Clean Ocean Action's

21st Annual Fall Student Summit

Island Beach State Park

Fall 2009

Teacher Packet

Main Office

18 Hartshorne Drive, Suite 2

Highlands, NJ 07732

(732) 872 – 0111



Welcome to the 21st Summit at Island Beach State Park.

The Student Summit provides teachers with an opportunity to extend learning beyond the classroom. It is designed to provide middle school students from different areas of the state with an opportunity to experience hands-on, marine environmental education at the Jersey Shore.

The Student Summit Resource Packet for Teachers contains the following materials:

An overview of each of the Student Summit Program Activities

A copy of the Student Summit workbook

An Annotated Listing of Curriculum Resources on the Marine and Coastal Environment

A listing of Selected Books on the Marine and Coastal Environment

A listing of Selected Field Guides to Marine and Coastal Environments

Clean Ocean Action’s Our Habitat is Down the Drain brochure - lessons, programs and materials about non-point source or “pointless” pollution that are available for your classroom

Selected fact sheets, brochures, and publications useful as resources in your classroom to follow-up today’s program

The activities included in the Student Summit have been selected to present the students with an interdisciplinary marine and environmental education experience that compliments the New Jersey Core Curriculum Standards, including:

• Science Standards 5.1, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, 5.7, 5.8, 5.10

• Math Standards 4.1, 4.4, 4.5

• Social Studies Standards 6.3, 6.9

In terms of classroom follow-up activities, we encourage you to:

Discuss the various field workshops and work stations with your class

Review data collected at individual workshops and work stations and have the class graph their results and discuss their significance

Consult the curricular materials listed in this packet and utilize related, appropriate lessons and activities from them

Repeat some of the experiments presented at the workstations. Change some of the components and compare the results to those collected at the Summit

Assign students research reports and presentations about the plants and animals the students learned about at the Summit


Project Terrapin

To welcome you to the Summit, we present a brief discussion of one of New Jersey's unique marine animals, the Northern Diamondback Terrapin. Students learn about the Project Terrapin program that studies and promotes the conservation of the Northern Diamondback Terrapin in the Barnegat Bay Estuary. The project studies and identifies key nesting areas, nest conditions, hatching success of eggs, and hatchling survivorship. Project Terrapin also looks to understand if there is a relationship between submerged aquatic vegetation and terrapin populations.

Instructor: John Wnek, Marine Academy of Technology and Environmental Science

Science Can Be A Day At The Beach (Workshop Rotation)

All students participate in an interdisciplinary series of studies included in Clean Ocean Action’s Student Summit. This interactive series of 6 workstations has a variety of hands-on activities for the students to learn about the environment. Topics covered will include such things as habitat and population of the Northern Diamondback Terrapins, marine invertebrate anatomy and biology, seashell identification, non-point source pollution, the impact of marine debris, and how students can make a difference in their marine environment.

Instructors: Student Volunteers, Marine Academy of Technology and Environmental Science

Field Activities:

Birds of the New Jersey Shore

New Jersey is situated within a prime portion of the Atlantic Flyway, which provides for a diverse cross-section of coastal birds throughout the year. October falls in the middle of the autumn migration. Birds commonly seen in Barnegat Bay during October include wading birds, hawks, warblers, ducks and gulls. A group of students will join a local birding expert in a field survey of coastal birds along the Barnegat Bay shoreline.


Exploring Island Beach State Park from Ocean to Bay

Island Beach State Park is a natural barrier beach at the southern tip of the barrier island. On a walk from the Atlantic Ocean side to the Barnegat Bay side of the park, a group of students led by a park naturalist will explore the features of a fully developed dune system environment and observe succession. Tice’s Shoal and Fisherman’s Walkway provide a cross section or transect of a barrier beach.


Marine Water Quality Monitoring

Monitoring of surface water quality is an important source of information used by scientists and environmental managers to characterize water resources, to identify water quality problems and trends, and to develop water quality management strategies. Students will learn about the water quality approach to aquatic resource assessment by collecting and analyzing water samples from Barnegat Bay.

Instructor: Heather Saffert, Clean Ocean Action

Seining and Marine Life Identification

New Jersey’s estuaries offer a variety of habitats important as breeding, feeding, and nursery grounds for a diversity of fish and invertebrate species. Many of these species spend only part of the year in area waters, while other species reside year-round within certain coastal habitats. Students will use seine nets and sieves to collect fish and invertebrates to observe, and identify common marine animals found in Barnegat Bay.


Ocean Beach Scavenger Hunt

Among the most numerous and diverse of life on the exposed and sheltered shores of Sandy Hook are the mollusks and crustaceans. The objective of this field workshop is to use the incredible biology of mollusks, crustaceans, and the surrounding environment to focus students’ observational skills and stimulate interest in marine life. Students will identify, observe, and explore mollusks and crustaceans on the exposed seashore and in sheltered estuaries. With identification keys, students will identify and observe selected mollusks and crustaceans. In the process of their exploration with the field-leader, students will be introduced to these animals’ fascinating diversity, feeding behaviors, modes of locomotion, and sensitivities to human impacts.

Instructor: Jeff Martin, Lower Cape May Regional High School

Beach Sweeps: Understanding Marine Debris

Marine debris includes trash and other objects that get into the marine environment as a result of careless handling and disposal. The problem of marine debris has emerged as a critical environmental issue worldwide. Debris in the marine environment is not only aesthetically unpleasant, but it can harm marine life and litter the shoreline. By participating in a beach clean up modeled after Clean Ocean Action’s successful Beach Sweeps program, groups of students will learn about the types, quantities, and sources of marine debris plaguing our coastal region.

Instructor: Tavia Danch, Clean Ocean Action



Beneath The Shell by the New Jersey Department Of Environmental Protection (NJ DEP Office of Communications, Trenton, NJ, 1993).

An interdisciplinary, skill-oriented, supplemental activity guide to teaching about non-point source pollution and its potential impacts on coastal water quality and shellfish in New Jersey. Designed for grades 1 - 8, but can be adapted to the secondary level.

Cleaner Times: The Curriculum Guide by the NJ Department of Environmental Protection and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA Region II, New York, NY, 1994).

Educational program in support of the Environmental Protection Agency’s Clean Streets/Clean Beaches campaign that focuses on how the improper disposal of solid waste and litter on our streets negatively affects the beaches and waterways. Designed for use at the upper elementary level.

Delaware Estuary Issues by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA Region III, Philadelphia, PA, 1993).

An information and activity packet about the Delaware River and Estuary watershed, including physical features, biological components, habitats and water management. Designed for students at the secondary level.

Global Change Education Resource Guide by Lynn L. Mortenson (ed.) (University Corporation for Atmospheric Research and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Silver Spring, MD, 1994).

Comprehensive resource guide designed as an aid to educators who wish to conduct programs and activities on climate and global change issues by providing a select set of materials that help frame and clarify key issues associated with the global environment including natural climate variability, greenhouse effect, sea level rise, ozone depletion, ecosystem response and decision-making under scientific uncertainty. Designed for adaptation at the K-12 level.

Living In Water by the National Aquarium in Baltimore (Baltimore, MD, 1987).

This curriculum offers a scientific study of water, aquatic habitats, and the plants and animals that live in marine and freshwater environments through a series of questions about water which students answer by conducting a variety of activities using an experimental, science process approach that enables them to arrive at the appropriate answers. Designed for grades 4 - 6, but can be adapted to the secondary level.

Long Island Sound Environmental Education Activity Kit by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Islip, NY, undated).

This kit is intended to help students and citizens learn more about the Long Island Sound environment. It includes basic facts about the Long Island Sound and its tributaries, activities that demonstrate how the Sound system works, projects that can help protect the Sound system and sources of additional information. Designed for elementary and secondary levels, as well as public education.

Project Wild Aquatic Education Activity Guide by the Western Regional Environmental Education Council (Boulder, CO, 1992).

An interdisciplinary environmental and conservation education program emphasizing aquatic wildlife that depends upon freshwater environments such as rivers, lakes, ponds and streams or saltwater environments such as oceans, estuaries and wetlands. Designed for elementary and secondary levels.

Project WET by the Watercourse and Western Regional Environmental Council (Bozeman, MT, 1995).

A curriculum and activity guide containing hands-on water-related activities covering a variety of disciplines in the study of water and resources - chemistry and physics, life science, earth systems, natural resources management, history and culture. Designed for the K-12 level.

Save Our Seas by the Center for Marine Conservation (Washington, D.C., 1994).

A comprehensive, interdisciplinary curriculum intended to educate students about litter and marine debris and empower them to become part of the solution to this coastwide, global problem. Designed for the K - 12 level.

Sound Connections: A Long Island Sound Curriculum Guide by Save the Sound, Inc. (Stamford, CT, 1997).

This guide was put together in an attempt to assist elementary and middle school teachers to integrate environmental information on Long Island Sound into their curriculum.

The Ocean Book by the Center for Marine Conservation (John Wiley and Sons, 1990).

The Center for Marine Conservation’s interdisciplinary curriculum designed to educate students about marine life and marine conservation issues.

The Biology of the Hudson-Raritan Estuary by the NJ Marine Sciences Consortium (Sandy Hook, NJ, 1997).

A comprehensive educational package focusing on the living marine resources of the Hudson-Raritan estuary that includes background information, student activities, a glossary, and profiles of important fish, birds and invertebrates. Designed for middle schools and high schools.

The Seaside Naturalist by Deborah A. Coulombe (Fireside Books/Simon & Shuster, Inc., 1992).

A comprehensive guide to studying the various classes of marine organisms and marine communities commonly encountered along the shores of the Atlantic coast. Adaptable for elementary and secondary levels.

Turning the Tide on Trash by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA Office Of Water, Washington, D.C., 1992).

Interdisciplinary guide that provides classroom lessons addressing the definition, characteristics and sources of marine debris, the effects of marine debris, and solutions to problems associated with marine debris.

WOW: The Wonders of Wetlands by Environmental Concern and The Watercourse (Environmental Concern, St. Michaels, MD, 1995).

This curriculum supplement focuses on wetland studies that includes comprehensive background material for teachers as well as extensive field and classroom activities for elementary and secondary levels.


A Naturalist Along the Jersey Shore by Joanna Burger (Rutgers University Press, 1996).

Beautiful Swimmers: Watermen, Crabs and the Chesapeake Bay by William Warner (Penguin Books, 1976).

Between Pacific Tides by Edward F. Ricketts, Jack Calvin and Joel W. Hedgepeth as revised by David W. Phillips (Stanford University Press, 1985).

Life and Death of the Salt Marsh by John Teal and Mildred Teal (Ballantine Books, 1983).

Life in the Chesapeake Bay by Alice Jane Lippson and Robert L. Lippson (Johns Hopkins University Press, 1884).

Living with the New Jersey Shore by Karl Nordstrom, Paul Gares, Norbert Psuty, Orrin Pilkey, Jr., William Neal and Orrin Pilkey, Sr. (Duke University Press, 1986).

Marine Gamefish of the Middle Atlantic by David Bulloch (American Littoral Society, 1986).

New Jersey Coastwalks (American Littoral Society, 1983).

One Square Mile on the Atlantic Coast: An Artists Journal of the New Jersey Shore by John R. Quinn (Walker and Company, 1993).

The Birds of New Jersey: Their Habits and Habitats by Charles Leck (Rutgers University Press, 1975).

The Bottom of the Harbor by Joseph Mitchell (The Modern Library, 1994).

The Fisheries of Raritan Bay by Clyde MacKenzie (Rutgers University Press, 1992).

The Hudson River: A Natural and Unnatural History by Robert Boyle (W.W. Norton and Co., 1979).

Wanderer on my Native Shore by George Reiger (Lyons and Burford Publishers, 1991).

Waves and Beaches by Willard Bascom (Doubleday Books, 1980).


Beachcomber Botany (Chatham Press 1980).

Birds of North America by Chandler Robbins, Bertel Bruun, and Herbert Zim (Golden Press, 1983).

A Field Guide to Atlantic Coast Fishes by C. Richard Robbins, G. Carlton Ray, John Douglass and Rudolf Freund (Houghton Mifflin Company, 1986).

A Field Guide to the Atlantic Seashore by Kenneth L. Gosner (Houghton Mifflin Company, 1978).

A Field Guide to the Birds: East of the Rockies by Roger Tory Peterson (Hougton Mifflin Company, 1980).

A Field Guide to Shells of the Atlantic & Gulf Coasts & The West Indies by R. Tucker Abbott and Percy A. Morris (Houghton Mifflin Company, 1995).

Fishes of the Gulf of Maine by Bigelow and Schroeder (Smithsonian Press 2002).




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