Sample Questions for CMAA

Review Questions -- CMAA1. Entries in the medical record should be made with:a. Yellow highlighterb. A #2 pencilc. Black pend. Black Sharpie marker2. Although there are credit adjustments, most adjustments would be:a. Added to the patient’s accountb. Subtracted from the patient’s accountc. Considered a payment on the accountd. Considered a deductible3. The common abbreviation for “chest x-ray” is:a. CXTb. CRAYc. CXRAYd. CXR4. When the office is not staffed (such as at night or weekends) there is another service company that takes all calls and contacts doctor if needed. One term for this is the Exchange; another term used is:a. Administrative Assistantb. Party Line Servicesc. The Answering Serviced. Cell Phone5. In the terminal digit chart number “12345.10”, the numbers following the “.”(Decimal) would be:a. Filed lastb. Category numbersc. Filed firstd. Secondary numbers6. There are many different methods of filing. Three of the most common found in medical facilities are:Alphabetic, Diagnostic, Insurance TypesAlphabetic, Numeric, Terminal DigitAlphabetic, Color Coded, Date of ServiceAlphabetic, Facility Name, Color Coding7. The skin has layers; the dermis, epidermis anda. Muscleb. Tendonc. Subcutaneousd. Epidermal8. An example of negative nonverbal communication would be:a. Saying Hello to a patient as they arriveb. Smiling as the patient enter the officec. Grimacing when a problem patient arrivesd. Saying goodbye with a smile9. What type of consent is sufficient for common or simple procedures with little or no risk?a. Implied Consentb. Informed Consentc. Release Consent d. Assignment10. Susan had an office visit charge of $60.00. She paid $50.00 by check on that same date. Her previous balance (before seen that day) was $100.00. What is her current balance after charges were added and payment was made on this date?a. $160.00b. $50.00c. $10.00d. $110.0011. The correct meaning of the abbreviation “MI” is:a. massive infectionb. Morning Injectionc. Myocardial Infarctiond. Myocardial Infection12. The most recent medical information in a patient’s chart can usually be found:On the top right sideOn the bottom left sideIn the middle left sideOn the bottom right side13. All entries written in to the medical record, or notations on a ledger, must be:Pre- approved by the physicianWritten only by the medical administrative assistantInitialed by the person making the entryWritten only by doctor14. Giving the patient adequate information concerning the method, risk and consequences, prior to a procedure being performed, is called:ConfidentialityTortThe right to knowInformed Consent15. Which of the following would be filed THIRD?13435612789014367910945616. When scheduling an appointment for a new patient, the medical administrative assistant should do all of the following, except:Obtain and verify the patient’s full nameOffer a choice of timeAsk if the patient is referred from another physicianAsk the marital status of the new patient17. The suffix -oscopy means:ExcisionIncisionVisualize through a scopeInsertion18. The suffix -pathy means:DiseaseManipulationPhysical therapyChemical19. The symptoms the patient is currently being seen for are called:The prognosisThe PFSHThe patient recordThe chief complaint 20. The law that protects healthcare workers who give aid at the scene of an emergency or accident is called the: Good Samaritan LawGood Deed LawProfessional Courtesy LawEmergency Exemption Law21. The amount that an insurance company may say is “not allowed” and “not the responsibility of the patient”, for a contracted physician, would become “what” on the patient’s account?A chargeAn adjustmentA paymentA deductible22. What information is required before you can “Mark” (matrix) your appointment book in advance?Days and hours the physician usually sees patients in the officeEmployee vacation daysPatient preferences regarding appointments timesAppointment times for friends of the physician23. Sally Smither’s account balance was $1500.00. Her insurance sent a check to the office, in the amount of $1300.00. The remainder is Sally’s responsibility. What amount will she need to pay to bring her account to zero?$160.00$1500.00$200.00$300.0024. The total of all amounts still owing to the physician, for services rendered or procedures performed is called:IncomeLiabilitiesAccounts PayableAccounts Receivables25. After a new patient fills out a registration form, the medical administrative assistant should:Be certain the patient can pay for the visit by credit cardReview form to be certain all information has been completedTake the patient to an examination roomVerify that the patient has never filed a malpractice suit before26. If the doctor wants a test done immediately, the test is said to be ordered on a “______” basis.QNSNPOPRNSTAT27. The throat is also called the:LarynxPharynxTracheaEsophagus28. The patient reports that she has had pain in her left elbow for two weeks, after hitting it on her car door. The report of pain, in a SOAP note, would be considered:SubjectiveObjectiveAssessmentsThe plan29. The heart has how many chambers?OneTwoThreeFour30. Which of the reference books below can be used to check for the correct spelling and indication of drugs?Standard dictionaryPhysician’s Desk ReferenceMedical DictionaryCurrent Procedural Terminology31. Which of the following would be filed SECOND?Sammy StephensSammie StephensSammy StevensSam A Stevens32. In an emergency phone call, which of the following should NOT be done?Identify the caller: Name and Phone NumberAsk if they are alone, able to call 911 or have transportation?Advise the patient to take pain medication until they can get to the ERIf ambulance is already called, remain on the line with patient until arrives33. The form that must be signed by the patient, in order for a physician to send their records to another physician is called:Arbitration AgreementAssignment of BenefitsABNRelease of Information34. When calling the pharmacy regarding a prescription refill you:Should state that you are authorizing the refill yourself as the doctor is not thereProvide the name of the patient, verify drugs and dosage and note in the chart doctor authorized refillDo not need to verify name and dosage of drugs as is a refillCan allow a generic medication if the pharmacy asks – since the doctor is not in the office35. Some contract insurance plans require a fixed amount to be paid for office visits. This amount is usually collected at the time of the visit. The amount collected is called:Co-paymentAn AdjustmentA write-offAn allowed amount36. When entering an appointment in the appointment book, the abbreviation “NP” next to a name would mean?Non-productiveNo specific problemNew PatientNo New Problems37. Continuing education units are important because they:a. Are always freeb. .Keep the medical administrative assistant current with the latest techniques and information in their fieldc. Required your employer to give you a review and raised. Provide a day off while attending seminars38. Sarah Jones was seen for a cold and flu. Her office visit charge was $80.00. Her insurance sent a check to the office for $64.00. This would be considered a:ChargeAdjustmentDeductiblePayment39. The prefix meaning “below” is:HypoHyper-emia-megaly40. If the doctor has been delayed and the patient is waiting more than 30 minutes to be seen, the receptionist should:Call the physician and tell him his patients are getting impatientCancel all appointments for that dayNotify the patients and allow them to wait or rescheduleKeep the reception window closed and remain calm41. Sometimes the doctor may see other physicians or professionals, such as nurses they know, from the hospital setting. They will often allow a discount on services rendered to these patients. This type of discount is called:a. Contract discountb. Hardship discountc. Professional discountd. Friendship discount42. An hour ago, a 15-year-old girl came to an outpatient drawing center for a pregnancy test. Now, she is back, without her parents and wants to know the results of the test, which you overheard someone in the lab say is positive. Doctor is in the office seeing patients. Which of the following would be the best action to take?a. Tell the patient she is pregnantb. Ask the phlebotomist, who drew the blood for the test, to come out and discuss the test results with the patientc. Put the patient in a room, without parents, and have the doctor discuss the findings with her aloned. Tell the patient that the results must be given to her parents due to her age43. Rosalynn was charged $900 for a full term, 9 month pregnancy, by her OB physician. At 6 months she had a spontaneous abortion (miscarriage) and the office had to adjust the charges for the 3 months that she would no longer be seen and therefore should not be charged. The amount of this adjustment would be:a. $900.00b. $600.00c. $100.00d. $300.0044. The part of the urinary system that filters blood is the:a. Kidneysb. Uretersc. Bladderd. Urethra45. A method of mailing large volumes of information – where you pre-sort your mail by zip code, then take it to the post office for delivery is called:a. Certifiedb. UPSc. Bulk Mailingd. Zip Coding46. Which of the following is the correct way to type the first line of an inside address in a letter to John K. Hunter, a cardiologist?a. John Hunter, Cardiologistb. Dr. John K. Hunter, MDc. John K. Hunter, MDd. Doctor John K. Hunter47. The suffix meaning inflammation is:a. –ectomyb. –ostomyc. –itisd. –plasty 48. Which of the following would be filed FIRST?a. Donna Delaney-Zenob. Donna Delaney Zenoc. Donna Zano-Delaneyd. Donna Dalenay-Zeno49. How would you properly “index” the name “Roseann S. Wilson-Johnson” for filing?a. Wilsonjohnson, Roseann S.b. Wilson Johnson, Roseann S.c. Johnsonwilson, Roseann S.d. Wilson, Roseann S. Johnson50. May Jane Sousa-Jones was seen in the office as a new patient. When rolodex files are made for her, we will make TWO. One with the last name of Sousa referencing Jones – and one with the last name of Jones referencing Sousa. This method of rolodex filing is called:a. Last name filingb. Cross-referencingc. Numerical Filingd. Terminal Digit Filing51. A medical administrative assistant’s duties include all of the following except:a. patient Receptionb. Filing Medical Recordsc. Performing EKGsd. Setting up appointments52. Please find below the phone call that CANNOT be handle by the medical administrative assistant.a. New patients and return appointmentsb. Directions to the facilityc. Whether or not be the physician is a member of their health pland. Patient requesting emergency medical advice53. To maintain a professional appearance as a medical administrative assistant, you should:a. Wear expensive clothesb. Wear your best jewelryc. Wear bright colord. Keep your shoes, clothes and appearance neat and clean54. The abbreviation for “Cancer” is:a. Cb. CAc. CANd. CR55. Which of the following is NOT a “hard copy”?a. A record printed on paperb. A faxed copy of a documentc. An unprinted file saved to a computerd. A typewritten report received in the mail56. Which of the following best define what you will usually see on the “tab” of a patient’s chart.a. Doctor’s name, patient phone, patient nameb. Patient name, color coded labels, last year seen labelc. Last year seen label, last date of service, patient named. Numerical color coded labels, doctor’s name, patient’s DOB57. Arbitration means:a. Both parties agree to use a mediator to settle any disputes regarding medical careb. A patient cannot bring suit against a physician for malpracticec. Physician has to be help harmless in case of medical mishapsd. The same as the Good Samaritan Act58. Which of following is the correct filing order for Dave Jonsen, Nancy Johenson, Susan Johnson and Johnny Johanson.a. Nancy Johenson, Dave Jonsen, Susan Johnson Johnny Johanson b. Johnny Johanson, Nancy Johenson, Susan Johnson, Dave Jonsenc. Johnny Johanson, Nancy Johenson, Dave Jonsen, Susan Johnsond. Dave Jonsen, Johnny Johanson, Susan Johnson, Nancy Johenson59. The “amount” that a physician would bill the patient and/or insurance, such as for an office visit, is called:a. A chargeb. An adjustmentc. A paymentd. A deductible60. In order to VERIFY insurance coverage you should:a. Ask the patient if their coverage is effectiveb. Copy their card for the filec. Call the insurance carrier for verification of current coveraged. Check the effective date on their insurance card61. A statement authorizing the insurance company to pay benefits directly to the physician is called:a. The UCRb. The fee profilec. Professional courtesyd. Assignment of Benefits62. One important use a “Tickler File” in the medical office is to:a. Mail appointment remindersb. Remember patient namesc. Learn to schedule efficientlyd. Add hours to your day63. Which would be filed THIRD?a. Teresa A Smithb. Teresa Smithc. Teresa Jones- Smithd. T. Jones64. The combining from hepato means:a. Kidneyb. Liver c. Spleend. Bladder65. The prefix that means “slow” is:a. Brady-b. Tachy-c. Brachy-d. Hypo-66. Although most medical facilities compose reports in block style, the best format to use for typing reports or letters is:a. Modified blockb. Simple formatc. Format the letter per the physician’s preferenced. Most letters are typed without any specific format67. Which of the following responses would NOT be appropriate information to give out to a caller?a. The hospital where the doctor is on staffb. The cost of a routine office visitc. The doctor’s marital statusd. The days and times available for appointments68.___________ in the medical office includes posting of charges, payments and adjustments to the patient’s accounts:a. Bookkeepingb. Collectionsc. Accruingd. Depreciation69. You receive a check in your office paying for a patient’s deductible. This would have been sent, or paid by:a. An insurance companyb. A patientc. Another physician’s officed. A hospital70. In a block style letter, the date is:a. Centeredb. Flush rightc. Flush leftd. Indented five space from the left margin71. A form in most physicians’ offices that includes common charges and common diagnoses, along with a date of service and patient’s name is called a:a. Progress note sheetb. History and Physical questionnairec. Encounter form (Superbill)d. Release of Information Form72. When multiple computers are linked together and share information, this would be a/an:a. Illegal use of softwareb. Networkc. USBd. Slower to utilize73. Sue has group insurance. She was charged $75.00 for an office visit and $25.00 for a complete blood count, totaling $100.00. Her group insurance paid 80% of the charges. How much did they pay?a. $100.00b. $20.00c. $80.00d. $75.0074. Certified mail provides the sender with:a. Insurance protectionb. An inexpensive way to send valuablesc. Quick deliveryd. Proof of delivery75. When making a back-up copy in a computer system, you are:a. Resetting the date to an earlier timeb. Deleting useless informationc. Charging the setup informationd. Making a copy of store information for safekeeping76. Which of the following would be filed LAST?a. Jon Rufus Raceyb. Jon Steven Raceyc. Jon Antonio Raceyd. Jon Reginald Racey77. When an established patient is seen for follow- up the medical administrative assistant must make sure there is enough room for the doctor to write (document) on the:a. Medical history formb. Progress note sheetc. Patient information sheetd. Insurance information sheet78. The letters “S, O, A and P” in SOAP format for progress notes, stand for:a. Source, Order, Assessment, Prognosisb. Start, Objective, Appeal, Planc. Subjective, Objective, Assessment, Pland. Selection, Objection, Appeal, Prognosis79. When a patient arrives to be seen by the doctor, you must:a. Verify their name on their insurance card, then hand it back right awayb. Copy their Insurance Card, Front Side Onlyc. Copy their Insurance Card, Back Side Onlyd. Copy both sides of the Insurance Card80. When scheduling a surgery, it is NOT necessary to contact the following:a. The patientb. The doctor and/or any assistantc. The operating room at the hospitald. The patient’s family members81. The patient information sheet generally contains:a. the past medical history of the patientb. The patient’s chief complaintc. The patient’s personal and insurance informationd. The patient’s past family history82. At the bottom of a letter, generally in the “closing” portion of the letter-3 or 4 lines of blank space are created for what?a. The reply of the recipientb. The date of the letterc. The signature of the senderd. The inside address83. If a physician decides to end the professional relationship with a patient, what must the physician do to help avoid being sued for abandonment?a. Call the patient personally and explain that the physician is withdrawing from the caseb. Send the patient’s records to a physician believed to be competent to handle the casec. Thoroughly document, in writing- to the patient, the reason for withdrawing from the case and offer a specified number of days to seek a new physiciand. Return any money collection from the patient84. National Medical Center has a main center for all medical records; their satellite offices are assigned a “terminal digit” for medical record filing purposes. New Jersey’s is .10 and Vermont is .20. If you were working there and had the medical chart numbers below to file – which medical chart would be file FIRST knowing that all New Jersey charts had to be filed first?a. 23456.10b. 24567.20c. 10345.10d. 10456.2085. In bookkeeping, a payment would be:a. Added to the patient’s accountb. Subtracted from the patient’s accountc. Charged to the patientd. Considered a write-off 86. Please select the response below that contains information that is NOT necessary when taking a telephone message.Name of person to whom call is directed, name of caller, reason for call, action to be taken, date and time of call, initials of person taking the callName of caller, caller’s phone number, reason for call, marital status of callerInitials of person taking the call, name of caller, date and time of callName of caller, reason for the call, name or person to whom the call is directed87. Jeremy was a new patient. He underwent nerve conduction studies which had total charges of $200.00. He had a chest x-ray with a charge of $100.00. He paid 10% of his bill, while there, with a personal check. What will the current balance be after his charges and payments have been entered?a. $30.00b. $290.00c. $270.00d. $130.0088. The skin is part of which system?a. Nervousb. Endocrinec. Reproductived. Integumentary89. The abbreviation for diagnosis is:a. DSb. DGc. DIAd. DX90. Of the four shown below, which is NOT a step you would take to maintain confidentiality of patients and their records?a. Patient should sign in on a sign in sheet left showing on the reception counterb. Do not leave files unattended on desks or countersc. When the office is closed, files should be lockedd. If your files are on the computer, be sure that the computer screen is positioned so that it is out of the view of other patients91. When an angry patient calls the physician’s office, the medical assistant should:a. Remain calm; do not allow yourself to become angryb. Never take those phone callsc. Remain calm until the patient yells at you firstd. Hang up or put the caller on hold92. Which of the following is not a good Reception protocol?a. The receptionist is busy on the phone and does not greet the patientb. The reception desk should be seen as the patient enters the officec. The receptionist should keep the reception area tidyd. Most people prefer individual chairs in the reception area93. The “Inside Address” in a typewritten letter would include:a. The name and address of the person sending the letterb. The name and address of the person receiving the letterc. The salutationd. The body of the letter94. One who studies and practices in medicine related to the “nerves” is a/an:a. Dermatologistb. Neurologistc. Urologistd. Endocrinologist95. At the top of reports is the “Letterhead.” The next typewritten line should include:a. The inside addressb. The datec. The salutationd. The body of the letter96. Which of the following greetings sounds most appropriate for answering an incoming call in Dr. Simon’s Office?a. “Hello, This is Dr. Simon’s office, Ms. Jones speaking.”b. “Doctor’s office. What is your problem?”c. “Hello? Who are you and what do you need to see the doctor for?”d. “Dr. Simon’s office. State your problem.”97. An example of positive verbal communication would be:a. A nod of the head when a patient arrives.b. “Hello Mrs. Jones, How are you today?”c. Smiling as the patient enters the room.d. Holding your hand up to suggest that you will be right with them98. When asked about a patient’s condition by the family, the medical assistant should:a. Put it in writing rather than speaking directly to themb. Tell them what they want to knowc. Obtain permission from the patient firstd. Ignore the request99. Which of the following would NOT be a basic requirement to consider in regard to the office appointment book?a. Appropriate size of the bookb. Color of the bookc. Number of columns on each dayd. Division of time (10 minutes, 15 minutes, etc).100. When a patient fails to keep an appointment, the medical assistant should do all of the following except:a. Record this information in the patients chartb. Call the patient to see if they would like to reschedulec. Write N/S (for no-show) or F/S (failed to show) in the appointment bookd. Track the patient’s whereabouts to remind him/her of the importance of keeping the appointmentANSWER KEYCBDCCBCCADCACDADCADABACDBDBADBACDBACBDACCCDACCCDABCDDBCBABACDABBACCABCCBCDDBBCDDCCCCBBCDDAAABBBABC BDExplanationsQuestion 27: The throat is also called the Pharynx. ................

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