UMES Senate Meeting


Combined Meeting of the UMES Senate and the Faculty Assembly

Minutes for October 11, 2016

11am Frederick Douglass Library


The Senate meeting was called to order at 11:01 a.m. by Dr. Robert Johnson.


The approval of May Senate minutes was moved by Dr. Dunn and seconded by Dr. Williams. The motion carried. Friendly amended to correct Dr. Dean Cooledge name was accepted.

The approval of September Senate minutes was moved by Ms. Demanche and seconded by Dr. Baughman. The motion carried.



• October 6, 2016 – CISCO/UMES Invitational /Sales Competition

• October 19-24, 2016 – Science Applicational International Corps

• October 14, 2016 – HAWKFEST

Dr. Johnson advised that the webpage to view constitution, mission and by-laws can found at He encouraged everyone that is new to the UMES community and students to familiarize themselves.

Updates from President’s Office

Dr. Juliette Bell, President of UMES. Dr. Bell provided update from the President’s Office. This year budget issues facing the University are:

• Enrollment is down from the goal of 4500 to currently there are 3906 students.

• Accreditation of the Physician Assistant program.

• Increase cost for student instruction.

• Increase investment in technology.

It is important for the campus community to realize it is not business as usual. The budget is built on an annual basis. The university’s priority is to retain the enrolled students and enhance the budget the spring by increasing enrollment.

A memo will be sent out in addressing how the university can cut cost and improve revenue. The memo will address reduction in overall spending, in discretionary spending, hiring freeze, and conservation of energy. Long term goals to address budget is to generate revenue:

• Improve enrollment, retain, and recruitment of students

• Participation from alumni, faculty, and staff.

Budget Committee formed in February. Mr. Appleton, Chair

Enrollment and Management: Royal and Company provided 10,000 applicants, but not all seemed interested in the University. UMES enrolled approximately 700 students. The admission process will timeframe from when the student applies to UMES and the time the student is sitting in the classroom.


Dr. Talley asked if there were any updates on the Provost and Committee. Dr. Bell replied not now.

Dr. Alade asked about the flood that occurred across campus. Dr. Johnson advised that Mr. Belton would address is concern.

SGA Town Hall Highlights and Update

Ms. Alisa Fornwald, President of SGA discussed the October 4, 2016 SGA held their Town Hall meeting. The following topics were discussed:

• Decorating their graduation caps in celebration.

• Thompson Hospitality: Meal options and times

• Library and IT more available in the afternoon, weekend and evenings.

• Coronation - October 15, 2016 at 7:00pm

• Haunted House – October 30, 2016

Financial Aid Update

Mr. Alvin Dorsett, Director of Financial Aid discussed the “Repeated Course Policy”. The highlights were the following:

• A student may receive aid when repeating a course for the first time.

• A student may receive aid when repeating a course that was previously failed or withdrawn from regardless of the number of times the course was attempted and failed. (Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy still applies)

• A student may receive aid to repeat a previously passed course one additional time. If a student fails the second attempt no more financial aid will be given to repeat the course a third time. If the second attempt is a withdrawal, then it is allowable for a third attempt.

• Once a student has completed any course twice with a grade; he or she is no longer eligible to receive aid for that course. If a student retakes a course that is not aid eligible, the credit hours will be excluded from the financial aid enrollment for that semester.

Award letters will be sent out as early December. Students can apply for financial aid 2017-2018 now. The application process is available.

For a copy of this PowerPoint please contact or


Applications for scholarships were not available and when the office is contact, lack of or no response. What is going to improve in 2017? There will be a new packet available.

Do withdraws and receiving a F work the same way when receiving financial aid? Yes, the same

Staff will be going through training and working with a consultant to improve the policy and procedures.

Update on Recent Severe Weather and Flooding:

Mr. Kenneth Belton, Director of Physical Plant discussed how the weather impacted the University. He commended the physical plant personnel on their response and dedication to ensure the buildings were secured and assessing the damages. Power was lost to the students. High voltage electricians were called to get power restored. The backup generators worked well. The IT department ensured that Hawk Alert was up to date and information was sent to the university community. It was recommended that everyone sign up for Hawk Alert. Kiah Hall will be available in about 3 weeks. The Boiler Room was affected which is preventing the heat from being deployed. Mr. Belton recommended that Building Managers be placed on essential personnel because it would help the physical plant assess damages more efficient and effective.

Senate Academic Affairs Committee (SAAC):

Dr. Derrek Dunn, Chair of the Senate Academic Affairs Committee (SAAC), gave a review of the following curriculum changes:

Department of Fine Arts:

▪ Overview of Request

– Request to update catalogue description

From: The Applied Design Program accepts as its mission the role of providing learning experiences for students who wish to pursue careers in the applied design fields of graphic illustration, commercial photography, and sequential arts. The goal of this program is to offer an intensified curriculum in applied design that will enable students graduating from the program to think logically and creatively, and to function as practicing artists/crafts persons. Students in this program must complete 121 semester hours of University courses. Included in these 121 hours are 42 hours of required Foundation Courses and 38 hours of Fine Arts Core Courses. All students must earn a grade of C or higher in all ARTS Prerequisites. A student must earn a grade of C or higher in all ARTS courses to graduate.

To: The Applied Design Program accepts as its mission the role of providing learning experiences for students who wish to pursue careers in the applied design fields of graphic illustration, commercial photography, and sequential arts. The goal of this program is to offer an intensified curriculum in applied design that will enable students graduating from the program to think logically and creatively, and to function as practicing artists/crafts persons. Students in this program must complete 121 semester hours of University courses. Included in these 121 hours are 42 hours of required Foundation Courses and 38 hours of Fine Arts Core Courses. All students must earn a grade of C or higher in all ARTS Prerequisites. A student must earn a grade of C or higher in all ARTS courses to graduate. Fees may be applied.

– Request to make the following changes to the BA in Applied Design – Sequential Arts:

– Under Foundation Knowledge, remove the following courses:

• ECON 201 Principles of Economics (3 Credits) and eliminate under Major Requirements:

• ARTS 498J Internship: Graphic Illustration (2 Credits)

– Under Foundation Knowledge, insert the following courses:

• Student may select one of the following free art electives: ARTS 207 or ARTS 412 (3 Credits) and insert under Major Requirements:

• ARTS 498Q Internship: Sequential Arts (2 Credits)

– Request to make the following changes to the BA in Art Education:

– Under Require Major Courses, remove the following courses:

• PSYC 305 and PSYC 307and replace with:

• PSYC 205 and PSYC 207

– Under Required Support Courses, remove the following courses:

• ARTS 210 and ARTS 221 and replace with:

• Students may select 2 courses from the Fine Arts Electives for 6 credits: ARTS 204, ARTS 207, ARTS 313, ARTS 319, ARTS 321, ARTS 330, ARTS 334, or ARTS 411.

Motion to approve changes Dr. Chapin. Seconded by Dr. Boger


2016-2017 Committees:

Dr. Johnson assigned the following to persons to convene the UMES Senate Committee Meetings:

Academic Affairs Committee Derrek Dunn

Athletics Committee Donna Satterlee

Faculty Grievance Committee Isreal Butler

Information Technology Committee Joseph Bree

Library Committee Renise Johnson

Physical Plant Committee Kenneth Belton

Student Concerns Committee Tselale Talley

Admissions Committee Carlos Salgado

Campus Security Committee Not Assigned


Dr. Khoza introduced Ms. Treyquana Nelson as the Global Ambassador. Ms. Nelson studied in Brazil for a semester. She wants the encourage others to do the same. Approximately on 5% on African-Americans take advantage of this opportunity. The program provides students with research and internship opportunities.

EACM Building Dedication will be on October 19, 2016 at 10:00 a.m. to kick off the conference activities.

The meeting ended at 11:30 am.

Adjournment of meeting at 12:22 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,


Etahe Johnson, M.S.


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