3-D Forms - Arts Impact

ARTS IMPACT LESSON PLAN37814251168405133975116840Visual Arts LessonTextured Cylindrical Planter Authors: Brian Henkel with Carol Gould Grade Level: 1stEnduring UnderstandingThree dimensional forms can be built using two dimensional shapes. Natural objects can be used to create actual texture in clay.Lesson Description (Use for family communication and displaying student art)Students build a three dimensional form using two dimensional shapes by making a cylindrical clay container/planter. Natural objects are impressed into clay to create texture. Containers are bisque fired, glazed and planted with seeds.Learning Targets and Assessment CriteriaTarget: Identifies basic three dimensional geometric forms.Criteria: Points out and labels prisms, cubes, cylinders and cones. Target: Describes and makes textures.Criteria: Selects words about texture and then uses natural objects to impress texture in clay slab.Target: Uses hand-building techniques to create a clay planter.Criteria: Carefully scores and joins rectangular slab and circular test tile, glazes (after bisque firing), and plants seeds in finished clay container.VocabularyArts:Clay slabContainerFormHand-buildingImpressScoreSculptureSmooth/joinTextureTileMath/Arts Infused:2-Dimensional3-DimensionalConeCubeCylinderGeometricPrismShapeMaterialsMuseum Artworks or PerformanceSeattle Art Museum:Eye Benches, 1996-97, Louise Bourgeois, 2005.113.1 Vessel, 2001, Magdalene Odundo, 2002.41MaterialsLFO6 clay, rolling mats, natural objects for creating texture, small rolling pins, forks and popsicle sticks for scoring/joining, assortment of low fire glazes, brushes/containers for glazingLearning StandardsWA Arts State Grade Level ExpectationsFor the full description of each WA State Arts Grade Level Expectation, see: Elements: Shape/Form1.1.4 Elements: Texture1.2.1 Skills and Techniques: Clay Sculpture2.1.1 Creative Process2.1.3 Responding Process4.2.1 Connection between Visual Arts and MathCommon Core State Standards (CCSS) in Math . Compose two-dimensional shapes (rectangles, squares, trapezoids, triangles, half-circles, and quarter-circles) or three-dimensional shapes (cubes, right rectangular prisms, right circular cones, and right circular cylinders) to create a composite shape, and compose new shapes from the composite shape.Early Learning Guidelines, if applicableFor a full description of Washington State Early Learning and Child Development Guidelines see: Grade: 5. Communicating: Develop listening and observation skills. 6. Learning About my world: Math: Make composite shapes by joining shapes together. Arts: Create and respond to arts.ICON KEY: = Indicates note or reminder for teacher = Embedded assessment points in the lesson Pre-TeachFocus on textures all around us.Lesson Steps Outline1. Introduce (or review) basic geometric forms. Ask students to find geometric forms. Introduce and guide art analysis of Eye Benches I by Louise Bourgeois, and Vessel by Magdalene Odundo from SAM collection. Criteria-based teacher checklist: Points out and labels prisms, cubes, cylinders and cones.2. Facilitate describing texture. Demonstrate and guide creating a small texture test tile, and then adding textures to larger rectangular slab. Criteria-based teacher checklist: Selects words about texture and then uses natural objects to impress texture in clay slab.3. Demonstrate and guide carefully use scoring and joining/smoothing hand-building techniques to create a clay container/planter. Criteria-based teacher checklist: Carefully scores and joins rectangular slab and circular test tile.4. Facilitate color choices and demonstrate and guide glazing techniques. Criteria-based teacher checklist: Carefully glazes finished clay container.5. Facilitate adding soil and planting seeds. Criteria-based teacher checklist: Carefully plants seeds in finished clay container.LESSON STEPS____________________________________________1. Introduce (or review) basic geometric forms. Ask students to find geometric forms.In math and in art, there are three-dimensional forms that we make the same way every time. It’s not flat. We are 3-dimensional but a drawing of us is not. We have names for the three-dimensional geometric forms – spheres (3-D circles), cubes (3-D squares), cylinders (3-D tubes), and cones. 4225290492760-180975492760Introduce and guide art analysis of Eye Benches I by Louise Bourgeois, and Vessel by Magdalene Odundo from SAM collection. Which geometric shapes and forms can you find in these works of art? Turn and talk to a partner and share what you both notice.Let’s look at these foam blocks (hold up a cylinder or cube with the face toward students) what shape do you see? (circle, square) Is this shape flat? Now if I wanted this to hold water or a plant, it would need to be 3 dimensional. Picture a shape with walls. Today we are going to use clay to build a cylinder – a 3-Dimensional container/planter.(Holding up a piece of paper). How would you make this flat rectangle into a cylinder?demonstrate rolling paper, this is what we’re going to do with a clay slab to make our planter. Criteria-based teacher checklist: Points out and labels prisms, cubes, cylinders and cones._______________________________________________________________________2. Facilitate describing texture. Demonstrate and guide creating a small texture test tile, and then adding textures to larger rectangular slab.Texture is the way something feels when we touch it. Today we are going to create actual textures that we can see and feel by impressing natural objects into our clay rectangle before we turn it into a cylinder. Turn and talk with your partner about texture that you see in the room or on yourself.Watch me as I lay this rough grass on my tile and roll gently over it without pressing too hard. See how the grass left an imprint? I can use other texture objects as a stamp – always being careful not to make the clay too thin. If it is a small object I can use my finger or pencil to press it in. On your desk, you have a circular test tile and different natural objects to experiment with. Teacher will carve names in to back of tiles with pencil.Now carefully add texture to your larger rectangular slab using the natural objects on your table. Criteria-based teacher checklist: Selects words about texture and then uses natural objects to impress texture in clay slab._______________________________________________________________________3. Demonstrate and guide carefully use scoring and joining/smoothing hand-building techniques to create a clay container/planter. Students return to the carpet. Now I am going to show you how to turn your rectangular slab into a cylinder, just like we did with the piece of paper. Watch as I wrap the slab around the cup, scoring with a fork the part where they overlap. Then I carefully join the two parts using my finger and/or popsicle stick. Do this step slowly or the clay won’t stay together. Now I need to make the bottom of my 3 dimensional planter. I’m going to use my test tile for the bottom. We may need to trace the bottom of our planter on to the small slab to adjust for size. I will score and smooth the bottom on carefully just as I did when I joined the sides. Notice that there is texture on the inside of your planter – this is your secret message to your plant. Double-check that names are clear on the bottom of planters after construction (or put number on bottom). Teacher can add drainage holes if desired. Criteria-based teacher checklist: Carefully scores and joins rectangular slab and circular test tile._______________________________________________________________________4. Facilitate color choices and demonstrate and guide glazing techniques.Glaze is similar to paint except it contains particles of glass that will melt when it is fired in a kiln. Glaze finishes and seals your project. This is the same process that all potters around the world use to create sculptures and functional containers such vases and planting pots. Watch as I carefully brush on a light back ground color. I will cover the inside and outside of my planter making sure I have good coverage - but NOT on the bottom. I can then add extra glaze colors with a thin brush, highlighting the texture on/in the clay. Bone dry pieces will be fired to cone 04. Criteria-based teacher checklist: Carefully glazes finished clay container._______________________________________________________________________5. Facilitate adding soil and planting seeds.Now that your hand-built clay container has been glazed and fired in the kiln (large oven) it is ready for you to plant your seeds in. Watch as I carefully fill the planter with soil, tap it down and push seeds in gently. Criteria-based teacher checklist: Carefully plants seeds in finished clay container._______________________________________________________________________390525095250ARTS IMPACT LESSON PLAN Arts Foundations Visual Arts LessonGrade 1: Textured Cylindrical Planter CLASS ASSESSMENT WORKSHEETDisciplinesVISUAL ARTS/MATHVISUAL ARTSTotal4Concept3-D FormsTextureClay TechniquesCriteriaStudent NamePoints out and labels prisms, cubes, cylinders and cones.Selects words about texture and then uses natural objects to impress texture in clay slab.Carefully scores and joins rectangular slab and circular test tile.Carefully glazes and plants seeds in finished clay container. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26.27. 28. 29. 30. TotalPercentageWhat was effective in the lesson? Why?What do I want to consider for the next time I teach this lesson?How could I connect the concepts in this lesson with other disciplines?Teacher: Date: ARTS IMPACT FAMILY LETTERARTS LESSON: Textured Cylindrical PlanterDear Family:Today your child participated in a Clay lesson. We talked about how geometric 2-Dimensional shapes can be turned into 3-Dimensional forms.We discovered how to build a three dimensional form using two dimensional shapes.We created a cylindrical clay container/planter out of flat clay slabs.We glazed our container and turned it into a planter by planting seeds in it.At home, you could experiment with taking flat scrap materials like cardboard and connecting them to build 3-Dimensional forms or containers.Enduring UnderstandingThree dimensional forms can be built using two dimensional shapes.Natural objects can be used to create actual texture in clay. ................

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