
Reflection of the projectI am a student in Higher College of Technology and I studying business. I am in level 4, I study community service learning and we have a project to help our community. First I discussed with my group about what we will choose at week 3 we choose families in need to help them and we made planning about what activities we can do it to help them. We had a lot of idea to do it one of them is to bring Starbucks to come to college to sell its products and the money they earned we will divide it between us but they reject it. Also I contact with Red Crescent to bring voluntary funds and we decided to put one in the college and the two others in schools. At the end of week 7 we decided about our final activities. We decided to do awareness lecture in school so I contact with Al-Hudiba High School and they are very happy about this. The other activity is to volunteer in Red Crescent for one day. On Wednesday we went to Al-Hudiaba School and we bring old women to sell traditional food we did the lectures in third class. On Wednesday 22 of May we went to Red Crescent office and we work with them I worked in Reception section I worked Halal’s place. It was a lot of works to do it also there a lot of poor people there coming to request helping. It was very good and I meet people I don’t know they a lot of problems in their life for example some people don’t have nationality it was very hard for them and their families. Also we sold clothes and toys for Syrian family we know and give to family’s friend to give them they were very happy about it. I learned a lot of things from this experience for example this is first time a do a lecture in school I learned from that confidence and how to receipt our idea to other people. Also, I learned from this project how to communicate with other organizations and give me opportunity to do new things in my life and how to divide the works between group of people and lead them. This project will benefit me in the future also in my CV, I know a lot of things from this experience I started before when I was young helping other people like I give the workers who was work with us food and drinks and the cleaner in the street I give him money and food. Also, we take our old clothes which are good to charity organizations but this project I did above what I did before. It will help me in the future if I decide to start my own business it will be for poor families in the UAE especially in RAK I will help them to find a good work and help their children to study like other kids and I hope other students to think how they help their community not only thinking about money because there are families live without it. ................

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