AK - Minor Offense Citation Test Scenarios

Version No.: TraCS V7.3K |Test Scenario #:AKCR02

Creating Vehicle Moose - Crash in TraCS.

• Unit #1 hit a moose when rounding a curve.

• Driver of unit #1 is also the Owner of the Vehicle and will not receive a Citation

• There are 3 occupants in Unit #1 and two were transported to the hospital. |Requirement # (s): | |

|Environment: Classroom Testing |Machine Tested: | |

| | | |

| |

|Set up Instructions: Officer laptop installed with TraCS V7.3K, printer and handheld barcode reader. |

| |

|Assumptions/Dependencies: Officer has a user profile set up with TraCS on the laptop. Officer has a sample driver’s license and vehicle registration to use. |

| |

|Test Files/Test Data: Sample 12-200 Crash Report |

|Step # |Description |Expected Result |Actual Result (Describe only differences from|Retest |Pass/Fail |

| | | |Expected Result) | | |

| |Launch Application |TraCS Application opens. | | | |

| |Create a Contact |AK –Crash form opens. | | | |

| |Enter a Form Description and Save the form. |In Contact Manager, the Form Description will| | | |

| | |display. | | | |

| |View – Form Description | | | | |

| |Enter a Contact Description. | In Contact Manager, the Contact Description | | | |

| | |will display. | | | |

| |View – Contact Description | | | | |

| |Enter a value in Incident/Case# |Required for a valid crash report | | | |

| |Select Document Type as Original |Original should display | | | |

| |Enter the Total # of Units in the Crash |Total number of units will display. This | | | |

| | |number will also validate against the number | | | |

| | |of Driver Vehicle groups. | | | |

| |Enter the Crash Date |Correct day should display in the Crash Day | | | |

| | |field | | | |

| |Enter the Crash Time using the Data bar |Current time displays in data and time field | | | |

| |Enter desired data in the next 4 fields: |Data should display properly | | | |

| |Crash Occurred in (City/Borough) | | | | |

| |Temp | | | | |

| |Posted Speed | | | | |

| |EMS Run# | | | | |

| |In the Latitude field click the Locate button on the |The following should be populated: | | | |

| |Data bar to open the Location Tool. Locate the crash |Latitude | | | |

| |NOT AT AN INTERSECTION and Accept the location. |Longitude | | | |

| | |Crash Occurred in | | | |

| | |Name of Street or Highway | | | |

| | |Units | | | |

| | |Distance | | | |

| | |Direction | | | |

| | |Intersecting Street/ Nearest Street, Bridge, | | | |

| | |etc | | | |

| |Enter desired data in the next two fields by selecting |Data should display properly | | | |

| |a value from the Data bar: | | | | |

| |Photos Taken | | | | |

| |Non-vehicular Prop Damage | | | | |

| |Enter desired data in the next five fields by selecting|Data should display properly | | | |

| |a value from the drop down list: | | | | |

| |Roadway Junction Type | | | | |

| |Weather | | | | |

| |Roadway Character | | | | |

| |Road Surface | | | | |

| |Lighting | | | | |

| |Verify the Name of Street or Highway was correctly |Data should display properly | | | |

| |populated from the Location Tool | | | | |

| |In the Units field if ‘At Intersection’ is selected |Data should display properly | | | |

| |Distance and Direction are disabled. |Distance and Direction should be disabled and| | | |

| | |cleared. | | | |

| |Verify the Intersecting Street/ Nearest Street, Bridge,|Data should display properly | | | |

| |etc was correctly populated from the Location Tool | | | | |

| |Enter desired data in the Location of First Sequence of|Data should display properly | | | |

| |Events field. First Sequence of Events | | | | |

| |Select MOOSE in the First Sequence of Events field. |Data should display properly | | | |

| |Hit and Run will always be disabled. It is auto |Data should display properly | | | |

| |populated based on Driver Presence and Vehicle at Scene| | | | |

| | | | | | |


| |Verify the data in the Officer Group was populated |Data should display properly | | | |

| |correctly for the following fields: | | | | |

| |Officer Last Name | | | | |

| |Officer First Name | | | | |

| |Officer Perm ID | | | | |

| |Agency | | | | |


| |Enter the Unit Number for the first Driver Vehicle |Data should display properly | | | |

| |Group | | | | |

| |Indicate the Driver Presence by selecting an option |If ‘Driver Left Scene’ is selected the Hit | | | |

| |from the drop down list. |and Run field will default to ‘Yes’ | | | |

| |Indicate if the Vehicle Left Scene by selecting the |If Vehicle Left Scene is Yes the Hit and Run | | | |

| |Check Box if the vehicle has left. |field will default to ‘Yes’. | | | |

| |Use HHP 4710 Barcode Scanner to read the Driver |You should hear a beep. | | | |

| |License. | | | | |

| |Select the correct Driver from the list while on |Verify all the Driver Information was | | | |

| |Driver: Last Name |correctly populated. | | | |

| |If Driver Physical Address is the same as the Mailing |Verify all of the Driver Physical Address | | | |

| |Address select ‘Yes’ in the box Add Same |fields are displayed correctly | | | |

| |Enter desired data in the next four fields by selecting|Data should display properly | | | |

| |a value from the drop down list: | | | | |

| |Ejected | | | | |

| |Extricated | | | | |

| |NFR | | | | |

| |Ins Coverage | | | | |

| |Enter the Ins Company |If Ins Coverage is ‘No’ Ins Company is | | | |

| | |disabled. | | | |

| |Enter desired data in the next two fields by selecting |Data should display properly | | | |

| |a value from the drop down list: | | | | |

| |Environment Circumstances | | | | |

| |Injury Status | | | | |

| |Up to four options may be selected in the field Driver |Data should display properly | | | |

| |Restraint / Airbag. |If ‘Not Used’ or ‘None Installed’ is selected| | | |

| | |you cannot select other options. | | | |

| |Enter desired data in the next two fields by selecting |Data should display properly | | | |

| |a value from the drop down list. |If ‘None’ is selected for Alcohol / Drugs | | | |

| |Alcohol / Drugs Suspected |Suspected Test Given and BAC Level will be | | | |

| |Test Given |disabled and If ‘Alcohol’ is selected both | | | |

| | |fields are active. | | | |

| |Enter the desired data in the Transported filed. |Data should display properly | | | |

| | |If Transported is ‘No’ or ‘Unk’ then | | | |

| | |Transported By and Transported To are | | | |

| | |disabled and populated with ‘N/A’ or ‘Unk’ | | | |

| |If the Driver is the Owner of the Vehicle select ‘Yes’ |Data should display properly and be disabled | | | |

| |for Owner and Driver Same. If they are not the same |if ‘Yes’ is selected. | | | |

| |person enter the desired data in the following fields | | | | |

| |Owner Last Name | | | | |

| |First Name | | | | |

| |Middle Name | | | | |

| |Suffix | | | | |

| |Mailing Address | | | | |

| |City | | | | |

| |State | | | | |

| |Zip | | | | |

| |Contact Phone | | | | |

| |Enter the total number of occupants in the vehicle in |The total number of occupants must match the | | | |

| |the No of Occupants field |number of Passengers assigned to the Unit | | | |

| | |plus the Driver unless the vehicle was a | | | |

| | |Driverless Vehicle. | | | |

| |Enter desired data in the Vehicle Damage field by |Data should display properly | | | |

| |selecting a value from the drop down list. | | | | |

| |Select the First Area of Impact from the Data bar. |If ‘Under Carriage’ is selected the | | | |

| | |Undercarriage Damage field will default to | | | |

| | |‘Yes’. | | | |

| |Enter desired data in the next two fields by selecting |Data should display properly | | | |

| |a value from the drop down list. | | | | |

| |Damage Estimate Over $501 | | | | |

| |Undercarriage Damage | | | | |

| |Use HHP 4710 Barcode Scanner to read the Vehicle |You should hear a beep | | | |

| |Registration | | | | |

| |Select the correct Vehicle from the list while on VIN |Verify all the Vehicle Information was | | | |

| |field |correctly populated. | | | |

| |Enter desired data in the Direction of Travel field by |Data should display properly | | | |

| |selecting a value from the drop down list | | | | |

| |Enter desired data in the Veh Towed field by selecting |If Veh Towed is ‘No’ Towed By will be | | | |

| |a value from the drop down list |disabled. | | | |

| |Enter the company that towed the vehicle in the Towed |Data should display properly | | | |

| |By field. | | | | |

| |Enter desired data in the Vehicle Configuration |If anything is selected Vehicle Configuration| | | |

| |(non-commercial only) field by selecting a value from |(commercial only) and Body Type will be | | | |

| |the drop down list |disabled. | | | |

| |Enter desired data in the next five fields by selecting|Data should display properly | | | |

| |a value from the drop down list. | | | | |

| |Vehicle Circumstances | | | | |

| |Vehicle Action | | | | |

| |Roadway Circumstances | | | | |

| |Traffic Control | | | | |

| |Second Sequence of Events | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| |PASSENGER (1) INFO FOR UNIT #1 | | | | |

| |Enter the Unit Number and Person Type for the person |Data should display properly | | | |

| |information being entered. | | | | |

| |Enter the Passenger Name and Address Information by |Data should display properly | | | |

| |using the Bar Code Scanner or keyboard. Click the |Verify the data in the following fields: | | | |

| |Edit/New button on the Data bar to enter the passenger |Last Name | | | |

| |information with the keyboard. |First Name | | | |

| | |Middle Name | | | |

| | |Suffix | | | |

| | |Physical Address | | | |

| | |City | | | |

| | |State | | | |

| | |Zip Code | | | |

| |Select ‘Passenger’ as the Person Type. |Data should display properly | | | |

| | |If ‘Witness’ is selected the following will | | | |

| | |be disabled. | | | |

| | |Unit Number | | | |

| | |Seat Location | | | |

| | |Restraint/Airbag Information | | | |

| | |Ejected | | | |

| | |Extricated | | | |

| | |Injury Status | | | |

| | |Transported | | | |

| | |Transported By | | | |

| | |Transported To | | | |

| |Enter the desired data in the next 5 fields if not auto|Data should display properly | | | |

| |populated : | | | | |

| |Sex | | | | |

| |DOB | | | | |

| |Contact Phone | | | | |

| |OL / ID # | | | | |

| |State | | | | |

| |Enter desired data in the Seat Location field by |Data should display properly | | | |

| |selecting a value from the drop down list | | | | |

| |Up to four options may be selected in the field Driver |Data should display properly | | | |

| |Restraint / Airbag. |If ‘Not Used’ or ‘None Installed’ is selected| | | |

| | |you cannot select other options. | | | |

| |Enter desired data in the next two fields by selecting |Data should display properly | | | |

| |a value from the drop down list: | | | | |

| |Ejected | | | | |

| |Extricated | | | | |

| |Enter the desired data in the Transported filed. |Data should display properly | | | |

| | |If Transported is ‘No’ or ‘Unk’ then | | | |

| | |Transported By and Transported To are | | | |

| | |disabled and populated with ‘N/A’ or ‘Unk’ | | | |

| |PASSENGER (2) INFO FOR UNIT #1 | | | | |

| |Enter the Unit Number and Person Type for the person |Data should display properly | | | |

| |information being entered. | | | | |

| |Enter the Passenger Name and Address Information by |Data should display properly | | | |

| |using the Bar Code Scanner or keyboard. Click the |Verify the data in the following fields: | | | |

| |Edit/New button on the Data bar to enter the passenger |Last Name | | | |

| |information with the keyboard. |First Name | | | |

| | |Middle Name | | | |

| | |Suffix | | | |

| | |Physical Address | | | |

| | |City | | | |

| | |State | | | |

| | |Zip Code | | | |

| |Select ‘Passenger’ as the Person Type. |Data should display properly | | | |

| | |If ‘Witness’ is selected the following will | | | |

| | |be disabled. | | | |

| | |Unit Number | | | |

| | |Seat Location | | | |

| | |Restraint/Airbag Information | | | |

| | |Ejected | | | |

| | |Extricated | | | |

| | |Injury Status | | | |

| | |Transported | | | |

| | |Transported By | | | |

| | |Transported To | | | |

| |Enter the desired data in the next 5 fields if not auto|Data should display properly | | | |

| |populated : | | | | |

| |Sex | | | | |

| |DOB | | | | |

| |Contact Phone | | | | |

| |OL / ID # | | | | |

| |State | | | | |

| |Enter desired data in the Seat Location field by |Data should display properly | | | |

| |selecting a value from the drop down list | | | | |

| |Up to four options may be selected in the field Driver |Data should display properly | | | |

| |Restraint / Airbag. |If ‘Not Used’ or ‘None Installed’ is selected| | | |

| | |you cannot select other options. | | | |

| |Enter desired data in the next two fields by selecting |Data should display properly | | | |

| |a value from the drop down list: | | | | |

| |Ejected | | | | |

| |Extricated | | | | |

| |Enter the desired data in the Transported filed. |Data should display properly | | | |

| | |If Transported is ‘No’ or ‘Unk’ then | | | |

| | |Transported By and Transported To are | | | |

| | |disabled and populated with ‘N/A’ or ‘Unk’ | | | |

| | | | | | |

| |Complete the Crash Description narrative. |Data should display properly | | | |

| |Complete the Crash Diagram using Easy Street Draw |Data should display properly | | | |

| |Save the form |Form saves. | | | |

| |Validate the form. |Crash Report successfully validates. | | | |

| |Close the form. |Form closes. | | | |

| |In Contact Manager, check for validated status. |Form displays “Validated” in the status box. | | | |

| |Print copy to review |Forms print correctly. | | | |


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