Questions and Answers about the DRA 2

DRA2 Q & A for K-5 Students Why are we using DRA2?CDE has identified DRA2 as one of the three interim assessments adopted for Colorado READ Act. What does the DRA2 determine?It determines the student’s independent reading level.When is the DRA2 administered? For the current school year (2012-2013), DRA2 should be administered at the end of the year for all students in K-3 and all PP & U (as determined by Acuity and body of evidence) 4th and 5th grade students.What testing is needed for 4th and 5th students?For the current school year (2012-2013), the DRA2 should be administered at the end of the year for all fourth and fifth grade students.When is the Spring 2012-2013 testing window?The testing window is listed in the APS Assessment Calendar on Division of Assessment & Research website as April 8 – May 10 for 2012-13. How do I know where to start testing my students?Please use current bodies of evidence (running records-instructional level) and then utilize the K-5 Reading Progress Monitoring Chart to determine beginning point (e.g. if a student is reading at instructional level F in class, the starting point for DRA2 is level 10). What do I need to report at the end of the year?For end of the year reporting purposes, we are required to report to the state only those students not on grade level. For this reason, the Division of Instruction (DoI) is not requiring teachers to assess beyond one level above the identified end of year benchmark. Refer to chart on page 144 in the DRA2 teacher guide and the bottom of each protocol to determine Independent, Instructional and Advanced levels. What test is optional?The Reading Engagement test on DRA2 is optional, and the score will not be collected by APS or CDE. What is the end of the year independent DRA2 benchmark for each grade level? K – Level 4, First – Level 18, Second – Level 30, Third – Level 38, Fourth – Level 40, and Fifth – Level 50How will I report the student’s independent DRA2 scores?DRA2 scores will be entered into Enrich.What scores will be collected at the End-of-Year by APS and CDE?Levels A-3 – Level at which student scores “independent” on both Oral Reading and Print Language Concepts subtests. Levels 4-50 – Level at which student scores “independent” on both Oral Reading Fluency and Comprehension subtests.Should the running record be analyzed? Yes. The teacher will need to understand how to record the oral reading behaviors and how to determine the number of miscues and accuracy percentage. If the child had 4-5 miscues, the chart on the DRA2 assessment protocol provides help with the analysis of the miscues. It is essential the instructional level is analyzed.What DRA2 assessments should be passed on to the next year’s teacher?All assessment data from the previous year is expected to be forwarded to the receiving teacher (body of evidence folder). How do we measure growth for AGATE learners?Testing to frustration is required for gifted students who have not yet tested independent at the DRA2 level 80. Then students should be tested using the MAP test. This meets the state requirement to show growth in reading as well as supporting clear goals around reading on the student’s Advanced Learning Plan (ALP).Where can I find answers to additional questions?Consult your DRA2 teacher’s guide (p. 140), or see your Teacher Coach. ................

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