March 4, 2008

Administration Building Conference Room 300


Committee Members Present: Carl C. Danberg, Commissioner; Noreen Renard, Chief Bureau of Community Corrections; Ed Synoski, Deputy Principal Assistant, Management Services; Alan Machtinger, Director, H.R. & Development; Kathy Mickle-Askin, Director of Training; Janet Durkee, Deputy H.R. Director; Rich Seifert, Deputy Principal Assistant, Bureau of Prisons; Debbi Craig, Planner V; Aaron Goldstein, Deputy Attorney General; Jim Welch, Medical Director; Gail Stallings-Minor, Chief Community Relations; Britta Strop, Diversity Coordinator; Ron Drake, IA Director; Joyce Talley, Chief Bureau of Management Services; Rick Kearney, Chief Bureau of Prisons; Linda Riddagh, Comptroller; Karl Hines, Deputy Principal Assistant, Bureau of Community Corrections; Tom Carroll, Deputy Commissioner.


Dr. Janet Kramer

Richard Pounsberry


Carl C. Danberg, Commissioner, called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m.

Motion to accept the last month’s minutes by Tom Carroll, 2nd by Rich Seifert. Unanimous, Approved

STATUS OF THE DEPARTMENT (Commissioner’s Comments)

1. Budget continues to be a concern. At this time DOC’s deficit is 10.8 million dollars. Plan to reduce the deficit to 8 million dollars by making cuts and reductions where we can. Make sure all purchases are necessary and order only quantity needed. Reduce training and travel keeping in mind that we continue with necessary training for COs, as well as health care for Inmates.

2. Calvin Harmon is back in DE DOC’s custody. Calvin Harmon, who escaped Delaware Department of Correction custody while receiving outside medical treatment on January 4, has been apprehended in eastern North Carolina. Harmon was apprehended at 5:50 p.m. Thursday night by Onslow County Department Deputies. Harmon was taken into custody without incident on Hwy 258 near the Hwy 111 intersection in Jacksonville, NC.

3. Count is relatively flat: BWCI 401, HRYCI 1676

4. Legislatures are in JFC hearings. Please make sure that if you receive a complaint/request for information from a Legislator that you respond quickly.

5. Evelyn Nestlerod has been directed to go through Tom Carroll for all her questions/needs/or concerns.

6. Welcome to Karl Hines, new Deputy Principal Assistant Bureau of Community Corrections.

7. Admin parking: Carl asked that until the parking expansion has been completed during the time that EDC is using part of the driveway for training someone be placed to direct traffic/parking.


1. Thank you to all for their hard work on the:

• 7 year accomplishments

• JFC Hearing

2. Epilogue overtime reports are due beginning of April.

3. Strategic Planning- continue to work on.


Bureau of Community Corrections, Bureau Chief Noreen Renard:

1. Elizabeth Neal is Acting Warden at PCCC, Webb and WWRC.

2. Bruce Williamson is Acting Deputy Warden at PCCC. Webb and WWRC.

3. Working with Carl Barker, DCI to supply furniture to the new Cherry Lane facility. DCI pricing and time line is better than vendor originally considered.

4. Webb: Warden to Dep Warden position still pending with OMB.

Bureau of Management Services, Bureau Chief Joyce Talley:

1. Central Records: Joyce is meeting with staff to make sure everyone is on the same page with how Central Records is to work.

2. Carl requested a written plan for Central Records.

3. Easy pass: DE DOC will soon be charged for toll through the E-Z pass booths on all DOC owned and operated vehicles unless they are transporting inmates. Joyce is to attend a meeting today to get a better understanding of what is coming and how we can deal with it. DOC currently has approximately 100 DOC owned vehicles.

4. Joyce met with Carl Barker to decision the new accounting system. Joyce will have to look into concerns. Continued.

5. Thank you go out to Ron and IA for getting through the Food Service backgrounds

6. EP training: is it still authorized for overtime pay? Per Carl yes only when absolutely needed.

Bureau of Prisons, Deputy Bureau Chief Rich Seifert:

1. Anticipate numbers to go up as the weather continues to get warmer.

2. BWCI multi-purpose room is 98% complete. Carl suggested that upon completion we have an open house.

3. New digitalized TV will be implemented Feb 09 and will be a problem; we need to start thinking about what we need to do.


Aaron Goldstein: nothing

Debbi Craig:

1. DAC Steering Committee continues to work on ticket problems. We are down to the last concern in our first set of five priority tickets. At our last meeting we identified the next five priorities for CNTI.

2. Work will begin second week of March on the classification module with a meeting of all classification users in BOP and BCC.

3. Delaware Correctional Industries (DCI) staff was all trained in DACs.

4. Inmate trust accounting, preliminary discussion on the existing DACs module for inmate trust accounting. Additional discussion will occur in the next meeting.

5. PREA training will be provided for Wardens, Deputy Wardens, P&P Director, P&P Managers and other like staff on PREA and the DOC PREA policy. This training will be scheduled for early April. Training will be mandatory for all Wardens per Commissioner Danberg.

6. Former Inmate survey as required by PREA is scheduled for the last week of March or first week of April.

7. Moss group will be conducting an assessment at BWCI per Bureau Chief Kearny’s request.

8. Seven year accomplishments report continues to be worked on, final draft for Commissioners approval before the end of this week.

Jim Welch

1. Monitor was here last two weeks, visited all facilities. Next visit is scheduled for March 17-20th at BWCI and SCI over four day period.

2. There was no response from the community on infectious disease request for proposal.

3. Renovations:

• HRYCI shelving is ordered to be delivered next week.

• DCC we are renovating existing space to make a Dr’s office and examination room.

• SCI bids have gone out for additional mental health and examination space (triple wide).

• BWCI renovations to existing space to increase medical capacity.

4. Carl inquired what the anticipated date for SCI being in operation. Per Jim he is hoping before the end of the fiscal year.

5. Carl is concerned about the memo that went out about the Hep A and B shots. Carl wants to make sure employees understand that DOC did not make this decision to provide Hep shots to uniform employees this was a decision by Legislators. Jim stated that all future correspondence regarding Hep A-B will include epilogue language.

6. Employees having concerns or questions should e-mail Jessica Forand, do not try to link with the website.

Ed Synoski: Nothing

Linda Riddagh: Nothing

Kathy Mickle-Askin:

1. CEIT 175, 28 cadets,

2. CEIT 176, 39 cadets, (3 food service)

3. Basic P&P class 12 cadets

4. EP training next week, equipment is being installed this week.

5. CNTI projects- testing to begin in April.

6. KMA will be attending training next week.

7. Carl inquired if State Police range was now open and could be used by Smyrna & Dover Police. Suggested that we strongly recommend they use the State Police Range also that we look into using lead free ammo.

Rich Seifert: BOP non medical inmate grievances are down fewer than 150.

Janet Durkee; Nothing

Ron Drake: Nothing

Britta Strop:

1. Warden Phelps met with DCC Diversity Committee to present a letter of appreciation from the Commissioner. Meeting went well. Faith Levy from HRYCI was invited to attend; Faith expressed interest in reviving HRYCI's Diversity Committee.

2. Planning on a diversity meeting between DCC and HRYCI, no date set at this time.

3. DCC starting a care team where selected staff do follow up care with other staff members in need.

4. Discussed new lesson plan with Kathy Mickle-Askin for new cadets.

5. Governor’s EEO Summit cancelled.

6. Partners for Progress Summit has not been cancelled at this time but fully expect it to be cancelled.

7. Warden Morgan is interested in the buddy system/mentoring program current under review at DCC.

8. Next DCC Diversity meeting is March 13th.

Alan Machtinger:

1. DOC submissions were due to OMB February 21st. OMB Committee met yesterday.

2. Unit 11 negotiations are on going. Next session is scheduled for March 16th.

3. FOP Perb consideration of appeal. Perb found in DOC favor, hope to have written decision within 30 days.

Richard Pounsberry:

1. Public Health inspections have been completed.

2. Sanitation inspections are completed.

3. Fire Marshall Inspections begin in March.

Gail Stalling-Minor:

1. Pew Foundation graded Delaware, we received a B+.

2. For future years during Employee Recognition, Special Award nominations will be reviewed and decided upon by the Exec Committee.




Dr. Janet Kramer, DE Medical Society:

1. Who can she contact regarding inmates 18< at HRCYI. Rick Kearney is to help Dr. Kramer with any questions.

Next Executive meeting will be held on Tuesday, April 1st.

Motion to Adjourn: Janet Durkee, 2nd Jim Welch, 10:26 a.m.


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