Fast Food Project

Intermediate Algebra 2

Mr. Cleveland

Name _______________________________

Period _____

“What You Eat” Survey

1. Do you think you eat healthy foods? ________________________

2. How many calories do you think is in a “normal” meal? _____________________

3. How many calories do you think you should consumer per day? ____________________

4. How many calories per day does the FDA suggest you consume? _____________

5. How many calories do you think are in a regular fast-food value meal? __________

6. Where is your favorite fast-food establishment? _______________________

7. Have you ever eaten healthier choices provided by fast-food chains? (Like salads, for example)


8. How often do you visit a fast food restaurant? ________ times per month

(for example, 2 times per week, 1 time per year, etc)

9. Using information from , complete the following chart.

| |Definition |Do you want this as part of your diet? Why or |What can happen if you ingest too |

| | |why not? |much of this? |

|Calorie: | | | |

|Fat: | | | |

|Carbohydrates: | | | |

|Cholesterol: | | | |

|Sodium: | | | |

|Protein: | | | |

Record everything you eat for the next two days. Use ? for information about nutrition content.

Day 1

|Time |Food Consumed |Calories |Total Fat |

|Starbucks | | | |

|Burger King | | | |

|[pic] | | | |

|KFC | | | |

|[pic] | | | |

|Pizza Hut | | | |

|McDonalds | | | |

|[pic] | | | |

|Subway | | | |

|[pic] | | | |

|Taco Bell | | | |

|[pic] | | | |

|Wendy’s | | | |

|[pic] | | | |

Key Words

When choosing from a menu, what words in an item’s description would indicate something is less healthy? What words indicate a healthy choice?

|Unhealthy |Healthy |

| | |

| | |

| | |

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| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

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| | |

Reflection Questions

1. What I learned was….

2. I was surprised that….

3. I’m wondering…

4. As a result of this activity I will…


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