PERCOMONLINE – EMT 200 PharmacologyInstructor:Student Name:Grade:Date:Instructor Comments:INSTRUCTIONSPlease fill in the Indications, Contraindications, Side Effects, Dose, and Route for each of the 10 drugs listed below. The first box below contains examples and descriptions of what should be listed for each drug. The drug generic name and brand name are supplied to you in each of the green headers. When you have completed the assignment please submit it via the submission link but keep a copy for yourself to study for your Final Exam and Skills Exit Session.generic name (Brand Name)IndicationsWhat is the drug used for?ContraindicationsPossible reason(s) to not administer the drug ex: nitroglycerin and hypotensionSide EffectsPossible reactions to the drugDoseAdult (and pediatric if indicated)RoutePO, IM, Nebulizer, MDI, SL, etc.activated charcoal (Actidose, Liqui-Char)IndicationsContraindicationsSide EffectsDoseRoutealbuterol (Proventil, Ventolin)IndicationsContraindicationsSide EffectsDoseRouteaspirin (ASA, Bayer, Ecotrin)IndicationsContraindicationsSide EffectsDoseRouteepinephrine auto-injector (Epipen, Epipen Jr, Twinject)IndicationsContraindicationsSide EffectsDoseRouteglucose oral (Instaglucose, Glutose 15, Transcend, Elovate)IndicationsContraindicationsSide EffectsDoseRouteipratropium (Atrovent)IndicationsContraindicationsSide EffectsDoseRoutelevalbuterol (Xopenex)IndicationsContraindicationsSide EffectsDoseRoutenaloxone auto-injector (Narcan, Evzio)IndicationsContraindicationsSide EffectsDoseRoutenitroglycerin (Nitrostat)IndicationsContraindicationsSide EffectsDoseRouteoxygen (Oxygen)IndicationsContraindicationsSide EffectsDoseRoute ................

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