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Dropbox TipsCoE MarCom keeps a lot of files on Dropbox and will occasionally share images, files or folders with us.We can use MarCom’s Dropbox two ways: Occasional use: Visit the Dropbox website and log in with the marcomcoe account. You see all the MarCom files and can decide which ones to download to your PC or you can upload files to be shared with the group.Frequent use: Download and install the Dropbox app and log in with the marcomcoe account.Working from the downloaded app is convenient because Dropbox folders are listed in your Windows Explorer. Working with the downloaded and installed app – Important notes!As you download and install the app, make sure that the thousands of files in the MarCom directory don't get downloaded to your hard drive. Two ways to do this:Set your Dropbox preferences to “Selective Sync” and choose only the folders/files you want copied to your local hard drive.In Windows, find Dropbox in your “tray.” If you have a lot of items in your tray, you see a caret symbol instead. Click that to open the full tray:Click the Dropbox icon.In the window that opens, click the gear icon in the upper-right corner and click Preferences.Click the Sync icon at the top.Click Selective Sync.Unclick all the folders that you don’t want downloaded to your local hard drive.Click Apply, then OK.Select the "Online only" option:If you do want to download local copies of files, you can do so selectively from within Windows Explorer:Right-click a file or folder and choose Smart Sync.Choose Local. Now you are “sharing” the file or folder with the online version. NOTE: Be really careful about deleting files. You need to make sure you've turned off sync before deleting files so you only delete them from your hard drive, not from online, thereby making the files inaccessible to everyone else.Need help?Ask Kristin, Mona or Liz. Really in a jam? Send a message to ................

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