Answer to why they should invest even if their electrical ...


In 1899 the U.S.A. Commissioner of Patents Mr. Charles H. Duell, was reported as resigning because he claimed that " everything that can be invented has been invented. " Well whether that is a myth or a fact, it is true to say that there are many followers who believe that statement to be true. Since that time there have not been many improvements to electric motors or generators, only slight modifications to the established design.

With the high cost and reduced availability of fossil fuels, like oil and gas, which are a finite resource, there is an increasing urgency to find an alternate source of reliable, sustainable electric energy, this quest has never been more important. Electricity can be generated by several renewable sources, such as Wind power, Solar cells, Hydro electricity, Geothermal ( hot rock process ), Tide and river movements and other natural phenomenon. With dire weather and global warming, green house effects, already being felt in most parts of the world, a few inventors, and some electrical engineers are asking was the original electric motor and generator design the right one ? After billions of dollars, and billions of man hours by electrical engineers, the basic design has changed very little, and in fact with some universities claiming 97% efficiency there is not much room for improvement, so they have simply stopped searching for the answer.


The Gemini Electric Motor drawing.

A new and exciting innovative alternative is the Gemini Electric Motor and Generator and the use of both sides of the energized coil. Many electrical engineers, believe the best conventional known electric motors can obtain up to 97% efficiency, and there is little room to gain a greater efficiency, and so they doubt the claims that by using both sides of the energized coils, more than 100% efficiency can be achieved. The real question is are they getting 100% efficiency from all the magnetic flux created by energizing the energized coil? Is all the magnetic flux being under utilized?

I would agree that you cannot get more than 100% efficiency, but would question that the best conventional known electric motors are getting 97% efficiency from all the magnetic

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fluxes created, when an electric current is passed through the energized coil windings, and the logic for questioning this figure is quite simple to follow. If we take a water turbine at a hydroelectric power station, and say for this illustration that the single turbine operates at 100% efficiency, do we say it is 100% efficient? When by placing additional turbines below the level of the first turbine, using the same water that drove the first turbine, they also achieve 100% efficiency. This is how modern hydroelectric power stations work, they use the same falling water many times. This way they generate many times the electric current that would be received by only using one turbine. If there are three turbines using the same water, do we say that each turbine is 33 1/3% efficient or the overall scheme is 300% efficient? The quoting of percentage efficiency needs to be qualified.

If you take a simple bar magnet with a North magnetic pole at one end, and a South magnetic pole at the other end, and see how many washers ( or any small iron article ) can be attracted and held at each end of the bar magnet. As the magnetic poles are the same strength each end, the number of washers will be the same at each end of the bar magnet. Now try to transfer all the washes to one pole on the magnet. The result is it will only hold the same number as before, not the total number held by both ends.


The Gemini Electric Motor.

The same is true for the energized cores in an electric motor. In the conventional electric motor, when the electric current is passed through the copper wire wound around the energized core, it creates two magnetic poles a North and South magnetic pole of equal strength, but in the conventional electric motor only the outside magnetic pole is used, the magnetic pole pointing to the center of the rotor is not used. From the simple experiment with the bar magnet described above, it is clear that if you are only going to use one side of the energized coil you cannot get more than 50% efficiency, the 97% claimed efficiency is really 97% of 50%.

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Commonsense tells you that if you only use one of the magnetic poles created by energizing the core, and ignore the other magnetic pole you cannot get more than 50%. Its like telling a rower to only use one oar, and he can go just as fast as if he was using two oars, or like telling a runner he can go just as fast using one leg as a person using two legs. We would laugh at anybody telling us the rower using one oar can go as fast as a rower using two oars, the same is true for the runner, so why would you believe an electrical engineer who claims that by using one magnetic pole you can get the same efficiency as using two magnetic poles?



The Gemini Electric Motor

1. Because of the use of both sides on the energized coils, the actual physical size of the motor is much smaller, yet it can have the same number of energized coil poles as a much larger electric motor, which explains the high power to weight ratio of the Gemini Electric Motor. The Gemini Electric motor has often been thought of as two electric motors in one. The power of two motors for the running cost of one.

2. The close tolerance between both ends of the energized coil, where the magnetic

strength of the energized coil is at its strongest, and the permanent magnets which it reacts with, contributes to improved performance. It is generally understood that the further apart that magnetic poles are, the weaker is the repulsion or attraction of the magnetic poles. This is generally understood to be because of the air gap between the two magnetic poles, and is one of the accepted reasons why designers of electric motors try and keep the air gap between the outer surface of the rotor, and the permanent magnets in the stator to a minimum. What is not generally appreciated is that, although not as obvious, the further away from the end of the energized coil, the magnetic effect is also reduced, even when traveling through suitable silicon steel

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laminated core material. There are magnetic losses due to the skin effect principle, iron saturation, Eddy current losses and hysteresis loss of the material. In the conventional electric motor, the magnetic pole that forms the outside surface of the conventional rotor is as close as practicable to the permanent magnets in the stator with which it will react, but to claim that the inside magnetic pole is being used effectively is quite misleading. The inside magnetic pole lines of magnetic flux may pass through the center laminated core to a suitable pole some where on the rotor, jump the air gap to the permanent magnet in the stator, travel through the permanent magnet then jump the air gap to the outer magnetic pole in the rotor, but with a much reduced magnetic flux strength.


A simple conventional electric motor and magnetic flux path.

It also means that each time the energized coil is energized it has to jump two air gaps for one power stroke, while in the electric motors which use both sides of the energized coil, each time it is energized, the magnetic flux jumps two air gaps for two power strokes, which is another reason for the improved torque.

3. The conventional electric motors effectively only use one side of the energized coil, the outside magnetic pole, which forms the outside surface of the rotor, and to get high efficiency and power to weight ratios it is essential to use both sides of the energized coils, to have the two magnetic poles which are of equal strength, created every time the coil is energized, interacting with permanent magnets positioned as close as practicable to the ends of the energized coils. There are two alternative designs which best achieve this, the first alternative has the energized coils mounted on a rotor at 90 degrees to the shaft with permanent magnets arranged in an inner

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ring, and an outer ring, radiating from the center shaft. The North, South magnetic line is at 90 degrees to the center shaft, while the second alternative has the energized coils mounted parallel to the shaft with the permanent magnets fitted either side of the energized coils on discs fixed to the center shaft, with the North , South magnetic line running parallel to the center shaft. There is an important fundamental difference with the second alternative design which has an inherent problem, that is the energized coils are being either attracted or repelled by the permanent magnets, in effect the energized coils are reciprocating, it may be a microscopic movement, limited to the tolerance of the machining and bearings, but it is still there.

In larger Pancake electric motors of the second design the stresses can cause a loud audible noise described as a Rotary engine at high revolutions.

It must also be understood that different energized coils on the rotor are trying to move in opposite directions, apart from ultimately causing structural fatigue and wear on the bearings and rotor, there is a waste of energy. As the bearings wear, the rate of fatigue increases. This inherent problem is not evident in the first alternative.

4. To date the only example of the first alternative design is the Gemini Electric Motor invented by John Patrick Ettridge a South Australian Inventor. Details of this motor can be viewed at : and download the animation at the bottom of the homepage. Patent details are available at the website.

There are several examples of the second alternative, Cedric Lynch, a British inventor, who has licensed his invention to Briggs & Stratton, a U.S.A. manufacturer who is marketing it as the Etek electric motor, Helmut Schiller ( a German Inventor ) electric motor, and some so called " pancake " electric motors.

5. The reduction in size has cost savings in materials which is an important consideration when manufacturing as it will lower the manufacturing cost and ultimate selling price, which will increase volume sales, allowing the manufacturer to amortize the cost of any tooling over a larger volume of units. The low technology design of the Gemini Electric Motor requires no expensive tooling, or manufacturing equipment.

The other issue is between efficiency and torque. Electric Motors that are in production like the Etek electric motor manufactured by Briggs & Stratton, and e-TORQ made by Bodine Electric Company are using both sides of the energized coil in an alternative configuration to the Gemini Electric Motor, and claim up to ten times peak torque is available. When all is said and done, the amount of usable torque for a given amount of electric current consumed is all that the general public care about.

The differences between the two configurations for electric motors which use both sides of the energized coils.

In the Ettridge electric motor the energized coils are mounted on a rotor at 90 degrees to the shaft with permanent magnets arranged in an inner ring, and an outer ring, radiating from the center shaft. The North, South magnetic line is at 90 degrees to the center shaft.

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Fig. 1. Ettridge configuration and magnetic flux paths

In the Cedric Lynch and Helmut Schiller design, the energized coils are mounted parallel to the shaft with the permanent magnets fitted either side of the energized coils with the North , South magnetic line running parallel to the center shaft. This is an important fundamental difference. The Cedric Lynch and Helmut Schiller electric motors both have the same design problem, that is the inherent problem that different parts of the energized coils are being either attracted or repelled by the permanent magnets, in effect the energized coils are reciprocating, it may be a microscopic movement, limited to the tolerance of the machining and bearings, but it is still there.

To give you a simple illustration of what I am referring to, lift the front wheel of a bicycle off the ground, now try and move the tyre and rim backwards and forwards parallel to the center shaft. If it is a tightly spoked wheel, there should be very little movement, and the energy used produces no rotational movement, but could destroy the wheel.

In the Ettridge electric motor, marketed as the Gemini Electric Motor, when the energized coils are either being attracted or repelled by the permanent magnets, any reciprocation is in the radial direction from the center shaft, bearings are designed for these forces, not sideways movement. To use the same illustration of the front wheel of a bicycle, now put a downward pressure in the direction of the center shaft on the tyre and rim. The tyre and rim cannot move downwards, but quickly rotates. The reciprocation force is turned into rotational movement, the energy is not lost, and the bearings do what they are designed for.

In the Ettridge electric motor, the added advantage of using both sides of the energized coils, is enhanced by the most efficient mechanical design, and the equipment used to make the conventional electric motor is used in the manufacture of the Gemini Electric Motor.

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Cedric Lynch and Helmut Schiller configuration.

The Gemini Electric Motor was awarded a GOLD Medal at INPEX - Invention and New Product Exposition 2004 held in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania,U.S.A.

John Ettridge received a GOLD Medal for his invention of a Carbon Brush Commutator at the International Exhibition of Inventions, New Techniques and Products 2004, held in Geneva, Switzerland.

There are many patents granted on the Ettridge electric motor, and improvements, with other patents pending.

Details and animations of the Ettridge electric motor can be down loaded from the Gemini Electric Motor website at:

and download the animation at the bottom of the homepage.

To view an illustration of the Helmut Schiller electric motor check out:

type in Helmut Schiller in search space, and click on Features item: motors, fans, blowers & pumps: low-cost torque

To view information on the Cedric Lynch electric motor, which is now licensed to Briggs & Stratton and available commercially as the M7 ETek check out :

The claimed energy efficiency and test data on the above website is well worth reading.

The negative response we have received from electrical engineers in Australia, reminds me of a meeting I had about 35 years ago at an inventors association meeting held at

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The second alternative design.

North Adelaide, South Australia where I met the inventors of the photocopying machine. They had just completed a deal to sell the idea to a Japanese company, and told me that they had no choice, and that if they had insisted that the project was developed in Australia, the photocopier would never be the commercial success it is today.

I made the mistake of not taking their advice with my earlier inventions but will not make the mistake with the Gemini Electric Motor. I recently came across a Japanese patent titled "Permanent-Magnetic Motor" patent No. JP2004304958 issued to Fujitsu General Ltd., a large Japanese company involved in the air conditioning industry the patent has a priority date of 2003, while our patent, which is still going through the patenting process has a priority date of 1998, and while not yet granted in Japan, if you look at the patent information on our website at: and compare the USA patent, which can be downloaded from our website, you can see that they are for the same invention, it is very encouraging to see that the Japanese electrical engineers are open minded enough to explore the possibility of our Gemini Electric Motor configuration.

Our Company has the sole manufacturing and marketing license for the patents on the Gemini Electric Motor granted in the Australia, U.S.A., China, U.K., Germany, Italy, France and Spain with Japan and India going through the patent processes at the moment. It is pathetic that the financial assistance cannot be obtained in Australia either from the Government or private investors, but that reality is opening the window of opportunity for foreign investors and licensees.

As the World comes to the realization that fossil fuels are running out, and there simply will not be enough fossil fuel available for transport uses, it creates a massive challenge for electric motor manufacturers to supply suitable electric motors with improved performances from what they currently achieve, to replace the internal combustion engine, either petrol or diesel, including turbine engines used in trains and ships. The market will double the current market size, and if the European and American manufacturers are not up to the task, I am sure the Chinese and Indian manufacturer will be willing to supply the need.

If you require additional information please contact me at: md@



features two sets of permanent

magnets placed on both sides

of the energized coils.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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