Project Number: LDA-1004


Major Qualifying Project Report: Submitted to Faculty of

WORCESTER POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the

Degree of Bachelor of Science By

Date: March 5, 2010

Approved: Professor Leonard D. Albano, Advisor


This project examined the design of a land-based wind turbine considering various alternatives including soil and foundation type, turbine size and type, tower design, type of site, and wind speeds. In addition, a cost analysis of the chosen wind turbine design was completed. An integrated design sheet was produced for the development of a wind turbine. Once the primary factors in the design of a land-based turbine were determined, the implications for an offshore turbine were investigated. Based on research and the cost and structural analyses, conclusions and recommendations for appropriate designs were established.



All members of the project group, Bethany Kuhn, Julie Marquis and Hilary Rotatori, made an equal contribution to the major qualifying project. The following sections were written by the specified person:

Section Capstone Design

Introduction Background Methodology Tower Design Foundation Design Project Analysis Offshore Turbine Design Conclusions

Author Hilary Rotatori Julie Marquis Bethany Kuhn, Julie Marquis, Hilary Rotatori Bethany Kuhn, Julie Marquis, Hilary Rotatori Julie Marquis Hilary Rotatori Bethany Kuhn Bethany Kuhn, Julie Marquis, Hilary Rotatori Julie Marquis, Hilary Rotatori



We would like to thank Frank Lagadimos, an engineer at Spartan Engineering for sharing his knowledge about the design of wind turbine towers. We would also like to thank Brian Kuhn, Vice President Marketing at Aeronautica Wind Power for his help and knowledge about the wind turbine industry. Finally, we would like to thank our project advisor, Professor Leonard Albano for his advice and dedication throughout the course of our project.


Capstone Design Statement

This project addressed the design constraints set by the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET) in order to meet the requirement of capstone design experience for the Major Qualifying Project. As stated by ABET General Criterion 4, "Student must be prepared for engineering practice through the curriculum culminating in a major design experience based on the knowledge and skills acquired in earlier course work and incorporating engineering standards and realistic constraints that include most of the following considerations: economic; environmental; sustainability; manufacturability; ethical; health and safety; social; and political."1 In addition to these constraints, this project considered the American Association of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Commentary on "Engineering Design."


One of the more important constraints on large-scale civil engineering projects is economic feasibility. The design of the project considered the cost of construction and the materials used. In order to ensure that the project is affordable, a cost analysis of alternative designs and materials was performed to help choose a design. A cost analysis of the final design was also conducted to determine the economic impact of the turbine once it is in operation.


The environmental impacts of projects have been a rising concern in the civil engineering industry in recent years. It is important to protect the land surrounding the construction site and to investigate the affects of the wind turbine on wildlife. This project addressed environmental constraints by reviewing environmental codes and regulations regarding the construction and operation of the turbine. The codes that were reviewed involved studies that must be performed in order to obtain a permit for the wind turbine project. These studies include avian and bat interaction; wildlife, plants and wetlands studies; archaeological and historical reviews; stream crossing and soil disturbance. 2 This investigation allowed the group to review the typical regulations that should be considered before a turbine is constructed.

1 UCSC CE Department's fulfillment of the Major Design Experience. (2009, February 20). 2 National Wind. (September 2009),



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