Road Rally Times - LAUSD

Gateway Asks the Million Dollar Question….


Today we arrived in Topeka, Kansas. There are many places we want to visit. We could only do a few of the things on our list. We had breakfast at our hotel. We wanted to go to Cedar Crest. We were sad when we found out it only happens on Monday. We all were very happy to find out we could go to the State Capital Building. We started to head there.

The state capital rises 304 feet above the downtown area around it. Housed in the native limestone structures are some of the most famous artwork of native born John Stewart Curry and other Kansas artist. The capital, which was constructed between 1866 and 1903, has a variety of architectural features and one of the most elaborate senate chambers in the country.

Every Hour Kenny would tell us to stop to get something to eat. Kep would tell him to be quiet because it was not time to eat. Haidera kept saying she wanted to get out the car. We all agreed to that, but we could not stop. We stopped once to get gas. We noticed that the gas prices were getting cheaper.

We went to the Combat Air museum. It had over thirty aircrafts on display. We were amazed when we saw Blackbird stealth fighter plane fly over head. When it landed, we got a chance to sit in the cock pit and learn about the instrument panel.

Our next stop was the Oakland Mousetrap Skateboard tract. Kenny, Tayler, and Kep really liked what they saw. We noticed that there was a large crowd in front of us. We pushed our way in, and to our surprise there was Tony Hawk signing autographs.

Haidera was the best skateboarder of the girls. She gave lessons to the others. They were terrible at first, but caught on fast. Marry stubbed her toe, and Jazmin was too busy watching the boys. The boys went on the half pipes and did some tricks. Everyone noticed them and came closer for a better look. Tony Hawk was amazed and wanted to meet them. When we met him, he gave us some of his equipment. Everyone thought we were the coolest ever. We all started to laugh as we headed for the car.

Gage Park had an indoor/outdoor theatre, swimming pool and a zoo. It also had a hotel, so this is where we spent the night. Before going for a swim, we decided to take a shower. We swam for about three hours, and then we went to eat dinner. It is now night time. We will say goodnight for now.

Andasol Hits the Buckeye State

We’re at St. Louis, Missouri. Our names are Adrina, Mikey, Javi, Austin, Steve, and Isaac. Our Hotel is Extraordinary , it has a T.V. video games, pools,and an arcade.

This afternoon we went to the Cardinals game! The stadium was huge. We all got to run the bases there. We got to meet Albert P. and Jim Edmans. All of us got autograph baseballs. That night we went to the Gateway Arch. It looked so cool, especially at night. We got an autograph from Nelly. He was so nice. He said that we should go to Indiana. So we were off.

We were on the way to Indianapolis, Indiana. We got to go to the Artsgarden which is the mall of the Americas. After that we went to a neat tour that led us right to Indianapolis Skyline. It was loaded with skyscrapers. All of us noticed that it had the flattest landscape.

That night, at about 8:30 P.M. we went to a famous orchestra. We listened to nice, calm classical music. This was like a dream come true.

We stopped in Ohio. We were lucky enough to go to the pro football Hall of Fame. Then we jumped into our swimming suits and swam our way to Six Flag’s, Hurricane Harbor. The wave pool was 25,000 square feet long. Then we headed off.

Tulsa Team Races To Indianapolis

After flying to our ‘Fleet of Ferraris’ we raced to Indianapolis the Capital of Indiana.

Indianapolis is the largest city in Indiana and its name comes from combining “Indiana” with “polis” the Greek word for city. It was settled in 1820 and was chosen the state capital five years later. It is known for the Indianapolis 500, a famous car race.

Here We Are In One Of Our Virtual Fleet of Ferraris

From Indianapolis we traveled to Columbus, the capital and largest city of Ohio. Columbus is in the center of Ohio. The word Ohio comes from a Seneca Indian word meaning “beautiful river”.

From Columbus it is not a very far drive to Amish country where we discovered this wedding party. The Amish are a religious group that lives simply without modern conveniences. The Amish have gotten along admirably for the past four hundred years or so without what we think of as the necessities of modern life. Yes, that means no TVs, no Video Games, and no Automobiles. Yipes! What A Shock!


Amish Wedding Party

Finally we explored the Ohio River. The Ohio River starts in Pennsylvania and borders the states of Ohio, West Virginia, Kentucky, Indiana and Illinois. The early explorers recognized the importance of this great river. We took a riverboat ride on this historic river. Then we flew back to our fleet of Ferraris and headed for Pennsylvania.

How Dearborn Got From Ohio To

Pennsylvania In 1 Day

Today Roger, Andrew, Holland, and Allyson woke up without luggage. After many screams and running around, they finally calmed down enough to borrow clothes from some of the other kids in our class. Mrs. Promen found some extra money in our budget and took everyone to the City Center Mall. There, Roger, Andrew, Holland and Allyson found some new clothes and other necessities for the remainder of our travels. We ate a quick breakfast at the fast food court and feeling better we headed out to the state capital here in Columbus.

What a beautiful capital. We got there in time for the Founder’s Day celebrations.

The State capital building was decorated in red, white and blue bunting.


From Columbus, OH we headed east on I-70 then I-76 to Pittsburgh, PA. There we went to visit the Andy Warhol Museum. It was very interesting. It was different from other museums.


Before leaving Pittsburgh, we wanted to stretch our legs a bit more and we found a great place for a picnic lunch. We bought sandwiches at a local Philly cheesesteak sandwich shop and ate at Point State Park. We were to learn that this park land was designated a National Historic Landmark for the strategic role it played during the French and Indian War. Then it was off to our final destination – Harrisburg, PA. When we got to Harrisburg we noticed that we were close to Hershey Park. It’s the chocolate capital of the world! We took a tour through the factory and we each got a candy bar! We went to all 8 roller coasters! Our favorite was the Great Bear , a steel roller coaster that went upside down. We headed back to our hotel because we were tired after all those roller coasters. We stayed at the Residence Inn By Harrisburg between Harrisburg and Hershey. Well see you tomorrow!



Are we there yet?

Are we there yet?


Andy Warhol - self portrait 1986


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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