

A. If you currently do not have a post-accident drug and/or alcohol-testing program, please distribute a copy of “NOTICE TO ALL EMPLOYEES” to every employee. All employees must also sign the post-accident drug and alcohol consent form. Keep signed consent form in the employee personnel file.

B. In order to make sure the post-accident drug test is performed, please send the injured employee to the medical facility with a chain of custody drug testing form. You should receive your pre-printed forms within 5-7 business days. Please contact TCN if you do not receive them. Please use a laboratory collection site if the test is not performed at the medical facility. Please contact TCN to locate the closest collection site to your location.

C. You must request a post-accident blood alcohol screen collection, if there is “reasonable suspicion” that the employee is under the influence of alcohol at the time of the accident. A 2nd chain of custody form must be given to the employee, if a blood alcohol screen is requested. The employee will receive a receipt of the tests performed. Please have them bring it back, for you to make a copy for your own file.

D. TCN will provide results, usually within 24 to 72 hours from the day the test was performed. If you do not hear from us after 72 hours, please contact our office at 800-881-4826. Results can be sent to a designated, secure fax or email. Please contact TCN to set up.

E. A refusal to test, an adulterated or tampered with specimen, or a confirmed positive drug or alcohol test may result in the employee forfeiting eligibility for medical and indemnity benefits under your State’s Workers’ Compensation law. The employee must also face your company disciplinary action up to and possibly including termination.

F. If your company receives a bill from the medical center for the post- accident drug and/or alcohol test or a collection fee, do not pay it. Please fax with a note concerning it to the TCN fax number listed be below.

G. For any questions, to reorder forms, or to inquire into any additional services, please contact TCN.

Total Compliance Network

5440 NW 33rd Ave, Suite 106

Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33309


954-677 1201– Secure Fax

Contact: Carole Izzi ext 130

PLEASE NOTE: Your company will be responsible for the costs of drug tests conducted at a designated medical center or collection site that is not part of the Insurance company’s post-accident drug-testing program. (Example: post-accident testing in which a claim is not reported, pre-employment, random and reasonable suspicion).


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