Effective Listening Action Sheet - Wilson Learning Worldwide

Effective Listening Action Sheet

How to Demonstrate Responsive Listening

Pay attention to your body language: ? Have an upright, attentive posture ? Keep arms open, not closed ? Smile and vary your facial expressions ? Nod your head ? Maintain eye contact ? Take notes to show interest

Use verbal indicators of Responsive Listening: ? "I see ..." ? "Say more about that ..." ? "That's interesting ..." ? "That makes sense ..." ? "Uh-huh ..."

Intentional Listening

What should I listen for? ? Business problems that can be solved by my products ? Causes of the problem ? The primary motives for making a change ? The consequences of not making a change ? The degree of urgency ? Names or titles of other people involved


What are the verbal and nonverbal signals of interest? ? Changes in speech volume ? Changes in pace of speech ? Emphasis placed on specific information ? More animation in body language

"The most basic of all human needs is the need to understand and be understood. The best way to understand people is to listen to them."

? Dr. Ralph Nichols, Professor at University of Minnesota and Founder of International Listening Association

Wilson Learning Worldwide Inc. Permission to reproduce this is granted to the individual participant in The Counselor Salesperson program.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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