Electronic International Interdisciplinary Research ...


Mr. Sanjeev Kumar Bansal ,

M.A. (English); M.ED.; NET (English & Education) ,

Assistant Teacher, U.P.S.- Soorajpur,

V.K.- Amaria, Distt. - Pilibhit, U.P.-262001


After reading British, Indian, American & some Commonwealth literature, I found huge works scattered here and there in various books which sometimes confuses the readers/ competitors in the examination hall due to the inherent similarities in these entitled works. To avoid this type of common confusion, I planned to search and arrange the important works first , their similarity wise and their frequency wise and then I compiled an exhaustive list of these selected works to facilitate the learners to make clear cut distinction among the various titles of the literary works. My research paper is based on the principles of effective teaching- learning and effective memorization. My research paper is also entertaining since it enhances the concept of -Learning is Fun. This is my attempt in the pedagogy of teaching-learning of English Literature. I hope my collection will help the students as well as teachers who can frame confusing Multiple Choice Questions (M.C.Q) to refine their learning and also to check the depth of students’ learning. This research paper will be more useful to those who have read at least once The History of English Literature. It will make the readers to realize similar titles of the different literary works as dissimilar and vice-versa. I have divided my research paper in two parts, as Part-I & Part-II. This paper is the continuance of my previous research paper & there are around 850 literary works included in it which readers often confused and these works are not the last but the least.

Major Keywords: Under, Green Wood, Tree, Leaves, Garden, Wind, Dust, Summer, Pleasures, Zoo, Doctor, Heart, Eye, Anatomy, World, Adventures, Road, Travels, Journey, Maps, Fair, Way, Pilgrim, Directions, Tower, White, Black, Red, Silver, Golden, House, Room, Mermaid, Girls, Love, Dance, Rose, Ring, Time, Numbers (2,3,4,7,), Tales, Moon, Books, Chapter, End , etc.


This part of my research paper also covers the literary works from British, American, Indian & some Commonwealth literature which readers often confuses. As we knew very well that there are three levels of learning viz. Memory level, Understanding level & Reflective level of learning. Usually readers used to memorize the literary works that is essential but this memorization must be supplemented with proper understanding .That’s why , my research paper is associated with higher levels of learning i.e. Understanding & Reflective Levels of learning. I have tried my best in sequencing the selected literary works which readers often confuse. I strived hard to give a sort of continuity to my collection so that the readers may easily associate the various works of this collection in their mind. I have divided my research paper in two parts, as Part-I & Part-II. I am quite sure that after reading the both parts of this paper, readers will be able to differentiate & integrate the often confused literary works in an entertaining way. In my previous research paper “A Unique Collection of Literary Works Often Confused (Part-I)”, you have read around 750 literary works which readers often confuses. Now, in the continuance of the previous research paper about 850 literary works are included in this Part-II, which are given below with their keywords highlighted in the italics.

Literary Works:-

|Under The Green Wood Tree – Thomas Hardy |

|Under tones of War - Edmund Blunden |

|Under the Western Eyes - Joseph Conrad |

|Under Kilmanjaro - Ernest Hemingway |

|Under the Banyan Tree - R. K. Narayan |

|Under woods - R. L. Stevenson |

|Under woods - Ben Jonson |

|Under Ben Bulben –W. B. Yeats |

|Under Milk Wood - D. M. Thomas |

|Understanding Poetry – C. Brooks & R. P. Warren |

|Under the Net - Miss Iris Murdoch |

|Under Plain Cover - J. J. Osborne |

|Under Onion - Keki N. Daruwalla |

|The Green Helmet - W. B. Yeats |

|The Green Knight - Miss Iris Murdoch |

|The Red and the Green - Miss Iris Murdoch |

|The Green Man - Kingsley Amis |

|The Green Men - Robert Lynd |

|When the Greenwoods Laugh - H. E. Bates |

|The Greenwood Hat - J. B. Barie |

|The Sacred Wood - T. S. Eliot |

|Woodcuts on Paper - A. K. Mehrotra |

|Stopping By Woods on a Snowy Evening - R. L. Frost |

|Big Woods - W. Faulkner |

|Under Woods - R. L. Stevenson |

|Rookwood - W. H. Ainsworth |

|Rokeby - Sir Walter Scott |

|The Wooden Pegasus - Edith Sitwell |

|Love in a Wood - William Wycherley |

|The Wood landers - Thomas Hardy |

|The Wooden House - Hugh Walpole |

|The Wooden Shepherdes - Richard Hughes |

|The Tree of Man - Patrick White |

|The Beach Tree - Pearl S. Buck |

|The Banyan Tree - Hugh Tinker |

|The Tamarind Tree - Romen Basu |

|Our Casuarina Tree - Toru Dutt |

|The Causarina Tree - W.S. Maugham |

|The Friendly Tree - C. Day Lewis |

|On Killing a Tree - Gieve Patel |

|Granny’s Tree Climbing - Ruskin Bond |

|Our Trees Still Grow in Dehra - Ruskin Bond |

|The Coral Tree - Ruskin Bond |

|A Witness Tree - R. L. Frost |

|The Wishing Tree - W. Faulkner |

|The Poison Tree - B. C. Chatterjee |

|The Holy Tree - Robert Southey |

|Poison Belt - A. C. Doyle |

|The Scarlet Tree - Osbert Sitwell |

|The Scarlet Letter - N. Hawthorne |

|The Wanting Seed - Anthony Burgess |

|Those Barren Leaves - A. L .Huxley |

|Faded Leaves - Matthew Arnold |

|Leaves in the Wind - A. G. Gardiner |

|Two Leaves and a Bud - M. R. Anand |

|The Trembling of a Leaf - W. S. Maugham |

|Leaves of Grass - Walt Whitman |

|The Peacock Garden - Anita Desai |

|Of King’s Treasuries & of Queen’s Garden - John Ruskin |

|A Child’s Garden of Verses - R. L. Stevenson |

|The Garden of Cyrus - Sir Thomas Browne |

|The Garden of Love - William Blake |

|The Garden of Eden - Ernest Hemingway |

|East Wind - Pearl S. Buck |

|West Wind - Pearl S. Buck |

|South Wind - Norman Douglas |

|The Wind Among the Reeds - W. B. Yeats |

|Windsor Forest - John Denham |

|Leaves in the Wind - A. G. Gardiner |

|Wind Falls - A. G. Gardiner |

|A High Wind in Jamaica - Richard Hughes |

|From the Four Winds - John Galsworthy |

|Not I - Samuel Beckett |

|Not I , But the Wind - D. H. Lawrence |

|The Devil’s Wind - Manohar Malgaonkar |

|The Wind hover - G. M. Hopkins |

|Heat & Dust - R. P. Jhabvala |

|A Handful of Dust - Evelyn Waugh |

|Purple Dust - Sean O’casey |

|Flags in the Dust - William Faulkner |

|Intruder in the Dust - William Faulkner |

|Ethics of the Dust - John Ruskin |

|Dust on the Mountains - Ruskin Bond |

|Rain in the Mountains : Notes From The Himalayas - Ruskin Bond |

|Mountains of Dehra - Ruskin Bond |

|The Cycle of Spring - R. N. Tagore |

|The Torrents of Spring - Ernest Hemmingway |

|Spring & Fall - G. M. Hopkins |

|The Dangerous Summer - Ernest Hemmingway |

|Where Shall We Go this Summer ? - Anita Desai |

|After Many a Summer - Aldous Huxley |

|Seven Summers - M. R. Anand |

|Summer in Calcutta - Kamla Das |

|Summer Lightning - P. G. Wodehouse |

|Last Summer - Boris Pasternak |

|Summers Last Will - Thomas Nashe |

|Midsummer’s Night Dream - W. Shakespeare |

|Winter’s Tale - W. Shakespeare |

|Pleasure City - Kamala Markandaya |

|The Pleasure Dome - Graham Greene |

|Pleasures of Melancholy - Warbon |

|The Pleasures of Imagination - Mark Akenside |

|On the Pleasures of Imagination - Addison |

|Pleasures of Hope - Thomas Campbell |

|Pleasures of Memory - Samuel Rogers |

|The Pleasures of Steamers - Andrew Motion |

|The Pleasures of Poetry - Edith Sitwell |

|On Reason & Imagination - W. Hazlitt |

|The Passetyme of Pleasure - Stephen Hawes |

|The London Zoo - C. H. Sisson |

|The Zoo Story - Edward Albee |

|A Man in the Zoo - Garnett |

|My Butterfly - R. L .Frost |

|The Brass Butterfly - William Golding |

|The Breaking of a Butterfly - H. A. Jones |

|The Broken Wing - Sarojini Naidu |

|Broken Ties - R. N. Tagore |

|Broken Nest - R. N. Tagore |

|The Broken Heart - John Ford |

|Sunlight on a Broken Column - Attia Hosain |

|The Caged Skylark - G. M. Hopkins |

|To a Skylark - P. B. Shelley |

|The Parrot in the Cage - M. R. Anand |

|The Parrot’s Death - P. Lal |

|Cat on a Hot Tin Roof - Tennesse Williams |

|The Cat in the Hat - Dr. Seuss |

|Of Mice & Men - John Steinbeck |

|The City Mouse & the Country Mouse - Matthew Prior |

|Cat & Mouse - Gunter Grass |

|The Cat & the Moon - W. B. Yeats |

|The Cat & Shakespeare - Raja Rao |

|On the Death of a Favourite Cat - Thomas Gray |

|On the Death of a Mad Dog - Oliver Goldsmith |

|Isle of Dogs - Nashe & Marston |

|All About a Dog - A. G. Gardiner |

|To Say Nothing of the Dog - J. K. Jerome |

|The Dog Beneath the Skin - Auden & Isherwood |

|Dog Years - Gunter Grass |

|The Scorpion God - William Golding |

|The Day of the Scorpion - Paul Scott |

|Night of the Scorpion - Nissim Ezekiel |

|The Cow of the Barricades & Other Stories - Raja Rao |

|The Old Woman & the Cow or Gauri - M. R. Anand |

|The Valley of Bones - Anthony Powell |

|The Bone People - Keri Hulme |

|The Doctor’s Dilemma - G. B. Shaw |

|Doctor Zhivago - Boris Pasternak |

|Doctor Faustus - Christopher Marlowe |

|The English Patient - Michael Ondaatjee |

|A Suitable Case for Treatment - David Mercer |

|Island of Dr. Moreau - H. G. Wells |

|Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde - R. L. Stevenson |

|Epistle to Dr. Arbuthnot - Alexander Pope |

|Nude Therapy - Saros Cowasjee |

|Small Remedies - Shashi Deshpandey |

|Desperate Remedies - Thomas Hardy |

|Love in the Time of Cholera - G. G. Marquez |

|Religio Medici - Sir Thomas Browne |

|Religio Laici - John Dryden |

|The Doctrine of Heart - Annie Besant |

|The New Inn or the Light Heart - Ben Jonson |

|Heart of Darkness - Joseph Conrad |

|The Heart of the Matter - Graham Greene |

|The Big Heart - M. R. Anand |

|Heart Break House - G. B .Shaw |

|The Heart of Midlothian - Sir Walter Scott |

|The Land of Heart’s Desire - W. B. Yeats |

|Heartsease & the Daisy Chain –C. M. Yonge |

|The Heart’s Journey - Siegfried Sassoon |

|The Broken Heart - John Ford |

|A Severed Head - Miss Iris Murdoch |

|The Handmaid’s Tale - Harold Pinter |

|The Handmaid’s Tale - Margaret Atwood |

|The Hand of Ethelbetra : A Comedy in Chapters - Thomas Hardy |

|Left Hand, Right Hand - Osbort Sitwell |

|A Handful of Dust - Evelyn Waugh |

|A Pair of Blue Eyes - Thomas Hardy |

|Under the Western Eyes - Joseph Conrad |

|The Bluest Eye - Toni Morrison |

|Eyeless in Gaza - A. L. Huxley |

|The Eyes Have It - Ruskin Bond |

|The Blind Assassin - Margaret Atwood |

|The Anatomy of the World - John Donne |

|Anatomy of Melancholy - Robert Burton |

|The Anatomy of Frustration - H. G. Wells |

|Anatomy of Wit - John Lyly |

|Anatomy of Criticism - Northrop Frye |

|Anatomy of Absurdity - Thomas Nashe |

|Anatomy of a Flawed Inheritance - J. N. Dixit |

|The Brave New World - A. L. Huxley |

|It is Fine World - Robert Lynd |

|The World’s Body - J. C .Ransom |

|The War of the Worlds - H. G. Wells |

|The Citizen of the World - Oliver Goldsmith |

|The End of the World - Gordon Bottomley |

|The End of the World - Lascelles Abercrombie |

|The Playboy of the Western World - J. M. Synge |

|The World of the Story Teller - R. K. Narayan |

|World Within World - Stephen Spender |

|The Acceptance World - Anthony Powell |

|Starting Point - C. Day Lewis |

|Point Counter Point - A. L. Huxley |

|A Start in Life - Alan Silbitoe |

|Beginning of the Beginning - Acharya Rajneesh |

|End & Beginning - John Masefield |

|Prelude to Adventure - Hugh Walpole |

|The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn - Mark Twain |

|The Adventures of Tom Sawyer - Mark Twain |

|Adventures of Ulysses - C. Lamb |

|Adventures of Robinson Crusoe - Daniel Defoe |

|Adventures of Sally - P. G. Wodehouse |

|Adventures of Sherlock Holmes - Sir A. C. Doyle |

|The Adventure of the Black Lady - Mrs. Aphra Behn |

|The Adventures of Gentleman - Edwin L. Bulwer |

|The Adventures of Master F. J. - G. Gascoigne |

|The Adventures of J. Andrews - Henry Fielding |

|The Adventures of David Simple - Sarah Fielding |

|The Adventures of Peregrine Pickle - Tobias Smollett |

|The Adventures of Ferdinand Count Fathom - Tobias Smollett |

|The Adventures of Roderick Random - Tobias Smollett |

|The Adventures of Sir Lancelot Greaves - Tobias Smollett |

|Roderick Hudson - Henry James |

|Roderick - Robert Southey |

|The Lawless Roads - Graham Greene |

|Lawley Road - R. K. Narayan |

|The Road - M. R. Anand |

|The Finished Road - Ben Okri |

|Along the Road - A. L. Huxley |

|The Road to Wigan Pier - George Orwell |

|The Road to Ruin - Thomas Holcroft |

|The Road to the Bazar - Ruskin Bond |

|The Road to Shimla - Ruskin Bond |

|The Road to Xanadu- A Study In The Ways of Imagination - J. L. Lowes |

|The Road Not Taken - R. L. Frost |

|An Island Voyage - R. L. Stevenson |

|A Sentimental Journey Through France & Italy by Mr. Yorik - |

|Laurence Sterne |

|Journey of the Magi - T. S. Eliot |

|A Journey from This World to the Next - Henry Fielding |

|Journal of a Voyage to Lisbon - Henry Fielding |

|A New Voyage Round the World - Daniel Defoe |

|Gulliver’s Travels - Jonathan Swift |

|The Voyage Out - Virginia Woolf |

|Amours De Voyage - A. H. Clough |

|Travels with My Aunt - Graham Greene |

|Travels with a Donkey in the Covennes - R. L. Stevenson |

|The Unfortunate Traveller - Thomas Nashe |

|The Traveller - Oliver Goldsmith |

|The Longest Journey - E. M. Forster |

|Long Day’s Journey into Night - Eugene O’ Neill |

|Such a Long Journey - Rohinton Mistry |

|Journey without Maps - Graham Greene |

|The Map-Maker - Keki N. Daruwalla |

|A Map of Misreading - Harold Bloom |

|The Map of Love - D. M. Thomas |

|New Maps of Hell - Kingsley Amis |

|The Poor House Fair - John (Hoyer) Updike |

|Bartholomew Fair - Ben Jonson |

|Bury Fair - Thomas Shadwell |

|Vanity Fair - W. M. Thackeray |

|The Vanity of the World - Matthew Prior |

|The Vanity of the Human Wishes - Dr. Johnson |

|A Passerby - Robert Bridges |

|Passerby - John Galsworthy |

|The Tresspasser - D. H. Lawrence |

|No Thoroughfares - Charles Dickens & W. Collins |

|Thoroughfares - W. W. Gibson |

|A Way in the World - V. S. Naipaul |

|The Way We Live Now - Anthony Trollope |

|The Way to Win Him - G. Farquhar |

|The Way of the World - William Congreve |

|The Way of the World - Mirabell |

|The Way of All Flesh - Samuel Butler ( 1835-1902) |

|The Way from Life to Death - Walt Whitman |

|The Highwayman - Prof. Alfred Noyes |

|Wayzgoose - Roy Campbell |

|The Castway - William Cowper |

|Ways of Escape - Graham Greene |

|The Great Indian Way - Raja Rao |

|The Zigzag Way - Anita Desai |

|Diana of the Crossways - George Meredith |

|Diana - Henry Constable |

|Delia - Samuel Daniel |

|Crossways - W. B. Yeats |

|A New Way to Pay Old Debts - Philip Massinger |

|The Middle Passage - V. S. Naipaul |

|Rites of Passage - William Golding |

|Rough Passage - R. Parthasarthy |

|Final Passage - Caryl Phillips |

|A Passage to England - Nirad C. Chaudhary |

|A Passage to India - E. M. Forster |

|Passage of India - Walt Whitman |

|The Patriot’s Progress - Henry Williamson |

|Love’s Progress - John Donne |

|The Pilgrim of Hope - William Morris |

|The Pilgrim’s Progress - John Bunyan |

|Alma or the Progress of the Mind - Matthew Prior |

|Of the Progress of the Soul - John Donne |

|The Progress of Poesy - Thomas Gray |

|The Prince’s Progress & Other Poems - C. G. Rossetti |

|The Progress of Error - W. Cowper |

|The Error of Alarm - Harold Pinter |

|Vulgar Errors - Sir Thomas Browne |

|These Errors are Correct - Jeet Thayil |

|East of Eden - John Steinbeck |

|Eastern Religion & Western Thought - S. Radhakrishnsn |

|Ballads of East & West - Rudyard Kipling |

|East-West - Salman Rushdie |

|The Western Canon - Harold Bloom |

|North of Boston - R. L. Frost |

|A Man from the North - Arnold Bennett |

|North - Seamus Heaney |

|The North Ship - Philip Larkin |

|North & South - Mrs. E. C. Gaskell |

|East Wind - Pearl S. Buck |

|West Wind - Pearl S. Buck |

|Daughter of the East - Benazir Bhutto |

|Eastward Hoe ! - G. Chapman, Ben Jonson & Marston |

|Westward Ho ! - Charles Kingsley |

|Westward Hoe ! - John Webster & Dekker |

|Northward Hoe ! - John Webster & Dekker |

|The Tower of Silence - Paul Scott |

|The Tower of London - W. H. Ainsworth |

|The Constable of the Tower -W. H. Ainsworth |

|The Tower - W. B. Yeats |

|Two on a Tower - Thomas Hardy |

|The Two Towers - J. R. R. Tolkien |

|The Dark Tower - Louis Macneice |

|The White Man’s Burden - Rudyard Kipling |

|The White Devil - John Webster |

|White Buildings - Hart Crane |

|Playing in the Dark: Whiteness and the Literary Imagination - Toni Morrison |

|The White Peacock - D. H. Lawrence |

|The White Monkey - John Galsworthy |

|The White Tiger - Arvind Adiga |

|The Ballad of White Horse - G. K. Chesterton |

|The White Horseman - J. F. Hendry & H. Treece |

|The Woman in White - Wilkie Collins |

|The White Ship - D. G. Rossetti |

|White Jacket - Herman Melville |

|The White Doe of Rylstone - William Wordsworth |

|The Black & White –Harold Pinter |

|The Black Skin & White Masks - Frantz Fanon |

|The Black Cottage - R. L. Frost |

|The Black Arrow - R. L. Stevenson |

|Black Boy - Richard Wright |

|The Little Black Boy - William Blake |

|The Black Prince - Miss Iris Murdoch |

|The Black Dwarf - Sir Walter Scott |

|Black Eyed Susan - John Gay |

|The Adventure of the Black Lady - Mrs. Aphra Behn |

|Across the Black Waters - M. R. Anand |

|The Black Tower – W. B. Yeats |

|Bye-Bye Black Bird - Anita Desai |

|A Black Mischief - Evelyn Waugh |

|Black Venus - Angela Carter |

|Black Diaspora - Ronald Segal |

|Black Sheep - H. D. Balzac |

|Black Tulip - A. Dumas |

|Red & Black - Stendhal |

|The Stars Turn Red - Sean O’ Casey |

|Red Roses for Me - Sean O’casey |

|Red Orleanders - R. N. Tagore |

|The Red Wheel Barrow - W. C. Williams |

|Portrait of a Man with Red Hair - Hugh Walpole |

|Agnes Gray - Anne Bronte |

|Vivian Grey - Benjamin Disraeli |

|Lucy Gray - William Wordsworth |

|Rosamund Gray - Charles Lamb |

|The Picture of Dorian Gray - Oscar Wilde |

|The Yellow Plush Correspondence - W. M. Thackeray |

|Yellow book - John Davidson |

|City of the Yellow Devil - Maxim Gorky |

|The Pale Fire - Vladimir Nabokov |

|The Man with the Blue Guitar - Wallace Stevens |

|Love in Blue Time - Hanif Khureshi |

|Arrow in the Blue - Arthur Koestler |

|Blue Bird - Maurice Macterlink |

|Girl in Blue - P. G. Wodehouse |

|The Blue Umbrella - Ruskin Bond |

|Purple Dust - Sean O’casey |

|The Color Purple - Alice Walker |

|The Purple Land That England Lost - W. H. Hudson |

|England, Their England - A. G. Macdonell |

|England, My England - D. H. Lawrence |

|England, My England - E. Henley |

|For England’s Sake - E. Henley |

|England Made Me - Graham Greene |

|Ye Mariners of England - Thomas Campbell |

|The Silver Spoon - John Galsworthy |

|The Silver Box - John Galsworthy |

|The Silver Tassie - Sean O’ Casey |

|The Silver King - H. A. Jones |

|The Arrow of Gold – Joseph Conrad |

|The Golden Treasury of English Songs and Lyrics - F. Turner Palgrave |

|Golden Treasury of Indo- Anglican Poetry - V. K. Gokak |

|A Goddess Named Gold - Bhabhani Bhattacharya |

|The Field of the Cloth of Gold or Darnley - G. P. R. James |

|The Golden Honeycomb - Kamala Markandaya |

|Their Very Own & Golden City - Arnold Wesker |

|Reflections on the Golden Bed - M. R. Anand |

|The Golden Threshold - Sarojini Naidu |

|The Golden Notebook - Dorris May Lessing |

|The Golden Targe - William Dunbar |

|The Golden Bowl - Henry James |

|The Golden Gate - Vikram Seth |

|The Golden Breath - M. R. Anand |

|The Golden Bough - Frazer |

|The Golden Broom - W. W. Gibson |

|The Golden Fleece - Robert Graves |

|The Golden Age - A. G. Gardiner |

|The Golden Chains - George Barker |

|The Golden Helm - W. W. Gibson |

|Gold Bat - P. G. Wodehouse |

|Quality Street - Sir J. M. Barie |

|Mignel Street -V. S. Naipaul |

|Sinister Street - Sir Compton Mackenzie |

|Main Street - Harry Sinclair Lewis ( First American Noble Laureate ) |

|Grub Street - Henry Fielding |

|New Grub Street - G. Gissing |

|The Streets of London – John Gay |

|Cherry Orchard - Anton Chekhov |

|Bells & Pomegranates - Robert Browning |

|A House of Pomegranates - Oscar Wilde |

|The Home & the World - R. N. Tagore |

|Home & Beauty - W. S. Maugham |

|Never at Home - Dom Moraes |

|Home Coming - C. P. Snow |

|The Home Coming - Harold Pinter |

|Home Burial - R. L. Frost |

|The Imaginary Home lands - Salman Rushdie |

|The House Warning - R. N. Tagore |

|The Hot House - Harold Pinter |

|The Poorhouse Fair - John (Hoyer) Updike |

|The House Holder - R. P.Jhabvala |

|The Madras House - H. G. Barker |

|To the Lighthouse - Virginia Woolf |

|Cat on a Houseboat - Anita Desai |

|Bleak House - Charles Dickens |

|Open House – J. B. Priestley |

|Farm House - George Orwell |

|Glown’s Houses - Edith Sitwell |

|House Divided - Pearl S. Buck |

|A House of Life - D. G. Rossetti |

|The House of Fame - G. Chaucer |

|The House of Fiction - Henry James |

|The House of the Cawebs – George Gissing |

|House of the Dead - Fyodor Dostoevsky |

|The House of the Spirits - Isabel Allende |

|Tiger in the House - Ruskin Bond |

|My Grandmother’s House - Kamala Das |

|The Widower’s Houses -G. B. Shaw |

|The Widower’s Son - Alan Silbitoe |

|A House for Mr. Biswas - V. S. Naipaul |

|The Strange Case of Billy Biswas - Arun Joshi |

|In a Balcony - Robert Browning |

|The Balconinny & other Essays - J. B. Priestley |

|Casa Guidi Windows - Elizabeth Barrett Browning |

|High Windows - Philip Larkin |

|Windows - John Galsworthy |

|On the Knocking at the Gate in Macbeth - Thomas De Quincey |

|I Knock at the Door - Sean O’casey |

|A Room with a View - E. M. Forster |

|Jacob’s Room -Virginia Woolf |

|A Room of One’s Own - Virginia Woolf |

|A Room at the Top - John Braine |

|Room on the Roof - Ruskin Bond |

|The Living Room - Graham Greene |

|The Room - Harold Pinter |

|The Dark Room - R. K. Narayan |

|Laughter in the Next Room - Osbert Sitwell |

|Barrack- Room Ballads - Rudyard Kipling ( First Bitisher Noble Laureate ) |

|The Maid’s Tragedy - Beaumont & Fletcher |

|Maid Marian - T. L. Peacock |

|The Fair Maid of Perth - Sir Walter Scott |

|The Maiden of the Mist - Sir Walter Scott |

|The Merman - A. L. Tennyson |

|The Mermaid - A. L. Tennyson |

|Come Down, O Maid - A. L. Tennyson |

|The Romantic Adventures of a Milkmaid - Thomas Hardy |

|Tales of Mermaid Tavern - Prof. Alfred Noyes |

|The Young Spanish Maiden - Toru Dutt |

|Maid in Waiting - John Galsworthy |

|Waiting for Godot - Thomas Beckett |

|Waiting for the Mahatma - R. K. Narayan |

|Girl on the Boat - P. G. Wodehouse |

|The Country Girls - Edna O’ Brien |

|The Lonely Girls - Edna O’ Brien |

|The Lost Girl - D. H. Lawrence |

|The Russian Girl - Kingsley Amis |

|Top Girls - Caryl Churchill |

|The Slave Girl of Agra - R. C. Dutt |

|The Girls of Slender Means - Muriel Spark |

|Pied Beauty - G. M. Hopkins |

|Phineas Finn - Anthony Trollope |

|Phineas Redux - Anthony Trollope |

|The Testament of Beauty - Robert Bridges |

|Peacock Pie - Walter de La Mare |

|The Sleeping Beauty - Edith Sitwell |

|The Life of Pi - Yann Martel |

|Modern Love - George Meredith |

|A Modern Lover - G. E.Moore |

|A Modern Lover - D. H. Lawrence |

|A Modern Comedy - John Galsworthy |

|Modern Painters - John Ruskin |

|Love in a Bottle - G. Farquhar |

|Love in a Wood - W. Wycherley |

|Love in the Time of Cholera - G. G. Marquez |

|Love in Several Masques - Henry Fielding |

|Love in Blue Time - Hanif Khureshi |

|The India I Love - Ruskin Bond |

|Love in a Tub - George Etherege |

|A Tale of a Tub - Ben Jonson |

|A Tale of a Tub - Jonathan Swift |

|The Professor - Charlotte Bronte |

|The Professor’s Love Story - Sir J. M. Barrie |

|A Himalayan Love Story - Namita Gokhale |

|The Dance of Death - W. H. Auden |

|A Dance of the Forests - Wole Soyinka |

|Dance Like a Man - Mahesh Dattani |

|The Dance of the Eunuchs - Kamla Das |

|The Weird Dance - Chaman Nihal |

|A Time for Dance - C. Day Lewis |

|A Dance to the Music of Time - Anthony Powell |

|Court Dancer - R. N. Tagore |

|Michael Robartes & the Dancers - W. B. Yeats |

|The Rose without a Thorn - Clifford Bax |

|Red Roses for Me - Sean O’ Casey |

|The Policeman & the Rose - Raja Rao |

|The Two Rings - B. C. Chatterjee |

|The Rose & the Ring - W. M. Thackeray |

|The Ring & the Book - Robert Browning |

|The Lord of the Rings - J. R. R. Tolkein |

|The Secret Rose - W. B. Yeats |

|The Rose - W. B. Yeats |

|An Unofficial Rose - Miss Iris Murdoch |

|The Thistle & the Rose - W. Dunbar |

|Flags in the Dust - W. Faulkner |

|Put out More Flags - Evelyn Waugh |

|Put Yourself in His Place - Charles Reade |

|Both Well - A. C. Swinburne |

|You Can’t Do Both - Kingsley Amis |

|The Bothic of Tower-Na-Vuolich - A. H. Clough |

|Take a Girl Like You - Kingsley Amis |

|You Are Not Alone - Miss Iris Murdoch |

|You Never Can Tell - G. B. Shaw |

|Do What You Will - A. Huxley |

|If You’re Glad I’ll Be Frank - Tom Stoffard |

|I Hear, It Was Charged Against Me - Walt Whitman |

|I for One - J. B. Priestley |

|If I May - A. A. Milne |

|I Have Been Here Before - J. B. Priestley |

|I Dare - Kiran Bedi |

|If I Am Assassinated - Z. A. Bhutto |

|If I Were You - P. G. Wodehouse |

|Past & Present - Thomas Carlyle |

|Poems of the Past & Present - Thomas Hardy |

|The Present State of Polite Learning - Oliver Goldsmith |

|Living in the Present - John Wain |

|The Nowhere Man - Kamala Markandaya |

|The Nowhere Man - Pritish Nandy |

|The Kingdom of Nowhere- Utopia - Thomas More |

|Yet Again - Max Beerbohm |

|And Even Now - Max Beerbohm |

|Far Away & Long Ago - W. H. Hudson |

|Delhi is Not Far - Ruskin Bond |

|In our Time - Ernest Hemingway |

|Another Time - W. H. Auden |

|Time of Hope - Sir C. P. Snow |

|Two Tramps in Mud Time - R. L. Frost |

|Once Upon a Monsoon Time - Ruskin Bond |

|A Time for Dance - C. Day Lewis |

|A Dance to the Music of Time - Anthony Powell |

|Time & the Conways - J. B. Priestley |

|A Good Time was had by All - Steve Smith |

|A Time to Change - Nissim Ezekiel |

|A Matter of Time - Shashi Deshpandey |

|A Tale of the Time - Walt Whitman |

|A Time to be Happy - Nayantara Sehgal |

|Time Flies - C. G. Rossetti |

|Time Must Have a Stop - A. L. Huxley |

|Time & Tide - John Ruskin |

|Time Present - J. J. Osborne |

|The Bird of Time - Sarojini Naidu |

|Old Times - Harold Pinter |

|My Life & Times - V. V. Giri |

|Cocktail Time - P. G. Wodehouse |

|Tracts for the Times - R. H. Froude |

|Hard Times - Charles Dickens |

|Hard Cash - Charles Kingsley |

|Time’s Laughing Stocks - Thomas Hardy |

|The Time Machine - H. G. Wells |

|The Triumph of the Machine - D. H. Lawrence |

|The Triumph of Time - A. C. Swinburne |

|Ghosts in the Machine - Arthur Koestler |

|Nineteen Eighty Four - George Orwell |

|Nineteen Hundred & Nineteen - W. B. Yeats |

|A Full Moon in the March - W. B. Yeats |

|The Middle March - George Eliot |

|Triumphal March - T. S. Eliot |

|Apparition in April - Keki N. Daruwalla |

|A Great May - Arnold Bennett |

|The Darling Buds of May - H. E. Bates |

|The Thirty-First of June - J. B. Priestley |

|July’s People - Nadine Gordimer |

|Light in August - W. Faulkner |

|September 1,1939 - W. H. Auden |

|30 Days in September - Mahesh Dattani |

|November Boughs -Walt Whitman |

|Bright November - Kingsley Amis |

|Dean’s December - Saul Bellow |

|St. Patrick’s Day - R. B. Sheridan |

|Sultry Days - Shobha De |

|Sunny Days - Sunil Gavaskar |

|Happy Days - Samuel Beckett |

|My Days - R. K. Narayan |

|Landour Days : A Writers Journal - Ruskin Bond |

|Nine Day’s Wonder - John Mansfield |

|Fortynine Days - Amrita Pritam |

|Yesterday & Today - K. P. S. Menon |

|The Last Days of Pompei - E. L. Bulwer |

|The Day in Shadow - Nayantara Sehgal |

|Twenty Years After - A. Dumas |

|One Hundred Years of Solitude - G. Marquez |

|The Cotter’s Saturday Night - Robert Burns |

|Daylight on Saturday - J. B. Priestley |

|Saturn over the Water -J. B. Priestley |

|Saturday Night & Sunday Morning - Alan Silbitoe |

|The Christian Year @ Thoughts in Verse for the Sundays & Holydays Throughout the Year |

|- John Keble |

|A Month of Sundays - John (Hoyer) Updike |

|Next Sunday - R. K. Narayan |

|Sunday at Hempstead - James Thomson |

|Sunday up the River - James Thomson |

|A Memory of Two Mondays - Arthur Miller |

|Face to Face - Ved Prakash Mehta |

|New Foes Within Old Face - Charles Kingsley |

|My True Faces - Chaman Nihal |

|Facial Justice - L. P. Hartley |

|Faces - Walt Whitman |

|Morning Face - M. R. Anand |

|Morning Prayer - Nissim Ezekiel |

|Morning Raga - Mahesh Dattani |

|Great Morning - Osbort Sitwell |

|Mr. Noon - D. H. Lawrence |

|A Still Afternoon - D. H. Lawrence |

|Afternoon - Harold Pinter |

|Death in the Afternoon - Ernest Hemingway |

|A Hot Noon in Malabar - Kamla Das |

|From Noon to Starry Night - Walt Whitman |

|Evening in Byzantium - Irwin Shaw |

|Jocelyn - John Galsworthy |

|Evelina - Fanny Burney |

|Eve & other Poems - Ralph Hodgson |

|An Evening Walk - W. Wordsworth |

|It is a Beauteous Evening, Calm & Free - W. Wordsworth |

|Lines on an Autumnal Evening - S. T. Coleridge |

|Stopping By Woods on a Snowy Evening - R. L. Frost |

|Ancient Evenings - Norman Mailer |

|Socialite Evenings - Shobha De |

|The Eve of St. John - Sir Walter Scott |

|The Eve of St.Agnes - John Keats |

|The Eve of Saint Mark - John Keats |

|Eve’s Ransom - George Gissing |

|Evelyn’s Innes - George Moore |

|Tintern Abbey - William Wordsworth |

|Westminster Abbey - Matthew Arnold |

|Northanger Abbey - Jane Austen |

|Nightmare Abbey - T. L. Peacock |

|The Nightrunners of Bengal - John Masters |

|Arabian Nights - Sir Richard Burton |

|New Arabian Nights - R. L. Stevenson |

|Starry Nights - Shobha De |

|Night of the Leopard - Ruskin Bond |

|Night Train at Deoli - Ruskin Bond |

|Thieves in the Night - Arthur Koestler |

|Midsummer’s Night Dream - W. Shakespeare |

|The Complaint or Night Thoughts on Life - Edward Young |

|Twelfth Night - W. Shakespeare |

|The City of Dreadful Night - James Thomson |

|A Night of the Trojan War - John Drinkwater |

|The Fine Summer Night - M. Arnold |

|A Southern Night - Matthew Arnold |

|Frost at Midnight - S. T. Coleridge |

|Music at Night - Aldous Huxley |

|Music at Night - J. B. Priestley |

|Witches & Other Night Fears - Charles Lamb |

|Islands Nights Entertainment - R. L. Stevenson |

|The Mistakes of a Night - Oliver Goldsmith |

|Full Moon - P. G. Wodehouse |

|Crescent Moon - R. N. Tagore |

|The Moonstone - Wilkie Collins |

|The Panther’s Moon - Ruskin Bond |

|The Moon & Six Pence - W. S. Maugham |

|The Moon is Down - John Steinbeck |

|The First Man in the Moon - H. G. Wells |

|The Man in the Moon - Drayton |

|The Man in the Moon - John Lyly |

|The Woman in the Moon - John Lyly |

|The Cat & the Moon - W. B. Yeat |

|A Full Moon in the March - W. B. Yeats |

|The Middle March - George Eliot |

|Triumphal March - T. S. Eliot |

|On Nothing, on Something, on Everything - Hillaire Belloc |

|Nothing & Loving - Henry Green ( H.V.Yorke ) |

|To Say Nothing of the Dog - J. K. Jerome |

|Much Ado About Nothing - W. Shakespeare |

|Losers take All - Graham Greene |

|Winner take Nothing - Ernest Hemingway |

|Nothing Good Can Stay - R. L. Frost |

|Money for Nothing -P.G. Wodehouse |

|Nothing Serious - P. G. Wodehouse |

|Something to Answer for - P. H. Newby |

|Something of Myself - Rudyard Kipling |

|Chips with Everything - Arnold Wesker |

|After Democracy - H. G. Wells |

|Yesterday & Today - K. P. S. Menon |

|Twenty Years After - Alexander Dumas |

|After Many a Summer - Aldous Huxley |

|After Strange Gods - T. S. Eliot |

|Grace After Meal - J. C. Ransom |

|After the Funeral - D. M. Thomas |

|Death & After - Annie Besant |

|After the Fall - Arthur Miller |

|The Two Races of Man- Lender & Borrower - Charles Lamb |

|The Thores of Democracy - Walt Whitman |

|Two Cheers of Democracy - K. R. S. Iyengar |

|Two Cheers of Democracy - E. M. Forster |

|After Democracy - H. G. Wells |

|The Two Drovers - Sir Walter Scott |

|Poems by Two Brothers - A. L. Tennyson |

|The Two Chiefs of Dunboy - J. A. Froude |

|The Two Paths - John Ruskin |

|The Two Nations - Benjamin Disraeli |

|Two Years Ago - Charles Kingsley |

|No Second Troy - W. B. Yeats |

|The Three Voices of Poetry - T. S. Eliot |

|Three Years She Grew - William Wordsworth |

|Three Musketeers - Alexander Dumas |

|Three Sisters - Anton Chekhov |

|The Third - Nissim Ezekiel |

|The Third Man - Graham Greene |

|Soldiers Three - Rudyard Kipling |

|The Soldier - Rupert Brooke |

|Soldiers Pay - W. Faulkner |

|Into Battle - Charles Sorley |

|Into the Battle - Winston Churchill |

|Get Ready for Battle - R. P. Jhabvala |

|The Battle of the Books - Jonathan Swift |

|Tale of Modern India - Raja Rao |

|A Tale of Two Cities - Charles Dickens |

|Tales of Three Cities - Henry James |

|A Tale of the Time - Walt Whitman |

|The Handmaid’s Tale - Margaret Atwood |

|The Handmaid’s Tale - Harold Pinter |

|Tales of Mermaid Tavern - Prof. Alfred Noyes |

|A Tale of a Tub - Ben Jonson |

|A Tale of a Tub - Jonathan Swift |

|The Old Wives Tale - George Peele |

|The Old Wives Tale - Arnold Bennett |

|Tales from Shakespeare - Charles Lamb |

|Tales of Sherlock Holmes - Sir A. C. Doyle |

|Tales of My Landlord - Sir Walter Scott |

|Tales of the Crusaders - Sir Walter Scott |

|Grandmother’s Tale - R. K. Narayan |

|My Grandmother’s House - Kamla Das |

|The Four Ages of Poetry - T. L. Peacock |

|The Four Ages of Man - W. B. Yeats |

|The Four Georges - W. M. Thackeray |

|The Four Hymns - Spenser |

|The Four Beauties - H. E. Bates |

|Four Portraits - Peter Quennell |

|The Five Nations - Rudyard Kipling |

|The Seven Seas - Rudyard Kipling |

|Susanna’s Seven Husbands - Ruskin Bond |

|Seven Against Thebes - Aeschylus |

|Dance of Seven Deadly Sins -William Dunbar |

|In the Seven Woods - W. B. Yeats |

|The Seven Lamps of Architecture -John Ruskin |

|The Seven Stone of Venice - John Ruskin |

|The Seven Pillars of Wisdom - T. E. Lawrence |

|Seven Circles Round the Fire -Mahesh Dattani |

|Seven Types of Ambiguity - William Empson |

|Seven Principles of Man - Annie Besant |

|(7) Aspects of the Novel - E. M. Forster |

|We are Seven - William Wordsworth |

|Thirteenth Sun - Amrita Pritam |

|Vivat !, Vivat ! , Regina ! - R. O. Bolt |

|Pioneers ! O Pioneers ! - Walt Whitman |

|O Captain ! My Captain ! - Walt Whitman |

|Provide ! Provide ! - R. L. Frost |

|The Sea , the Sea - Irish Murdoch |

|Absalom, Absalom - W. Faulkner |

|Absalom & Achitophel - John Dryden |

|Fasting, Feasting - Anita Desai |

|Poetical Sketches - William Blake |

|Descriptive Sketches - William Wordsworth |

|Scenes from a Writer’s Life - Ruskin Bond |

|Scenes of Clerical Life - George Eliot |

|Morte De Arthur (1470) - Sir Thomas Malory |

|Morte D’ Arthur (1842) - A. L. Tennyson |

|Don Quixote - Miguel De Cervantes |

|Don Juan - Lord Byron |

|Don Carlos - Thomas Otway |

|Don Sebastian - John Dryden |

|The School Mistress - A. W. Pinero |

|The School Mistress - W. Shenstone |

|The School Master - Roger Ascham |

|The Old & the New School Master - Charles Lamb |

|Mr. Leicester’s School - Charles Lamb |

|The School of Abuse - Stephen Gosson |

|The School of Shooting - Roger Ascham |

|The School for Scandal - R. B. Sheridan |

|Men, Women & Books - Leigh Hunt |

|Familiar Studies of Men & Books - R. L. Stevenson |

|The Book of the Duchess - G. Chaucer |

|King’s Quair Book - James I |

|The Book of Colyn Clout - J. Skeleton |

|Book of Philip Sparrow - J. Skeleton |

|Book of the Sword - Sir Richard Burton |

|Book of Martyrs - John Foxe |

|The Battle of the Books - J. Swift |

|The Book of Urizen - William Blake |

|The Book of Los - William Blake |

|The Book of Thel - William Blake |

|The Bride’s Book of Beauty - M. R. Anand |

|The Books in My Life - Henry Miller |

|The Book Kerith - George Moore |

|A Book of Verse - E. Henley |

|The Book of Snobs - W. M. Thackeray |

|The Book of Cerm - Robert Buchnan |

|Book of Faith - Reginald Peacock |

|The Faithful Shepherdess - Fletcher |

|Lack Shepherd - W. H. Ainsworth |

|Sad Shepherd - Ben Jonson |

|The Wooden Shepherdes - Richard Hughes |

|A Chapter on Dreams - R. L. Stevenson |

|A Chapter on Ears - Charles Lamb |

|End of a Chapter - John Galsworthy |

|The Sense of an Ending - Julian Barnes |

|The Sense of Ending- Studies in the Theory of Fiction - J. F. Kermode |

|The End of the Affair - Graham Greene |

|Ends & Means - Aldous Huxley |

|Howard’s End - E. M. Forster |

|London End - J. B. Priestley |

|The End of the World - Gordon Bottomley |

|The End of the World - Lascelles Abercrombie |

Suggestions for Further Research:-

➢ The researcher can enlist often repeated Characters in different literary works.

➢ The researcher can enlist the names of Main Literary Authors often confused by readers such as Ben Jonson, Dr. Johnson, Samuel Butler ( Restoration ), Samuel Butler ( Victorian) etc...


Arora, Dr. Sudhir K. , ”A Handbook of Language and Literature for Competitive Examinations-PGT/TGT”, Prakash Book Depot, Bareilly, U.P., Reprint-2012, ISBN-978-81-7977-419-9

Bansal, Sanjeev Kumar, ” A Unique Collection of Literary Works Often Confused (Part-I)”, Aarhat  Multidisciplinary International Education Research Journal (AMIERJ), Bi-Monthly, Peer-Reviewed Journal, ISSN-2278-5655, Volume-I, Issue-II, Apr/May 2013   issue, Page N os.-47-74

Daiches, David. A Critical History of English Literature. New Delhi: Allied Publishers Pvt.  Limited, 1979; rpt. 2005.

Jain, Dr. B.B., ” UGC NET/JRF/SET, English Paper-II”, Upkar Prakashan, Agra-2, U.P., Pages-132, ISBN-978-81-7482-875-0, Code No.-940

Jain, Dr. B.B., ” UGC NET/JRF/SET, English Paper-III”, Upkar Prakashan, Agra-2, U.P., Pages-184, ISBN-978-81-7482-419-6, Code No.-1544

Kumar, Satish & Bansal, Anupama; ” A History of English Literature- From the Age of Chaucer to the Age of Twentieth Century”, Lakshmi Narain Agarwal, Agra, U.P., ISBN-81-85778-70-1

Mundra & Mundra, J.N.,S.C.; ”A History of English Literature-Vol-I- Anglo-Saxon Period to the Age of Dryden”, Prakash Book Depot, Bareilly, U.P., 2011, Pages 464, ISBN (Vol-I) -978-81-7977-251-5 , ISBN-Set-978-81-7977-254-6

Mundra & Mundra, J.N.,S.C.; ”A History of English Literature-Vol-II- The Age of Pope to the Romantic Period ”, Prakash Book Depot, Bareilly, U.P.,Reprint-2005, Pages 542, ISBN (Vol-II) -81-85897-38-7 , ISBN-Set-81-85897-36-0

Mundra & Mundra, J.N., S.C.; ”A History of English Literature- Vol-III- The Victorian Age to the Present Day ”, Prakash Book Depot, Bareilly, U.P., Reprint-2004, Pages 730, ISBN-Set-81-85897-36-0

“Objective English” , Pratiyogita Sahitya Series, Sahitya Bhavan, Agra, U.P., Pages 290 , Code-953

Sachdeva, S.K., “Year Book “, Competition Success Review, New Delhi, 1998 , Pp 876, P.No.453-468

Tetarwal, C.R., ”UGC-NET English Objective Solved Papers”, Amar Ujala Publications Ltd., Noida, U.P., 2012, Pages 226

Verma, A.S., ”UGC: NET/ SLET English Paper-II”, Pratiyogita Sahitya Series, Sahitya Bhavan, Agra, U.P., Code-A500[pic]


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