DANH S?CH T?C PH?M NHI?P ?NH T?I TRI?N L?M “ VI?T NAM – CU?C CHI?N TRANH QUA ?NH C?A H?NG TH?NG T?N AP”T? ngày 12 ??n 26/06/2015 t?i Hà N?i(Xin l?u ? các anh ch? phóng viên: Các b?c ?nh này ch? ???c s? d?ng m?t l?n trong ngày 12/06/2015 nh?n s? ki?n H?ng th?ng t?n AP khai tr??ng tri?n l?m ?nh t?i Hà N?i. Ngoài ra, vi?c s? d?ng, l?u tr? ho?c xu?t b?n các b?c ?nh này ph?i có s? cho phép tr??c c?a H?ng th?ng t?n AP)TTTên tác ph?mTên tác gi?1001_ Vietnamese soldiers in the French colonial army practice war maneuvers in a rice field, early 1937. France stepped up its military drills in an effort to protect its dominion over Indochina after Japan formed its “Axis” alliance with Germany and Italy in 1936. Japan would invade Vietnam in September 1940, a few months after German troops marched into France. ??u n?m 1937, lính Vi?t Nam trong qu?n ??i th?c d?n Pháp ???c hu?n luy?n t?i m?t cánh ??ng lúa. Pháp t?ng c??ng hu?n luy?n qu?n s? ?? n? l?c b?o v? s? th?ng tr? c?a mình ? ??ng D??ng sau khi Nh?t hình thành tr?c liên minh v?i ??c và Italy n?m 1936. Nh?t sau ?ó ?? x?m l??c Vi?t Nam vào tháng 9/1940 sau khi qu?n ??i ??c ti?n vào n??c Pháp.Phóng viên ?nh H?ng th?ng t?n AP2002_ French prisoners of war arrive in Hanoi after their release by the Viet Minh, August 1954. They were part of a POW exchange that followed the signing of the Geneva Accords formalizing the end of French rule. The soldiers were handed over at Viet Tri and brought by boat about forty miles down the Red River to Hanoi. Tháng 8/1954, tù binh Pháp ???c chuy?n v? t?i Hà N?i sau khi ???c Vi?t Minh tr? t? do. H? là m?t trong s? các tù binh ???c trao tr? sau khi Hi?p ??nh Gi?nev? ???c k? k?t chính th?c nh?m ch?m d?t s? th?ng tr? c?a Pháp. Nh?ng ng??i lính này ???c trao tr? t?i Vi?t Trì và ???c ??a v? Hà N?i b?ng thuy?n trên qu?ng ???ng dài 65 km d?c theo S?ng H?ng.Fred Waers – H?ng th?ng t?n AP3003_ Hanoi residents wave flags and hold banners as they watch the Viet Minh march into the city, October 9, 1954.! The slogan on the banner translates as “Respect and protect public property. Strictly keep order.” Ngày 9/10/1954, Ng??i d?n Hà N?i v?y c? và gi??ng cao bi?u ng? khi Vi?t Minh ti?n vào thành ph?. Ch? trên bi?u ng? là “T?n tr?ng và b?o v? c?a c?ng. Tri?t ?? gi? gìn tr?t t?” Fred Waers – H?ng th?ng t?n AP4004_ Exhausted South Vietnamese soldiers sleep on a U.S. Navy troop carrier taking them back to the provincial capital of Ca Mau, August 1962. The infantry unit had been on a four-day operation against the North Vietnamese army in swamplands at the southern tip of the country.Tháng 8/1962, lính Vi?t Nam C?ng hòa ki?t s?c, ng? mê m?t trên m?t chi?c xe c?a H?i qu?n M? ??a h? tr? l?i th? ph? c?a t?nh Cà Mau. Tr??c ?ó, trong m?t chi?n d?ch kéo dài b?n ngày, ??n v? b? binh này ?? ch?ng l?i qu?n gi?i phóng mi?n Nam Vi?t Nam ? vùng ??m l?y ? ?i?m c?c Nam c?a Vi?t Nam. Horst Faas – H?ng th?ng t?n AP5005_ In the first of a series of fiery suicides by Buddhist monks, Thich Quang Duc burns himself to death on a Saigon street to protest persecution of Buddhists by the South Vietnamese government, June 11, 1963. The photograph aroused worldwide outrage and hastened the end of the Diem government. With the photo on his Oval Office desk, President Kennedy remarked to his ambassador, “We’re going to have to do something about that regime.” ??y là v? t? v?n ??u tiên trong hàng lo?t các v? t? v?n c?a các nhà s?. Ngày 11/6/1963, t?i m?t ???ng ph? Sài Gòn, nhà s? Thích Qu?ng ??c t? thiêu ?? ph?n ??i s? ?àn áp Ph?t giáo c?a chính quy?n Vi?t Nam C?ng hòa. B?c ?nh này ?? t?o ra làn sóng ph?n n? trên toàn th? gi?i và góp ph?n ??y nhanh s? s?p ?? chính quy?n Di?m. V?i b?c ?nh này trên bàn trong phòng B?u D?c, T?ng th?ng Kennedy nói v?i ??i s? c?a ?ng “Chúng ta s? ph?i làm gì ?ó v?i chính quy?n này.” Malcolm Browne – H?ng th?ng t?n AP6006_ Their home burning in a fire set by South Vietnamese troops, a Vietnamese woman carries a baby and pulls her daughter toward safety near Tay Ninh, about sixty miles northwest of Saigon, July 1963.! In the background are a few of their salvaged belongings. The village was believed to be a supply depot for about one hundred North Vietnamese army guerrillas. Tháng 7/1963, sau khi ng?i nhà c?a h? cách Sài Gòn kho?ng 96 km v? phía T?y B?c b? qu?n ??i Vi?t Nam C?ng hòa ??t cháy, ng??i ph? n? Vi?t Nam b? m?t tr? nh? trên tay, kéo m?t ??a tr? n?a ch?y t?i n?i an toàn g?n T?y Ninh. Phía sau là m?t ph?n ng?i nhà c?a h?. Làng này ???c cho là n?i cung c?p nhu y?u ph?m cho kho?ng 100 du kích qu?n gi?i phóng mi?n Nam Vi?t Nam. Horst Faas – H?ng th?ng t?n AP7007_ Buddhist monks and women pull at a barbed-wire road barricade that was set up in front of Saigon’s Giac Minh Pagoda to halt a demonstration, July 17, 1963.! Police wielding clubs injured at least fifty people during the protest, one of many during this period by Buddhists opposed to the Diem regime. The following month, secret police raided temples throughout the country, an act that only heightened anger against the government. Ngày 17/7/1963, các nhà s? và ph? n? kéo hàng rào d?y thép gai ???c d?ng lên tr??c c?a chùa Giác Minh ? Sài Gòn ?? ng?n bi?u tình. C?nh sát dùng dùi cui ?ánh b? th??ng ít nh?t 50 ng??i trong cu?c bi?u tình. ??y là m?t trong nhi?u cu?c bi?u tình c?a Ph?t giáo ch?ng ch? ?? Di?m. Tháng sau ?ó, m?t v? t?n c?ng các chùa trên toàn qu?c, m?t hành ??ng ch? làm t?ng thêm s? thù ghét chính quy?n ?ó. Horst Faas – H?ng th?ng t?n AP8008_ A distraught father holds the body of his child as South Vietnamese Rangers look down from their armored vehicle, March 19, 1964. The child was killed as government forces pursued guerrillas into a! village near the Cambodian border. From the portfolio by photographer Horst Faas that received the 1965 Pulitzer Prize for Photography.Ngày 19/3/1964, m?t ng??i cha ?au ??n ?m thi hài c?a con mình trong khi lính bi?t kích Vi?t Nam C?ng hòa ng?i trên xe b?c thép nhìn xu?ng. T?m ?nh này c?a Horst Faas nh?n ???c gi?i Pulitzer cho ?nh n?m 1965.Horst Faas – H?ng th?ng t?n AP9009_ South Vietnamese soldiers ride elephants across a river in the Ba Don area, about twenty miles from the Cambodian border, as they patrol in search of North Vietnamese army guerrillas, June 1964. In some conditions of jungle warfare, the animals proved a better means of transport than modern vehicles. Lính Vi?t Nam C?ng hòa c??i voi qua s?ng ? khu v?c Ba ??n, cách biên gi?i Campuchia kho?ng 32 km khi h? tu?n tra tìm ki?m du kích qu?n gi?i phóng mi?n Nam Vi?t Nam tháng 6/1964. Trong ?i?u ki?n chi?n tranh trong r?ng, nh?ng con v?t này ch?ng t? là ph??ng ti?n v?n t?i t?t h?n là xe c? hi?n ??i.Horst Faas – H?ng th?ng t?n AP10010_ A U.S. adviser accompanies South Vietnamese soldiers on a river patrol near the Cambodian border, June 1964. M?t c? v?n M? ?i cùng lính Vi?t Nam C?ng hòa trong m?t cu?c tu?n tra trên s?ng g?n biên gi?i Campuchia tháng 6/1964. Horst Faas – H?ng th?ng t?n AP11011_ Sunlight breaks through dense foliage around the town of Binh Gia as South Vietnamese troops, joined by U.S. advisers, rest after a cold, damp, and tense night of waiting in an ambush position for a North Vietnamese army attack that did not come, January 1965. ?nh sáng r?i qua tán là dày g?n th? tr?n Bình Gi? trong khi lính Vi?t Nam C?ng hòa cùng các c? v?n M? ngh? ng?i sau m?t ?êm ch? ph?c kích qu?n gi?i phóng mi?n Nam Vi?t Nam (tháng 1/1965).Horst Faas – H?ng th?ng t?n AP12012_ Hovering U.S. Army helicopters pour machine-gun fire into the tree line to cover the advance of South Vietnamese ground troops as they attack a North Vietnamese army camp eighteen miles north of Tay Ninh, near the Cambodian border, March 1965. Máy bay tr?c th?ng M? bay phía trên b?n súng máy vào các hàng c?y y?m tr? cho lính b? binh Nam Vi?t Nam khi h? t?n c?ng qu?n gi?i phóng mi?n Nam Vi?t Nam cách T?y Ninh 28 km v? phía B?c, g?n biên gi?i Campuchia tháng 3/1965. Horst Faas – H?ng th?ng t?n AP13013_ Air Force S. Sgt. Lyle Goodin carries the body of an elderly woman who was peddling food on a nearby corner when a bomb exploded in a car parked on Ham Nghi Boulevard, near the U.S. Embassy in Saigon, March 30, 1965. Th??ng s? kh?ng qu?n Lyle Goodin vác thi th? c?a m?t ph? n? l?n tu?i, ng??i bán hàng rong g?n góc ph? g?n ?ó khi m?t trái bom n? trong chi?c xe ? t? ?? trên ???ng Hàm Nghi g?n ??i s? quán M? ? Sài Gòn ngày 30/3/1965. Horst Faas – H?ng th?ng t?n AP14014_ Freshly landed U.S. Marines make their way through the sands of Red Beach at Da Nang, April 10, 1965. They were on their way to reinforce the air base as South Vietnamese Rangers battled guerrillas about three miles south of the beach. In the background are photographers who were covering the action. Ngày 10/4/1965, th?y qu?n l?c chi?n M? v?a ?? b? di chuy?n trên cát t?i b?i bi?n ?? ? ?à N?ng. H? ?ang trên ???ng ?? t?ng c??ng cho c?n c? kh?ng qu?n trong khi bi?t kích Vi?t Nam C?ng hòa ?ang chi?n ??u v?i du kích qu?n cách b?i bi?n kho?ng 5 km. Phía sau là các phóng viên ?nh ?ang tác nghi?p. Peter Arnett – H?ng th?ng t?n AP15015_ Under sniper fire, a Vietnamese woman carries a child to safety as Marines storm the village of My Son, near Da Nang, searching for North Vietnamese army insurgents, April 25, 1965.! . Ngày 25/4/1965, d??i làn ??n b?n t?a, m?t ph? n? Vi?t Nam b? ??a tr? ??n n?i an toàn trong khi Th?y qu?n l?c chi?n M? ?ang t?n c?ng làng M? S?n, g?n ?à N?ng, ?? tìm qu?n qu?n gi?i phóng mi?n Nam Vi?t Nam.Eddie Adams – H?ng th?ng t?n AP16016_ An American soldier wears a hand-lettered slogan on his helmet, June 1965. The soldier was serving with the 173rd Airborne Brigade on defense duty at the Phuoc Vinh airfield. M?t ng??i lính M? ??i m? có kh?u hi?u vi?t b?ng tay trên m? (tháng 6/1965). Ng??i lính này ph?c v? l? ?oàn k? binh 173 b?o v? s?n bay Ph??c V?nh. Horst Faas – H?ng th?ng t?n AP17017_ South Vietnamese forces nurse their wounds after fierce fighting with the North Vietnamese army at Cheo Reo, early July 1965. Lính Vi?t Nam C?ng hòa ch?m sóc v?t th??ng sau chi?n ??u c?ng th?ng v?i qu?n gi?i phóng mi?n Nam Vi?t Nam t?i Cheo Reo ??u tháng 7/1965. Eddie Adams – H?ng th?ng t?n AP18018_ South Vietnamese medics evacuate a seriously wounded comrade on a stretcher, carrying him through the waist-deep water of a canal while under guerrilla fire from the tree line in the background, August 27, 1965.! Government forces suffered heavy casualties after they were dropped by U.S. helicopters on North Vietnamese army lines just north of Rach Gia in southwest Vietnam. Ngày 27/8/1965, qu?n y Vi?t Nam C?ng hòa s? tán m?t ??ng ??i b? th??ng n?ng trên cáng c?u th??ng, ??a ng??i này trong kênh n??c ng?p ??n b?ng trong khi du kích qu?n ?ang x? ??n t? hàng c?y phía sau. Qu?n chính ph? ch?u t?n th?t n?ng n? sau khi h? ???c máy bay tr?c th?ng M? th? xu?ng chi?n tuy?n c?a qu?n gi?i phóng mi?n Nam Vi?t Nam phía B?c R?ch Giá, T?y Nam Vi?t Nam Michel Renard – H?ng th?ng t?n AP19019_ U.S. advisers use a poncho tied to a pole to carry a wounded soldier to an American helicopter for evacuation to Saigon, September 1965.! C? v?n M? dùng b?t treo trên ?òn gánh ?? ??a m?t ng??i lính b? th??ng t?i m?t máy bay tr?c th?ng M? ?? s? tán v? Sài Gòn tháng 9/1965. ?nh t? li?u – H?ng th?ng t?n AP2020_ A South Vietnamese soldier kneels at the edge of a row of dead comrades laid out in bags on the perimeter of a paddy on Tan Dinh Island, in the Mekong Delta, September 3, 1965. After two days on patrol without enemy contact, the unit had been surrounded by North Vietnamese army fire. Then U.S. helicopters—mistaking the South Vietnamese for North Vietnamese army—rained friendly fire on the unit. The dead were later recovered by helicopter. Ngày 3/9/1965, m?t ng??i lính Vi?t Nam C?ng hòa qu? xu?ng g?n d?y bao b? ??ng xác ??ng ??i ? b? ru?ng lúa t?i ??o T?n ??nh ? ??ng b?ng s?ng C?u Long. Sau hai ngày tu?n tra mà kh?ng tìm ???c ??ch, ??n v? này b? qu?n gi?i phóng mi?n Nam Vi?t Nam bao v?y t?n c?ng. Sau ?ó máy bay tr?c th?ng M? nh?m lính Vi?t Nam C?ng hòa là qu?n gi?i phóng mi?n Nam Vi?t Nam nên ?? x? súng vào ??n v? này. Nh?ng lính b? ch?t sau ?ó ???c máy bay tr?c th?ng thu nh?t. Huynh Thanh My – H?ng th?ng t?n AP21021_ U.S. paratroopers of the 2nd Battalion, 173rd Airborne Brigade, hold their automatic weapons above water as they cross a river in the rain during a search for North Vietnamese army positions in the jungle area of Ben Cat, September 25, 1965. Qu?n dù M? thu?c Ti?u ?oàn 2, L? ?oàn Kh?ng v?n 173, gi? súng t? ??ng trên m?t n??c trong khi v??t s?ng trong m?a trong ??t truy tìm các v? trí c?a qu?n gi?i phóng mi?n Nam Vi?t Nam trong vùng r?ng thu?c B?n Cát. (Ngày 25/9/1965)Henri Huet – H?ng th?ng t?n AP22022_ A South Vietnamese stretcher-bearer wears a face mask to protect himself from the smell as he passes the bodies of U.S. and South Vietnamese soldiers killed fighting the North Vietnamese army in the Michelin rubber plantation, November 27, 1965. More than one hundred bodies were recovered after the North Vietnamese army overran South Vietnam’s 7th Regiment, 5th Division, killing most of the regiment and several U.S. advisers. The plantation, situated midway between Saigon and the Cambodian border, was the scene of frequent fighting throughout the war. M?t lính Vi?t Nam C?ng hòa ?eo kh?u trang trong lúc khiêng cáng ?? giúp anh ta tránh ng?i mùi h?i th?i t? xác ch?t c?a lính M? và Nam Vi?t Nam b? ch?t trong khi giao tranh v?i qu?n gi?i phóng mi?n Nam Vi?t Nam ? ??n ?i?n cao su Michelin ngày 27/11/1965. H?n 10 xác ch?t ???c tìm th?y sau khi qu?n gi?i phóng mi?n Nam Vi?t Nam ?ánh b?i Trung ?oàn 7, S? ?oàn 5 qu?n ??i Vi?t Nam C?ng hòa, tiêu di?t ph?n l?n Trung ?oàn và vài c? v?n M?. ??n ?i?n này n?m gi?a Sài Gòn và biên gi?i Campuchia là n?i th??ng x?y ra chi?n s? trong su?t cu?c chi?n tranh. Horst Faas – H?ng th?ng t?n AP23023_ Activists calling for an end to U.S. involvement in Vietnam demonstrate in Berkeley, California, December 1965.! The city and its University of California campus were the scene of frequent early protests against the war, as was the Army Terminal in adjacent Oakland, the departure point for many troops headed to Southeast Asia.! Các nhà ho?t ??ng kêu g?i k?t thúc s? can thi?p c?a M? vào Vi?t Nam bi?u tình t?i Berkeley, Bang California tháng 12/1965. Thành ph? Berkeley và ??i h?c Berkely là n?i s?m di?n ra các cu?c bi?u tình ph?n ??i chi?n tranh, c?ng nh? nhà ga qu?n ??i ? thành ph? Oakland ? g?n ?ó là n?i xu?t phát c?a nhi?u ??i qu?n ???c ??a t?i ??ng Nam ?. ?nh t? li?u – H?ng th?ng t?n AP24024_ A napalm strike erupts in a fireball near U.S. troops on patrol, 1966. Khói l?a b?c lên t? m?t cu?c t?n c?ng b?ng bom Napalm g?n n?i qu?n M? tu?n tra n?m 1966. ?nh t? li?u – H?ng th?ng t?n AP25025_ Caught in a sudden monsoon rain, part of a company of about 130 South Vietnamese soldiers moves downriver in sampans during a dawn attack on a North Vietnamese army camp,! January 10, 1966. B? c?n m?a ??u mùa b?t ch?t, m?t b? ph?n c?a ??i ??i g?m kho?ng 130 lính Nam Vi?t Nam di chuy?n d?c s?ng trên nh?ng chi?c thuy?n nh? trong m?t cu?c t?n c?ng m?t c?n c? c?a qu?n gi?i phóng mi?n Nam Vi?t Nam vào r?ng sáng ngày 10/1/1966. Henri Huet – H?ng th?ng t?n AP26026_ Medic Thomas Cole of Richmond, Virginia, looks up with his one unbandaged eye as he continues to treat wounded S.Sgt. Harrison Pell of Hazleton, Pennsylvania, during a firefight, January 30, 1966. ! The men belonged to the 1st Cavalry Division, which was engaged in a battle at An Thi, in the Central Highlands, against combined North Vietnamese army and North Vietnamese forces. This photo appeared on the cover of Life magazine, February 11, 1966, and photographer Henri Huet’s coverage of An Thi received the Robert Capa Gold Medal from the Overseas Press Club.Lính c?u th??ng Thomas Cole, ng??i t? thành ph? Richmond bang Virginia, ng??c nhìn lên v?i m?t m?t kh?ng b? b?ng khi anh này ti?p t?c ch?a tr? cho Th??ng s? Harrison Pell, ng??i t? thành ph? Hazleton, bang Pennsylvania trong m?t tr?n giao tranh ngày 30/1/1966. B?c ?nh này ???c ??ng trang bìa t?p chí Life ngày 11/2/1966 và nh?ng b?c ?nh c?a Henry Huet v? tr?n ?ánh ? An Thi giành ???c gi?i Vàng Robert Capa t? C?u l?c b? Báo chí n??c ngoài.Henri Huet – H?ng th?ng t?n AP27027_ The body of a U.S. paratrooper killed in action in the jungle near the Cambodian border is lifted up to an evacuation helicopter in War Zone C, May 14, 1966. The zone, encompassing the city of Tay Ninh and the surrounding area north of Saigon, was the site of the North Vietnamese army’s headquarters in South Vietnam. Xác c?a m?t lính dù M? b? ch?t trong m?t tr?n ?ánh trong r?ng g?n biên gi?i Campuchia ???c kéo lên tr?c th?ng trong khu v?c chi?n tranh C ngày 14/5/1966. Khu C này bao g?m thành ph? T?y Ninh và khu v?c l?n c?n b?c Sài Gòn là n?i ??u n?o c?a qu?n gi?i phóng mi?n Nam Vi?t Nam ? Nam Vi?t Nam.Henri Huet – H?ng th?ng t?n AP28028_ Marines scatter as a CH-46 “Sea Knight” helicopter burns in the background after being shot down by the North Vietnamese army in the bivouac area of a Marine unit about a mile south of the DMZ, July 15, 1966. Th?y qu?n l?c chi?n ch?y toán lo?n khi m?t máy bay tr?c th?ng CH-46 b?c cháy sau khi b? qu?n gi?i phóng mi?n Nam Vi?t Nam b?n h? trong khu v?c ?óng tr?i c?a m?t ??n v? Th?y qu?n l?c chi?n cách khu v?c phi qu?n s? DMZ kho?ng 1.6 km v? phía Nam ngày 15/7/1966.Horst Faas – H?ng th?ng t?n AP29029_ Paratrooper Sgt. James R. Cone of Clarksville, Tennessee, holds a puppy that nipped him as he groped about in a cave entrance on a riverbank in Lam Dong Province, July 24, 1966. At left is Pfc. George R. Rosen of Whitehall, Montana. Troops of the 173rd Airborne Brigade were searching for North Vietnamese army guerrillas in the caves, but the men had fled, leaving only women and children— and one dog. Trung s? dù James R. Cone, ng??i t? thành ph? Clarksville bang Tennessee, c?m m?t con chó con trên tay khi anh này dò d?m trong c?a c?a m?t hang t?i m?t b? s?ng t?i t?nh L?m ??ng ngày 24/7/1966. Phía bên trái là binh nh?t George R. Rosen, ng??i t? thành ph? Whitehall, bang Montana. Lính c?a L? ?oàn Kh?ng v?n 173 ?ang tìm ki?m du kích qu?n gi?i phóng mi?n Nam Vi?t Nam trong các hang. Henri Huet – H?ng th?ng t?n AP30030_ Marines emerge from their foxholes south of the DMZ after a third night of fighting against North Vietnamese troops, September 1966. The helicopter at left was shot down when it came in to resupply the unit. Th?y qu?n l?c chi?n ra kh?i h?m trú ?n phía Nam khu phi qu?n s? DMZ sau ?êm th? ba ?ánh nhau v?i qu?n gi?i phóng mi?n Nam Vi?t Nam tháng 9/1966. Chi?c máy bay tr?c th?ng phía bên trái b? b?n h? khi t?i ti?p t? cho ??n v? Th?y qu?n l?c chi?n. Henri Huet – H?ng th?ng t?n AP31031_ A U.S. Marine corpsman tries to keep a seriously wounded buddy alive with chest compressions near the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) in mid-September 1966.! Several Marines were cut down when the lead platoon of Bravo Company, 1st Battalion, 26th Marine Regiment was attacked on a road about one mile south of the DMZ. This injured Marine later died.M?t lính Th?y qu?n l?c chi?n M? ?ang c? c?u s?ng m?t ??ng ??i b? th??ng n?ng g?n khu phi qu?n s? DMZ gi?a tháng 9 n?m 1966. M?t s? Th?y qu?n l?c chi?n b? ch?t khi ??i ??i tiên phong Bravo, Ti?u ?oàn 1, Trung ?oàn Th?y qu?n l?c chi?n s? 26 b? t?n c?ng trên m?t qu?c l? cách khu phi qu?n s? DMZ kho?ng 1.6 km v? phía Nam. Ng??i lính Th?y qu?n l?c chi?n b? th??ng này sau ?ó ?? ch?t.?nh t? li?u – H?ng th?ng t?n AP32032_ Spec. 4 Ruediger Richter of Columbus, Georgia, watches the sky for a medevac helicopter that has been signaled by a smoke grenade in a jungle clearing in Long Khanh Province, October 1966. Sgt. Daniel E. Spencer of Bend, Oregon, stands by the ponchowrapped body of Pfc. Daryl R. Corfman, of Sycamore, Ohio, who was killed by mortar fire. All three men were serving with the 4th Battalion, 503rd Infantry Regiment, 173rd Airborne Brigade. Richter, a former French Foreign Legionnaire, survived the war. Spencer was killed in action with the 1st Special Forces in November 1968. H? s? Ruediger Richter, ng??i t? thành ph? Columbus, bang Georgia, nhìn lên tr?i tìm ki?m m?t máy bay tr?c th?ng c?u th??ng, ???c báo hi?u b?i l?u ??n khói trong khu r?ng ?? ???c phát quang t?i t?nh Long Khánh tháng 10/1966. Trung s? Daniel E. Spencer, thu?c thành ph? Bend, Bang Oregon, ??ng c?nh xác ???c cu?n trong bao c?a binh nh?t Daryl R. Corfman, thu?c thành ph? Sycamore, Bang Ohio, ng??i b? ch?t trong tr?n pháo kích. T?t c? ba ng??i này ph?c v? trong ti?u ?oàn 4, Trung ?oàn b? binh 503, L? ?oàn Kh?ng v?n 173. Richter, c?u lính Lê d??ng Pháp, s?ng sót sau cu?c chi?n. Spencer b? ch?t khi chi?n ??u cùng L?c l??ng ??c bi?t tháng 11/1968.Binh nh?t Paul Epley thu?c L? ?oàn 173 – H?ng th?ng t?n AP33033_ A soldier positioned over his rifle protects a wounded comrade as they crouch in thick mud during a battle near Phuoc Vinh, mid-June 1967, while another soldier peers over a log. In thirty minutes of fighting, six men were killed and twelve wounded from B Company, 1st Battalion, 16th Infantry Regiment, 1st Division. M?t ng??i lính v?i súng tr??ng b?o v? m?t ??ng ??i b? th??ng khi hai ng??i này bò trong bùn trong m?t tr?n giao tranh g?n Ph??c V?nh gi?a tháng 6/1967 trong khi m?t ng??i lính khác nhìn trên khúc g?. Trong tr?n ?ánh kéo dài 30 phút, sáu lính c?a ??i ??i B, Ti?u ?oàn 1, Trung ?oàn b? binh 16, S? ?oàn 1, b? gi?t và 12 b? th??ng. Henri Huet – H?ng th?ng t?n AP34034_ A 1st Cavalry Division soldier throws a rice basket onto the flames as his unit sweeps through a village near Tam Ky, 350 miles northeast of Saigon, October 27, 1967.! A peasant woman had tried to salvage the basket from the burning house, but U.S. troops were intent on destroying anything that might be of value to the North Vietnamese army.! M?t lính thu?c S? ?oàn K? binh s? 1 ném m?t thúng g?o vào l?a trong khi ??n v? c?a anh này càn qua m?t làng ? Tam K?, cách Sài Gòn 560 km v? phía ??ng B?c ngày 27/10/1967. M?t ph? n? n?ng d?n ?? c? g?ng c?u thúng g?o t? c?n nhà ?ang cháy, nh?ng lính M? ch? ??nh tiêu h?y t?t c? nh?ng gì có th? có giá tr? v?i qu?n gi?i phóng mi?n Nam Vi?t Nam Dang Van Phuoc – H?ng th?ng t?n AP35035_ A North Vietnamese army suspect is questioned at gunpoint by a police officer at Tam Ky, November 1967.! The M16 rifle is held by a U.S. soldier during an operation of the 101st Airborne Division, which was searching villages of the coastal plains for suspected North Vietnamese army enclaves. M?t ng??i b? tình nghi là qu?n gi?i phóng mi?n Nam Vi?t Nam ?ang b? tra kh?o d??i h?ng súng tr??ng M16 do m?t lính M? c?m trong chi?n d?ch c?a S? ?oàn Kh?ng v?n 101, ??n v? ti?n hành tìm ki?m các làng m?c t?i các cánh ??ng ven bi?n ?? tìm ra n?i b? tình nghi là n?i ?n náu c?a Qu?n ??i nh?n d?n Vi?t Nam (t?i Tam K? tháng 11/1967).?nh t? li?u – H?ng th?ng t?n AP36036_Troops of the 1st Infantry Division patrol in a cemetery outside the perimeter of the Bu Dop Special Forces camp, early December 1967.One cross has been knocked down by mortar fire and anotherpockmarked by small arms fire. The cemetery marked the farthestpenetration by the guerrillas before they were driven off by Americanand South Vietnamese defenders.Lính S? ?oàn 1 b? binh tu?n tra trong m?t ngh?a trang phía ngoài Tr?i c?a l?c l??ng ??c bi?t Bù ??p ??u tháng 12/1967. M?t c?y thánh giá b? ?? do ??n pháo và m?t c?y khác b? l? ch? v?t ??n. Ngh?a trang này ?ánh d?u s? x?m nh?p xa nh?t c?a qu?n gi?i phóng mi?n Nam Vi?t Nam tr??c khi b? l?c l??ng M? và Nam Vi?t Nam ??y lùi. Horst Faas– H?ng th?ng t?n AP37037_ Gen. Nguyen Ngoc Loan, South Vietnamese chief of the national police, fires his pistol into the head of suspected North Vietnamese army official Nguyen Van Lem on a Saigon street early in the Tet Offensive, February 1, 1968. This photograph by Eddie Adams received the 1969 Pulitzer Prize for Spot News Photography.T??ng Nguy?n Ng?c Loan, T?ng tr??ng C?nh sát Vi?t Nam C?ng hòa, dùng súng l?c b?n vào ??u c?a Nguy?n V?n Lém, ng??i b? tình nghi là quan ch?c qu?n gi?i phóng mi?n Nam Vi?t Nam trên m?t ???ng ph? Sài Gòn vào ??u cu?c T?ng t?n c?ng T?t M?u Th?n ngày 1/1/1968. B?c ?nh này c?a Eddie Adams giành ???c gi?i Pulitzer cho ?nh th?i s? n?m 1969.Eddie Adams – H?ng th?ng t?n AP38038_ With a hillside obscured by smoke in the background, a U.S. soldier lends a helping hand to an aged Vietnamese woman who grew tired as she and her neighbors were being resettled from their village to a refugee camp, January 5, 1968. M?t lính M? giúp m?t c? già, ?m y?u khi bà và nh?ng ng??i hàng xóm ph?i di d?i kh?i làng c?a h? t?i ?p chi?n l??c ngày 5/1/1968. Phía xa xa r?ng núi b? khói che m?.Dang Van Phuoc – H?ng th?ng t?n AP39039_ With dead U.S. soldiers in the foreground, military police take cover behind a wall at the entrance to the U.S. Embassy in Saigon on the second day of the Tet Offensive, January 31, 1968. Early in the morning, a fifteen-man North Vietnamese army squad blew a hole in the high masonry wall surrounding the compound and gained access to the grounds. The guerrillas were beaten back after several hours, but the mere fact they had penetrated that far gave them a striking propaganda victory in the eyes of the American public. V?i xác lính M? phía tr??c, qu?n c?nh trú sau b?c t??ng t?i c?a vào c?a ??i s? quán M? t?i Sài Gòn trong ngày th? hai c?a cu?c T?ng t?n c?ng T?t M?u Th?n ngày 31/1/1968. Sáng s?m h?m ?ó, m?t ti?u ??i 15 ng??i c?a qu?n gi?i phóng mi?n Nam Vi?t Nam ?ánh bom t?o m?t l? h?ng c?a b?c t??ng cao bao quanh khu?n viên tòa nhà và vào ???c phía trong. Qu?n gi?i phóng mi?n Nam Vi?t Nam sau ?ó b? ?ánh lui sau vài gi? ??ng h?, nh?ng ch? v?i s? th?t là h? ?? ??t nh?p t?i ?ó ?? t?o cho h? th?ng l?i v? tuyên truy?n trong con m?t c?a c?ng chúng M? Hong Seong-Chan – H?ng th?ng t?n AP40040_ Marines transport their seriously wounded atop a U.S. Army tank through the streets of Hue toward a helicopter evacuation point, February 17, 1968. Th?y qu?n l?c chi?n ch? nh?ng ??ng ??i b? th??ng n?ng trên m?t chi?c xe t?ng M? qua nh?ng ???ng ph? c?a Hu? t?i ch? s? tán b?ng tr?c th?ng ngày 17/2/1968. ?nh t? li?u – H?ng th?ng t?n AP41041_ President Lyndon Johnson in the White House Cabinet Room, working on a speech that would shock the nation when he announced, “I shall not seek and I will not accept the nomination of my party as your president,” March 30, 1968. In the speech, delivered the following night, Johnson also announced that the United States was scaling back its bombing of North Vietnam in hopes of spurring peace talks. T?ng th?ng Lyndon Johnson t?i phòng h?p N?i các trong Nhà Tr?ng ?ang chu?n b? bài di?n v?n làm cho c? n??c b?t ng? khi ?ng tuyên b? “T?i s? kh?ng ra tranh c? và t?i s? kh?ng nh?n ?? c? ?ng c? viên T?ng th?ng c?a ??ng c?a t?i” ngày 30/3/1968. Trong di?n v?n ???c ??c t?i sau ?ó, Johnson c?ng tuyên b? r?ng M? gi?m ném bom mi?n B?c Vi?t Nam v?i hy v?ng thúc ??y ?àm phán hòa bình. Bob Daugherty – H?ng th?ng t?n AP42042_ As fellow troopers aid wounded comrades, a paratrooper of A Company, 101st Airborne Division, guides a medevac helicopter through the jungle foliage to pick up casualties suffered during a five-day patrol near Hue, April 1968Khi nh?ng ng??i lính khác ?ang tr? giúp cho ??ng ??i b? th??ng, m?t ng??i lính dù c?a ??i ??i A, S? ?oàn Kh?ng v?n 101 ch? d?n m?t máy bay tr?c th?ng c?u th??ng qua khu r?ng ?? ?ón nh?ng lính b? th??ng trong cu?c tu?n tra kéo dài 5 ngày g?n Hu? vào tháng 4/1968 Art Greenspon – H?ng th?ng t?n AP43043_ A shirtless 1st Cavalryman sets up a mortar at his unit’s patrol base in the A Shau Valley during Operation Delaware, late April 1968. A helicopter, downed by North Vietnamese antiaircraft fire, lies at right, while men clear away brush in the background. Delaware was the first major operation in two years in the supply area held by the North Vietnamese twenty-five miles west of Hue. M?t ng??i lính k? binh kh?ng m?c áo l?p ??t kh?u pháo t?i c?n c? tu?n tra c?a ??n v? anh ta ? thung l?ng A S?u trong chi?n d?ch Delaware cu?i tháng 4 n?m 1968. M?t chi?c tr?c th?ng b? h?a l?c qu?n gi?i phóng mi?n Nam Vi?t Nam b?n h?, n?m phía bên ph?i trong khi nh?ng ng??i khác d?n b?i c?y phía sau. Delaware là chi?n d?ch l?n ??u tiên trong hai n?m trong khu v?c cung c?p do qu?n gi?i phóng mi?n Nam Vi?t Nam n?m gi? cách Hu? 40 km v? phía T?y. Dang Van Phuoc – H?ng th?ng t?n AP44044_ Antiwar protesters carrying North Vietnamese army flags swarm over a statue of Civil War Gen. John Logan in Chicago’s Grant Park on the opening day of the Democratic National Convention, August 26, 1968. Demonstrators clashed violently with police during the convention, which chose Vice President Humphrey as the party’s presidential nominee. He would lose to Richard M. Nixon in November. Nh?ng ng??i ph?n ??i chi?n tranh mang c? M?t tr?n d?n t?c gi?i phóng mi?n Nam Vi?t Nam tràn lên t??ng N?i chi?n T??ng John Logan ? C?ng viên Grant ? Thành ph? Chicago trong ngày khai m?c ??i h?i ??ng D?n ch? ngày 26/8/1968. Nh?ng ng??i bi?u tình ??ng ?? v?i c?nh sát trong th?i gian ??i h?i n?i Phó T?ng th?ng Humphrey ???c ?? c? làm ?ng viên T?ng th?ng. ?ng này sau ?ó ?? thua Richard Nixon trong cu?c b?u c?. ?nh t? li?u – H?ng th?ng t?n AP45045_ A six-foot-five machine gunner with the U.S. 9th Infantry Division is submerged except for his rifle as he crosses a muddy stream in the Mekong Delta south of Saigon, September 10, 1968. M?t ng??i lính cao h?n 2 mét c?a S? ?oàn b? binh s? 9 ng?p trong n??c tr? kh?u súng tr??ng c?a anh ta khi anh này v??t qua m?t con s?ng ? ??ng b?ng S?ng C?u Long, Nam Vi?t Nam ngày 10/9/1968. Henri Huet – H?ng th?ng t?n AP46046_North Vietnamese prisoners are led away while South Vietnamese Rangers assault enemy positions in the ruins of Gia Kien, a suburb of Bien Hoa, February 27, 1969. Tù binh qu?n gi?i phóng mi?n Nam Vi?t Nam b? d?n gi?i ?i trong c?nh hoang tàn c?a Gia Kiên, ngo?i thành Biên Hòa ngày 27/2/1969. Horst Faas – H?ng th?ng t?n AP47047_ A wounded paratrooper of the 101st Airborne Division is helped through a blinding rainstorm by two medics after being evacuated from Ap Bia Mountain during the brutal tenday battle for what came to be known as Hamburger Hill, May 1969. U.S. and South Vietnamese forces eventually dislodged the North Vietnamese from the hill, but forty-six Americans were killed in the fighting, and the 101st abandoned the position less than a month later. The operation touched off a firestorm of political controversy in the United States. M?t lính dù b? th??ng thu?c S? ?oàn Kh?ng v?n 101 ?ang ???c hai nh?n viên y t? dìu qua tr?n m?a l?n sau khi ???c s? tán t? núi ?p Bia trong tr?n ?ánh ác li?t kéo dài 10 ngày, tr?n ?ánh ???c bi?t ??n là ??i Th?t b?m tháng 5/1969. Chi?n d?ch này b?t ??u m?t c?n b?o tranh c?i chính tr? ? M?. Hugh Van Es – H?ng th?ng t?n AP48048_ A U.S. paratrooper wounded in the battle for Hamburger Hill grimaces in pain as he awaits medical evacuation at base camp near the Laotian border, May 19, 1969. M?t lính dù M? b? th??ng trong tr?n ?ánh ? ??i Th?t b?m cau m?t ?au ??n trong khi ch? ??i ???c c?u th??ng s? tán t?i m?t c?n c? g?n biên gi?i Lào ngày 19/5/1969.Hugh Van Es – H?ng th?ng t?n AP49049_ Marines move through a landing zone, December 1969. Th?y qu?n l?c chi?n di chuy?n qua vùng v?a ?? b? tháng 12/1969.?nh t? li?u – H?ng th?ng t?n AP50050_ Life magazine photographer Larry Burrows (far left) struggles through elephant grass and the rotor wash of an American evacuation helicopter as he helps GIs carry a wounded soldier on a stretcher from the jungle to the chopper in Mimot, Cambodia, May 4, 1970.! The evacuation came during the U.S. incursion into Cambodia. Burrows was killed on February 10, 1971, along with the photographer who took this picture, Henri Huet, and two other photojournalists—Kent Potter of UPI and Keisaburo Shimamoto for Newsweek—when their helicopter was shot down over Laos. For many of his contemporaries, Burrows was considered the dean of photojournalists in Vietnam. Phóng viên ?nh c?a T?p chí Life Larry Burrows (phía xa bên trái) c? ?i qua ?ám c? voi và s?c gió c?a cánh qu?t c?a máy bay tr?c th?ng M? khi ?ng giúp lính M? ??a m?t ng??i lính b? th??ng lên cáng ?? lên tr?c th?ng ? Mimot, Campuchia ngày 4/5/1970. Cu?c s? tán di?n ra trong m?t cu?c x?m nh?p c?a M? vào Campuchia. Burrows b? gi?t ngày 10/2/1971 cùng v?i ng??i phóng viên ?nh, ng??i ch?p b?c ?nh này là Henri Huet và hai phóng viên ?nh khác là Kent Potter c?a H?ng UPI và Keisaburo Shimamoto c?a T?p chí Newsweek khi máy bay tr?c th?ng c?a h? b? b?n r?i t?i Lào. ??i v?i nhi?u phóng viên ?nh cùng th? h?, Burrows ???c coi là phóng viên ?nh k? c?u nh?t c?a AP ? Vi?t Nam. Henri Huet – H?ng th?ng t?n AP51051_ GIs of the 3rd Brigade, 101st Airborne Division, launch into a rock session while surrounded by symbols of the war—wooden bunkers, helicopter, and sandbags— July 1970. The soldiers were dug in at Firebase Kathryn on a hill south of the DMZ. Lính M? thu?c L? ?oàn 3, S? ?oàn Kh?ng v?n 101 bi?n di?n nh?c Rock trong khi bao quanh b?i các hình t??ng chi?n tranh nh? boongke g?, máy bay tr?c th?ng và bao cát tháng 7/1970. Nh?ng ng??i lính này ? c?n c? Firebase Kathryn trên m?t qu? ??i phía nam khu phi qu?n s? DMZ. Giancarlo Meyer – H?ng th?ng t?n AP52052_ Severely burned in an aerial napalm attack, children run screaming for help down Route 1 near Trang Bang, followed by soldiers of the South Vietnamese army’s 25th Division, June 8, 1972. Nineyear- old Kim Phuc (center) had ripped off her burning clothes while fleeing. The other children (from left) are her brothers Phan Thanh Tam, who lost an eye, and Phan Thanh Phuoc, and her cousins Ho Van Bon and Ho Thi Ting. This photograph by Nick Ut received the 1973 Pulitzer Prize for Spot News Photography.B? b?ng n?ng trong cu?c t?n c?ng b?ng bom Napalm, tr? em ch?y gào thét kêu c?u d?c ???ng 1 g?n Tr?ng Bàng, phía sau là lính c?a S? ?oàn 25 c?a Vi?t Nam C?ng hòa ngày 8/6/1972. C? bé Kim Phúc, 9 tu?i, (? gi?a) ?? c?i qu?n áo b? cháy trong khi ch?y tr?n. Nh?ng tr? em khác (t? trái) là anh c?a c? Phan Thanh T?m, ng??i b? m?t m?t m?t và Phan Thanh Ph??c và anh em h? H? V?n B?n và H? Th? Ting. B?c ?nh này c?a Nick Ut ?? giành ???c gi?i Pulitzer cho ?nh th?i s? n?m 1973.Nick Ut – H?ng th?ng t?n AP53053_ Carrying a North Vietnamese army flag, guerrillas cross open rice paddies while patrolling near the village of Binh Phu, February 1973. Although fighting had eased in the wake of the cease-fire, guerrilla patrols continued in the village, fifty miles southwest of Saigon. Qu?n gi?i phóng mi?n Nam Vi?t Nam mang c? M?t tr?n d?n t?c gi?i phóng mi?n Nam Vi?t Nam ?i qua cánh ??ng lúa khi tu?n tra g?n làng Bình Phú tháng 2/1973. M?c dù ?ánh nhau gi?m ?i v?i th?a thu?n ng?ng b?n, vi?c Qu?n gi?i phóng mi?n Nam Vi?t Nam tu?n tra v?n ti?p t?c trong làng cách Sài Gòn 80 km v? phía T?y Nam. ?nh t? li?u – H?ng th?ng t?n AP54054_ Lt. Col. Robert L. Stirm is greeted by his family at Travis Air Force Base in Fairfield, California, as he returns home from Vietnam after five and a half years as a prisoner of war, March 17, 1973. In the lead is Stirm’s daughter Lori, fifteen, followed by son Robert, fourteen; daughter Cynthia, eleven; wife, Loretta; and son Roger, twelve. (Although the photo captured the nation’s euphoria at the release of the POWs, the family’s own story was not as happy. Stirm already knew that his wife was filing for divorce, and their marriage ended bitterly the following year). This photograph by Sal Veder received the 1974 Pulitzer Prize for Feature Photography.Trung tá Robert L. Stirm ???c gia ?ình chào ?ón t?i c?n c? kh?ng qu?n Travis ? Fairfield, bang California khi ?ng tr? v? nhà ngày 17/3/1973 sau 5.5 n?m b? b?t làm tù binh. Ng??i ??ng ??u là con gái c?a Stirm Lori, 15 tu?i, sau là con trai Robert, 14 tu?i, con gái Cynthia, 11 tu?i, v? Loretta và con trai Roger, 12 tu?i. (M?c dù b?c ?nh ghi l?i c?nh ph?n ch?n c?a n??c M? v?i vi?c các tù binh ???c th?, nh?ng c?u chuy?n c?a gia ?ình này thì kh?ng vui v? chút nào. Stirm ?? bi?t r?ng v? ?ng ?? ?? ??n ly h?n và cu?c h?n nh?n c?a h? ?? k?t thúc trong cay ??ng n?m sau ?ó). B?c ?nh này c?a Sal Veder giành gi? Pulitzer cho ?nh phóng s? n?m 1974.Sal Veder – H?ng th?ng t?n AP55055_ A cargo net lifts refugees from a barge onto the SS Pioneer Contender for evacuation from Da Nang, March 30, 1975. It took eight hours for the freighter to load some six thousand people. L??i hàng c?u ng??i t? n?n t? m?t xà lan lên tàu SS Pioneer Contender ?? s? tán kh?i ?à N?ng ngày 30/3/1975. Ph?i m?t 8 ti?ng cho tàu hàng này ??a kho?ng 6.000 ng??i lên tàu. Peter O’Loughlin – H?ng th?ng t?n AP56056_ A U.S. civilian pilot in the aircraft doorway tries to maintain order as South Vietnamese civilians scramble to get aboard during evacuation of the coastal town of Nha Trang, April 1, 1975. Thousands of civilians and soldiers fought for space on any available aircraft to Saigon following the fall of Qui Nhon, farther to the north. M?t phi c?ng d?n d?ng M? ? c?a máy bay tr?c th?ng c? gi? tr?t t? khi hàng ngàn s? quan, binh lính Vi?t Nam C?ng hòa và ng??i th?n c? lên máy bay trong cu?c di t?n ? thành ph? bi?n Nha Trang ngày 1/4/1975. Dang Van Phuoc – H?ng th?ng t?n AP57057_ In the last, chaotic hours of the Vietnam War, U.S. Navy personnel aboard the USS Blue Ridge push a helicopter into the sea to make room on deck for more evacuation flights from Saigon, April 29, 1975. Trong nh?ng gi? phút cu?i cùng h?n lo?n c?a cu?c chi?n tranh Vi?t Nam, nh?n viên h?i qu?n M? trên tàu SS Blue Ridge ??y m?t chi?c tr?c th?ng xu?ng bi?n ?? l?y ch? cho các chuy?n bay di t?n kh?i Sài Gòn ngày 29/4/1975. ?nh t? li?u – H?ng th?ng t?n AP58058_ A tank filled with soldiers of the Provisional Revolutionary Government pushes through the gates of the presidential palace in Saigon following the surrender of the South Vietnamese government. M?t chi?c xe t?ng v?i b? ??i c?a Chính ph? Cách m?ng L?m th?i ti?n qua c?ng c?a dinh T?ng th?ng ? Sài Gòn sau khi chính ph? Vi?t Nam C?ng hòa ??u hàng. Frances Starner – H?ng th?ng t?n AP ................

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