How to Build a Case the “MY COUSIN VINNY” Way

How to Build a Case the “MY COUSIN VINNY” Way

A worksheet on trial techniques and procedure.

Jointly Written by Marissa Gart and Matthew Tannenbaum for the Bay Point Academy (Edited slightly by Mr. Eddlem)

The Story so far…

Bill Gambini and Stanley Rothenstein are two friends from New York University that just received scholarships to UCLA. They decide to drive through the South. Once they arrive in Alabama, they stopped at a local convenience store - The Sack of Suds - to pick up a few snacks. They left the store and started driving through the Alabama countryside and were pulled over by Alabama police. The police arrested both Bill and Stan. They thought that they were arrested for shoplifting, but they were actually arrested for murder and robbery. Bill and Stan face the death penalty! Bill and Stan do not have enough money for a lawyer, but luckily for Bill he has a lawyer in his family, his cousin, Vincent Laguardia Gambini. Unfortunately, Vinny is an inexperienced lawyer who has never been in a trial. So, Vinny has to defend his clients and battle an uncompromising judge. It seems like all of Alabama is out to get Vinny, Bill and Stan!

Words to watch out for:

Jurisdiction, Prosecution, Defense, Diligence, Confidentiality, voir dire

Scene 1: Vinny is seen studying a book about Alabama Laws

Why is this important? Here's why:

A. The Law in Alabama: each jurisdiction has its own laws and for Vinny to defend Bill and Stan in Alabama he needs to know the laws of Alabama so that he can put on a proper defense.

B. The Court and the Judge: Vinny needs to know the Rules of Court in Alabama. He needs to know what the Rules of Criminal Procedure are in Alabama because he is defending this clients in Alabama. Vinny also needs to know what the Rules of Civil Procedure are in Alabama because he is arguing in the Alabama court house, which is governed. Finally, it is always best to know who the judge is that you will argue in front of so it is best for Vinny to do his research about the judge to find out his demeanor and how he runs his court room

Scene 2: Vinny visits Bill and Stanley in Jail

What is this called? The Client Interview

It is not important whether Vinny believes the boys are guilty or innocent and many criminal defense attorneys will tell you that they do not want to know. It is the system in America that you are innocent until proven guilty so Bill and Stan deserve a fair trial and Vinny is going to do his best to give them one. If you are Vinny what do you want to know and what do you want to ask Bill and Stan?

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Scene III: Lisa tells Vinny she doesn’t think he is cut out for this lawyering stuff…

Does Vinny have to meet a certain level of competence? Should he have to? Using your book, what are some of the basic requirements according to the Model Code of Ethics?

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Background info: A. Competence: Once you an attorney graduates from law school, gets his Juris Doctorate and passes the Bar exam, he can practice law. Even if he does not know the law regarding a certain issue, he is competent to take on the task He has the tools to do so and it is up to him to learn whatever he needs to in order to adequately represent his client.

B. Due Diligence: Once Vinny takes on the case, he has to prepare to provide Bill and Stan with a fair trial. This means that Vinny must spend time teaching himself the laws in Alabama and the trial process in Alabama so that he can adequately represent them.

C. Communication: The lawyer must communicate with his clients. The lawyer has to inform his client about how the case is going. The lawyer must return his client’s phone calls and emails in a timely fashion. The client chooses the scope and the lawyer chooses the strategy

D. Confidentiality: All communication between Vinny and his clients is considered protected by the Attorney Client Privilege. Anything Bill and Stan say to Vinny is protected. However, if Bill and Stan tell a third party – someone other than Vinny – any details of the incident then they have effectively waived their Attorney Client Privilege and their communications are no longer secure.


Scene IV: Arraignment

Arraignment should not be confused with the actual trial. Is there enough evidence to go to Trial? What does Vinny plead for his clients?

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Part I. Dismissal Standard

A. The Prosecution presents its facts and the evidence it will rely on at trial to show that it has a case. If the judge finds that the prosecution has enough evidence then he will permit the prosecution to go to trial and prosecute the defendant

B. The Defendant will enter their plea (guilty or not guilty) and attempt to dismiss the case and try to say that the Prosecution does not have enough evidence. Vinny wants to convince the judge that Bill and Stan are innocent and that the Prosecution does not have a case against them. In making this determination the judge will look at the evidence in the light most favorable to the plaintiff. There must be no material fact left for questioning.

Note: some motions must be made at this point, PRIOR to the actual trial, these requirements vary by jurisdiction, so be sure to check!

C. The Judge will hear all of the facts and will decide whether there is enough evidence to go to trial.

D. Judge or Jury? The Judge decides matters of law while the Jury decides the facts. Both sides present their evidence and it is the Jury which sits as the “fact finder” that listens to both sides and decides who is innocent or guilty based on the facts. The judge helps the jury by telling the jury the law that they have to base their decision on.

Part II. The Prosecution’s Witnesses all testify

A. Old Lady: She said she saw from her porch Bill and Stan walk out of the Sack of Suds and drive away. If you are Vinny, what do you want to ask the old lady? Do you want to go to her house and see how far away the porch is from the Sack of Suds? Can she see? Does she wear glasses?

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B. Fat Man: He said that he was making breakfast and had just finished making it when he heard gun shots and saw the boys leave the Sack of Suds. If you are Vinny what do you want to ask the fat man? What did he make for breakfast?

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C. “Redneck” Dude: He said he was sitting in his house and he saw the boys through is window leaving the Sack of Suds and driving away. If you are Vinny what do you want to ask the “redneck” dude? Do you want to go to his house and check out what the window looks like that he saw out of? And see how far away he was? Could he really get a good look?

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D. The Deputy Sheriff: He read a statement from Bill and Stan stating that they killed a man. If you are Vinny what do you want to make sure you object to at trial? What Rule of Evidence do you want to cite to make sure that the Sheriff gives a complete and accurate depiction? (Hint: The Sheriff has taken Bill and Stan’s words out of context)

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Scene V: The Trial:

Before the trial lawyers engage in the Discovery Process:

What is discovery? Why is it useful (necessary?) What part of the movie does Vinny claim he wants discovery without knowing what it is? How does he find out about it?

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Part I. Opening Statements:

Both sides get to tell their story and they explain what the jury will hear in court that day.

Below write a sample opening statement for this case?

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Part II. Direct, Cross and Impeachment of the Witnesses Are these magic grits?

A. The Prosecution presents its case first and gets to present its witnesses first. When the Prosecution calls its witnesses they call them for Direct Examination. The types of questions the Prosecution asks are who what where when why. The purpose of Direct Examination is to tell the story. Paint the picture of what happened for the jury. Tell the jury why they are here today and make sure they get to hear to facts so that they can decide if Bill and Stan are murderers. No leading questions

What do the prosecution witnesses say? (write below)

Old Lady-

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Fat Man-

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Red Neck-

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B. Once the Prosecution calls a witness and goes through Direct Examination then Vinny, the Defense, gets to Cross Examine the witness. Vinny gets to use leading questions. Basically on Cross Examination, Vinny is essentially testifying because all his questions are answered with a “yes” and a “no”

C. The same process then happens all over again and the Defense, Vinny, gets to put his witnesses on the stand for Direct Examination and then the Prosecution gets to Cross Examine Vinny’s witnesses.

What happens on cross examination to each witness?

Old Lady- Vinny shows that the old lady can not see well. (See impeachment)

Fat Man- Vinny shows he could not have seen what he said because of the time it takes to make grits (See impeachment)


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Impeachment is a huge part of this process. Impeachment is a process by which the attorney shows the jury why the jury should not believe the witness. Impeachment happens on Cross Examination. How can Vinny impeach – make less credible – all of the Prosecutions witnesses?

Which witnesses were impeached?

D. Vinny calls Lisa to the stand to talk about tires and car…why?

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Expert Witnesses: In order for either side to put an expert on the stand the expert has to be approved by the court. Expert witnesses have to pass the Daubert Test which means they have to present evidence that is relevant and reliable. (1) whether the theory or technique employed by the expert is generally accepted in the scientific community; (2) whether its been subjected to peer review and publication; and (3) whether it can be and has been tested; and whether the known or potential rate of error is acceptable. 702 Federal Rule of Evidence. Experts are permitted to provide their opinion and can rely on facts not admitted into evidence in order to do so.

Before Vinny can ask Lisa any questions the Prosecution gets to ask, why? The Prosecution gets a chance to voir doire the witness meaning he gets to ask Mona Lisa a bunch of questions to make sure she is reliable and that her testimony is relevant and that her testimony is credible.

What are Lisa’s qualifications for testifying?

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Part III. Closing Statements

Both sides get to make final statements and convince the jury to listen to the facts presented and to rule favorably for their client.

Part IV. Deliberation

The jury takes all the evidence and gets to “deliberate” in the jury room. They get to talk together and decide how to rule: guilty or innocent. The judge provides the jury with the relevant law to make their decision. The jury has a bunch of question it has to answer based on what the facts that the jury heard in the courtroom. Both the prosecution and the defense get to ask the judge to include certain questions. The judge decides whether to include those questions or not. If the judge provides the jury with incorrect or misleading questions this could produce a harmful error and therefore would be grounds for an appeal should the defendant lose.

Part IV. The Verdict

Guilty or nor guilty. How is the case in My Cousin Vinny finally decided?

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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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