Sunday Liberty Pole

Vol.3. No. 37; Oct. 1, 2017 (5 pages)190501367790Publisher: San Fernando Valley Patriots Editor: Karen Kenney. Contributors: Duane “Bucky” Buckley (DB), Megan/Neuro7plastic (MN), Tom Adams (TA), Kyle Kyllan (KK), Aspen Pittman (AP), Dawn Wildman (DW), Carmen Otto (CO), Tim Marshall (TM), Paul Dowling (PD), Celeste Grieg (CG), J. David Lehman (JDL), Stephen Steinlight (SS), Myrna Davis (MD), Janet Levy (JL), Lisa K (LK), Tom Zimmerman (TZ), Rohini De Silva (RDS), Carolyn Guillot (CG), Linda Culpepper (LC), Nonie Darwish (ND), Linda Paine (LP), Borek Volarik (BV), (SE),Lawrence Peck (LP), Karen Siegemund (KS) This “Liberty Pole” is one of hundreds erected in America as a place to post political news and as a symbol of the colonials’ resistance to British tyranny. Historical records indicated these poles existed across America, especially in MA, PA, NJ, NY and George. The Sons of Liberty erected the first on May 21, 1776.Spotlight: Visionary VideosCampus MAGA Hat-swipe: Hate goes Viral (VIDEO 09:17): 9/29/2017 by Trey Sanchez: Left-wing education--our hate dollars at work. Raiders throw NFL Game because QB didn't kneel? (VIDEO 12:43) 9/28/2017 by Papa Giorgio on You Tube: Did Armstrong & Getty get it right? :"Communist Cadet": Picture worth a?Thousand Words: 9/27/2017 by Glenn Beck at Glenn Beck: Fundamental transformation or Left-Wing infiltration? Lady Melania Trump with Dr. Seuss bookMA Librarian rejects Melania Trump-donate Dr. Seuss Books 9/29/2017 by Fox News: Cites Left-wing pattern of FLOTUS rejection; stunning to watch this compilation. continues on Page 2National (continued):Judge tries to ignore SCOTUS: It Backfires. 9/27/2017 by Mark Megahan at Conservative Daily Post . makes Declaration against Cuba on Diplomat Attack: 9/27/2017 by Georgette Walrath at Conservative Daily Post Speech: Online ProbationGoFundMe erases Glazov Gang campaign for anti-Sharia Tour 9/22/2017 by Charlie Nash at Breitbart: Yeah, the Left is tolerant--of the Left. The Glazov Gang is donation-sponsored at . Employee fired over Diversity Memo 8/9/2017 by Olivia Solon at The Guardian (San Francisco): Yes, Virginia, there was a "witch-hunt" at Google. Tube vs. Conservative Speech 10/25/2016 by Dennis Prager at the Dennis Prager Show: What's next? Google Purging Conservative News Sites? 5/24/2006 at Student News Daily Action: Showing Up10 Questions to Ask Your Federal Elected Officials Tips for Citizens Prepared: Visit Your Local Elected Official contact info: Find your Legislator: Bullet Train: $1.7B for Central Valley Segment: 9/29/2017 by Ralph Vartabedian at Los Angeles Times 's Tax Plan to Hit CA Hard 9/27/2017 by Jim Puzzanghera at Los Angeles Times : Changing ValuesMemorials of Grief: 9/10/2017 by Daniel Greenfield at his blog Sultan Knish. Do they teach us to remember or to forget? Repeat. and Mused News: OR Celebrates: Free Abortions for All--including Illegal Aliens: 9/18/2017 by Micaiah Bilger at Life News ? States make Pact for a Bold Constitutional Change--on Spending 9/18/2017 by Mark Megahan at Conservative Daily Post Central Valley replacing Illegal Aliens with Technology/Robots 8/28/2017 by Stephen Frank at California Political Review policy: The “Sunday Liberty Pole” is published in a weekly newspaper-style with a focus on contemporary civics and ‘town square’ themes. Contribute: If you have an opinion, comment or contribution (i.e. personal commentary on the news, or a favorite web site, story link), send an email (limit 100 words) with subject line Editor: Sunday Liberty Pole to klkenneyphd@ for a future edition.New! Sunday Liberty Pole archives. Readers’ choice: a DOCX or PDF version of previous editions at the Hearth: Mass-Migration: Reality hits Canada 9/19/2017 at Douglas Murray at Gatestone Institute: Oh, Canada. NFL, Media, Pundits, Hollywood: 9/29/2017 by REV21V3N4 at Sparta Report: Some fine points--from a spear. (MN) World Order starts with Germany and China (Commentary): 7/13/2017 by Admin at Eye of Vigilance Teacher-shortage Myth (Commentary): 9/13/2017 by Larry Sand at City Journal: Too many teachers, so many lies. Failure Fuels Democrats Single-payer Warpath: 9/14/2017 by Matthew Vadum at Front Page Magazine Reels: Climate Change DiscourseIs Climate Change Real? (VIDEO 09:56) 5/26/2017 by Bill Whittle on the Bill Whittle Channel They Haven't Told You about Climate Change (VIDEO 04:54): 7/27/2015 by Patrick Moore, co-founder of Greenpeace 97% of Climate Scientists Really Agree? (VIDEO 04:36) 7/11/2016 by Alex Epstein author of "The Moral Case for Fossil Fuels"?at Prager U Shapiro: How to Debate Climate Change (VIDEO 14:55) 12/17/2016 by Ben Shapiro via Daily Liberty Reel continues on Page 5Highlight Reel (continued):How to Escape the Democrat Plantation (VIDEO 07:00): 9/14/2017 by Candace Owens at Front Page Magazine: From her series "The Myth of the 'Coon'" and Fighters?off NoKo: Pyongyang didn't flinch: 9/29/2017 by Robert E. McCoy at NK News Radical Islam isn't a Partisan Issue 9/6/2017 by Meira Svirsky at Clarion Project Women: Islamic Laws vs. Multiculturalism 9/10/2017 by Khadija Khan at Gatestone Institute : The Kims' Cheat-and-Retreat Game: 9/10/2017 by Amir Taheri at Gatestone Institute NoKo re-defectors returned to SoKo since 2013: 9/19/2017 by Dagyum Ji at NK News Puerto Rico get "Maria" by real Manmade Climate Manipulation? 9/29/2017 by Dane Wigington at GeoEngineering Watch: Relevant conspiracy theory? You decide. Western US due for a?Sacrificial Shake and Bake? 8/1/2017 by Dane Wigington at Geoengineering Watch: Something is extreme, here. You decide. ................

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