Sturgis Elementary - Meade School District

[Pages:19]Sturgis Elementary

Meade School District 46-1

A NOTE FROM THE PRINCIPAL - Chantal Ligtenberg

November 2014

Thanksgiving Break

I can't believe how quick the Thanksgiving holiday approached us! We, at Sturgis Elementary, have so much to be grateful for! We are truly blest to have the opportunity to work with great students and parents. Enjoy the break!

Special Points of Interest

11-26-28, 14 Thanksgiving Vacation (no school)

Veteran's Day:

Thank you to everyone involved in the success of our Veteran's Day programs. A special thank you goes out to the following for their contributions to the day's activities: VFW Honor Guard, representatives from the National Guard 842nd, Ann Nonnast, Cindy Stofferahn, and Hillary Hill. In addition, thank you to the many individuals that visited classrooms to share personal experiences during their military services.

Lost and Found

Our "lost and found" is growing leaps and bounds. If your student is missing items, please stop in and look through the items. There is plenty of warm clothing that would be better off being worn by the students.

12-4-14 1st & 2nd grade Christmas Music Program (Details inside)

12-22-14 - 1-2-2015 Christmas Break

1-3-2015 Return to School

Inclement Weather/School Closings

On mornings when school is cancelled or a late start occurs, every attempt will be made to notify the following radio and television stations by 6-6:30 a.m.: radio stations BHB, KOTA, KAT, FOX, KIMM, KKMK, KKLS, KRCS, KSQY, KIQK, KTOQ, KDDX, KZZI, KDSJ, and television stations KOTA, KEVN, KNBN, and KELO.

In addition to the announcements on select radio and television stations, parents will also be notified by telephone via School Reach in the event of school closing or early dismissal. School Reach messages will come from the district level. Please let the school office know if you have changed phone numbers recently so we may make those updates in our system.

Inside this issue:

Dreambox Learning


Cookie Dough Fundraiser 3

Kindergarten /First



MUSTANGS OF THE MONTH Congratulations to the November Mustangs of the Month!





Kindergarten: Addison Osbourne, Lily Aga, Garret Holt, Olivia Vliem, Dion Ecoffey, Danny



Nurse News

First Grade: Alexis Cermak, Cael Glodt, Jaxon Cano, Samantha George, Quinn Bruch, Tori


PTA News


Counseling News

Second Grade: Brylee Dillon, Gracie Sauer, Katie Wilkins, Max Hinek, Eva Jensen, Ty

Petrocco, Raith West

Library News


Third Grade: Abby Johnson, Aiden Lalicker, Cyrus Lyons, Adam Hyman, Dakarai Osbourne,

Music News


Zabree Bush

Fourth Grade: Ella Ward, Brody Neill, Dysen Peterson, Guillermo Mendez, Branden Albright


Fifth Grade: Savannah Jones, Ashley Bear, Makenna Rock, Sidney Peterson, Kaylee Whatley

Nurses Office News

Way to Go Mustangs!


Dear Parent/Guardian, Sturgis Elementary has purchased DreamBox Learning's Math Program, an online, Intelligent Adaptive Learning(tm) program that helps all students achieve better, faster math proficiency.

Your student can access DreamBox Learning from any computer, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week using this link:

DreamBox is an online program - there's no software to download! All you need is a high-speed Internet connection and Adobe Flash. Adobe Flash is free and is included with many Internet browsers.

To access DreamBox on iPad, go to , or search for "DreamBox Math" in the App Store. When prompted in the app, use this

School Code: ce35/sturgise

Review your student's academic progress with a DreamBox Parent Account. Please follow these steps to create your free Parent Account: 1. Go to 2. Have your student login to their profile just as they would at school.

Username: first 5 letters in their last name then first three letters in first name (John Smith- smithjoh) Password: ses1 3. Click Setup Parent Access at the bottom of the page. 4. Follow instructions to create a new login and password. 5. Read Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. 6. Click "Submit".

Log into your home account after set up: 1. Go to 2. Enter your email address and password. 3. To see student progress, click the "Parent Dashboard" button. If you have any questions, please contact DreamBox Client Care by calling them at 877-451-7845 (weekdays 7am to 5pm, Pacific Time), or email support@. Sincerely, Sturgis Elementary


COOKIE DOUGH FUNDRAISER! Mrs. Ligtenberg agreed to wear a bear costume if the SES students met the fundraising goal this year.

Top sellers (L-R) Savannah Hall, Izabel Rhodes, Bridger Nelson, Whitney Weyer, Ty Ferguson

Miss Northern Hills Organization

Service, Success, Style and Scholarships....those are the four 5's that the Miss Northern Hills Organization emphasizes. The event is

now accepting applications seeking 2015 titleholders. The program offers opportunities for girls from all towns in


Black Hills region ages 4 to 24, and is a qualifier for the Miss South Dakota and Miss America pageants. The

deadline to apply is December 15. The local event will be held at the Sturgis Community Center on January 3.

Visit for more information or call 206-0583 or 786 -1111.


5 ways to connect

with a book.

1. Talk about the cover and title of the book.

2. Name the Author and illustrator and what their jobs are.

3. Look for sight words/letters.

4. Look for these punctuation marks-(? , . !).

5. Talk about the beginning, middle and end.

November, a Time to Be Thankful 1st Graders

November has disappeared as quickly as a Thanksgiving dinner. First Graders are thankful for many things, especially, family, friends, and freedom. Take time each day to share a "Special Moment" with someone.

This short month has been filled with many learning opportunities. We studied about different laws, what our leader's jobs are, and why it is important to vote. On Nov. 4, everyone had an opportunity to vote. For Veterans' Day we learned why we celebrate and created a Wall of Heroes. Due to the cold weather we sang our patriotic songs in the gym. Everyone sounded amazing. First Graders showed their respect for our country and flag during the flag presentation by members of the Sturgis Honor Guard! Thank you to the soldiers of the 842nd SD National Guard who also attended our ceremony. For Thanksgiving we learned about the Mayflower, Pilgrims, Squanto, the First Thanksgiving, and turkeys. Ask us what we studied. We'd love to share our knowledge with you.

We continue to practice our reading strategies daily and are becoming very good readers. Please remember to read nightly with your child. Math facts can be challenging, but practice is the key to success. Take every opportunity to practice addition and subtraction through twenty, telling time to the hour and half hour, and counting money; pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters, and mixed combinations. Any amount of practice will help.

Your donations for the Food Pantry show the generosity and kindness of our community. Teaching the lesson of giving to others less fortunate and not expecting anything in return is one each student will carry with them throughout their adult lives.

Have a Wonderful Thanksgiving and

May Your Blessings be Plentiful


2nd Grade News

It's hard to believe that we are almost done with our 1st Trimester! We have learned so much already. In Math, we have learned how to tell time to the hour and half hour, count coins, 3D shapes, and adding and subtracting by using tens and ones. In Reading, we are working on reading with fluency and retelling stories. Please make sure your child reads at home nightly! When reading at home, please have your child retell what happened in the story (beginning, middle, and end). In Writing, we are working on publishing class books with personal narratives. What a talented bunch of writer's they are!

3rd Grade News The third grade had a fun-filled learning experience in honor of Veteran's Day. Prior to the event

each teacher did various activities in their classroom that taught the students about Veteran's Day. Then we gathered in the gym and each class sang a different patriotic song they had learned in Mu-

sic. The Honor Guard demonstrated how to fold the flag and played TAPS. They day ended with a veteran coming to our classrooms. The students were able to ask questions

about the service of the veteran. The day was filled with learning experiences that the students will remember and benefit from in years to come.

Third grade students enjoyed a presentation by Mr. Jim Horn. They just finish a native American Unit in social studies.


4th Grade news letter

Happy Holidays from the 4th grade team. This year is flying by. We would like to thank all the parents for helping us with our Thanksgiving pumpkin pies. They turned out fantastic and everyone had a great time making the delicious treats.

We are looking forward to our annual holiday market day on Friday, December 12th. This market day allows students to purchase gifts for their family and friends with the mustang money they have earned through the year. We are currently asking for wrapping paper donations and parent volunteers to assist us with this event. Please contact your student's teacher if you are interested or have any questions.

As winter approaches and temps begin to drop please remember to send your students with the appropriate winter clothing. Have a wonderful month!

The 4TH grade team

Congratulations to Sturgis Elementary Spelling Bee Finalists!!!

Brody Neill, Madeleine Lowe, Anthony Hatch, Evan Johnson, Analuisa Larson, Gabbie Irwin, and Waylon Jones have qualified for the SES Spelling Bee which will be held on Wednesday, December 10th at 9:20 am in the school cafeteria. All 4th and 5th grade students and teachers will attend, and parents of these top seven will also be invited. From these top seven qualifiers, three will move onto the Regional Bee in Rapid City on January 24th. Way to go students!!!

5th Grade November Newsletter We started the month working on projects honoring our veterans. We read and analyzed the famous poem "In Flanders Fields" by Colonel John McCrae during WWI. ... Take up our quarrel with the foe: To you from failing hands we throw The torch; be yours to hold it high. If ye break faith with us who die We shall not sleep, though poppies grow In Flanders fields.

We are working the Common Core Standard 5.NF ? Number and Operations ? Fractions in math. It is a complicated and detailed standard. It covers equivalent fractions, adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing, and solving real world problems. Please look at the work that comes home with your 5th grader. Ask them questions,.

Happy Thanksgiving! ~Fifth Grade Team



Mono (aka-Infectious Mononucleosis) is called the kissing disease. This virus is transmitted through saliva, so kissing is a

potential way to get it from an infected person but you can

`Tis the season for dry, chapped skin and lips! We are sharing a lot of lotion and chapstick these days with the kid-o's. Please send items like

also be exposed through a cough or sneeze, or by sharing a glass or food utensils with someone who has mono. It is not as contagious as some infections, such as the common cold.

Most cases of Mono with all of the signs and symptoms are in adolescent or young adults. Young children usually have few symptoms, and the infection often goes unrecognized.

small bottles of lotion and If you have the virus, it is important to be careful of certain

chapstick in their back- complications such as an enlarged spleen. Rest and plenty of

packs so they can apply as fluids are key to recovery


Signs and symptoms of Mono may include:

We are in need of gently used or new winer hats, gloves, snow pants and snow boots. Sizes range from Small to Large. If you can help us out, we

*Fatigue *General feeling of unwellness *Fever *Sore throat, perhaps a strep throat that doesn't get better with antibiotic use *Swollen lymph nodes in your neck and arempits *Swollen tonsils *Headache *skin rash *Soft, swollen spleen

If you have any questions about Mono or think you may have the virus, contact your medical provider.

Stay well,

Your School Nurses


Sturgis common Cents manager, Hannah Goodwin-Jensen, manager, right, presents $500 to Sturgis Ele-

mentary School Principal Chantal Ligtenberg which will be used for technology purchases.



UPCOMING MEETING SCHEDULE February 11th--3:30 p.m. April 9th--3:30 p.m. May 14th--3:30 p.m.

All meetings are held in the SES library Remember, kids are welcome at our meetings, so please join us!!

Follow us on FACEBOOK!

____________________________________ THANK YOU

Many, many thanks to the great support shown at the Pizza Ranch Fundraiser!! So many parents, students and staff joined in the evening's fun and it was a great success!!

Our next scheduled general meeting is February 11, 2015 at 3:30 p.m. in the SES library--please join us, kids welcome!

November Counseling News Counselors ~ Kristi Ortiz and Kellie Thomas

The KC Club (kindness and compassion club) started out this year working very hard at promoting kind acts throughout the school. The students decorated a float and were participants in the homecoming parade and tossed out candy to young children. The students also promoted a coin challenge to raise funds to help childhood cancer research. They raised approximately $1707.00. We also visited Aspen Grove and made cute fall decorations with the residents. The residents were so happy to have the kids make decorations with them. It was a fun day! Compassion is the character trait for December so the KC Club members have been working hard at a new kind and compassionate surprise for students and staff at SES sometime in December. Be watching and prepare to pass kindness along.



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