Principal: Mr. Hadfield Vice Principal: Mrs. Racey Secretaries: Mrs. Overholt/Mrs. Bodner

Principal's Message

A warm welcome to our new and returning students, staff and families! We hope that you and your family have enjoyed a wonderful summer. As always, we view your child's education as a partnership between home and school. We encourage parents to become involved by joining School Council, volunteering to support fundraising or special events, and by just supporting your child with regular school-day discussions at home. I look forward to seeing everyone at our "Meetthe-Teacher" night, but I am also available to meet and discuss your child's progress at any time throughout the year. If any concerns arise, please contact the school to arrange a time to discuss matters.

Picture Day - Septembter 21st!


Thursday, September 21st is picture day for students from Kindergarten to Grade 8. Edge Imaging suggests wearing brightly coloured,

plain clothes and a smile, for the best results.

Picture retakes will be held on October 24th.

We will have pizza days every Wednesday starting October 4th. We are hoping that more families sign up for Cash on-line but we will still be sending a paper copy too. Look for a form to come home the week of the 18th.

When To Keep Your Child Home

Upcoming Events

Please keep your child at home and away from others if he or she has any of these symptoms:

Fever Diarrhea Vomiting Rash Frequent coughing or sneezing Discharge from nose, ears and eyes Sore throat


September 15--Early Release Day September 21--Photo Day September 28--Terry Fox Run/Meet the Teacher September 29--Orange Shirt Day

John Brant Public School ? 143 Ridge Road North ? Ridgeway, ON ? L0S 1N0 ? Tel: 905-894-0313 ? Fax: 905-894-0335


If a child requires medication at the school, the school must have a medical form (obtained at the school office) signed by the physician as well as by the parent/guardian. A prescription must have a "doctor's" prescription label on it in order for the medication to be kept in the office. Please be sure to notify the office if your child requires any medication during the school day.

Food in Classrooms

(for treats and parties)

While we strongly discourage sharing of food among students on a day-to-day basis, we realize that there are times when you would like to send a (nut-free) treat to school for your child to share with his/her classmates. If such an occasion arises, please communicate your plans with your child's teacher at least two days in advance of sending treats (for the whole class) into the classroom. Please note: Any such food items not approved by the teacher will not be distributed.


Please come meet your child's teacher on Thursday, September 28th from 4--6 p.m. This will be an evening for meeting teachers and seeing your child's classroom. Should you wish to discuss your child's progress in any depth, please schedule a teacher conference for this purpose at another time.

Phone Calls to the Office

The school office is a very busy place at the end of the day. Using your child's agenda/organizer is a great way to communicate if there will be changes to your child's schedule. The best way to ensure your child receives the correct information is to communicate it directly to the teacher, via the agenda. This will minimize the risk that a mistake will be made. Thanks for your attention to this matter.


The first week of school your child will receive a package. In the package there are a few forms that need to be returned to the homeroom teacher right away. Thank you for your cooperation.

Student verification form

Information Technology Digital Citizenship Agreement

Permission to Participate Form

Nutritional Break Routines

John Brant Public School ? 143 Ridge Road North ? Ridgeway, ON ? L0S 1N0 ? Tel: 905-894-0313 ? Fax: 905-894-0335

Breakfast Club

We had a very successful year last year for breakfast club. We had welcomed on an average of 60 students a day. We had awesome volunteers and if you are interested and available to help for approximately an hour in the morning from 8:20 a.m.--9:15a.m. All students are welcome to come and have a nutritional breakfast.

We will be starting on Monday, September 18, 2017 at 8:35 a.m.


Terry Fox Marathon of Hope

Staff begin outdoor supervision at 8:40 a.m. every morning. Students are reminded not to arrive earlier than the supervised time. THANK YOU!

Schools all across the country will be supporting the Terry Fox Marathon of Hope this year on Thursday, September 28th. At John Brant we will be holding a walk/run event on our school property, providing students with the opportunity to walk or un in support of Terry's dream. We know that this cause is one that many of us hold dear to our hearts. More details about the event will be sent home soon.

Volunteering At The School

School Cash Online

We have a long list of parents who would like to volunteer at the school. We haven't forgotten you! Once we get set up and ready to go with our school programs and initiatives, we will be in contact with those who have expressed an interest in helping out.

Just a reminder to sign up for School Cash On-line. We are hoping this year to have even more items available to pur-

chase on-line. E.G. School trips, spirit wear, yearbook,

grad sweaters etc.

If you would like to volunteer, or to be part of our parent council, it's not too late. Please contact the school at (905) 894-0313 and we will add you to the list. Thank you for your involvement and support.

John Brant Public School ? 143 Ridge Road North ? Ridgeway, ON ? L0S 1N0 ? Tel: 905-894-0313 ? Fax: 905-894-0335

At John Brant, students in Grades K through 8 have access to DreamBox Learning?'s Math Program. This is an online program that helps all students improve proficiency, conceptual understanding, and automaticity related to the K-8 curriculum. The student driven learning environment differentiates content, pace, and sequence for all levels of student achievement so that every student can learn to think critically, understand deeply and have confidence in math. We strongly recommend that all of our students in Grades K through 8 access Dreambox for about 60 minutes weekly and that sessions are at least 20 minutes in length.

Your child can access DreamBox Learning from any computer, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week using this link:

To access DreamBox on iPad, go to , or search for "DreamBox Math" in the App Store. Use this School Code: 42cv/4se9

Please see the last page of the newsletter for more comprehensive instructions!

DSBN Continues Makerspace Revolution

In recent years a new focus has emerged in elementary classrooms throughout the world ? Makerspaces. Makerspaces encourage invention, design, building, programming, tinkering, and creativity using products from all fields of technology, science and math. Innovation and discovery is happening at rapid speed and students are responding to this form of classroom delivery with enthusiasm and creativity. To nurture this new Initiative the District School Board of Niagara has decided to expand our elementary Technology programs, encompassing the Makerspace philosophy. Previously grade 7 and 8 students would be bussed to local high schools to participate in a Design Technology program. Our focus will now be to bring current skills and technology to all students, in all grades, to a Makerspace environment. Teachers will now have the time and space to immerse their students in an innovative and technologically enriched environment. Schools and communities will be using their Makerspaces to complete cross curricular projects and board wide challenges designed to foster the skills and creativity that are hallmarks of today's technological world.

John Brant Public School ? 143 Ridge Road North ? Ridgeway, ON ? L0S 1N0 ? Tel: 905-894-0313 ? Fax: 905-894-0335


John Brant has the Remind App available for any parents/guardians that would like to join the app. Since many of us count on our phones for so many things, the Remind App will allow the school to send reminders directly to your phone, much the same as a text message. It is completely confidential in that your phone number will not be shared and it is completely optional. If you would like to receive these reminders, please simply follow the directions below to begin receiving messages.

To receive messages via text, text @johnbrant to (289) 275-1724. You can opt-out of messages at anytime by replying, `unsubscribe @johnbrant.

Or to receive messages via email, send an email to johnbrant@mail.. To unsubscribe, reply with `unsubscribe' in the subject line.

What is Remind and why is it safe? Remind is a one-way text messaging and email system. With Remind, all personal information remains confidential. Teachers will never see your phone number, nor will you ever see theirs. Visit to learn more.


Milk program will begin on Monday, September 11th. We run the program on a card system. You can purchase 20 milk for $15 either with cash sent to your child's teacher or our cash online system. Your child can also bring money and purchase when wanted. Milk is available everyday at second break. For new students jk/sk's will be delivered to their classroom and 1-8 come to the kitchen in the front foyer.


We are hoping to lesson our environmental foot print. If you would like a paper copy please complete and return the form below. Thank you for helping us lesson John Brant's foot print.

Youngest Student's Name _________________________________________


John Brant Public School ? 143 Ridge Road North ? Ridgeway, ON ? L0S 1N0 ? Tel: 905-894-0313 ? Fax: 905-894-0335


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