SI Units for Drilling Industry

SI Units for Drilling Industry | |

| | | | |Conversion |

|Quantity |Previous | | |Factors |

|Property |Units |SI Unit |Symbol |Multiply by |

|Depth |feet |meters |m |0.3048 |

|Hole & Pipe | | | | |

|Diameters |inches |millimeters |mm |25.4 |

|Bit Size | | | | |

|Weight on bit |pounds |decaNewtons |daN |0.445 |

|Nozzle Size |32nds inch |millimeters |mm |0.794 |

|Drill Rate |feet/hour |metres per hr. |m/h |0.3048 |

|Volume |barrels A.P.I |cubic metres |m3 |0.159 |

|Pump Output |gals/stroke |cubic metres |m3/stroke |0.00378 |

|& Flow Rate | |per stroke | | |

| |gals/min |cubic meters |m3/min |0.00378 |

| | |per minute | | |

| |bbls/stroke |cubic metres |m3/stroke |0.159 |

| | |per stroke | | |

| |bbls/min. |cubic metres |m3/min |0.159 |

| | |per minute | | |

|Annular Velocity |feet/min |metres per min |m/min |0.3048 |

|Slip Velocity | | | | |

|Liner Length |inches |millimeters |mm |25.4 |

|& Diameter | | | | |

|Pressure |psi |kilopascals |kPa |6.895 |

| | |megapascals |MPa |0.006895 |

|Bentonite Yield |bbls/ton |cubic metres |m3/t |0.175 |

| | |per tonne | | |

|Particle Size |microns |micrometres |μm |1 |

|Temperature |  °Fahrenheit |°Celsius |°C |°F-32 |

| | | | |1.8 |

|Mud Density |lbs/gallon |kilograms per |kg/m3 |119.83 |

| | |cubic metre | | |

|Mud Gradient |psi/foot |kilopascals per |kPa/m |22.62 |

| | |metres | | |

|Funnel Viscosity |secs/quart |secs per litre |s/L |1.057 |

|Apparent & |centipoise |millipascal |mPa(s |1 |

|Plastic Viscosity | |seconds | | |

|Yield Point |1b,/100ft2 |pascals |pa |0.4788 |

|Gel Strength | | | |(0,5 for field use) |

|& Stress | | | | |

|Cake Thickness |32nds inch |millimeters |mm |0.794 |

|Filter Loss |milliliters |cubic |cm3 |1 |

| |or c.c. |centimeters | | |

|MBT (Bentonite |pounds/bbl |kilograms per |kg/m3 |2.85 |

|Equivalent) | |cubic metres | | |

|Material |pounds per |kilograms per |kg/m3 |2.85 |

|Concentration |barrel |cubic metre | | |

|Shear Rate |reciprocal |reciprocal |s-1 |1 |

| |seconds |seconds | | |

|Torque |foot pounds |Newton metres |N(m |1.3558 |

|Table Speed |revolutions |revolutions |r/min. |1 |

| |per minute |per minute | | |

|Ionic Mass |parts per |milligrams per |mg/L |1 |

|Concentrations |million |litre | | |

|Ionic Concentr- |equivalents per |mols per cubic |mol/ m3 |1 |

|ations in water |million |meter | | |

|Corrosion Rate |pounds per square |grams per square |g/ m3d |13.377 |

| |foot per year |meter day | | |

| |mils per year |millimeters per year |mm/a |0.0254 |

Sand, solids and oil content will be reported as volume fraction using the symbol Ø substance, e.g., 12% by volume of solids will be reported as “Ø solids = 0.12”


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