Dry neal shusterman book


Dry neal shusterman book

Title: Dry Authors: Neal Shusterman, Jarrod Shusterman Cover illustrator: Jay Shaw Publisher: Walker Books Genre: Teen/Young Adult Fiction, Thriller Book format: Paperback Sweet Strawberries: Description: Everyone's will remember where they were when taps dry. The drought - or tap-out, as everyone calls it - has been going on for a while. Life has become an endless list of don't's: don't water the lawn, don't take long showers, don't panic. But now there's no water left. Suddenly, Alyssa's quiet suburban street spirals into a war zone of desperation and violence. When her parents disappear, she and her younger brother must join an unlikely group in search of water. Each of them will have to make impossible choices to survive. * Free copy from publisher for review ... Review: This was a brilliant story that took some time to get in, but was very exciting to read and leaves you feeling a little creeped out. Teenager Alyssa and her brother Garrett live in Southern California, which has had water supply problems for some time. The tap-out, as everyone calls it, has already forced people to be careful about water, not use it on their lawns, for example, but when water shortages lead to taps running completely dry and bottled water supplies fail, people start to panic. The story is all told in the first person, although it alternates between Alyssa and initially Kelton, who is her neighbor. Kelton's family are seen as strange by the neighbor as they live off-grid and have fixed their house as if they were waiting for a disaster. The story feels a little slow to begin with, you get a sense of what's happening with the tap-out and the ever-increasing lack of water, but the buildup is slow with us finding out more about Alyssa's and Kelton's families. It took me a while to get into the book, especially Kelton's family and him as a character. This may be because his character family is used to owning guns and Kelton himself wasn't really a character I could relate to in any way, but I'm glad I kept reading about because it soon picks up and becomes much more dramatic (and I got used to kelton's character more too). After Alyssa and Garrett's parents don't come back from trying to get some water and the electricity doesn't start to feel much more movie-like. In addition to switching between different characters, there are also a few short parts at the end of some chapters that switch to third person perspective and follow random smaller characters. These are called Snapshots and give you a sense of what's happening around California at the time to different characters. Each snapshot has different chracters and it feels a bit like a disaster movie when you see a bit of background for some random characters will influence the story later. Some of these characters actually do re-appearances later in the story, and I like how these mini-chapters really made the whole narrative feel more film like. I felt like I was watching a disaster movie while reading this, and I love the way the excitement gripped. A little way into the book and I couldn't put it down! After a while some new characters are added to the story, which showed a new perspective on what was going on. First I have to admit that I didn't like Jacqui's character, I found her hard to relate to and unlikeable, but as the story progressed her second character made the whole narrative feel more realistic, and I like the way she has her own story arc in the book. Henry was interesting at first and I liked the strange perspective his story took, but I have to admit that his story arc and end felt a bit disappointing considering everything that had happened to all the characters. As the story goes on, everyone is getting more and more thirsty and it becomes a desperate journey for survival. Towards the end it becomes more and more dramatic (as if it wasn't already) with views changing after just a few, it made the whole ending sequence feel really exciting, like in a movie, and I was amazed at how emotional this whole climax to the story made me feel. I felt like my heart was gripped right at a certain point and the story was so tense that I thought I should gasp and cry at once. I don't want to give away what's going on, but my heart was in my mouth, and then I read some more, and I cried and laughed and cried all at once. What makes this book so dark and scary is just how realistic the scenario is. Despite not living in Southern California, which sometimes faces problems with fires and droughts, the idea of the country (no matter where you live) running out of water is a scary one (or another important commodity). History shows how easily society can break down and how dark and almost animalistic people can become in a situation where survival is the only thing that matters. I also felt that the fear that the Kelton family had how the state could act in such a situation makes you think about the actions of both people and the government. I also couldn't help but want to keep drinking water when reading this book, all descriptions of how thirsty everyone was being were pretty vivid, and it's amazing how dark this story got. The end while good left me feeling a little disappointed with how short it was. There are some things in this book that are very dark, like some violence that leads to death as well as descriptions of potential deaths and other darker things happening in a society that has collapsed. For this reason I will not advise this book too teenagers and only to those who are slightly less sensitive to such things. It is not the darkest or of books, but definitely things happen, especially near the end, which I know I couldn't have handled as a young teenager. There are also a few rare uses of s profanity. Overall, this is a dark and gripping disaster story and the potential for it to one day be real makes it even more terrifying. But while I really enjoyed the story at all, and that dramatic ending wasn't one I predicted (I thought it would all end before it did) I think the last pages explaining what happened next was a bit short. That was a satisfactory conclusion, but at the same time I wish that this ending section had been a little longer or ended up a little different. I would have liked to have seen what happened after they went to see who they were witnessing (don't want to give away a spoiler) or what happened to some of the other more minor characters in the story. I also felt that the whole end of Henry's story was a bit incredible. But overall it was a good, tense and exciting read! May 15, 2019 Dry Author ? Neal Shusterman & Jarrod Shusterman Publisher ? Walker Books Pages ? 416 Published ? October 4, 2018 ISBN-13 ? 978-1406386851 Format ? ebook, paperback, hardcover, audio reviewer ? Nia Rating ? 4 Stars I received a free copy of this book. This post contains affiliate links. When the California drought escalates to catastrophic proportions, a teenager is forced to make life-and-death decisions in this harrowing story of survival from New York Times bestselling author Neal Shusterman and Jarrod Shusterman. The drought - or Tap-Out, as everyone calls it - has been going on for a while now. Everyone's life has become an endless list of don'ts: don't water the lawn, don't fill your pool, don't take long showers. Until the taps run out. Suddenly, Alyssa's quiet suburban street spirals into a war zone of desperation; neighbors and families turned on each other in search of water. And when her parents don't return, and her life - and her brother's life - is threatened, Alyssa must make impossible choices if she is to survive. This is a really well-written title with a rock-solid premise - California has run out of water. Everyone kind of knew it was coming, but was sure there would be some plans in place to make sure no one would suffer when the taps stopped working, that was their biggest mistake. The story follows to the lives of a group of children from very different backgrounds and how they cope in this disaster. Alyssa and her brother, Garett, are from a normal suburban household and weren't prepared for this at all, but they adapt well to the situation while Kelton, their neighbor is from a doomsday prepping family. In their quest for safety and water, they meet a few other teenagers who I felt were not as well developed as characters, so I struggled that sympathize sympathize Them. The book turns perspectives between the characters, which is something I love - seeing the same story through the eyes of everyone involved. I enjoyed the first 2/3 of this book much more than the end, I would have much rather there had been a sequel and the story ended in a more satisfying way than the current ending that I felt was a bit rushed and left too many loose ends. That said, I've read other books by author Neal Shusterman and hold him to a very high standard, so I could just be picky here... Book Reviewer - Nia Buy online from: Amazon.co.uk - - iBooks - Blackwells About authors Award-winning author Neal Shusterman grew up in Brooklyn, New York, where he began writing at an early age. After spending his junior and senior years in high school at the American School of Mexico City, Neal went on to UC Irvine, where he made his mark on the UCI swimming team, and wrote a successful humor column. Within a year of graduating, he had his first book deal, and was hired to write a film script. As a screen and TV writer, Neal has written for Goosebumps and Animorphs TV series, and wrote Disney Channel Original Movie Pixel Perfect. Currently Neal is developing an original TV series with his son, Jarrod, and adapting Tesla's Attic with co-writer Eric Elfman for TV as well. Wherever Neal goes, he quickly earns a reputation as a storyteller and dynamic speaker. Much of his fiction can be traced back to stories he tells to a large audience of children and teenagers - such as his novel The Eyes of Kid Midas. As speaker, Neal is in constant demand for schools and conferences. Degrees in both psychology and drama give Neal a unique approach to writing. Neal's novels always deal with topics that appeal to adults as well as teenagers, weaving reality-down characters into sensitive and riveting issues, and binding it all together with a unique and entertaining sense of humor. Jarrod Shusterman is the author of short story UnDevoured in the bestseller UnBound. He writes for film and television, and his talents include directing movies and commercials. He was the story producer on the TV movie Zedd-Moment of Clarity, and he and his father Neal Shusterman adapt Dry to the screen. Jarrod lives in Los Angeles but enjoys travelling internationally and is currently studying Spanish. What do you think of the book? Share your thoughts in the comments section below! The links above are affiliate links. I receive a very small percentage from each item you buy through these links, which is at no extra cost to you. If you're thinking about buying the book, think about using one of the links. All money received goes back to the blog and helps keep it running. Thanks. Posts directly to email via Bloglovin - Like us on Facebook - Tweet us Twitter - Pin on Pinterest If you've had our posts, feel free to share it using the social media links below. Tags: AmazonAudioAuthorBlackwellsBook BlogBook BloggerBook ReviewBook ReviewersbookFictionFour StarshardcoveriBooksJarrod ShustermanKindleNeal ShustermanNiaPaperbackReviewWalker BooksYA BooksYA

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