
Name_________________________ Hour _______

Chapter 16– Types of Drugs and Their Effects (pages 376-385)

Match the definitions with the correct term. Write the letter in the space provided.

______ 1. Plant which provides raw material for marijuana a. emphysema

______ 2. Slang term for marijuana b. pot

______ 3. Active chemical in marijuana c. THC

______ 4. Painful, deadly lung disease d. Cannabis

Write the letter of the correct answer in the space provided.

______ 5. The unfiltered smoke from marijuana.

a. is less harmful than cigarette smoke.

b. can cause lung cancer.

c. can improve concentration.

d. is sometimes called THC.

______ 6. Marijuana

a. affects all users in the same way.

b. has few harmful effects.

c. reduces reaction time and coordination.

d. is highly addictive.

______ 7. Effects of marijuana can include

a. personality changes and mild euphoria.

b. increased heart rate and increased appetite.

c. decreased memory but increase panic attacks.

d. all of the above.

______ 8. Stimulants

a. cause your heart rate to speed up.

b. cause your breathing to speed up.

c. increase the body’s activity.

d. all of the above

______ 9. Examples of stimulants include

a. crack and cocaine.

b. chocolate, coffee, and soda.

c. methamphetamines.

d. all of the above

______ 10. Tranquilizers, barbiturates, and hypnotics are all

a. stimulants.

b. depressants.

c. drugs made from the coca plant in South America.

d. drugs that create feelings of euphoria.

______ 11. Depressants

a. slow a person’s motor skills.

b. can increase anxiety.

c. increase the body’s activity.

d. all of the above

______ 12. Alcohol is considered a

a. stimulant.

b. depressant.

c. can be both a stimulant and depressant.

d. is neither a stimulant or depressant.

______ 13. Harmful effects of methamphetamine can cause

a. nose bleeds.

b. headaches.

c. euphoria.

d. seizures.

______ 14. An intense feeling of well being is

a. depression.

b. drug dependence.

c. euphoria.

d. a hypnotic.

Complete the sentences below by selecting the best word or phrase from the list provided. Write the letter in the space provided.

______ 15. Methamphetamine is also called _______. a. cocaine

______ 16. ___________ can damage lining of the nose, liver, heart and brain. b. crystal or crank

______ 17. An illegal drug found at nightclubs and raves. c. tranquilizers

______ 18. To treat anxiety, a doctor may prescribe ___________. d. club drug

Write the letter of the correct answer in the space provided.

______ 19. A club or designer drug is a drug that

a. have been chemically altered in a laboratory.

b. always needs to be injected.

c. is not as dangerous as other drugs.

d. isn’t dangerous if taken with alcohol.

______ 20. A person who frequently uses Ecstasy may experience

a. memory loss.

b. brain damage.

c. heart failure.

d. All of the above

______ 21. Rohypnol causes a person to

a. increased breathing and anxiety .

b. sweating, increased heart rates.

c. be dizzy, memory loss, and blackouts.

d. has little to no effects on a person.

Match the definitions with the correct term. Write the letter in the space provided.

______ 22. A drug that appears as a clear, colorless liquid a. Ecstasy

______ 23. A drug that can cause seizures, tingly skin, and clenched jaw b. Ketamine

______ 24. An anesthetic drug used during surgery on people and animals. c. GHB

Write the letter of the correct answer in the space provided.

______ 25. A person can become addicted to an opiate (opioid)

a. by using it just once.

b. only if the opiate produces a strong “high.”

c. only by abusing the drug.

d. only if he or she experiences withdrawal symptoms.

______ 26. Opiates are

a. usually extremely addictive.

b. over-the-counter medicines.

c. often prescribed by doctors to treat colds.

d. never addictive if prescribed by a doctor.

______ 27. Which of the following is an example of an opiate?

a. morphine and codeine

b. marijuana

c. aspirin and acetaminophen

d. antacid

______ 28. The most dangerous way of using heroin is

a. smoking.

b. inhaling through the nose.

c. swallowing.

d. injecting with a needle.

______ 29. Inhalants replace the ________ flowing to your brain with another chemical.

a. food

b. oxygen

c. stimulants

d. medicine

Complete the sentences below by selecting the best word or phrase from the list provided. Write the letter in the space provided.

______ 30. Dirty needles from heroin injections can a. Narcotics


______ 31. Legal pain killer that is frequently abused. b. Inhalants

______ 32. Drugs that get rid of pain and dull senses. c. Oxycodone

______ 33. A recurring drug effect is _____ d. Hepatitis or HIV

______ 34. Toxins found in lighter fluid, paint, and markers e. Flashback

______ 35. A drug that causes people to sense things that aren’t really there f. Hallucinogen

Write the letter of the correct answer in the space provided.

______ 36. Anabolic steroids

a. can be used to treat growth problems.

b. cause muscle tissue to develop at a high rates.

c. are prescribed to treat some lung disease and skin problems.

d. all of the above

______ 37. Effects of using anabolic steroids on a male

a. anger and high blood pressure

b. baldness and heavy breathing

c. cramping and high blood pressure

d. none of the above

______ 38. Effects of using anabolic steroids on a female

a. cramping and high blood pressure

b. baldness and heavy breathing

c. deeper voice and the growth facial hair

d. none of the above

Complete the sentences below by selecting the best word or phrase from the list

provided. Write the letter in the space provided.

______ 39. using illegal or harmful drugs a. Drug rehabilitation

______ 40. place to get help for drug abuse and misuse b. Narcotics Anonymous

______ 41. one of two support groups for drug users c. Substance abuse


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