Charleville CBS Primary – Bakers Rd., Co. Cork- Roll No.16681Q

Creative Schools Week+ – June 2020Hi everyone,We know that you have all been working very hard for the last few months so we decided for the first six school days of June we might do something a little bit different. We are going to focus on doing lots of creative activities and we hope that you will do at least 4 of the activities each day. You can do more if you wish. The days have been coloured coded so that you know that all the work assigned for e.g. Tuesday June 2nd will be in yellow, Wednesday June 3rd will in green etc. Please send videos or photos each day to your teacher so he or she can see what activities you are doing.We ask that you please do the work on the SPHE/RSE Programme uploaded to the website last week with your parents. Don’t forget to fill in the worksheet at the end of this document each day so that you can record the activities you have done and email it or take a photo and send it to your teacher by Friday 11th of June.Hope you all have a relaxed and safe week and don’t forget to have some fun!!!CBS StaffParents please note that there a number of links to the internet when you may need to supervise some of the work!Visual Arts Tuesday June 2nd Wednesday June 3rd Thursday June 4th 2nd & 3rd Class Seesaw: Assign Make a Shape Character3rd – 6th Class: Make a Shape CharacterLook at the sheet for ideas. Draw your own creation. Then take a picture and send to teacher.2nd & 3rd Seesaw: Assign Mr. Squiggle Art 3rd – 6th Class: Mr Squiggle ArtCopy these pictures/symbols onto a page.Use a pencil or marker to make a picture of each symbol. If you like colour them but make sure to keep the original shape black. Send a picture of your drawing to teacher. 2nd - 6th Class: PhotographyLook at this clip online on the basics of photography Copy and paste the following link on your browser: Famous photos online - choose one you like and say why you chose it.Take a photo of something unusual at home and send it to teacher with your parent’s permission.Friday June 5th Monday June 8th Tuesday June 9th 2nd -6th Class: What Has Your Teacher Been Up To Since Lockdown Started?Grab your pencils and paper and create an imaginative drawing which shows what your teacher has been doing since lockdown started. It can be crazy, funny or as whacky as you like!!!336198191691002nd & 3rd Class Seesaw: One Point Perspective Drawings2nd - 6th Class: Perspective DrawingLook at the video on youtube: Search: Beginner One Point Perspective Drawing. Follow the steps to drawing the picture. Take and send a picture of your final product.2nd – 6th Class: Self PortraitToday we would like you to create a portrait. There is a guide to drawing a portrait below to help you. You can do a portrait of someone at home or yourself. Don’t forget to send your masterpiece to your teacher.B. Creative Thinking ActivitiesTuesday June 2nd Wednesday June 3rd Thursday June 4th 2nd & 3rd Class Seesaw: Assign - Create something new with a plate”3rd – 6th Class: Create with a PlateTurn a plate into something else e.g. a clock and then make a video clip or write about your creation. Share with your teacher2nd & 3rd Seesaw: Assign - “Not a Box”3rd – 6th Class: “Not a Box” ChallengeWatch the animation of the book “Not a Box: The Animation” on . If you had a box, what would you pretend it was? Draw a box and make it into something else. Take a photo and send it to your teacher or make a video and explain your drawing. 2nd & 3rd Class Seesaw: Assign - Creativity: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle3rd – 6th Class: Reduce, Reuse, RecycleAsk an adult for an empty paper towel or toilet roll. Your task will be to reuse the roll and make it into something usable - think outside the box. Send a picture and a short explanantion of what it is and what it does.Friday June 5th Monday June 8th Tuesday June 9th 2nd – 6th Class: Assign Fun Design Challenge!3rd – 6th Class: Design a gadget for a family member or friend. What does it do and why? 4868255707200You can create a model of your gadget. Take a photo and write or talk about it.2nd 3rd Class Seesaw: Creative Greeting Challenge3rd – 6th Class: Greeting ChallengeWe are being told not to touch each other’s hands or hug one another. Everyone is coming up with new ways to greet each other. Be creative, develop the greeting and then film a new greeting where you do not touch hands. 2nd & 3rd Class Seesaw: Assign Critical Thinking: Robots Holding Doors2nd – 6th Class: Robots Holding DoorsThis robot can hold open the door for friends! Watch the video: people are excited and some are terrified by this robot. Write about how you feel watching the video and why and email to your teacher.C. SESETuesday June 2nd Wednesday June 3rd Thursday June 4th History2nd – 6th Class: Video clips: Make a video of something old in your home. Describe what it is and what it is used for. You can make more than one video if you find some interesting items!If you don’t want to talk about it you can write about it insteadGeography2nd & 3rd Seesaw: Where in the World do you want to go?3rd – 6th Class: Where in the World do you want to go? Choose one place you would like to visit. Find a photo of the place you want by looking through books or by searching online at. Name the place, where it is located and why you want to visit.Science2nd & 3rd Seesaw: Build a bridge that can hold toy cars/toy tractors/ lego men/coins.33247928948500You can use materials of your choice to build this bridge. 3rd – 6th Class: Build a bridge that can hold toy cars/toy tractors/ lego men/coins.You can use materials of your choice to build this bridge. Plan your idea - sketch it - Build it - Test it - Add one item to the bridge at a time to see will it remain stable. How could you improve the design? Can you make the bridge wider/longer?Take pics of your creations and send them to your teacher.Friday June 5th Monday June 8th Tuesday June 9th Cultural Diversity2nd – 6th Class: World FlagIreland has changed a lot in last 20 years with lots of new people and new cultures being welcomed into our community. Design a new flag for Ireland. Write or talk about your design and the colours you used. Why did you choose these? Share with your teacher.The Environment2nd – 6th Class: Adventure Garden Why not make an adventure section in your garden with natural materials if you can e.g. A path to walk on with logs or stones – cut grass to jump in. You can add in things like the swing/trampoline/sand/hurley etc.Keep safety in mind for each area – enjoy!Nature Studies2nd & 3rd Class Seesaw: Virtual Tours!3rd - 6th Class:787407874000Visit the link to the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History. Pick a virtual tour to explore.Draw, write or record what you learned:Which virtual tour did you choose?What did you see? What did you learn?What did you wonder?D. Music/Dance/DramaTuesday June 2nd Wednesday June 3rd Thursday June 4th 2nd – 6th Class: Object TheatreCollect 5 random objects from around your house. Examine each item and ask yourself ‘what else could this item be?’. For example, ‘This isn’t a book…. it’s a skateboard’, ‘This isn’t a plate……it’s a spacecraft’ or ‘This isn’t a toothbrush…… it’s a key to a treasure chest’.If your object could speak/make a sound, what would it say/sound like?-39444183029002nd – 6th Class: Look up Incredibox on 9831345338900Follow the instructions below at the end of these pages to make your own beats!The instructions below on page 10 will explain how to make your beat send it to your teacher.2nd – 6th Class: Writing a rap or a songMake up your own 1 minute rap or song about whatever you want. Make sure it is appropriate!Record it and send it to your teacher.Friday June 5th Monday June 8th Tuesday June 9th 2nd – 6th Class: Music Quiz how many questions you can answer correctly on this Kahoots Quiz on music from 2019. Use a code name, not your real name. Good luck! 2nd – 6th Class: Music Quiz2nd – 6th Class: Dance with Mr. HanleyJoin Mr. Hanley online for a fun dance class. You might get some others at home to join in too.Video Move your BODY Part 1 fun with Mr. H.Video Move your BODY Part 2. Poetry/Literary ActivitiesTuesday June 2nd Wednesday June 3rd Thursday June 4th 2nd – 6th Class: Create your own book coverYou can illustrate your own cover for the book “The Cat in the Hat” by Dr. Seuss. There are two ways below to draw the cat and then let your creativity run wild. Google: Cat in the Hat rap by Wes Tank to see how you can rap to a story!2nd & 3rd Seesaw: What’s in the Bag?Write down or draw a picture of 7 things that might be in the bag. What would you like to be in the bag? Why? Write and send to teacher.2nd & 3rd Class Seesaw: Assign Finish the Comic Strip #23rd – 6th Class: Finish the Comic StripCopy these plete the comic strip. Add words and try to make it funny if you can. Colour in the background. Send a picture to your teacher.Friday June 5th Monday June 8th Tuesday June 9th 2nd – 3rd Class: Go to Listen to “Arnie the Doughnut” or a story of your choice and draw or write about your favourite part of the story!109432964845004th – 6th Class: Snack AttackLook at the video clip called “Snack Attack” on youtube. Did you enjoy this? Why /why not? Write or record your answers. Draw or write what you think might happen next! 2nd – 6th Class: Poem: “I wonder…”. Write a poem based on “I wonder…”e.g. I wonder why the sun is yellow?I wonder why I’m such a lovely fellow?I wonder why a dog can bark?I wonder why I hate the dark?It doesn’t have to rhyme and it can be as long as you like!2nd – 3rd Class Seesaw: Book Review Movie Trailer3rd – 6th Class: Book Review Movie TrailerHave you read a good book lately? Make a short book movie trailer (use some props if you want!) to try to convince your friends to read this book! Have fun!STEM ActivitiesWednesday June 10th Thursday June 11th Friday June 12th 2nd – 6th Class: Name from 3D itemsMake your name from 3D objects. It could be with pasta, sweets etc. Here is an example of one done with lego mini figures!P.S. If you have done this already try to make each letter out of something different2nd & 3rd Seesaw: Assign How to Make a Paper Airplane!3rd – 6th Class: Making paper planesCan you design an airplane that will travel the farthest distance? Watch the youtube video: Fastest Flying Paper Airplane Tutorial. Then design and build it. Is there any change you would make to your plane to make it travel farther?2nd – 6th Class: Create an alien out of blocks, Lego or anything else you have in your house. Give him a name and send a pic to your teacher.Monday June 15th Tuesday June 16th Wednesday June 17th 2400935393701002nd & 3rd Seesaw: Build an enclosure for one of your teddies or toys. You can use materials such as boxes, tins, books etc to create your enclosure.3rd- 6th Class: A Tower Made from CardsTry to build a tower – as tall as you can! – from a pack of playing cards. If you don’t have cards try with books but don’t stack them on top of each other – try something more creative!2nd & 3rd Class Seesaw: Assign Design a boat to float2nd – 6th Class: Design a Boat to FloatPlan your idea - sketch it - Build it - Test it - Add one coin at a time to see will it stay floating. How could you improve the design2nd& 3rd Seesaw: Make a Robot From Recycled MaterialsWrite 5 sentences explaining what this robot’s job would be.3rd – 6th Class: Make a Robot From Recycled MaterialsWrite a paragraph explaining what this robot’s job would be and why there is a need for this robot to do this job.110090227686000Remember to send pictures of your creations to your teacheG. Life Skills – Cooking and BakingTuesday June 2nd Wednesday June 3rd Thursday June 4th 2nd – 6th Class: Simple SconesEquipment: Wooden spoon, mixing bowl, flat baking tin, rolling pin, jug, fork and knife, sieve, scone cutterIngredients:225g self-raising flour150ml milk25g butter/margarine cut into pieces25g caster sugar (optional)Pinch of saltInstructions:Step 1: Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Sieve the flour, sugar and salt into the mixing bowl.Step 2: Rub the butter into the flour until it looks like breadcrumbs.Step 3: Add in the milk a little at a time and using the wooden spoon bring it into a soft dough ball. Put the dough ball onto the surface, make sure there is flour on the surface. Step 4: With the rolling pin roll out the dough not too thin (about 2cm) , then using your cutter, cut out cicle shapes and place them on your floured tray. Step 5: Optional – Place some egg on top of them for a golden look. Bake for 10-15 minutes and enjoy with butter, cream and jam.2nd – 6th Class: Pizza Wraps Equipment: Flat baking tin, spoon, plate, graterIngredients:Wraps1 tablespooon red pesto or tomato puréeA big handful of a cheese of your choiceChoice of toppings:-pineapple-pepperoni-ham-sweet corn etc. -rockettInstructions:Step 1: Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Place your wrap on the flat baking tin. Using your spoon spread on the red pesto or tomato purée. Step 2: Add all your favourite toppings and cheese.Step 3: Bake the pizza wrap nfor 5-10 minutes. Take it out and add your rocket. Enjoy!2nd – 6th Class: Blueberry MuffnsEquipment: Wooden spoon, mixing bowl, muffin tin and cases, jug, 2 spoons, fork and knife, sieveIngredients:275g flour75g butter/margarine cut into pieces1 pack of blueberries or raspberries 2 eggs300ml milk2 teaspoons of baking powde125g caster sugar1 pinch of saltInstructions:Step 1: Preheat the oven to 180 degrees and line your tin with muffin cases. Sieve the flour, sugar, baking powder and salt into the mixing bowl.Step 2: Melt the butter in the microwave for 30 seconds.Step 3: Crack both of the eggs and mix them into the milk and then add the melted butter. Step 4: Add the wet ingredients into the dry and mix them altogether well. Finally add the blueberries.Step 5: Spoon the blueberry mix into the muffuin cses and put in the oven for 20 minutes. Be careful using the oven and have an adult help you.Yum!Friday June 5th Monday June 8th Tuesday June 9th 2nd – 6th Class: Toasted Cheese SandwichesEquipment: Frying pan, fish slice, plate, knifeIngredients:2 slices of breadTablespoon of butter50g cheddar cheese gratedInstructions:Step 1: Wash your hands and gather all you need. Grate your cheese. Butter your 2 slices of bread on both sides.Step 2: Pre-heat your pan for 1 minute. With a spatula place your toasted sandwich on the pan. Allow it to cook for 2-3 ninutes before turning it or until it is brown.Step 3: When your toastie is nice and brown serve up and enjoy. 2nd – 6th Class: FlapjacksEquipment: Wooden spoon, pot, spoon, flat baking tinIngredients:125g butter/margarine cut into pieces125g caster sugar (optional)225g porridge oats75g Golden syrupInstructions:Step 1: Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Melt the butter in the pot and add in the sugar and golden syrup.Step 2: Add oats into the pot and mix untilall are combined properly.Step 3: Put baking parchment on your flat tin or else grease it with butter. Place in the oven for 5 minutes and then cut them into squares. Take them out of the tin when they have fully cooked. Yum! 2nd – 6th Class: Bread and Butter PuddingEquipment: Wooden spoon, pot, 1 dish for the pudding, chopping board, bowl, fork and knife, whiskIngredients:350ml milk50ml cream8 slices of bread2 eggs25g butter50g sultanas30g sugar2 teaspoons of cinnamonInstructions:Step 1: Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Grease the dish you are using with butter. Butter each slice of bread on one side and cut off the crusts. Cut them into triangles.Step 2: Add one layer of traingles, butter side up. Add some sultanans and cinnamon and repeat this until you have used all the bread up.Step 3: Warm the milk and the cream in a pot, don’t let it boil. Crack the eggs into the bowl and add ? of the sugar and whisk until it looks pale. Add the warm milk into the egg mix.Step 4: Pour the custard over the bread. Sprinkle with the rest of the sugar and cinnamon and bake for 30 minutes. Take out and enjoy! My Creative Schools’ Week Name: _________________________________ Class: ________________________________ I chose to do the following activities:Tuesday June 2nd TickWednesday June 3rd TickThursday June 4th TickA.Make a Shape characterA.Mr. Squiggle ArtA.PhotographyB.Plate createB.Not a BoxB.Reduce, Reuse, RecycleC.History – Something oldC.Geography – Where in the World?C.Science – Build a BridgeD.Object TheatreD.Incredibox BeatboxD. Own Rap/song E.Design your own book coverE.What’s in the ic StripF.Your name in 3DF.Make a paper planeF.Create an alienG.Baking – Simple sconesG.Cooking - Pizza WrapsG.Baking - Blueberry MuffinsFriday June 5th Monday June 8th Tuesday June 9th A.What has teacher been up to?A.Perspective DrawingA.Portrait DrawingB.Fun gadget for FamilyB.Creative GreetingB.Robot Holding DoorC.Cultural Diversity – Flag DesignC.Environment – Adventure PlaygroundC.Nature - Virtual TourE. Music Quiz E. Dance with KeithE. Music Fun with Mr. HF. Enclosure or Deck of CardsF. A Boat to FloatF. A Recycled RobotG.Cooking – Toasted Cheese SandwichesG.Baking – FlapjacksG.Baking – Bread & Butter PuddingMy favourite activity was __________________________________________________________________ . In which area would you like to do more activities? _____________________________________________________________ .Did you enjoy Creative Schools’ week? Tick one: I loved it _______ I enjoyed it ______It was okay_______ I didn’t really enjoy it______ ................

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