PDF Preparing the Student Spreadsheet - DreamBox Learning

Preparing the Student Spreadsheet

You may be able to export the necessary information from your Student Information System (SIS). After we receive your information, if we have any questions or required information (designated by an *) is missing from the spreadsheet, we will contact you. After we confirm the data on the spreadsheet is complete and accurate, we will upload your students within five (5) business days. Teacher invitations will be sent upon completion.

Preparation Directions

1. Open the attached spreadsheet (Students Upload CSV Template.csv) in Excel. Do not make any changes to the Column Headers. Please delete the sample data in rows 2 and 3 prior to entering new data.

2. Fill in the columns of the spreadsheet for each student you wish to add to DreamBox. Required fields are marked with an *. If any of the required fields are not complete, we will not be able to upload your students.

Column Letter & Title A Student First Name* B Student Last Name* C Gender* D Grade* E Curricular Grade*

F School Student ID*

G DreamBox Math Classroom Name*

H-K School information*

L Primary Teacher Email*

M Language

N Username

O Password

Spreadsheet Overview

What should I type in this cell? Type the student's first name as it should appear in DreamBox. Type the student's last name as it should appear in DreamBox. Type M or F to indicate the student's gender. Our system will accept only M or F. Type the student's enrolled grade level. Please use 1-12 (0 = K, -1 = PreK). Type the grade level that represents where the student should be placed in the DreamBox curriculum (i.e. 5th grade Intervention student, working at the 2nd grade level). Please use 1-12 (0 = K, -1 = PreK). Type the student's school ID number. You may substitute an alternate number, but the ID must be unique for each student across the district. DreamBox tracks progress using this ID, so this information is essential. Please do not reuse IDs. The DreamBox classroom name is the classroom students will select when logging in to DreamBox. Each classroom name must be unique, especially if an instructor teaches multiple classes and you would like each classroom to remain unique in DreamBox. We suggest using the format "School name ? Grade ? Teacher Last Name". Type the school name, city, address, and zip code. Use the Excel Drag and Copy or Fill Down functions to save time. The school name should match the exact spelling and capitalization of the school name on the far left column of your Insight Dashboard. Type the email address of the classroom teacher. You can use the Excel Drag and Copy function to save time. If you would like to associate two teachers with the same DreamBox Math Classroom, make sure each of their emails are added as the primary teacher for at least one student in the classroom. If you would like the student to play DreamBox in English, leave this cell blank. Type

"Spanish" into this cell if you would like the student to play DreamBox in Spanish.

Type the username you would like the student to use when signing into DreamBox. Each student username must be unique across the district. If you leave this column blank, DreamBox will create usernames based on the students' first and last name. Type the password you would like the student to use when signing in to DreamBox. Passwords must be at least four characters long, and do not have to be unique. If you leave this column blank, DreamBox will create four-character passwords for each student. K-2 students will choose their picture passwords the first time they sign in to DreamBox.

3. When complete, save the spreadsheet as a Comma delimited file (.csv). Make sure the file name includes your school name, and type of spreadsheet (teacher or student).

4. Email both the Teacher and Student spreadsheet to support@. Please specify "Bulk Upload: (your school name)" in the email subject header. If you have any questions, please email or call 1-877-451-7845 Ex: 3.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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