
Member’s Name Birthday



(Street/Route/Box (City/Town) (Zip Code)

Member’s year in Dog Project (including this year: 1st, 2nd, etc.

Years in 4-H Club County

Dog’s Name Dog’s Age_______________________

Leader’s Name


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|How I Participate in 4-H! |

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|Categories of Participation |Total this |Description/Project Title |

| |Year | |

|4-H Projects you are taking this year | | |

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|What activities helped you learn the | | |

|skills for this project? (project | | |

|meetings, | | |

|workshops, classes, contests, etc.) | | |

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|What Leadership | | |

|Development experiences did you | | |

|participate in? | | |

|(club/district/state/officer, committee | | |

|chair, LDC, CLC, YouthFest, State | | |

|Conference, Jr./Teen leader, pledge | | |

|leader, etc.) | | |

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|4-H |Date |Hours |Activity/Title |Location |

|Citizenship/ | | | | |

|Community Service | | | | |

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|Demonstrations/ | |NA | | |

|Presentations/ | | | | |

|Speeches | | | | |

| | |NA | | |

| | |NA | | |


|Date your project started | |Dog’s name | |

|Dog’s sex | |Weight | |Height at withers | |

|Who owns the dog? | |Birthdate of dog | |

|Dog’s breed | |Registered name, if registered | |

|Number | |Association | |Tattoo number (if any) | |

|Is your dog confined? | |Does it run loose? | |

|If so, how are you sure it stays on your property? | |

|Who feeds your dog? | |Who cleans up after it? | |

|Where does your dog sleep? | |What shelter does it have outside? | |

|How often do you groom your dog? | |

|Describe how you groom your dog? | |

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|What do you feed your dog? (Example: one cup dry dog food, one-half cup canned meat and table scraps once |

|a day.) | |

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|If you made any changes in your dog’s diet, what did you do and why? | |

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|In the Family |

|Are there any special rules in your family concerning the dog? (Example: not allowed on beds, restricted to |

|certain areas, stays outside, etc.) | |

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|On Your Property |

|Visitors should be able to come to your door. A good watch dog will indicate their presence, but will not attack unless provoked. |

|Can delivery men, postmen, and visitors reach your door unharmed? | |

|Has your dog ever bitten anyone? | |

|Does your dog jump up on people uninvited? | |

|If it barks when people approach, does your dog stop when you tell it to? | |

|In the Neighborhood |

|Neighbors have rights, too! |

|Is your dog confined when outside? | |If so, how? | |

|If not, does it always stay on your property? | |

|Roving dogs or dog packs are a primary cause of complaints against dog owners. |

|Overpopulation is a major problem. Every year thousands of surplus dogs have to be put to sleep in Colorado. |

|Is your dog neutered or spayed? | |

|In the Community |

|The State of Colorado and individual counties and communities have specific laws concerning dogs. All dog owners should be familiar with these laws. |

|What are the requirements of the laws and ordinances in your area concerning your dog? |

|Rabies? | |

|License? | |

|Leash Law? | |

|Excessive Noise? | |

|Others? | |

Beginning Inventory: List animal(s), equipment, feed, and supplies YOU OWN. Use October 1 or the day you purchase your animals for your beginning date. You may add extra pages for beginning inventory items if necessary.

Ending Inventory: List animal(s), equipment, feed, and supplies YOU OWN. Use September 30 or the day you sell your animals for your ending date. Value of animal(s) listed in ending inventory shall be based on actual market value. You may add extra pages for ending inventory items if necessary. This ending inventory will be your beginning inventory for your next year in this project.

Do not put any items listed in the beginning inventory into the expense ledger. The expense ledger includes only those items you purchased after the date your project begins.

Do not put any items listed in the ending inventory into the income ledger. The income ledger should include only those items you have sold during this project year.

|INVENTORY – ANIMAL(S) | |Beginning |Ending |

| | |Date | |Date | |

|Description of Animal(s) | |Name/ID |Value |Name/ID |Value |

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|INVENTORY-NON ANIMAL(S) |Beginning |10% |Ending |

| |Date | |Depreciation |Date | |

|Description of Feed, Supplies, Etc. |Quantity |Value | |Quantity |Value |

|Example: Leash |1 |$20.00 | |1 |$18.00 |

|Example: Whole Corn |50 lbs. |$20.99 | |0 |$0.00 |

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|Total Beginning: | | |Total Ending: | |

|Total Beginning: | |Total Ending: | |


Expenses Income

Feed $____________________ Animals sold (Example: Pups) $_______________

Supplies $_________________ Show Premiums $________________________

Health Expenses $___________

Other Expenses $____________

Total Expenses______________ Total Income___________________________

Profit/Loss (Income-Expenses=Profit or Loss) ______________________________


Your dog's health is maintained by regular exercise, good nutrition, care, and grooming. Your veterinarian can give vaccinations to prevent disease and can help with sickness, accidents or special problems.

Though a few localities do not have an ordinance requiring rabies vaccinations, if you intend to participate with your dog in dog practices or exhibitions, a currently effective rabies vaccination is required. This requirement is for the protection of all people and dogs involved. Distemper, Hepatitis, and Leptospirosis (DHL) vaccinations, plus Parvo Virus, are strongly recommended.

|Is vaccination of rabies required in your locality? | |

|What proof do you have that each vaccination is currently valid? | |

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|Record all vet visits, accidents, sickness, prescriptions, etc. Add more pages if necessary |

|Date |Problem |Diagnosis/Remedy |

| |Example: Yearly Exam and Vaccinations |healthy dog and shots up to date |

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|How many minutes a day (on the average) do you train your dog? | |

|Where did you and your dog receive training? | |

|Who helped you with your training? | |

Check the exercises your dog has learned this year with an "x" and previous years with an "o":

|Beginning Novice |Novice |Graduate Novice |

| |Heel on leash | |Heel on leash (figure 8) | |Heel free and figure 8 |

| |Heel on leash (figure 8) | |Heel off leash (no figure 8) | |Moving stand & exam |

| | | | | |(off leash) |

| |Stand for exam | |Stand for exam off leash | |Moving drop on recall |

| |Sit stay | |Recall (handler 35 ft. away) | |Recall over broad jump |

| |Recall | |Long sit, 1 min. | |Long sit, 3 min. |

| | | | | |(handler out of sight) |

| |Finish | |Long down, 3 min. | |Long down, 5 min. |

| | | | | |(handler out of sight) |

|Open Training |Sub-Utility Training |Utility Training |

| |Retrieve on flat | |Signal exercise | |Signal exercise |

| |Retrieve over high jump | |Scent discrimination (leather) | |Scent discrimination (leather) |

| |Broad jump | |Scent discrimination (metal) | |Scent discrimination (metal) |

| |Drop on recall | |Stand stay, 3 min., & exam | |Directed retrieve |

| | | |(handler 35 ft. away) | | |

| |Sit stay | |Directed jumping (sit stay) | |Send dog & directed jumping |

| |Long stay | |Long down, 3 min. | |Moving stand and exam |


List all exhibitions of shows and fairs you and your dog participated in. Add additional pages if necessary.

|Date |Event and Location |Class |# in Class |Score |Placing |

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1. Tell how you benefited from this project; things you learned from this experience, special pleasures, any special problems and how you overcame them, new horizons, new books you have read.

2. Tell how your dog benefited; improved care, better behavior, benefit of the commands you have taught him in everyday living. Did you teach your dog other skills such as herding, field work, tracking, tricks?

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Put at least 4 project related pictures on additional pages. Each picture must have a title and/or caption.




In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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