Lesson Plan - Study Island


|Lesson Title: Conclusions and Inferences |Date: |

|Subject: Reading |Grade Level(s): 4-5 |

|Teacher: |Time Frame: 60 minutes |

|Lesson Summary: |

|Students will be able to make inferences and draw conclusions from text. |

|Lesson Objectives |

| The students will know how to… |

|Draw conclusions based on facts and evidence in text. |

|Make inferences or conclusions based on evidence implied in text and their own prior knowledge and experience. |

|The students will be able to… |

|Draw conclusions and make inferences from text by using their powers of reasoning. |

|Lesson Plan |

|Time: |Procedure: |Materials Needed: |

|10 minutes |Warm-up Exercise: |Computer connected to a projector; PowerPoint presentation, slides 2 |

| |Display slide 2 and define making inferences or conclusions. Read |and 3 |

| |aloud the sample sentence, invite students to make their own | |

| |inference, and discuss as a group the students’ responses about | |

| |what Katie must have been doing. Then walk through the clues and | |

| |explanations shared at the bottom of the slide. | |

| |Display slide 3 and have students practice making an inference | |

| |based on a whole paragraph. Invite them to share their inferences, | |

| |and check to see how close they are to each other. | |

|5 minutes |Motivation (real-world Applications): | |

| |Imagine that you had a friend who was never late and she said she | |

| |would be over at 4:00 p.m. to do homework with you. If at 4:30 she | |

| |still wasn’t there, what would you think? (Had something happened | |

| |to her? Maybe she got sick?) | |

| |In using what you know about your friend to think of a reason why | |

| |she might be late, you are making an inference. Your prior | |

| |knowledge of your friend tells you she is normally not late. But | |

| |the evidence you have is that she is late. So you make the | |

| |inference that something happened that is preventing her from | |

| |calling you. | |

| |In real life and when reading, you often have to use what you | |

| |already know in combination with new evidence to fully understand | |

| |what is happening. | |

|10 minutes |Presentation of New Material: |Computer connected to a projector; PowerPoint presentation, slides 4-7|

| |Explain to students that to draw a conclusion or inference, they | |

| |must act as detectives and study the text for evidence or clues. | |

| |They will then put together the clues and combine them with what | |

| |they already know to make a judgment, an idea for a conclusion or | |

| |inference. | |

| |Have students read the paragraph on slide 4 and answer the | |

| |questions that follow on slides 4 and 6. Then have students make an| |

| |inference about what might have happened to Tanitha next. | |

|10 minutes |Guided Practice: |Computer connected to a projector; PowerPoint presentation, slides |

| |Have students work with partners to answer the questions on slides |8-19 |

| |8 through 13. Refer to the correct answers on slides 14-19 as | |

| |needed. | |

|20 minutes |Independent Practice: | |

| |Since the Guided Practice was a retelling of Cinderella, have | |

| |students write a brief retelling of another well-known story, | |

| |focusing on the main character. Encourage students to make at least| |

| |two inferences about what this character might have done or said. | |

|5 minutes |Closing Activities: | |

| |With the group, share an event from your own life, such as during | |

| |your college years, but stop short of sharing the “ending.” Ask | |

| |students to make inferences about what must have happened next, | |

| |based on knowing you and combined with clues from your story. | |

|Homework: Have students think of their favorite movie and write the inference they would make about what would most likely have happened had the movie continued |

|for ten more minutes. Students’ inferences should be based on what they already know about the movie, combined with clues they picked up near the end. |

|Differentiation: Have students who need extra support work in small groups and complete an extra Study Island worksheet on Conclusions and Inferences, discussing |

|each question and how to arrive at the correct answer. Have students who are advanced in this skill write short passages and compose questions on conclusions and |

|inferences to go with the passages. Then have them trade passage/question sets and answer the questions. |

|Teacher Reflection: |

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