LDI Antigen Mixtures

Dr. Ty Vincent M.D.

Global Immunotherapy LLC


June 2019

LDI Antigen Mixes


When I first began developing my own antigens for treating patients with immune/inflammatory issues, the first one I put together was a Yeast mix (ca. 2009). Then I compiled progressively larger collections of Borrelia-Babesia-Bartonella-Ehrlichia species, then a mixture of Mycobacteria, and so on. I have since then acquired through various sources (trades with other practitioners, microbiology specimen warehouses, etc.) several dozen other antigen mixtures or individual items. I have a diverse collection of items that is continually growing as I look for ways to treat new or stubborn conditions.

It is important to note that most LDI antigens comprised of microorganisms are all dead bacterial/viral/fungal/protozoan specimens. Notable exceptions are the Flu, MMR and Varicella antigens. Those three are dilutions made from commercially produced vaccines, which are live attenuated viruses. I have diluted the DTaP and Polio vaccines as well, but those are killed/inactivated organisms. All other microbes used in the LDI antigens have ultimately come from ATCC (American Type Cell Culture), a national government-sponsored microbial sample bank. The organisms are all killed by electron beam irradiation, which destroys their DNA and makes them inert biologically, but leaves their protein structures intact. This makes them excellent antigens.

There are no preservatives, stabilizers, adjuvants, antiseptics or other substances mixed with the samples or added to the dilutions. The dilutions are made simply with sterile water.

The LDI antigens are listed alphabetically, including a listing of MIXES, and then INDIVIDUAL antigens.

If you are interested in Low Dose Allergen Therapy (LDA) information, that is separate from LDI. LDA is through Edge Pharmacy. We treat patients with LDA, however, we do not provide any training or education about LDA.


For Patients: This is not a menu to order from. If you are a patient you must speak with your Provider about your medical issues. Please, do not contact your provider's office requesting specific antigens. You must discuss your medical history with your provider, and collectively you will discuss your dose plan in a scheduled visit. The appropriate LDI antigen is NOT based on lab testing results, muscles testing or ART. It just doesn't work to select the appropriate Antigen and/or starting dose. You should plan on a long conversation about your symptoms so the correct antigens can be applied. This is for your information and education. Please pass it on and share with anyone who may benefit from LDI. For Providers: Please select only the antigens you will use when placing antigen requests. These take considerable time to prepare. NOTE: Babesia, Bartonella, Borrelia, Coxsiella, Ehrlichia are listed under the "Lyme" mix.



I put this mixture together in the summer of 2017, searching for a solution to certain cases of immune-mediated weakness or paralytic conditions. Campylobacter is known to exhibit molecular mimicry related to human motor neurons, and to be the causative agent for roughly 1/3 of cases of Guillian-Barre Syndrome. As of the time of this writing, I have no experience using this mixture for anyone yet.

Species Included: Campylobacter butzleri C. coli C. fennelli C. hyointestinalis C. lanimae C. mucosalis C. rectus

C. sputorum

C. cinaedi C. concisus C. fetus C. jejuni C. laridis C. pylori C. showae

Expected Dose Range: (unknown ? but suspect 6C-12C)

Suggested Uses: Guillian-Barre Syndrome CIDP ALS Other inflammatory motor neuron conditions Chronic Diarrhea


The "Clostridia" mixture contains four species: Clostridia perfringens C. difficile C. sporogenes C. butyricum

Typical Dose Range: 5C-12C, with outliers past 20C in severe cases


Potential Uses: Chronic diarrhea (especially with Hx/O prior C. diff infection) Recurrent C. diff infection Chronic colitis or IBD Autism (especially those with a lot of agitation or violence)

"Cold" Mix

This mix contains a collection of viruses involved in the Common Cold or typical URI. It is by no means comprehensive, because only a small percentage of all such possible viruses are commercially available.

Viral Strains: Rhinovirus types 1A, A, B, C Coronavirus (one type, unspecified) Adenovirus types 3, 5, 7 Parainfluenza types 1, 2, 3 RSV (one type, unspecified)

Probable Dose Range: 5C-7C, 5.5C appears to be most common to eliminate the common cold. Take the dose at the first sign of a cold.

Suggested Uses: Uncomplicated URI/Viral Rhinitis Bronchitis Viral Pharyngitis RSV Croup Prevention of recurrent URI's

Collagen Mix

11 types of human collagen (produced by recombinant DNA technology). Collagen Types: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, and 17.

Probable Dose Range: 5C-9C



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