| |Hemodialysis Patients. J Am Soc Nephrol 1996;7:1438 |

| | |

| |Sreedhara R, Avram MM, Fein PA, Batish R, Chattopadhyay J, Mittman N. Enrollment Serum Intact Parathyroid Hormone Independently Predicts |

| |Mortality in Peritoneal Dialysis Patients. J Am Soc Nephrol 1996;7:1464 |

| | |

| |Mittman N, Avram MM, Thu T, Oo K, Bonomini L, Sreedhara R. Predictors of mortality in hemodialysis: Analysis of serial data over six years.|

| |J Am Soc Nephrol 1996;7:1523 |

| | |

| |Mittman N, Avram MM, Blanco M, Ganzon R, Sreedhara R. Severe Sensory Neuropathy and urea reduction ratio independently predict mortality in|

| |non-diabetic hemodialysis patients. J Am Soc Nephrol 1996;7:1458 |

| | |

| |Avram MM, Sreedhara R, Fein PA, Mittman N. Prealbumin is the single best indicator of nutritional status in hemodialysis. 8th International|

| |Congress on Nutrition and Metabolism in Renal Disease. Naples, Italy, October 9- 12, 1996. |

| | |

| |Avram MM, Sreedhara R, Chattopadhyay J, Mittman N. Serum intact PTH is a new independent predictor of mortality in Hemodialysis patients. |

| |8th International Congress on Nutrition and Metabolism in Renal Disease. Naples, Italy, October 9- 12, 1996. |

| | |

| |Avram MM, Sreedhara R, Chattopadhyay J, Mittman N. Characteristics of survival up to 30 years on hemodialysis. 8th International Congress |

| |on Nutrition and Metabolism in Renal Disease. Naples, Italy, October 9- 12, 1996. |

| | |

| |Ramaswamy CR, Fein PA, Avram D, Chattopadhyay J, Sreedhara R, Avram MM. Incidence and spectrum of Peritonitis in HIV Positive Peritoneal |

| |Dialysis Patients. 17th Annual Conference on Peritoneal Dialysis, Denver, Feb 16-18, 1997 |

| | |

| |Fein PA, Sreedhara R, Mittman N, Thu T, Avram MM. Characteristics of Long Term Survivors on Peritoneal Dialysis. 17th Annual Conference on |

| |Peritoneal Dialysis. |

| | |

| |Avram MM, Fein PA, Sreedhara R, Batish R, Avram D, Mittman N. Enrollment intact parathyroid hormone, a new important marker for survival in|

| |Peritoneal Dialysis. 17th Annual Conference on Peritoneal Dialysis. |

| | |

| |Avram MM, Fein PA, Blanco M, Sreedhara R, Mittman N. Prealbumin, an important predictor for survival and nutritional status in Peritoneal |

| |Dialysis. 17th Annual Conference on Peritoneal Dialysis. |

| | |

| |Blanco M, Avram MM, Mittman N, Sreedhara R. Importance of Prealbumin as Predictor of Survival in dialysis Patients. The National Kidney |

| |Foundation, Sixth Annual Spring Clinical Nephrology Meetings, Dallas, TX, CA April 17-20, 1997. |

| | |

| |Avram MM, Sreedhara R, Mittman N. Prealbumin is a strong predictor of nutritional risk and five year mortality in dialysis patients. ASAIO |

| |J 1997;26:77 |

| | |

| |Avram MM, Sreedhara R, Mittman N. Enrollment serum intact parathyroid hormone is a new marker for survival in hemodialysis patients. ASAIO |

| |J 1997;26:78 |

| | |

| |Avram MM, Sreedhara R, Batish R, Mushnick R, Mittman N. Survival of hemodialysis up to 30 years: Characteristics and biochemical |

| |profile.14th International Congress of Nephrology, Sydney, Australia, May 25-29, 1997. |

| | |

| |Avram MM, Sreedhara R, Thu T, Mushnick R, Mittman N. Enrollment serum Intact Parathyroid Hormone, is a new marker for survival in |

| |hemodialysis patients.14th International Congress of Nephrology, Sydney, Australia, May 25-29, 1997. |

| | |

| |Avram MM, Sreedhara R, Fein PA, Mushnick R, Mittman N. Prealbumin is a strong predictor of nutritional risk and five year mortality in |

| |dialysis patients.14th International Congress of Nephrology, Sydney, Australia, May 25-29, 1997. |

| | |

| |Sreedhara R, Mittman N, Chattopadhyay J, Avram MM. Reticulocyte Hemoglobin correlates with Traditional Iron Indices in Hemodialysis |

| |Patients. Annual meeting of the American Society of Nephrology 1997. |

| | |

| |Mittman N, Sreedhara R, Thomas A, Avram MM. Reticulocyte Hemoglobin: Earlier and more sensitive detection of functional deficiency in |

| |Hemodialysis patients. Annual meeting of the American Society of Nephrology, 1997. |

| | |

| |Ramaswamy CR, Sreedhara R, Fein PA, Dedios A, Avram MM. Characteristics of Peritonitis in HIV infected patients treated with Peritoneal |

| |dialysis. Annual meeting of the American Society of Nephrology, 1997. |

| | |

| |Avram M.M., Fein P, Purohit N, Sreedhara R. Survival and Predictive Markers for Longevity in diabetic and Non-diabetic Patients on |

| |Peritoneal dialysis. 18th Annual Conference on Peritoneal Dialysis, Nashville, Feb 23-25, 1998. |

| | |

| |Ramaswamy CR, Sreedhara R, Fein P, Bista A, Chattopadhyay J, Wright P, Avram MM. Evaluation of Reticulocyte Hemoglobin content in Anemia |

| |treatment among Peritoneal Dialysis Patients.18th Annual Conference on Peritoneal Dialysis, Nashville, Feb 23-25, 1998. |

| | |

| |Bista AB, Sreedhara R, Avram MM. Ten years Survival of Diabetic and Non-diabetic Patients on Hemodialysis. National Kidney Foundation, 7th |

| |Annual Spring Clinical Nephrology Meetings, Nashville, March 26-29, 1998. |

| | |

| |Ramaswamy CR, Sreedhara R, Fein PA, Chattopadhyay J, Bista A, Avram MM. Reticulocyte Hemoglobin Content is a better Marker of Functional |

| |Iron Deficiency in Peritoneal Dialysis. American Society of Nephrology, Annual meeting Oct 1998, Philadelphia, PA. |

| | |

| |Mittman N, Sreedhara R, Thomas A, Prabhakara M, Avram MM. Prospective Evaluation of Reticulocyte Hemoglobin Content to Predict Functional |

| |Iron Deficiency in Hemodialysis. American Society of Nephrology, Annual meeting Oct 1998, Philadelphia, PA. |

| | |

| |Sreedhara R, Ramaswamy CR, Bista AB, Oo KK, Fein PA, Mittman N. Reticulocyte hemoglobin content (CHr) predicts functional iron deficiency |

| |in peritoneal dialysis patients receiving erythropoietin.19th Annual Conference on Peritoneal Dialysis, Charlotte, North Carolina, Feb |

| |28-March 2, 1999. (Slide presentation) |

| | |

| |Sreedhara R, Mahankali B, Tachopoulou O, Prabhakara M, Chattopadhyay J, Jorden L, Fein PA, Avram MM. Effect of dialysis dose on morbidity &|

| |Mortality : Five year study in peritoneal dialysis.19th Annual Conference on Peritoneal Dialysis, Charlotte, North Carolina, Feb 28-March |

| |2, 1999. |

| | |

| |Avram MM, Fein PA, Martinez C, Sreedhara R. Enrollment serum intact parathyroid hormone continues to predict survival in peritoneal |

| |dialysis patients for up to 11 years.19th Annual Conference on Peritoneal Dialysis, Charlotte, North Carolina, Feb 28-March 2, 1999. |

| | |

| |Sreedhara R, Fein PA, Mahankali B, Tachopoulou O, Prabhakara M. Martinez C, Avram MM. Effects of peritoneal dialysis dose on morbidity and |

| |mortality - A five year study. XVth International Congress of Nephrology, Buenos Aires, Argentina, May 2-6, 1999. |

| | |

| |Mittman N, Sreedhara R, Bista A, Gulati S, Blaustein DA, Avram MM. Reticulocyte hemoglobin content is a sensitive and early marker of iron |

| |deficiency in hemodialysis patients. XVth International Congress of Nephrology, Buenos Aires, Argentina, May 2-6, 1999. |

| | |

| |Sreedhara R, Fein PA, Mahankali B, Ramasamy R, Chattopadhyay J, Avram MM. Peritoneal dialysis adequacy & morbidity: A Five year study. 32nd|

| |Annual Meeting of the American Society of Nephrology, Miami, Nov 5 - 8, 1999. |

| | |

| |Sreedhara R, Fein PA, Tachopoulou O, Prabhakara M, Jacob R, Chattopadhyay J, Avram MM. Peritoneal dialysis adequacy & mortality: A Five |

| |year study. 32nd Annual Meeting of the American Society of Nephrology, Miami, Nov 5 - 8, 1999. |

| | |

| |Sreedhara R, Chattopadhyay J, Oo KK, Pasha GJ, Myint M, Mittman N, Avram MM. Moving average albumin is a better predictor of mortality in |

| |hemodialysis than single monthly measurements. 32nd Annual Meeting of the American Society of Nephrology, Miami, Nov 5 - 8, 1999. |

| | |

| |Mittman N, Sreedhara R, Oo KK, Chattopadhyay J, Avram MM. Dialysis dose and mortality in hemodialysis patients: 12 years of followup. 32nd |

| |Annual Meeting of the American Society of Nephrology, Miami, Nov 5 - 8, 1999. |

| | |

| |Avram MM, Sreedhara R, Henry A, Martinez C, Fein PA. Correlates of survival in peritoneal dialysis: 15 years of followup. 32nd Annual |

| |Meeting of the American Society of Nephrology, Miami, Nov 5 - 8, 1999. |

| | |

| |Avram MM, Sreedhara R, Oo KK, Bista AB, Mittman N. Prognostic value of enrollment nutritional markers including novel predictors |

| |parathyroid hormone and prealbumin in hemodialysis patients: 12 years of followup. 32nd Annual Meeting of the American Society of |

| |Nephrology, Miami, Nov 5 - 8, 1999. |

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| |Sreedhara R, Rani S, Fein PA, Blaustein D, Jorden L, Avram MM. Relationship between dialysis dose and mortality in peritoneal dialysis |

| |patients. 20th Annual Conference on Peritoneal Dialysis, San Francisco, California, February 27-29, 2000. |

| | |

| |Sreedhara R, Henry A, Fein PA, Myint MM, Blaustein D, Avram MM. Influence of dialysis dose and nutritional status on morbidity in |

| |peritoneal dialysis patients. 20th Annual Conference on Peritoneal Dialysis, San Francisco, California, February 27-29, 2000. |

| | |

| |Henry A, Martinez C, Sreedhara R, Avram MM. Enrollment nutritional markers continue to predict survival in peritoneal dialysis patients at |

| |fifteen years of follow up. New York Chapter American College of Physicians- American Society of Internal Medicine. Associates Poster |

| |Competition. New York, April1, 2000 |

| | |

| |Myint MM, Oo KK, Babu K, Sreedhara R, Fein PA, Avram MM. Prospective evaluation of reticulocyte hemoglobin content (CHr) to predict |

| |functional iron deficiency in peritoneal dialysis patients receiving recombinant human erythropoietin (rHuEPO). National Kidney Foundation,|

| |9th Annual Spring Clinical Nephrology Meetings, Atlanta, April 13- 16, 2000. |

| | |

| |Mittman N, Sreedhara R, Oo KK, Chattopadhyay J, Avram MM. The association of dialysis dose with mortality in hemodialysis patients: A |

| |12-year study. 46th Annual Conference. American Society for Artificial Internal Organs, June 28-July 1, 2000. |

| | |

| |Avram MM, Mittman N, Sreedhara R, Henry A, Chattopadhyay J. Correlates of survival in hemodialysis patients: 12 years of follow-up. 46th |

| |Annual Conference. American Society for Artificial Internal Organs, June 28-July 1, 2000. |

| | |

| |Tachopoulou O, Sreedhara R, Chattopadhyay J, Fein PA, Mahankali B, Prabhakara M, Avram MM. Survival and hospitalization rates in HIV |

| |patients with renal failure: A six-year retrospective study. 38TH Annual Meeting, Infectious Diseases Society of America, New Orleans, |

| |Louisiana, September 7-10, 2000. |

| | |

| |Sreedhara R, Fein PA, Jacob R, Henry A, Blaustein D, Chattopadhyay J, Avram MM. Residual Renal function, nutrition and clinical outcomes in|

| |Peritoneal Dialysis patients. 33rd Annual meeting of the American Society of Nephrology, Toronto, Oct 13-16, 2000 (J Am Soc. Nephrol, 11, |

| |2000, 244A). |

| | |

| |Sreedhara R, Fein PA, Myint M, Oo KK, Avram MM. Relationship between peritoneal transport rate and long-term survival in peritoneal |

| |dialysis patients. 33rd Annual meeting of the American Society of Nephrology, Toronto, Oct 13-16, 2000 ( J Am Soc. Nephrol, 11, 2000, |

| |220A). |

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| |Sreedhara R, Prasad RS, Acharya MK, Padvetnaya V, Seetharam MR. Prevalence Of Diabetes, Hypertension And Proteinuria In Rural Karnataka, |

| |India – An Epidemiologic Survey. World Congress of Nephrology, Singapore, July 2005. |

| | |

| |Singh A, Mittal B, Jha V, Sakhuja V, Agarwal S, Shah B, Almeida A, Acharya V, Collins A, Sharma RK, Rajapurkar M, Sreedhara R, et al. |

| |Screening and Early Evaluation Of Kidney Disease (SEEK). World Congress of Nephrology, Singapore, July 2005. |

| | |

| |Bhatia R, Mittal B, Sridevi S, Sreedhara R, Mody G, Singh A. High Prevalence of Asymptomatic Hematuria in Indians: The Screening and Early |

| |Evaluation of Kidney Disease (SEEK) Study. National Kidney Foundation Annual Meeting, 2006. |

| | |

| |Bhatia R, Sreedhara R, Modi KG, Sridevi S, Anil C, Mittal B, Singh A. Prevalence Of Anemia In Indians: The Screening and Early Evaluation |

| |of Kidney Disease (SEEK) Study. NKF Annual Meeting, 2006. |

| | |

| |Sreedhara R, Seetharam S, Anil C, Mittal B, Singh A. Screening Early Evaluation Of Kidney Disease (Seek): A Prospective Multicenter Study |

| |In India: Results Of The Pilot Phase. American Society of Nephrology 39th Annual Renal Week Meeting, San Diego, 2006. |

| | |

| |Seetharam S, Sreedhara R, Anil C, Mittal B, Singh A. Screening Early Evaluation Of Kidney Disease (Seek) In India: Creatinine Validation |

| |A Major Step In Assessing Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) Burden. American Society of Nephrology 39th Annual Renal Week Meeting, San Diego, |

| |2006. |

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| |INDIA. World Congress of Nephrology, Rio de Janeiro, April 2007 |

| | |

| |R. Sreedhara, S. Seetharam, C. Anil, L. Stevens, B. Mittal, A. Singh. SERUM CREATININE (SCr) CALIBRATION IN SCREENING & EARLY EVALUATION OF|

| |KIDNEY DISEASE (SEEK) STUDY. World Congress of Nephrology, Rio de Janeiro, April 2007 |

| | |

| |D. G. Shivakumar, M. M. Satishkumar, Aashish Parekh, Veerabhadra Gupta, S.M. Shivaprasad, and Rajanna Sreedhara. STUDY OF QUALITY OF LIFE |


| |Nephrology-Southern Chapter meeting to be held at Kanyakumari, Feb 6 to 8, 2009 |

|Awards & GRANTS received |

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|1979 |First in Bangalore Rural District in High School. |

|1981 |Fourth Rank among 117,807 candidates in Karnataka State level College Examination. |

|1979 – 86 |National Merit Scholarship from the Government of India. |

|1986 |Seventh Rank in the University of Mysore in Medical College. |

|1987 |ECFMG Certification. |

|1990 |FLEX Certification. |

|1992 – 94 |Research Fellowship Award from the National Kidney Foundation, USA. |

|1996 – 98 |Young Investigator Award from the National Kidney Foundation of New York/New Jersey |

| |Shashidhar Malaka Reddy Oration Award, KAPICON, 2005 |

|2005 |Travel Grant, International Society of Nephrology, Rio de Janeior, Brazil. |

|2007 | |


|Nov 1993 |“Antiplatelet Therapy in expanded polytetrafluoroethylene graft thrombosis: Results of a randomized double blind study” - |

| |American Society of Nephrology, Annual meeting, Boston, MA. |

|Dec 1993 |“Shear-induced platelet aggregation in Uremia” - AAMI Cardiovascular Science and Technology Conference Annual meeting, |

| |Washington DC. |

|June 1996 |“Predictors of long term survival in Hemodialysis. Eight years of prospective follow-up” - 33rd Congress of the European |

| |Renal Association/EDTA, Amsterdam, Netherlands. |

|May 1997 |“Enrollment serum intact PTH is a new marker for survival in Hemodialysis patients” - American Society of Artificial and |

| |Internal Organs, Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA. |

|Sept 1997 |“Enrollment level of biochemical markers can predict very long-term survival (up to 30 years) in hemodialysis patients” - |

| |34th Congress of the European Renal Association/EDTA, Geneva, Switzerland. |

|Feb 1998 |“Survival and Predictive Markers for Longevity in diabetic and Non-diabetic Patients on Peritoneal dialysis.” 18th Annual |

| |Conference on Peritoneal Dialysis, Nashville, TN. |

|Oct 1998 |“Five Year Study of Dialysis Dose in Peritoneal Dialysis Patient Survival.” American Society of Nephrology, Annual |

| |meeting, Philadelphia, PA. |

|Feb 1999 |“Reticulocyte hemoglobin content (CHr) predicts functional iron deficiency in peritoneal dialysis patients receiving |

| |erythropoietin” 19th Annual Conference on Peritoneal Dialysis, Charlotte, North Carolina, Feb 28-March 2, 1999. |

|Mar 2000 |“The paradox of parathyroid hormone in dialysis patients” Annual meeting of the Canadian Society of Nephrology, Montreal, |

| |Canada, March 6, 2000 |

|May 2004 |“Vasculitis involving kidney”. Annual meeting of the Karnataka Association of Physicians of India, Shimoga. |

|May 2005 |Oration Lecture: “Chronic Kidney Disease: Prevent or Perish”. Annual meeting of the Karnataka Association of Physicians of |

| |India, Tumkur. |


| |Resistant Hypertension, Medical Education & Research Trust (MERT) CME, Bangalore. |

| |Acid-Base Disorders – Workshop, MERT CME, Bangalore. |

| |Informed Consent in Clinical Research |

| |Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis – Workshop, MERT CME, Bangalore. |

| |Hepato-Renal Syndrome, MERT CME, Bangalore. |

| |Approach to Acid-Base Disorders, Mysore Medical College, Mysore. |

| |Chronic Kidney Disease – Management issues for the Primary Care physician Mysore Medical College, Mysore. |

|Feb 2010 |Diagnostic Value of Urinary Electrolytes. Indian Society of Nephrology – Southern Chapter. Pondicherry, India. |

|Mar 2010 |Immunomodulatory Therapy in Renal Diseases. Mysore Medical College, Mysore. |

|Feb 2011 |Electrolytes Imbalances. Mysore Medical College, Mysore. |

|Mar 2011 |Diabetes, Hypertension & Kidney Disease – Emphasis on Prevention. Govt Pharmacy College, Bangalore. |

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