Rubric for The Original American Dream Essay or Presentation

Rubric for: ____________________

Class: ____________________

Name of Student: ______________________________________


ACT College Readiness Writing Standards

ACT College Readiness English Standards

| |Exceeds the Standard |Meets the Standard |Progressing toward Standards |Beginning Stages of Meeting |Does Not Meet Standards |

| | | | |Standards | |

|Focusing on the Topic: |You maintain a clear focus on |You maintain a focus on the |You maintain a focus on the |You maintain a focus on the |You focus on something other than|

|Maintaining Focus on General |discussion of the specific topic |general topic and issue in the |general topic in the prompt |general topic in the prompt |the general topic in the prompt |

|Topic and Issue in the Prompt|and issue in the prompt |prompt throughout the essay. |throughout the essay and attempt |through most of the essay. |in your essay. |

| |throughout the essay. | |a focus on the specific issue in | | |

| | | |the prompt. | | |

|Focusing on the Topic: |You present a critical thesis |You present a thesis that |You present a thesis that focuses|You present a thesis that focuses|You have a statement about the |

|Thesis Statement |that clearly establishes the |establishes focus on the topic, |on the topic, has a point of |on the topic and has a point of |topic. |

| |focus on the writer's (your) |has a point of view on the topic,|view, and at least one reason to |view. | |

| |position on the issue and |and reasons to support your point|support the point of view. | | |

| |presents reasons to support your |of view. | | | |

| |position. | | | | |

|Developing a Position: Using|You develop all of your ideas |You develop most of your ideas by|You develop some of your ideas by|You offer limited development of |You offer a little development, |

|Evidence |fully, using specific and |using some specific reasons, |using some specific reasons, |ideas using a few general |with one or two ideas; if |

| |relevant reasons, details, and |details, and examples. |details, and examples. |examples; you resort sometimes to|examples are given, they are |

| |examples. | | |merely repeating ideas. |general and may not be clearly |

| | | | | |relevant; you resort often to |

| | | | | |merely repeating ideas. |

|Developing a Position: |You show clear to effective |You show movement between general|You show some movement between |You show little movement between |You show only provide specific |

|Movement Between Ideas and |movement between general and |and specific ideas and examples. |general and specific ideas and |general and specific ideas and |ideas and examples or general |

|Examples |specific ideas and examples. | |examples. |examples. |ideas and examples. |

|Organizing Ideas: Unity and |You provide unity and coherence |You provide an adequate but |You provide a simple organization|You provide a discernible |You simply present all your |

|Coherence |throughout the essay, often with |simple organization with logical |with logical grouping of ideas in|organization with some logical |ideas. |

| |a logical progression of ideas. |grouping of ideas in the essay, |parts of the essay. |grouping of ideas in parts of the| |

| | |sometimes with a logical | |essay. | |

| | |progression of ideas. | | | |

|Organizing Ideas: Transition|You use sophisticated and |You use appropriate transitional |You use some simple and obvious |You use a few simple and obvious |You use inappropriate transition |

|Words |relevant transitional words, |words and phrases. |transitional words, though they |transitions. |words. |

| |phrases, and sentences to convey | |may at times be inappropriate or | | |

| |logical relationships between | |misleading. | | |

| |ideas. | | | | |

|Organizing Ideas: |You present a well-developed |You present a well-developed |You present a discernible |You present a discernible, though|You present a discernible, though|

|Introduction and Conclusion |introduction and conclusion that |introduction and conclusion. |introduction and conclusion with |underdeveloped, introduction and |minimally developed, introduction|

| |hooks the reader immediately or | |a little development. |conclusion. |and conclusion. |

| |leaves him or her thinking about | | | | |

| |the topic. | | | | |

|Using Language |You show effective use of |You show adequate use of language|You show a basic control of |You show limited control of |You show little or no control of |

|FCAs 1st Quarter: |language to clearly communicate |to communicate by using |language by using |language by using |language. |

|-pronoun antecedent agreement|ideas by using pronoun-antecedent|pronoun-antecedent agreement |pronoun-antecedent agreement |pronoun-antecedent agreement | |

|-subject verb agreement |agreement correctly and |correctly and subject-verb |correctly and subject-verb |correctly and subject-verb | |

| |subject-verb agreement correctly.|agreement correctly. |agreement correctly. |agreement. | |


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