Soft Drink Lab - Weebly

Lab: Which Drink is that?

Background information

A new processing plant opened with a complete line of sports drinks, juices, and flavored waters. One afternoon, you get a frantic phone call from your good friend who is the quality control manager at the plant. Someone has made a big mistake, putting all the drink mixes into unlabeled containers! He knows that you are a chemist and has asked for your help.

Your job is to pull together a team and figure out how to label all the containers correctly! You have at your disposal all the needed equipment and reagents for the Biuret, Benedict’s, and Iodine tests. You remember from your training that each reagent is used as an indicator for different organic compounds. Biuret will help you find protein, Benedict’s reacts with certain simple sugars, and Iodine is a great indicator for starch, a complex carbohydrate.

While the team is waiting for you they have set up lab kits which include instructions for testing each unknown. While working you will need to go to various stations around the room to get each product from the bottles labeled unknown 1-5. Be careful not to mix up the droppers between the bottles!

The true names of the products are you are testing and their main ingredients are:

• Clean Pro: contains water, sugar and whey protein

• H2Oh!: contains water, sugar, whey protein, starch

• Fruiti-O: contains water, sugar

• Sweet T: contains water, sugar, starch

• Hydr8: contains water

Part I: Based on the demo by your teacher identify what each indicator tests for and what a positive result looks lik.

Part II: Testing Sports Drinks for Identification:

For all tests make sure your test tubes are labeled 1-5 so you don’t mix them up!

Directions for testing with Biuret

1. Obtain Unknown solutions 1-5 in each of your test tubes. Place 3-5 drops of solution into the test tube.

2. Add 5 drops of Biuret into each of the test tubes. Gently swirl the test tubes Record the color of the solution and whether it is a positive or negative result in the table below. 2 solutions will test positive for Biuret.

3. When finished, each sample may be disposed of by washing them down the sink. Rinse out the test tubes thoroughly.

Directions for testing with Benedicts

1. Obtain Unknown solutions 1-5 in each of your test tubes. Place 3-5 drops of solution into the test tube.

2. Add 3 drops of Benedicts into each of the test tubes. Place the 5 test tubes into a hot water bath and wait for 2 minutes. Record the color of the solution and whether it is a positive or negative result in the table below. 4 solutions will test positive for Benedicts.

3. When finished, each sample may be disposed of by washing them down the sink. Rinse out the test tubes thoroughly.


Directions for testing with Iodine

1. Obtain Unknown solutions 1-5 in each of your test tubes. Place 3-5 drops of solution into the test tube.

2. Add 5 drops of Iodine into each of the test tubes. Record the color of the solution and whether it is a positive or negative result in the table below. 2 solutions will test positive for Iodine.

3. When finished, each sample may be disposed of by washing them down the sink. Rinse out the test tubes thoroughly.

Part I: Testing Known Solutions

|Indicator |Organic molecule detected |Original color |Positive color |

|Biuret | | | |

|Benedict’s | | | |

|Iodine | | | |

|Brown paper towel |Lipid |Dry |Grease stain |

Part II: Testing Unknown Solutions (Sports Drinks)

Results: Biuret Test

| |Color of solution |Positive or Negative Result |

|Unknown 1 | | |

|Unknown 2 | | |

|Unknown 3 | | |

|Unknown 4 | | |

|Unknown 5 | | |

Results: Benedict’s Test

| |Color of solution |Positive or Negative Result |

|Unknown 1 | | |

|Unknown 2 | | |

|Unknown 3 | | |

|Unknown 4 | | |

|Unknown 5 | | |

Results: Iodine Test

| |Color of solution |Positive or Negative Result |

|Unknown 1 | | |

|Unknown 2 | | |

|Unknown 3 | | |

|Unknown 4 | | |

|Unknown 5 | | |

Final Results Table

After tests, compile all of your results in the following table using a (+) for a positive result and a (-) for a negative result. Then identify which label should be placed on each drink.

| |Biuret (Test for |Benedict’s (Test for Simple |Iodine (Test for complex carb – starch) |Correct Label for Beverage |

| |Protein) |sugar) | | |

|Unknown 1 | | | | |

|Unknown 2 | | | | |

|Unknown 3 | | | | |

|Unknown 4 | | | | |

|Unknown 5 | | | | |

Part II: Identifying the purpose of each ingredient:

Your friend figures while they have you at the plant, there is another way that you can help them out. The marketing team has been struggling with a way to gear their product towards the appropriate group of consumers. They know that flavor is not the only thing that will sell a drink; for many buyers there must be a physical benefit from consuming it as well.

They have given you the list of ingredients that are found in the drinks and would like for you to match them up with their desired affect.

|Ingredient |Organic or Inorganic |If Organic, which one (Simple |Function (Benefit of consuming it) |

| |Compound |carb, complex carb, protein) | |

|Water | | |Staying hydrated; body needs lots of water to function properly. |

|Whey | |Protein | |

|Sugar | | | |

|Starch | | |Builds structures |

Fill in the table below with the indicator that would test positive and what a positive color is.

|Food |Indicator test you would use |Positive color |

|Pasta | | |

|Oil | |Translucent spot |

|Eggs | | |

|Apple juice | | |


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