Beating Cravings

Beating Cravings

As we transition to a health restoring raw vegan diet our body transitions through a period where it craves familiar foods which are often associated with addictive synthetic or drug like ingredients. It is also important to note our body will often crave foods it commonly associates with the required nutrients- not necessarily the best source of these.

Nervous tension often leads to and results from these cravings. Increased levels of anxiety leave us craving familiar comfort foods and ingredients. Supporting our nervous system with calming nutrients and herbs can help minimize and alleviate anxiety and significant cravings. Try to address potential cravings proactively, keeping yourself topped up with the nutrients your body really requires.

• Magnesium and potassium support the nervous system helping reduce anxiety/emotional element to cravings

• Magnesium is found in green vegetables, nuts, seeds, many grains and legumes

• Potassium is rich in almost all vegetable foods

• Calming herbal teas such as lavender, lemon balm, chamomile, skullcap

Chocolate, sweets

Cravings for chocolate and sweets are a sign the body is craving energy (glucose). This is often a sign of deficiency of the mineral chromium, which is needed for the metabolism of carbohydrates.

Chromium deficiency is caused by a diet high in refined and poor quality foods.

Chocolate cravings may also indicate magnesium deficiency.

Chocolate contains the chemicals Caffeine and Theobromine which are both addictive stimulants


• Chromium is found in the majority of whole fruit and vegetables

• Vegetable protein found in greens and sprouted foods helps balance blood sugar levels

• Healthy vegetable fats- avocados, coconut oil, nuts, seeds and olives provide concentrated energy

• Keep healthy snacks on hand - soaked nuts and seeds, vegetable dips and pates with crudités etc.

• Magnesium is found in green vegetables, nuts and seeds


Salt and savory cravings are often a sign of adrenal stress and our body’s need for broad spectrum minerals especially potassium, magnesium and zinc. Over use of stimulants such as coffee, chocolate, soft drinks and refined foods are the primary cause. Our body has learned to associate its need for minerals with salt due to its historical use in food preserving and processing.


• Reduce all animal foods, refined foods, the stimulants discussed above and table salt

• Increase potassium-rich foods - all vegetables especially cucumbers, carrots, parsley, bananas

• Increase magnesium-rich foods - greens, nuts and seeds

• B vitamins - all vegetable foods

• Increase vitamin C-rich foods - parsley, bell peppers, citrus, kiwi, goji, etc.

• Increase zinc-rich foods - ginger root, pumpkin seeds, nettle root


Cravings for ice are surprisingly common in women. It is often an indication of anemia due to menstrual blood loss


• Iron-rich vegetable foods include pumpkin and sunflower seeds, nuts

• Green leafy vegetables are especially good and also rich in vitamin C which enhances iron absorption

• Eliminate dairy foods as they have been shown to inhibit iron absorption

Peanut butter

Peanut butter cravings Indicate a need for copper and/or essential fatty acids. Peanut butter a poor source of both.


• Brazil, hazel, walnuts and pecans good sources of copper as are apples, carrots and garlic

• All nuts and seeds provide healthful essential fatty acids. Always soak overnight before using

• Udo’s oil is a great blend of essential fatty acids

Wheat and dairy

We are conditioned to eat wheat and dairy from very early in life as they form the foundations of our western diet. They are often our earliest foods from weaning as we are introduced to milk, yoghurt and rusks. Wheat and dairy products both contain opioids, opium like chemicals, which have an addictive effect.


• Oats are a great calming replacement for wheat

• Try nut and seed milks and cheeses, or goat’s milk products for dairy

Cravings are often significant for foods containing artificial colorings, flavorings and preservatives. These ingredients often have addictive effects on our body. This is no accident as the manufacturers of these “edible food-like substances” include them purposefully to increase your desire and purchase of these products. The good news is our body’s respond quickly to a health enhancing raw vegan diet. Withdrawal symptoms may present but will pass. A little self determination and control along the way will ease this process and deliver the rewards of a newfound health, vitality and healing.


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