The Educational System of Saudi Arabia

The Educational System of Saudi Arabia

Chair: Mike Turay Presenter: Aleksander Morawski Educational Credential Evaluators, Inc.


? 14th largest country in the world ? Population approx. 28 million

? 38% under age 15 ? 2% over age 65 ? GDP: $600.4 billion ? 32.6% of national budget spent on education ? Literacy: overall 78%


? Key dates: ? Settled for roughly 15,000 years ? Prophet Muhammad born c. 570 CE ? Development of Islam during 7th century ? Islamic calendar ? Foundation of Modern State, early 20th century ? Discovery of oil, 1938

Forming the Modern Saudi Arabia

? In early 18th century, religious cleric calls for return to original Islam, very unpopular opinion

? Al-Saud power, influence grows

? 1902- Ibn Saud (later King) reclaims Riyadh, begins to unite regions

? 1932- establishes Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

? Al-Saud dynasty rules the area for much of the 19th century,until losing Riyadh, the capital to the Turks


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