Writing Assignment for Drug Unit - East Lyme Public Schools

Writing Assignment for Drug Unit

After researching your assigned drug, write a letter to a fictitious friend explaining why he/she should not try the very same drug that you researched. The final draft of your paper:

• Must have 500-600 words. Fewer words or more words will usually result in a lower grade.

• If typed, must use a size 14 type and be double spaced.

• If handwritten, used lined paper, one side only, with blue or black ink,


You are to pretend that this letter is going to a friend who moved to the west coast last year, but will be returning to East Lyme next year, when you are both in the eighth grade.

This person is very important to you as you have been best friends since the first grade and you would like to keep him/her as a life-long friend.

You have recently heard that your friend has taken up with a bad crowd and is considering trying the very same drug, which you have researched.

Write your persuasive letter to try and convince your friend not to even try this drug. Be sure to elaborate with details to support your reasons why he/she should stay clean. Be careful and make sure your facts are absolutely accurate. Be sure everything is written in your own words. Do not use “hearsay” or made up stories.

Due Date is: _________________________________________________

Student Signature: ___________________________________________

Parent/Guardian Signature: ____________________________________

Signature indicates awareness of the assignment and the due date


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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