Teacher Form - SCHOOLinSITES

Beowulf Verses 1-7 NAME:_________________________________________


The Monster Grendel – p. 21

1. Who is the Danish king with a problem?

2. What is his problem?

3. What is the name of his mead hall?

4. Who is impatient with the music coming from Herot?

5. Who was Grendel’s ancestor?

6. For what crime did God punish Grendel’s ancestor?

7. How many men did Grendel eat the first night?

8. What images associate Grendel with evil?

9. Which warriors survive Grendel’s second attack?

10. How long did Grendel continue his visits before help arrived? p. 22

11. What is significant about Grendel’s refusal to pay “wergild” or compensation for having taken a human life? p. 22, lines 69-72

12. Why won’t Grendel touch Hrothgar’s throne? (top of p. 23)

13. What efforts do Hrothgar’s men put forth to try to save the mead hall? p. 23

14. Who is Beowulf’s king?

15. What is the name of Beowulf’s people?

16. How many men accompanied Beowulf? p. 23

The Arrival of the Hero p. 24

17. Who takes Beowulf and his men to meet Hrothgar?

18. What request does Wulfgar make of Beowulf and his men when they enter?

19. What 2 feats does Beowulf boast about to Hrothgar?

20. What request does Beowulf make of Hrothgar?

Unferth’s Challenge p. 26

21. What story does Unferth tell about Beowulf?

22. Why does he tell the story?

23. Who was Beowulf’s father?

24. What is Beowulf’s version of the story?

25. Who is Brecca?

26. What happened to Beowulf after the flood swept him and Brecca apart?

27. To counter Unferth’s attack on Beowulf’s integrity, how does Beowulf belittle him?

28. Explain how Beowulf’s story develops his characteristics as a hero of great physical strength and supernatural power.

29. What do the Danes do to entertain themselves at this feast? (p. 29, lines 344-345)

30. What role does Hrothgar’s wife, Welthow, have in the festivities?

31. What promise does Beowulf make to the Danes? (lines 368-370)

32. What does Hrothgar promise Beowulf?

The Battle with Grendel p. 31 Verses 8-17

33. Where does Grendel live?

34. Who is the “wakeful sleeper” that Grendel grabs when he next visits Herot?

35. What weapon did Beowulf use against Grendel?

36. What symbolism do you see in the uselessness of human weapons against Grendel?

37. How does Grendel react when Beowulf grabs his hand? (line 435, p. 32)

38. What was an outward sign of the fierceness of the battle? (line 459, p. 33)

39. What kind of magic spell did Grendel have? (p. 33)

40. What fatal wound did Beowulf inflict on Grendel? (p. 34)

41. What trophy did Beowulf display from his battle with Grendel and where did he display it? (p. 34)

42. Where did Grendel die?

43. Who took back Beowulf’s trophy? (p. 35)

44. Who is Hrothgar’s closest friend? Esher (freebie)

45. What else did Grendel’s mom do during her visit to Herot?

Monster’s Mother p. 36

46. What is the name of the sword Beowulf intended to use against Grendel’s mother? (see italics)

47. Who loaned him the sword? Unferth (freebie)

48. When Beowulf paid Grendel’s mother a visit, how long did it take him to reach the bottom of the lake?

49. What is the ring-woven mail on Beowulf’s breast as described in line 581?

Note: 20,000 small iron rings were welded shut to make a sort of mesh-net armor. Mail was actually a protective vest of woven metal – equal to today’s bullet proof vest.

50. What sword did Beowulf actually use against Grendel’s mother? (p. 37)

51. What is the symbolic meaning of the strange light that blazes during the battle?

Final Battle – (Battle with the Dragon) p. 42

52. List 2 kennings that Beowulf uses to refer to the dragon. (lines 665-679)

53. What happened when Beowulf struck the dragon with his sword?

54. How do Beowulf’s men react when they see the dragon winning the fight?

55. Who stayed to help Beowulf?

56. What does Beowulf want to see before he dies? (see italics)

57. What are Beowulf’s final wishes? (lines 810-816)


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