MARCH 19, 2012



John Myre

Lincoln Plett

Jen Owen

Wayne White

Mike Schwartz

Amber Schwartz

Ryan DeJoe

Ryan Best

Natasha Ellwanger

Jules O'Herron

Brian Slugocki

Shane Gleason

Patty Moreno


Ty Ferre

Dana Kane

New Board members were introduced:

President: Patty Moreno Voting

Vice President: Amber Schwartz Voting

Secretary: Dana Kane Voting

Treasurer: TO BE NAMED Natasha Ellwanger/Sean Tanner stepped down Voting

Coaching Director: Ryan DeJoe replacing John KonhilasVoting

Mite Representative: Ty Ferre Voting

Learn to Skate Representative: TO BE NAMED Voting

University of Arizona Men's Hockey Representatives: Brian Slugocki and Shane Gleason Voting

WYHA still needs to fill the treasurer position. Sean Tanner is unable to help due to high workload at his job. Jules O'Herron and Gail Langley have volunteered to help out at this position. Will appoint the position by or at next board meeting.

Discussed if the U of A should be a voting position. It was brought up by Sean Tanner that if they were indeed committed it should be a voting position, if no,t so not to affect the quorum they should be honorary members. Both Shane and Brian agreed to attend meetings. The U of A is a voting position as of now.

It was brought up that the Secretary and Treasurer should be voting members.


deposited $4,662.00

current balance $9,909.36

expected deductions: awards, medals, supplies for picnic

Committees and chairs were introduced:

Jersey/Merchandise Chair: Jen Owen

Scheduler: Ryan Best

Registrar: John Myre

Website: TO BE NAMED

Fundraising Chair: TO BE NAMED

Marketing Chair: Amber Schwartz

Recruiting/Retention: TO BE NAMED

Sponsorship: Patty Moreno

Wildcats in the Schools: Patty Moreno

University of Arizona pregame meals: Nikki Tanner

Agreed that there was a bit to much Mexican food. Will try to get a tentative schedule so that we can actively set up the meals before the season.

Equipment Manager: TO BE NAMED

Volunteer positions

Practice Check In: Jen Owen

Equipment Closet: Ryan Best, Mike Schwartz and Ryan DeJoe volunteered to clean, arrange and organize. Need to get input from U of A on what liberties we can take with re-organizing.

We previewed the good and bad of last season:

Good: the advancement of the young learn to skate kids, the pairing with the University of Arizona, the number of members, the mites on ice, Wildcats in the schools. Sponsorship.

Needs Improvement: Check in, but agreed it improved with the moving of the table, coaching structure. U of A Sponsorship as some families and or players were left out. More volunteers.

Board/Committee job descriptions were handed out. Still need job descriptions for President and Vice President. (to be drafted by Patty Moreno and Amber Schwartz for approval at next board meeting).

Current enrollment: 46 active families (many with multiple children), with many others on the information list. Email contact list stands at 99.

List of skaters by birth year was given to Ryan De Joe the new Coaching Director

The Arizona Amateur hockey association was contacted. To become a member the WYHA must have 75 members signed up. They will count last years USA hockey registrations. Once we become a member we are eligible for a grant. A suggestion was made that the grant money can be used to buy equipment bags for rental.

WYHA bylaws: are written, will be sent to all voting members for review and to be revised, then voted on at a future board meeting.

California Pizza Kitchen fundraiser with the University of Arizona: check has not arrived yet, but we earned close to $1400. We would like to also set up another CPK fundraiser in August/September with the new U of A team.

Discussed accepting credit card payment via the IPhone for session fees and practices.

Possibility of purchasing an iphone app & attaachment for cc payments for ice time, association fees, etc. Would be accompanied by an additional $.50 processing fee to be passed along to the card holder. Monies would be directly deposited into WYHA account. Amber Schwartz to provide additional details at next meeting.

Coaching will be ran and established by Ryan DeJoe the new Coaching Director. We have agreed to ask for double the ice time for our association, to split the ice practices. Providing member numbers will provide the coverage of cost. Once member numbers are available we can see if that is cost effective. Ryan will set up the teams, plus the coaching staff per team. This year there will be teams, and they will play in house as well as teams from in state and possibly out of state. They will be friendly tournaments. Ryan would like to limit the number of parents on the ice. Ryan will be checking to have all coaches Level One certified. Also ALL coaches must be cleared for a background check before getting on the ice with the kids. Practices will be supplemented with roller practice at Catalina high school or Bladeworld during TCC lag times. Ryan asked Shane and Brian if they could help (when available on the ice). I will get approval from Coach Hogan.

Next year mouth guards and neck guards will be mandatory for all hockey players.

Long term goal is to get high school hockey in Tucson.

Equipment to Purchase:

pucks/puck bags

large cones

water bottles

Pucks will be locked up in our new improved closet!

Jerseys: Asked Jen to get three quotes on jerseys, they must be red white and blue. Brian suggested Harrow, which is where the U of A got their jerseys. Ryan will check with legal at the U of A to see if we can use the block letter A. Travel teams will have a home and a way jersey, inhouse will have a team jersey and practice jersey.

Jen will also bring three quotes for wind suits for both the skaters and coaches. Parents will be eligible to purchase the suits or jackets also.

Jen will also be getting WYHA t-shirts that will be available for purchase

Ryan Best will be setting up friendly games with out of town teams.

We agreed that we will be having a parent/association meeting. Agreed to have it in May so that the U of A representatives can also present at the meeting. Ryan will also present along with Amber and Patty. All chairs, and board members will speak about their role in the association. Suggested to have a room at a Library. This meeting will be for all families who are currently involved or not currently involved but looking for youth hockey information. We will need the help of the entire association to get the word out.

Recruiting: Wayne asked for association posters which will be emailed to him.

Fundraising: Natasha brought up an idea of an association year book and or cd. They will have paid adds in them to cover the cost of the book and earn money for the association.

Awards picnic/Easter Egg Hunt:

Agreed awards will be given to, Neil Wattier for dryland, coaches, Coach Hogan and U of A players, and all members of the WYHA, plus Mike the Zamboni driver and Randy Accetta for his $500 donation.

We also need volunteers to help with the egg hunt, bring coolers with ice and cook the food.

Each member will also get a certificate at the awards ceremony.

The association will be buying the hot dogs, hamburgers, buns, condiments and paper products. Families will provide the drinks, desserts and dishes.

Patty will donate the easter eggs for the hunt.

Shane and Brian will make two more school visits. One to CCUM the school of Zane Schwartz and also the Academy of Tucson the school of Jake Myre and Willow Owen. I will set up a Monday or Wednesday for those schools. If extra players are needed for the the Academy of Tucson Brian and Shane will arrange for a few more.

The association cost for next year will not be mandatory, and will increase. The suggested cost will be $150, which will give you your practice jersey and yearbook. It will not be prorated and must be paid by the end of October. It was suggested to figure out what to do with families that join after October.

There will be hard costs for game jerseys, ice time. Travel expenses are not covered by the association.

There was a discussion of possible sponsorship per team to cover jerseys. Once teams are arranged and Team Managers are elected, sponsorship and fundraising can be reopen for discussion.

The location of the board meeting was discussed, as it was hard for all to hear in Starbucks. Mike Schwartz will look into using a conference room at a fire station.

The meeting ended.

Next board meeting will be on April 16th. Time and location will be announced


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