Heading - DC's Teaching Resource

[pic] What will I do in my classroom?

This section contains a series of detailed teaching and learning activities and supporting resources with a Health & Physical Education focus.

|Health & Physical Education |

|Teaching focus |Lesson focus |Activities and Monitoring |Time | |

| |(what I intend to teach |(how I want to teach the ‘what’) |(Mins) |Resources |

| |in my lesson) | | | |

|Lesson 1 | | | |

| |What is a drug? |Welcome class and Introduction of the lesson focus. |0-2 |Alcohol and drug information service (ADIS) |

| | |Think-Pair-Share – What is a drug? In pairs students to discuss their beliefs and knowledge on |2-7 | |

| |Identifying personal |what a drug is. | |SDERA Challenges and Choices |

| |attitudes and values | |7-15 | |

| |towards drug use |Fist of five – Students to respond to statements about drugs in order to discover attitudes and | |. |

| | |values of students. | | |

| |Who uses drugs? | |15-18 |dao.health. |

| | |Class discussion on ideas of what a drug is. | |.au |

| |Why people do or do not |Consensus decided upon and definition written on the board. |18-20 | |

| |use drugs? |Students to write down reasons as to why they think people use drugs. | |Drug names worksheets |

| | |Brainstorm – Why people use drugs? |20-27 |A4 paper |

| |Why do young people use |Students given a list of drug names and are to cut out and separate into legal and illegal drugs|27-37 |Whiteboard marker |

| |drugs? |using a T-chart | |Scissors |

| |Legal and illegal drugs | |37-52 |Markers |

| | |Debrief – What have you learnt today. Students to write down three facts they have learnt and | | |

| | |discuss with a partner | | |

| | | |52-57 | |

| | |Students asked to think about how many people their age have smoked tried smoking a cigarette |57-60 | |

| | |for next lesson. | | |

|Lesson 2 | | | |

| | |Welcome class and ask if anyone could name a percentage of how many people their age have tried |0-3 |Australian School Students’ Alcohol and Drug Survey (ASSAD) |

| |Prevalence and patterns |smoking a cigarette based on previous lesson. | | |

| | | | |Statistics worksheets |

| |Statistics |In groups of four students are given a sheet of statistics and a sheet of drug names. Students |3-13 |Swap stats cards |

| |Awareness |are then to match what statistics they think match the drug name. | | |

| |Classification of drugs | | |Alcohol and drug information service (ADIS) |

| |(Stimulants, |Answers given and class discussion on statistics. | | |

| |depressants, | |13-18 |Australian Bureau of Statistics .au |

| |hallucinogens and other)|Mind Map and brainstorm (‘Drug classifications’ - Stimulants, Depressants, Hallucinogens, other)| |Victorian Drug Guide |

| | |‘What is one type of drug for each classification?’ |18-28 |. |

| |How people take drugs | | | |

| |(Orally, smoking, |Scavenger hunt - Students to use computers and internet as well as ADIS fact sheets to develop | |dao.health. |

| |inhaling, injecting) |an understanding on how drugs are taken and used. | |.au |

| | | | |druginfo..au |

| |Risks |Teacher talk and class discussion and results of scavenger hunt. Explanation on use and misuse. |28-48 | |

| | | | | |

| | |Brainstorm question ‘What are the possible risks of ingesting a hallucinogen?’ | |SDERA Challenges and Choices |

| | | |48-50 | |

| | |Unfinished sentences - Students to finish a sentence beginning with ‘I think it is important | |. |

| | |to…’ |50-55 | |

| | | | |A4 paper |

| | | |55-60 |Scissors |

| | | | |Markers |

| | | | |Computers, Internet |

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|Lesson 3 | | | |

| | |Welcome class and introduce the lesson focus of alcohol |0-2 |Rethinking Drinking Teacher Resource Kit |

| |Short and long term | | | |

| |health effects of |Viewing - Introduce responsible drinking standards and harm reduction with YouTube clip ‘Rethink|2-5 | |

| |alcohol consumption |drink advertisement’ | | |

| | | | |SDERA Challenges and Choices |

| | |Class discussion on video. Students to reflect on how it made them feel and if they have been |5-10 | |

| |Standard Drinks |involved in any related situations. Self thought activity. | |. |

| | | | | |

| | |Streamline - in two separate groups – Five short and long term effects of alcohol use. Groups to| |SHAHRP Teachers Resource |

| |Responsible |swap. |10-25 | |

| |drinking (BAC) | | |.au/pubhlth |

| | |Venn diagram – Short term and long term effects on board. |25-35 |.au |

| |What is the suggested | | |.au |

| |amount of standard |Introduction of standard drinks, males and female responsible levels: Beer, Wine, Spirits | | |

| |drinks are males and | | |A4 paper |

| |females can consume? |Card Clusters – ‘Standard drink amounts for beer wine and spirits’. Students’ ideas on what they| |Post-it notes |

| | |believe a standard drink is. Write on post it notes and place on board at end of activity. |35-50 |Coloured Pens |

| |Have you tried alcohol | | |Computers, Internet |

| |before? Why? |Teacher talk - Touch on blood alcohol concentration and safe driving levels | | |

| | | |50-55 | |

| | |Reflective Questions- ‘How would you feel if someone you knew was Injured or killed due to | | |

| | |another persons mistake whilst driving under the influence?’ | | |

| | | |55-60 | |

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|Lesson 4 | | | |

| |Short and long term |Welcome class and introduce the lesson focus of cigarettes |0-2 |SDERA Challenges and Choices |

| |health effects of | | | |

| |cigarettes |Values Continuum – Students to consider what their view is on smoking. Acceptable or |2-15 |. |

| | |unacceptable? Question students on their choices. | |.au |

| |What is in a cigarette? | | |.au |

| | |Scavenger Hunt - Students to work in pairs and research on computers ‘what are the health | | |

| |What are some |effects of smoking’ and ‘What is in a cigarette?’ |15-45 | |

| |ingredients in | | |Interactive biopsy and ‘what is in a cigarette?’ |

| |cigarettes that can be |Class discussion, brainstorm and question and answers on ‘what are some ingredients that can be | | |

| |found in other products?|found in household products that can also be found in cigarettes?’ and ‘cigarette addiction’ | |Quit line |

| | | |45-50 |A4 paper |

| |Are cigarettes |Viewing – Graphic anti smoking advertisement | |Markers |

| |addictive? Why? | | |Masking tape |

| | |3-2-1- Reflect and Reflective questions – After watching video. Would you consume these products|50-55 |Computers, Internet |

| | |now knowing what they can do to you? Now think again would you smoke? | | |

| | | |55-60 | |

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|Lesson 5 | | | |

| | |Welcome class and Introduce the lesson focus of cannabis |0-2 |SDERA Challenges and Choices |

| |What do you know about | | | |

| |Cannabis? |Definition of Cannabis |2-5 |. |

| | | | | |

| |Short and long term |Heads down, thumbs up – Agree or disagree with questions on cannabis |5-10 |Cannabis and consequences |

| |effects of cannabis | | | |

| | |KWL scatter sheet – “List all the words that come to your mind” | |Cannabis fact sheets |

| |Types and appearance | |10-15 |Cannabis and psychosis fact sheets |

| | |KWL scatter sheet – “List everything you want to/should know?” | | |

| |What do you want to know| |15-20 |Blank A4 paper |

| |about cannabis? |Introduce mental effects of cannabis. 10 Faces activity on whiteboard. | |Markers |

| | | |20-25 |Computers, Internet |

| |Is cannabis addictive/ |Scavenger hunt in groups/pairs – students to research on internet and read through fact sheets | | |

| |legal/ a depressant? |(Street names, physical effects/health effects, other effects/information) | |druginfo..au |

| | | |25-45 |.au |

| |Can cannabis cause |Brainstorm and discussion on whiteboard “Cannabis” with subtopics of “street names”, Physical | |betterhealth..au |

| |physical harm or mental |effects”, and “Other effects/Info” | |.au |

| |problems? | | | |

| | |One minute challenge – What have you learnt today? Anything you still want to know? |45-52 |Cannabis information helpline |

| |What are some of the | | | |

| |street names, physical |Reflective questions - Knowing that cannabis can cause serious mental problems from just one |52-56 | |

| |effects and other |‘puff’ would you still try it? | | |

| |effects of cannabis? | | | |

| | | |56-60 | |

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|Lesson 6 | | | |

| |Short and long term |Welcome class and introduce focus on illicit drugs and consequences |0-2 |Alcohol and Drug Information Service fact sheets and |

| |health effects of | | |photocopies (ADIS) |

| |illicit drug use |Variation of walking graffiti – students are placed into groups and are allocated a certain area| | |

| | |of investigation on a variety of drugs. Four stations for four illicit drugs. Students walk from|2-30 |SDERA Challenges and Choices |

| |comparisons |station to station and use resource sheets to write down their area of investigation at each | | |

| | |station. | |. |

| |Tolerance and dependence| | | |

| | |Rip and review – What are the main ______ reasons for you to stop using an illicit drug? | |Butchers paper |

| |Financial, legal, social|Financial | |Coloured markers |

| |and relationship |Social/relationship |30-50 | |

| |consequences of using |Legal | |“Spent on drugs” and “Could have purchased” worksheets |

| |illicit drugs |Physical | | |

| | | | | |

| |Legal implications |Activity on how much money students would spend if they spent money on drugs each week. | | |

| | |Comparisons. What would you rather spend your money on? | | |

| |Putting drug use into | |50-58 | |

| |perspective |One minute challenge – ‘What was the most important or useful piece of information you learnt | | |

| | |from these activities?’ | | |

| |What would you rather? | | | |

| |Health problems or a | |58-60 | |

| |play station, IPod? | | | |

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|Lesson 7 | | | |

| |Media influences |Welcome class and introduce lesson focus of influencing decisions |0-2 |SDERA Challenges and Choices |

| | | | | |

| |Prior knowledge, beliefs|Brainstorm ‘does the media influence peoples drug use behaviours?’ |2-10 |. |

| |and current situations | | | |

| | |Display on screen at front of class information on WA health promotion bodies. | |Scenario pictures and worksheets |

| |People who may try to | |10-20 | |

| |influence your decisions|Scenarios – Pictures of young people in certain situations. Students to describe what is | |Computers, Internet |

| | |happening in each situation in their opinion. Individual activity. E.g. | | |

| |Regrettable decisions |Look at the person in the picture, what do you think they are regretting? |20-35 |.au |

| | |What can they do to prevent this from happening again? | | |

| |Positive and negative | | |.au |

| |consequences |Snap decisions – students are placed in groups of 3 with one student listening and eventually | |officeofroadsafety..au |

| |in relation to drug use |responding to positive and negative aspects in a drug use situation. Students rotate as to all | | |

| |situations |get two goes in the snap decision seat. | |A4 paper |

| | | | |Markers |

| |What can you do to |Reflective questions - Of any of the scenarios used during the lesson which would you least |35-55 | |

| |prevent any future |rather be involved in? Why? Question Partner. | | |

| |regrets? | | | |

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| | | |55-60 | |

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|Lesson 8 | | | |

| |Peer pressure |Welcome class and introduce lesson focus of resilience and harm reduction |0-2 |SDERA Challenges and Choices |

| | | | | |

| |How to say no |Choose a corner – You are offered an ecstasy pill at a party, you? | |. |

| | |make an excuse and walk away |2-10 |Role play cards |

| |Planning ahead |take it from the person but not swallow it | | |

| | |report the situation to an adult at the party | |Signs for ‘Choose a corner’ |

| |Identifying ways to |Think about taking it just this once. | |A4 paper |

| |respond to peers and | |10-15 |Markers |

| |others who are |Ask for volunteers and question students about their choices | |Whiteboard marker |

| |encouraging | |15-25 | |

| |harmful or unsafe |Brainstorm – ‘what is harm reduction?’ | |Y chart set up |

| |behaviours | |25-45 | |

| | |Role play – students to play out a scenario on peer pressure and how they would react to certain| | |

| |coping strategies |situations. |45-50 | |

| | | | | |

| |strategies to enhance |Introduction of assertive behaviour |50-60 | |

| |health and | | | |

| |resilience such as harm |Y chart - Students brainstorm how an ‘assertive person’ would look, feel and sound. How to say | | |

| |reduction |no. | | |

| |strategies | | | |

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|Lesson 9 | | | |

| | |Welcome class and introduce lesson focus of help seeking in drug situations and potential harms |0-2 |SDERA Challenges and Choices resource sheet six |

| |Who can help? | | | |

| | |Viewing - Video clip of child and drug abuse effects. | |Computers, Internet |

| |Assessing risks | |2-5 | |

| | |3-2-1- Reflect – Students reflect on drug abuse video ‘How would you feel if you were in the | |. |

| |Where we get info? |child’s position?’ |5-10 | |

| | | | | |

| |Ways of helping another |Think-Pair-Share - ‘Organisations which can provide support’ Students to discuss in partners, | | |

| |person |then research sources and info on the internet what organisations can help a person affected by |10-30 |.au |

| | |drugs | | |

| |Positive thinking | | |.au |

| | |Discussion on what students can do to approach someone about a drug problem | | |

| |Rehabilitation programs,| |30-40 |.au |

| |counselling and support |Head talk – Ask students’ health and safety dilemmas. | | |

| | |What would you do if you knew someone had a problem with alcohol or other drugs? | |.au |

| | | |40-50 | |

| | |Helpful and positive thinking, I feel, I think, I can – Scenarios which encourage a positive | | |

| | |outcome e.g. ‘I have or someone I know has a problem with drinking, I feel…’ | | |

| | | | |.au |

| | |Hand out a list of companies, organisations and help services to students. |50-59 | |

| | | | |officeofroadsafety..au |

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| | | |59-60 |SANE Australia Helpline |

| | | | |Alcohol & Drug Information Service |

| | | | |ADCA Help Line |

| | | | |Quit line |

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|Lesson 10 | | | | |

| | |Welcome class and introduce lesson focus of party safe |0-2 |SDERA Challenges and Choices |

| |Responsible behaviour | | | |

| | |Quiz - Organisations who can help. |2-10 |. |

| |Safety at a party | | | |

| | |Roll a die – In groups of four students to discuss what they would do in certain situations to | |A4 paper |

| | |maintain safety and responsibility. |10-35 |Markers |

| |Possible situations at a|What would you do if a party was getting out of control? | |Dice |

| |party |What would you do if one of your friends was vomiting from drinking too much? | | |

| | |What would you do if there was a fight? | |Information on emergency services |

| |Planning |How could you react to your best friend trying illicit drugs? | |Non emergency ambulance |

| | |What would you do if you were offered illicit drugs? | |Poisons Info Line |

| |Emergency services |What are some strategies to reduce any problems from occurring? | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Class discussion - Planning ahead for parties and events. Invites, venue etc and what you could | | |

| | |do if something does happen at a party. | | |

| | | |35-45 | |

| | |Review and conclusion of Drug Education – KWL – ‘10 things you have learnt about drugs in the | | |

| | |past 10 lessons!’ | | |

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| | | |45-60 | |

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|Lesson 4 Extended Plan | | | |

| |Short and long term |Welcome class and take roll | |SDERA Challenges and Choices |

| |health effects of | | | |

| |cigarettes |Introduce the lesson focus of cigarettes and their effects |0-5 |. |

| | | | |.au |

| |What is your attitude |Question students on their attitudes towards cigarettes and explain values continuum or values | |.au |

| |towards cigarettes? |line. | | |

| | | | | |

| |What is in a cigarette? |Explain that a 10 on the value line reflects a strong opposing or negative view towards | |Interactive biopsy and ‘what is in a cigarette?’ |

| | |cigarettes and a one reflects a strong for or positive view of cigarettes | | |

| |What are some | | |Quit line |

| |ingredients in |When instructed, students will stand up and position themselves on the value line which reflects| |A4 paper |

| |cigarettes that can be |their view on cigarettes |5-15 |Markers |

| |found in other products?| | |Masking tape |

| | |Ask students why they have positioned themselves the way they have. | |Computers, Internet |

| |Are cigarettes | | | |

| |addictive? Why? |Ask students to be seated for the next activity | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Explain to students what a scavenger hunt is and put students in to pairs ready to work on the | | |

| | |computers | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Give each pair of students the websites URL’s on a piece of paper | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Allow students sufficient time to research the questions “what are the long and short term | | |

| | |effects on health from smoking cigarettes?” and” What is in a cigarette?” | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Students to use ‘interactive biopsy’ and ‘hard facts, what’s in a cigarette’ on .au|15-45 | |

| | | | | |

| | |After information is gathered students to sit back at desks ready for class discussion | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Brainstorm on ‘what is in a cigarette?’ Students to call out answers when selected | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Ask students what some of the ingredients of a cigarette can be found in other products | | |

| | |(Ammonia, acetone, tar, carbon monoxide) and if cigarettes are addictive. If yes, why? |45-50 | |

| | |(nicotine) | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Set up YouTube video of graphic anti smoking advertisement based on mouth cancer whilst still | | |

| | |discussing ingredients and addiction. | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Viewing – view the video on cigarettes. | | |

| | | |50-55 | |

| | |Allow for student responses | | |

| | | | | |

| | |3-2-1- Reflect – After viewing the video, question students “Would you consume these products | | |

| | |now knowing where they come from and what they can do to you? | | |

| | | | | |

| | |“Does this reinforce or oppose your attitudes towards smoking?” | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Finish up discussion | | |

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| | |Tell students that the following lesson will be on cannabis | | |

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| | |End of lesson. |55-60 | |

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|Lesson 5 Extended Plan | | | |

| | |Welcome class and take roll |0-2 |SDERA Challenges and Choices |

| |What do you know about | | | |

| |Cannabis? |Introduce the lesson focus of cannabis | |. |

| | | | | |

| |Short and long term |Ask a volunteer to give a definition of cannabis | |Cannabis and consequences |

| |effects of cannabis | | | |

| | |Get a student to write cannabis on the whiteboard | |Cannabis fact sheets |

| |Types and appearance | |2-5 |Cannabis and psychosis fact sheets |

| | |Explain the definition of Cannabis and explain that it can also be known as marijuana | | |

| |What do you want to know| | |Blank A4 paper |

| |about cannabis? |Heads down, thumbs up – Agree or disagree with questions on cannabis | |Markers |

| | |Is cannabis illegal? | |Computers, Internet |

| |Is cannabis addictive/ |Can cannabis be smoked? |5-10 | |

| |legal/ a depressant? |There are three types of cannabis. | |druginfo..au |

| | |Cannabis can make you high | |.au |

| |Can cannabis cause | | |betterhealth..au |

| |physical harm or mental |KWL scatter sheet – Get students to list everything that they know about cannabis. No right or | |.au |

| |problems? |wrong answers. | | |

| | | |10-15 |Cannabis information helpline |

| |What are some of the |KWL scatter sheet – Get students to list everything they want to or should know about cannabis. | | |

| |street names, physical |No right or wrong answers | | |

| |effects and other | | | |

| |effects of cannabis? |Introduce possible mental effects of cannabis and place 10 cut out faces of healthy looking | | |

| | |people on the whiteboard. | | |

| | | |15-20 | |

| | |Take two of the cut outs down and ask the students why I have done this? | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Explain that two out of 10 people would have serious mental problems from the use of cannabis. |20-25 | |

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| | |Students to begin scavenger hunt activity in pairs. Some students remaining at the desks to work| | |

| | |on the cannabis fact sheets provided and others to work on computers and find websites that were| | |

| | |provided. | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Students gain information on the street names, physical/health effects and other | | |

| | |effects/information on cannabis | | |

| | | | | |

| | |After allowing sufficient time for research students to be seated back at desks |25-45 | |

| | | | | |

| | |“Cannabis” brainstorm and discussion on whiteboard under the headings of “Street names”, | | |

| | |“Physical effects”, and “Other effects/Info” | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Students to call out answers when selected | | |

| | | |45-52 | |

| | |After brainstorm is complete a one minute challenge is described | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Students to answer the questions what have you learnt today? Anything you still want to know? | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Finish lesson with one more important reflective question “Knowing that cannabis can cause | | |

| | |serious mental problems from just one ‘puff’ would you still try it?” |52-56 | |

| | | | | |

| | |Tell students that the following lesson will be on other illicit drugs and their consequences | | |

| | |and the cannabis information hotline. | | |

| | | |56-60 | |

| | |End of lesson | | |

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|Lesson 6 Extended Plan | | | |

| |Short and long term |Welcome class and take roll | |Alcohol and Drug Information Service fact sheets and |

| |health effects of | |0-2 |photocopies (ADIS) |

| |illicit drug use |Introduce focus on illicit drugs and consequences | | |

| | | | |SDERA Challenges and Choices |

| |comparisons |Ask volunteers to give examples of other illicit drugs | | |

| | | | |. |

| |Tolerance and dependence|After discussion place students into five groups by giving each student a number | | |

| | | | |Butchers paper |

| |Financial, legal, social|Explain the variation of walking graffiti. The groups of students are allocated a certain area | |Coloured markers |

| |and relationship |of investigation on four illicit drugs: | | |

| |consequences of using |What is it? | |“Spent on drugs” and “Could have purchased” worksheets |

| |illicit drugs |Tolerance and dependence | | |

| | |Short term health effects |2-5 | |

| |Legal implications |Long term health effects | | |

| | | | | |

| |Putting drug use into |Illicit drugs included will be: | | |

| |perspective |Heroin | | |

| | |Hallucinogens | | |

| |What would you rather? |Ecstasy | | |

| |Health problems or a |Amphetamines | | |

| |play station, IPod? | | | |

| | |Students are to move from station to station every 5 minutes and discuss between themselves | | |

| | |their area of investigation on the current station and then a scribe will write down the main | | |

| | |points on the butcher’s paper. After time is up groups will move to the next station. | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Repeat until all sections are filled in and discuss main points |5-30 | |

| | | | | |

| | |Explain Rip and review. Students number and fill out four corners of an A4 piece of paper based | | |

| | |on four questions written on the board | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Rip and review question – What are the main ______ reasons for you to stop using an illicit |30-32 | |

| | |drug? | | |

| | |Financial | | |

| | |Social/relationship | | |

| | |Legal | | |

| | |Physical | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Students then rip the A4 paper into the four sections after they have filled out each section | | |

| | |and place them into piles from one to four | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Each student then takes one pile and summarises the information. | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Students then partake in an activity based on how much money students would spend if they spent |32-50 | |

| | |money on certain drugs each week. | | |

| | |Comparisons are made between each drug based on cost and frequency of use | | |

| | | |50-58 | |

| | |A money amount “spent on drugs” is matched with a money amount “could have purchased” if a | | |

| | |person was saving their money instead of spending it on drugs | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Reflective questions asked to students. “What would you rather spend your money on?” | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Finish lesson with a one minute challenge – ‘What was the most important or useful piece of | | |

| | |information you learnt from these activities?’ | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Tell students that the next lesson will be on influencing decisions | | |

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| | |End of lesson | | |

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