“The Cask of Amontillado” by Edgar Allen Poe

“The Cask of Amontillado” by Edgar Allen Poe

English 11

Mrs. Woodliffe

In this story, Montressor vows, plots, and executes his revenge on Fortunato, a man who has insulted him. The story is regarded as an early classic in the literature of the macabre; it was written in 1841. In “ The Cask of Amontillado”, the narrator celebrates his evil accomplishment without shame or regret and goes unpunished. Poe leaves all reactions and judgments to the reader.


Amontillado – dry amber wine

Carnival – festival just before Lent (called Mardi Gras in some countries)

Catacombs – underground burial places

Fetter – shackle, chain, bond

Flambeau – torch

Immolate – kill a person as a sacrifice

Imposture – deception, fraud

Impunity – freedom from punishment

Medoc – red wine from the Bordeaux region of France

Motley – apparel of many colors

Nitre – potassium nitrate

Palazzo – splendid palace-like home

Pipe – cask holding 126 gallons

Puncheon –cask holding 84 gallons

Rapier – double-edged sword

Rheum – watery discharge

Roquelaure – fur-trimmed cloak

Sconce – bracket on a wall fro holding a candle or a torch

Answer the following questions on a separate sheet of paper in point form:

1. Fully describe all three aspects of setting in the story.

2. What point of view is the story told in? Explain.

3. Name and describe the type of conflict in the story.

4. List the preparations and precautions Montresor undertook in order to achieve his goal. What do these tell us about Montresor’s character?

5. According to Montresor, what is necessary for the perfect revenge? By this standard, is Montresor’s revenge perfect?

6. Even though this story is about revenge and murder, there is a strong element of ironic humor. Find as many examples of irony as you can, and categorize them as verbal (arising from what the characters say) or dramatic (arising from what the characters do).


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