PDF Have fun with math this summer! - DreamBox

Have fun with math this summer!

As the school year comes to a close, it's important to continue math learning through the summer. Many children experience "summer slide", losing 1.8 months of math skills during summer break,1 and return to school in the fall having lost academic knowledge.

That's why we're providing access to DreamBox Learning Math throughout the summer. DreamBox offers an adaptive, engaging learning environment that keeps kids interested and motivated for success, as well as reports that keep you up-to-date with your child's progress. Access DreamBox at home, at your local library, or anywhere in between, all you need is an Internet connection.


Insert your school's summer initiative here.

Example: This summer we're challenging each student to complete 2 lessons in DreamBox, 3 times per week until, August 1. If they are able to complete this goal, they will be honored at a ceremony and an ice cream party at the beginning of the school year.

URL: _In_s_e_r_t_y_o_u_r_u_n_i_q_u_e_U__R_L_____________________ iPad Code: _In_s_e_r_t_iP__ad__C_o_d_e______________________ Username: _In_s_e_r_t_U_s_e_r_n_a_m_e______________________ Password: _In_s_e_r_t_P_a_s_s_w_o_r_d_______________________

"It's a game for your brain and you just don't realize that you're also learning."

--Fifth Grade Student

Questions? Contact your school at: _In_s_e_r_t_c_o_n_t_a_ct_i_n_f_o_rm__a_t_io_n_________________

Stay connected with your child's math learning.

Family Insights Dashboard Sign up through your Family Insights Dashboard to get email notifications about your child's play in DreamBox. The emails will provide insight into their activities, highlight learning milestones, and give suggestions on games to play with your child. What a great way to start the dinner conversation: "So, in DreamBox you were working with Snap Blocks ..."

Incorporate DreamBox into your summer schedule-- it's easy! ? Have your child complete a

lesson before he or she can play outside. ? Challenge your child to complete as many lessons as possible while you're preparing dinner. ? Flying to a summer destination? Have your child play while you're waiting at the terminal.

Being able to convert any activity into a math game is easier than you might think. These suggested activities will not only help your child avoid the "summer slide," you'll also enjoy your time together while school's out!

Indoor Activity - Play a game that requires strategy, patterns, or numbers, such as sudoku, checkers, or Yahtzee.

Outdoor Activity - On the sidewalk, draw a hopscotch board and place math facts in each box instead of numbers. As your child lands on the box, have them give the answer.

Everyday Activities - At the grocery store, have your child decide which products are a better deal. - When riding in the car, have your child count the number of out-of-state license plates.


? 2016 DreamBox Learning, Inc. All rights reserved.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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