Teaching Programme - Microsoft


Yazoo 2

Teaching Programme

Primary Education

Primary Second


Starter UNIT

Welcome to our zoo!

Alphabet Aa-Zz

Numbers 1-20



BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation

▪ Participate in oral interactions:

- Identify and say introductory phrases.

- Identify and say names of characters.

- Identify and say alphabet letter sounds and names.

- Identify and say numbers 1-20.

- Identify and say names of colours.

- Sing songs.

- Ask and answer questions.

▪ Understand simple oral texts within the classroom's context:

- Recognise the characters.

- Introduce themselves and ask simple introductory questions.

- Recognise the letters and sounds of the alphabet (Aa-Zz).

- Recognise the numbers 1-20.

- Recognise the names of colours.

- Understand a song about numbers using visual prompts.

- Understand and answer questions.

BLOCK 2. Reading and writing

▪ Read simple words and phrases – Pre-reading activities (Optional):

- Be able to read the letters of the alphabet (Aa-Zz).

- Be able to read the numbers from 1 to 20 as digits and words.

- Be able to read vocabulary about colours.

- Be able to read vocabulary about the characters.

- Follow the text of a song.

▪ Write simple words and phrases- Pre-writing activities (Optional):

- Be able to write their names.

- Be able to write the letters of the alphabet in upper or lower case.

- Be able to trace, copy and complete the vocabulary of the unit.

- Be able to write the numbers 1-20 as digits and words.

BLOCK 3. Knowledge of the language.

▪ Identify, apply and use the vocabulary of the unit:

-Greetings: Hello! Hi! Goodbye!

Character names: Trumpet, Chatter, Karla, Patty, Tag, Sally, Vicky, Rob

-Zoo vocabulary: elephant, monkey, kangaroo, penguin, tiger, keeper.

-Alphabet: alphabet words apple to zebra.

-Numbers: 1-20 as digits and words.

-Colours: red, blue, green, black, yellow, white, grey, purple, orange, pink, brown.

▪ Understand and apply grammar rules correctly.

Language structures:

-Introductory phrases: How are you? I’m fine, thank you, What’s your name? My name’s…

Receptive language:


▪ Recognise and reproduce sounds, rhythm, stress and intonation:

- Chant to practice the alphabet sounds

▪ Develop effective language-learning practices.

- Use prior knowledge.

- Follow instructions

- Remember new words.

- Logical thinking: sequence of alphabet letters (Aa-Zz), numbers from 1-20.

- Reflect on their own work and self-evaluate themselves at the end of the Unit.

BLOCK 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

▪ Recognise and learn basic forms of social interactions in a foreign language.

- Greet and say goodbye in English.

- Learn a version of a traditional game (Bingo).

- Take care of belongings.

- Help each other.

- Appreciate individuality.

- Work together.

▪ Show a receptive attitude towards those who speak a different language than their own.

▪ Learning about the language, lifestyle and culture of English-speaking world.

BLOCK 5. Literacy Education

• Enjoy literacy by reading books of reference and of own selection and other audiovisual artistic fields like theatre, television, radio and movies, in order to understand the world and human condition, for language enrichment and aesthetic sensibility.


BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation

▪ Listen and understand oral expressions with different levels of complexity like instructions and explanations, oral interactions or recordings with visual support and been able to get detailed information within context.

▪ Oral interactions in real and pretend situations giving verbal and non-verbal responses of their choice from a selection in context and progressively with less guidance.

▪ Produce known oral texts previously through active participation in songs, presentations, role plays, recitals, guided interactions or through work prepared with a model and help, showing interest to express themselves orally in individual and group activities.

▪ Develop basic strategies to understand oral expression: use visual context, non-verbal communication, and previous knowledge about the topic of the unit and transfer them to a real situation using the foreign language.

▪ Value a foreign language as a tool for communication.

BLOCK 2. Reading and writing

▪ Reading and understanding different types of texts, in digital and in paper, adapted to the linguistic competence of the student, using general and specific information, in order to complete an activity or for reading enjoyment. .

▪ Guided use of reading strategies (using elements from visual contexts and previous knowledge about the topic or familiar situations), identifying the most relevant information, inferring the meaning of the words and common expressions.

▪ Reading and writing their own texts of daily life situations close to their own experience; invitations, greeting cards, brochures, notes...

▪ Compositions using a model, of a variety of simple texts, using expressions and phrases with multiple purposes.

▪ Using technology to read, write and share information.

▪ Show interest in the care and presentation of written work.

BLOCK 3. Knowledge of the language.

3.1. Linguistic knowledge

▪ Begin to recognise and reproduce the sounds, rhythm, stress and intonation.

- Sounds of letters of the alphabet A-Z.

▪ Identify and use the lexical terms:

Greetings: Hello! Hi! Goodbye!

Character names: Trumpet, Chatter, Karla, Patty, Tag, Sally, Vicky, Rob

Zoo vocabulary: elephant, monkey, kangaroo, penguin, tiger, keeper.

Alphabet: alphabet words apple to zebra.

Numbers: 1-20 as digits and words.

Colours: red, blue, green, black, yellow, white, grey, purple, orange, pink, brown.

▪ Understand and apply grammar rules correctly.

-Introductory phrases: How are you? I’m fine, thank you, what’s your name? My name’s…

▪ Associate global writing, pronunciation and meaning from written examples.

▪ Get familiar with the use of basic strategies of the production of written texts based on a model: chose the addressee, the purpose and content.

▪ Interest and curiosity in widening knowledge related to the English language in different situations.

3.2. Reflection on learning.

▪ Develop effective language-learning practices.

- Use prior knowledge.

- Follow instructions

- Use the skills of observation.

- Remember new words.

- Flexible thinking.

- Play a game.

- Reflect on their own work and self-evaluate themselves at the end of the Unit.

BLOCK 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

▪ Recognise and learn basic forms of social interactions in a foreign language.

▪ Show a receptive attitude towards those who speak a different language than their own.

▪ Interdisciplinary contents:

- Maths: To count, do simple addition sums.

- Social Studies: school life.

- Arts and music: sing a song about the characters/numbers/letters of the alphabet/colours, chant, draw.

- Linguistic abilities: reading and interpretation of a song.

BLOCK 5. Literacy Education

Oral and written text production:

Dialogue reproduction

A chant: Alphabet (PB pages 6-7).

A song: I love our zoo! (PB page 5) Numbers (PB page 8) Colours (PB page 10)


Linguistic competence

All sections and activities of the Unit contribute to the development of the communication aspect of the linguistic competence, especially the activities:

▪ Listen and chant (Alphabet), Listen and sing (‘I love our zoo!’)

▪ Play a game (Bingo).

Mathematical competence

Mathematical competence consists in the ability to use and relate numbers, basic number operations, symbols, and mathematical thinking. Also, the use and knowledge of basic Maths skills and concepts (different types of numbers, measurements, symbols, geometry concepts, among others).

This competence is developed in the Unit through:

- Count, Identify and use vocabulary about numbers.

- Do simple addition sums using numbers 1-20.

Competence in knowledge and interaction with the physical world

Part of this competence is the awareness of the physical space; it's social interactions and human activities and abilities to interact in it.

- Show respect to others and themselves.

- Perceive and interact with the physical space throughout the knowledge of cross-curricular lessons and interdisciplinary sections: Poster projects with stickers, cross-curricular worksheets.

- Social Studies: learning about classroom items, what and where they belong.

Data processing and digital competence

• Use means of information and situations of diverse types of communication to combine communication and reading skills:

- Stickers, cut-out, etc (connect visual and text information)

▪ Look at pictures as a mean of information.

▪ Interpret and process information from tables and pictures.

- Cloze procedure (order letters/numbers).

▪ Practice and get familiar with a variety of digital competences and information throughout the course applying the components of the methods:

- Active Teach for Interactive Whiteboards -(interactive PB and AB, audio material, digital flashcards, word cards and story cards, extra activities, interdisciplinary digital posters, Reader, interactive games, download PDF section with printables, tests, videos with real characters related to the Unit, Interactive board games, a version available as a PDF with Worksheets to copy, tests, etc).

- Active Book (an Active Teach version to use at home).

- Class Audio CDs.


- Course web page

Interpersonal, social and civil competence

This competence relates to building basic essential communication skills and learning to interact with others in an appropriate manner, regardless of their background. Also, understanding how to express opinions appropriately and knowing how to behave in familiar situations of negotiation and transaction.

This competence is developed through the knowledge of different interdisciplinary sections related to the unit:

- Understand dialogues and communication exchanges.

- Socialise and participate in classroom activities, playing and following classroom rules, in pairs and in groups: Play a game (PB, page 9).

- Learn to participate and collaborate with peers, singing the songs of the unit:

▪ Learning a language implies the knowledge of the cultural aspects tied to those who speak it. History always refers to different social aspects and democratic values of a society.

▪ This competence is developed through interdisciplinary sections related to the theme of the Unit.

- Learn codes of conduct and help others.

Interpersonal, social and civic competences have as an objective learning to communicate with others with understanding.

Cultural and artistic competence

This competence is developed in the Unit through the following activities:

▪ Sing songs, rhymes and chants:

▪ A chant: Alphabet Aa-Zz (PB pages 6-7).

▪ A song: I love our zoo (PB page 5) Numbers 1-20 (PB page 8) Colours (PB page 10).

Cultural and artistic competence has as an objective the development and value of the imagination, initiative and creativity.

Learning to learn competence

Learning to learn competence objective is for students to reflect on what they are learning and how they are learning it, motivating them to use their own abilities and to be conscious of their learning processes and able to evaluate their own learning. This competence is developed in lesson 2 of ‘Colours’.

Autonomy and personal initiative

Autonomy and personal initiative has as an objective the development of one's own criteria and foster social values like respect, cooperation, and teamwork. This competence is practice through different activities through the three lessons of the unit.

Emotional Competence

An emotional competence is about the ability to understand and control emotions, to be aware of others emotions and feelings and establishes positive relations with others. The competence aims to help students to be better and happier person who approaches life in a positive manner personally and socially.

This competence is mastered when the student is able to approach any activity taking risks in a responsible manner, establishing positive relations with others. This implies the development and empowerment of personal self-esteem, trusting in themselves and their possibilities.

- Express feelings and emotions: in all dialogues and communications. (PB, pages 4-11)

- Dancing and movement (Sing ‘I love our zoo!).

- Overcome inhibitions through songs and music: Sing songs and chants:

-A chant: Alphabet Aa-Zz (PB pages 6-7).

-Songs: I love our zoo (PB page 5) Numbers 1-20 (PB page 8) Colours (PB page 10).

This competence is developed across the six lessons of the Unit.


Extra-practice and extension activities

▪ Pupils Book (Pages 4-11):

- Pre-reading and pre-writing activities.

▪ Active Book; activities and interactive games to practice for language practice:

- Flashcards, Word cards, posters, videos and Reader.

▪ Activity Book (Pages 2-5):

- Pre-reading and pre-writing activities.

▪ The Reader (in digital and print):

▪ Flashcards and Word cards (alphabet, colours).

▪ Story cards.

▪ Teacher’s Resource Materials:

- Worksheets to copy.

- Cross-curricular Worksheets.

- Mini Flashcards, Mini Word cards.

- Board game.

- Activities for the song.

- Interdisciplinary posters and stickers.

- Extra practice and challenging activities (for fast learners).

▪ Active Teach, activities and interacting games for language practice.


Formative Evaluation

Constant supervision during class.

Complete the numbered exercises. (PB pages 4-11).

Summative evaluation

Teachers Book: Round-up exercises. (TB pages 5-11).


Activity Book:

- Self-evaluation activities (Order letters, numbers).

Pupil’s Book:

- Flashcard activities (recognition of names of colours).

Evaluation criteria:

BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation

▪ Participate in oral interactions:

- Identify and say introductory phrases.

- Identify and say names of characters.

- Identify and say alphabet letter sounds and names.

- Identify and say numbers 1-20.

- Identify and say names of colours.

- Sing songs.

- Ask and answer questions.

▪ Understand simple oral texts within the classroom's context:

- Recognise the characters.

- Introduce themselves and ask simple introductory questions.

- Recognise the letters and sounds of the alphabet (Aa-Zz).

- Recognise the numbers 1-20.

- Recognise the names of colours.

- Understand a song about numbers using visual prompts.

- Understand and answer questions.

BLOCK 2. Reading and writing

▪ Read simple words and phrases – Pre-reading activities (Optional):

- Be able to read the letters of the alphabet (Aa-Zz).

- Be able to read the numbers from 1 to 20 as digits and words.

- Be able to read vocabulary about colours.

- Be able to read vocabulary about the characters.

- Follow the text of a song.

▪ Write simple words and phrases- Pre-writing activities (Optional):

- Be able to write their names.

- Be able to write the letters of the alphabet in upper or lower case.

- Be able to trace, copy and complete the vocabulary of the unit.

- Be able to write the numbers 1-20 as digits and words.

BLOCK 3. Knowledge of the language.

▪ Identify, apply and use the vocabulary of the unit:

-Greetings: Hello! Hi! Goodbye!

Character names: Trumpet, Chatter, Karla, Patty, Tag, Sally, Vicky, Rob

-Zoo vocabulary: elephant, monkey, kangaroo, penguin, tiger, keeper.

-Alphabet: alphabet words apple to zebra.

-Numbers: 1-20 as digits and words.

-Colours: red, blue, green, black, yellow, white, grey, purple, orange, pink, brown.

▪ Understand and apply grammar rules correctly.

Language structures:

-Introductory phrases: How are you? I’m fine, thank you, what’s your name? My name’s…

Receptive language:


▪ Recognise and reproduce sounds, rhythm, stress and intonation:

- Chant to practice the alphabet sounds

▪ Develop effective language-learning practices.

- Use prior knowledge.

- Follow instructions

- Remember new words.

- Logical thinking: sequence of alphabet letters (Aa-Zz), numbers from 1-20.

- Reflect on their own work and self-evaluate themselves at the end of the Unit.

BLOCK 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

▪ Recognise and learn basic forms of social interactions in a foreign language.

- Greet and say goodbye in English.

- Learn a version of a traditional game (Bingo).

- Take care of belongings.

- Help each other.

- Appreciate individuality.

- Work together.

▪ Show a receptive attitude towards those who speak a different language than their own.

▪ Learning about the language, lifestyle and culture of English-speaking world.

BLOCK 5. Literacy Education

• Enjoy literacy by reading books of reference and of own selection and other audiovisual artistic fields like theatre, television, radio and movies, in order to understand the world and human condition, for language enrichment and aesthetic sensibility.

UNIT 1: School things.

1a-It’s a school!

1b-Spell ‘octopus’.

1c-My classroom.


BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation

▪ Participate in oral interactions:

- Identify and say classroom language.

- Identify the correct picture.

- Talk about classroom objects.

- Sing a song (‘what’s this?’)

- Name characters.

- Ask and answer questions about the colour of objects.

▪ Understand simple oral texts within the classroom's context:

- Recognise the characters.

- Understand classroom language.

- Listen and colour.

- Understand a cartoon story using visual prompts.

- Understand and answer questions about the colour of objects.

BLOCK 2. Reading and writing

▪ Read simple words and phrases – Pre-reading activities (Optional):

- Be able to read the classroom vocabulary.

- Be able to read and understand descriptions of a classroom.

- Follow the text of a cartoon story.

▪ Write simple words and phrases- Pre-writing activities (Optional):

- Be able to identify full sentences.

- Be able to write about school things.

- Be able to trace, copy and complete the vocabulary of the unit.

BLOCK 3. Knowledge of the language.

▪ Identify, apply and use the vocabulary of the unit:

-School things: school, desk, bag, pencil case, pen, rubber, notebook.

▪ Understand and apply grammar rules correctly.

Language structures:

-Use a or an with nouns.

-It’s a/an…


-What colour is it?

-It’s (colour).

Receptive language:

-Look, Here’s your…

-Thank you.

-Please, very good.

-Spell ‘apple’.


-in (my bag).

Recycled Language:

-apple, umbrella, octopus, elephant.

-What’s this?

-What colour is it?

-Classroom objects.

-Alphabet words.


▪ Recognise and reproduce sounds, rhythm, stress and intonation:

-Stress and intonation for asking and answering questions.

-Sounds of letters when spelling simple words.

-Use of ‘an’ with words starting with vowels (a, e, I, o, u).

▪ Develop effective language-learning practices.

- Use prior knowledge.

- Follow instructions

- Remember new words.

- Logical thinking: patterns

- Reflect on their own work and self-evaluate themselves at the end of the Unit.

BLOCK 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

▪ Recognise and learn basic forms of social interactions in a foreign language.

- Greet and say goodbye in English.

- Learn a version of a traditional game.

- Take care of belongings.

- Help each other.

- Appreciate individuality.

- Work together.

▪ Show a receptive attitude towards those who speak a different language than their own.

▪ Learning about the language, lifestyle and culture of English-speaking world.

BLOCK 5. Literacy Education

• Enjoy literacy by reading books of reference and of own selection and other audiovisual artistic fields like theatre, television, radio and movies, in order to understand the world and human condition, for language enrichment and aesthetic sensibility.


BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation

▪ Listen and understand oral expressions with different levels of complexity like instructions and explanations, oral interactions or recordings with visual support and been able to get detailed information within context.

▪ Oral interactions in real and pretend situations giving verbal and non-verbal responses of their choice from a selection in context and progressively with less guidance.

▪ Produce known oral texts previously through active participation in songs, presentations, role plays, recitals, guided interactions or through work prepared with a model and help, showing interest to express themselves orally in individual and group activities.

▪ Develop basic strategies to understand oral expression: use visual context, non-verbal communication, and previous knowledge about the topic of the unit and transfer them to a real situation using the foreign language.

▪ Value a foreign language as a tool for communication.

BLOCK 2. Reading and writing

▪ Reading and understanding different types of texts, in digital and in paper, adapted to the linguistic competence of the student, using general and specific information, in order to complete an activity or for reading enjoyment. .

▪ Guided use of reading strategies (using elements from visual contexts and previous knowledge about the topic or familiar situations), identifying the most relevant information, inferring the meaning of the words and common expressions.

▪ Reading and writing their own texts of daily life situations close to their own experience; invitations, greeting cards, brochures, notes...

▪ Compositions using a model, of a variety of simple texts, using expressions and phrases with multiple purposes.

▪ Using technology to read, write and share information.

▪ Show interest in the care and presentation of written work.

BLOCK 3. Knowledge of the language.

3.1. Linguistic knowledge

▪ Begin to recognise and reproduce the sounds, rhythm, stress and intonation.

-Stress and intonation for asking and answering questions.

-Sounds of letters when spelling simple words.

-Use of ‘an’ with words starting with vowels (a, e, I, o, u).

▪ Identify and use the lexical terms:

-School things: school, desk, bag, pencil case, pen, rubber, notebook.

▪ Understand and apply grammar rules correctly.

-Use a or an with nouns.

-It’s a/an…


-What colour is it?

-It’s (colour).

▪ Associate global writing, pronunciation and meaning from written examples.

▪ Get familiar with the use of basic strategies of the production of written texts based on a model: chose the addressee, the purpose and content.

▪ Interest and curiosity in widening knowledge related to the English language in different situations.

3.2. Reflection on learning.

▪ Develop effective language-learning practices.

- Use prior knowledge.

- Follow instructions

- Use the skills of observation.

- Remember new words.

- Flexible thinking.

- Play a spelling game.

- Reflect on their own work and self-evaluate themselves at the end of the Unit.

BLOCK 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

▪ Recognise and learn basic forms of social interactions in a foreign language.

▪ Show a receptive attitude towards those who speak a different language than their own.

▪ Interdisciplinary contents:

- Maths: To count.

- Sciences:

- Social Studies: school life.

- Arts and music: sing a song, act, draw.

- Linguistic abilities: reading and interpretation of a cartoon story.

BLOCK 5. Literacy Education

Literacy genre:

Cartoon stories:

‘Yazoo school’ PB, page 12

‘Spell octopus’ PB page 14

Oral and written text production:

Dialogue reproduction

A song: Colours. PB, page 12. ‘What’s this? PB page 13.


Linguistic competence

All sections and activities of the Unit contribute to the development of the communication aspect of the linguistic competence, especially the activities:

▪ Listen and sing (PB page 13), Listen and say (PB page 13, 15).

▪ Play games (PB page 15, 17).

▪ Listen to the story. Then act out (TB page 12). Act out a story (TB page 14).

Mathematical competence

Mathematical competence consists in the ability to use and relate numbers, basic number operations, symbols, and mathematical thinking. Also, the use and knowledge of basic Maths skills and concepts (different types of numbers, measurements, symbols, geometry concepts, among others).

This competence is developed in the Unit through:

- Count, Identify and use vocabulary about numbers.

Competence in knowledge and interaction with the physical world

Part of this competence is the awareness of the physical space; it's social interactions and human activities and abilities to interact in it.

- Show respect to others and themselves:(Play games taking turns)

- Perceive and interact with the physical space throughout the knowledge of cross-curricular lessons and interdisciplinary sections: Poster projects with stickers, cross-curricular worksheets (AB page 97).

- Social Studies: learning about the places where things belong (classroom objects).

Data processing and digital competence

• Use means of information and situations of diverse types of communication to combine communication and reading skills:

- Stickers, cut-out, etc (connect visual and text information)

▪ Look at photographs as a mean of information: (Cross-curricular, (PB page 97).

▪ Interpret and process information from tables and pictures.

- Tick charts for each lesson.

▪ Practice and get familiar with a variety of digital competences and information throughout the course applying the components of the methods:

- Active Teach for Interactive Whiteboards -(interactive PB and AB, audio material, digital flashcards, word cards and story cards, extra activities, interdisciplinary digital posters, Reader, interactive games, download PDF section with printables, tests, videos with real characters related to the Unit, Interactive board games, a version available as a PDF with Worksheets to copy, tests, etc).

- Active Book (an Active Teach version to use at home).

- Class Audio CDs.


- Course web page

Interpersonal, social and civil competence

This competence relates to building basic essential communication skills and learning to interact with others in an appropriate manner, regardless of their background. Also, understanding how to express opinions appropriately and knowing how to behave in familiar situations of negotiation and transaction.

This competence is developed through the knowledge of different interdisciplinary sections related to the unit:

- Understand dialogues and communication exchanges.

- Socialise and participate in classroom activities, playing and following classroom rules, in pairs and in groups: Play a game, Unit 1b (PB, page 15) Unit 1b (PB page 17).

- Learn to participate and collaborate with peers, acting out the story of the unit: Cartoon stories (PB page 12, 14).

▪ Learning a language implies the knowledge of the cultural aspects tied to those who speak it. History always refers to different social aspects and democratic values of a society.

▪ This competence is developed through interdisciplinary sections related to the theme of the Unit.

- Learn codes of conduct and help others.

Interpersonal, social and civic competences have as an objective learning to communicate with others with understanding.

Cultural and artistic competence

This competence is developed in the Unit through the following activities:

▪ Sing songs, rhymes and chants:

▪ A song: What’s this? PB, page 13.

▪ Immerse in the English language and culture through reading and understanding a story: Cartoon stories (PB page 12, 14).

Cultural and artistic competence has as an objective the development and value of the imagination, initiative and creativity.

Learning to learn competence

Learning to learn competence objective is for students to reflect on what they are learning and how they are learning it, motivating them to use their own abilities and to be conscious of their learning processes and able to evaluate their own learning. This competence is developed in lesson 2 of the Unit 1c.

Autonomy and personal initiative

Autonomy and personal initiative has as an objective the development of one's own criteria and foster social values like respect, cooperation, and teamwork. This competence is practice through different activities through the six lessons of the unit.

Emotional Competence

An emotional competence is about the ability to understand and control emotions, to be aware of others emotions and feelings and establishes positive relations with others. The competence aims to help students to be better and happier person who approaches life in a positive manner personally and socially.

This competence is mastered when the student is able to approach any activity taking risks in a responsible manner, establishing positive relations with others. This implies the development and empowerment of personal self-esteem, trusting in themselves and their possibilities.

- Express feelings and emotions: in all dialogues and communications. (PB, pages 12-17), acting out a story: Cartoon stories (PB page 12, 14).

- Dancing and movement (Act out the story, PB page 12).

- Overcome inhibitions through songs and music: Sing songs and chants:

- A song: ‘what’s this? PB page 13

This competence is developed across the eight lessons of the Unit.


Extra-practice and extension activities

▪ Pupils Book (Unit 1 pages 12-17):

- Reference bar at the bottom of the page.

- Cut-outs. (For Lesson 6 of Unit 1c).

▪ Active Book; activities and interactive games to practice for language practice:

- Flashcards, Word cards, posters, videos and Reader.

▪ Activity Book (Pages 6-11):

- Pre-reading and pre-writing activities.

- Picture Dictionary with key vocabulary stickers. (AB page 90).

▪ The Reader (in digital and print):

▪ Story cards.

▪ Teacher’s Resource Materials:

- Worksheets to copy.

- Cross-curricular Worksheets.

- Mini Flashcards, Mini Word cards.

- Board game.

- Activities for the song.

- Interdisciplinary posters and stickers.

- Extra practice and challenging activities (for fast learners).

▪ Active Teach, activities and interacting games for language practice.


Formative Evaluation

Constant supervision during class.

Complete the numbered exercises. (PB pages 12-17).

Summative evaluation

Active Teach Resources section:

Unit Quiz


Active Teach Resources section:

‘I can do it!’ worksheet.

Activity Book:

- Self-evaluation activity at the end of the Unit (Lesson ‘What about you?’ page 11).

Evaluation criteria:

BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation

▪ Participate in oral interactions:

- Identify and say classroom language.

- Identify the correct picture.

- Talk about classroom objects.

- Sing a song (‘what’s this?’)

- Name characters.

- Ask and answer questions about the colour of objects.

▪ Understand simple oral texts within the classroom's context:

- Recognise the characters.

- Understand classroom language.

- Listen and colour.

- Understand a cartoon story using visual prompts.

- Understand and answer questions about the colour of objects.

BLOCK 2. Reading and writing

▪ Read simple words and phrases – Pre-reading activities (Optional):

- Be able to read the classroom vocabulary.

- Be able to read and understand descriptions of a classroom.

- Follow the text of a cartoon story.

▪ Write simple words and phrases- Pre-writing activities (Optional):

- Be able to identify full sentences.

- Be able to write about school things.

- Be able to trace, copy and complete the vocabulary of the unit.

BLOCK 3. Knowledge of the language.

▪ Identify, apply and use the vocabulary of the unit:

-School things: school, desk, bag, pencil case, pen, rubber, notebook.

▪ Understand and apply grammar rules correctly.

Language structures:

-Use a or an with nouns.

-It’s a/an…


-What colour is it?

-It’s (colour).

Receptive language:

-Look, Here’s your…

-Thank you.

-Please, very good.

-Spell ‘apple’.


-in (my bag).

Recycled Language:

-apple, umbrella, octopus, elephant.

-What’s this?

-What colour is it?

-Classroom objects.

-Alphabet words.


▪ Recognise and reproduce sounds, rhythm, stress and intonation:

-Stress and intonation for asking and answering questions.

-Sounds of letters when spelling simple words.

-Use of ‘an’ with words starting with vowels (a, e, I, o, u).

▪ Develop effective language-learning practices.

- Use prior knowledge.

- Follow instructions

- Remember new words.

- Logical thinking: patterns

- Reflect on their own work and self-evaluate themselves at the end of the Unit.

BLOCK 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

▪ Recognise and learn basic forms of social interactions in a foreign language.

- Greet and say goodbye in English.

- Learn a version of a traditional game.

- Take care of belongings.

- Help each other.

- Appreciate individuality.

- Work together.

▪ Show a receptive attitude towards those who speak a different language than their own.

▪ Learning about the language, lifestyle and culture of English-speaking world.

BLOCK 5. Literacy Education

• Enjoy literacy by reading books of reference and of own selection and other audiovisual artistic fields like theatre, television, radio and movies, in order to understand the world and human condition, for language enrichment and aesthetic sensibility.

UNIT 2: Birthday presents.

2a-Cars and dolls.

2b-That’s a robot!

2c-The frogs!

Social Science: Parts of the school.

Review 1.


BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation

▪ Participate in oral interactions:

- Identify and say vocabulary of the unit.

- Talk about birthdays and presents.

- Use vocabulary about people and places in a school.

- Mention classroom vocabulary.

- Sing songs.

- Name objects.

- Ask and answer questions with regular plurals.

▪ Understand simple oral texts within the classroom's context:

- Recognise the characters.

- Recognise vocabulary of the unit.

- Recognise and understand school vocabulary.

- Understand a story using visual prompts.

- Understand and answer questions about people, places and objects.

BLOCK 2. Reading and writing

▪ Read simple words and phrases – Pre-reading activities (Optional):

- Be able to read the numbers from 1 to 10.

- Be able to read vocabulary about birthdays.

- Be able to read vocabulary about people and places in a school.

- Follow the text of a cartoon story.

- Be able to read and identify information to answer questions.

▪ Write simple words and phrases- Pre-writing activities (Optional):

- Be able to write their names.

- Be able to write the numbers as digits and words.

- Be able to trace, copy and complete the vocabulary of the unit.

- Be able to write about your classroom.

- Be able to write about your school.

BLOCK 3. Knowledge of the language.

▪ Identify, apply and use the vocabulary of the unit:

-Objects: balloon, car, doll, stickers, crayon, card.

-Birthday presents: cake, birthday, present, watch, robot.

-School: teacher, door, window, close, open, stand up, sit down, please, office, hall, classroom, library, canteen.

▪ Understand and apply grammar rules correctly.

Language structures:

-Regular plurals.

-What are they? They’re (balls).

-How many (balls)? (three) balls.

-That’s a robot. This is a watch.

-What’s this/that?


-This is the…That’s…they’re…

Receptive language:

-Happy birthday.

-Lovely, thank you.

-Lots of.

Recycled Language:


-Numbers 1-20.

-You can see…

-She’s nice.

▪ Recognise and reproduce sounds, rhythm, stress and intonation:

- Vowel sounds: /e/æ/

▪ Develop effective language-learning practices.

- Use prior knowledge.

- Follow instructions

- Remember new words.

- Logical thinking: sequencing, ordering, labelling.

- Reflect on their own work and self-evaluate themselves at the end of the Unit.

BLOCK 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

▪ Recognise and learn basic forms of social interactions in a foreign language.

- Ask and answer questions in English.

- Learn a version of a traditional game (‘Simon says’).

- Take care of belongings.

- Help each other.

- Appreciate individuality.

- Work together.

▪ Show a receptive attitude towards those who speak a different language than their own.

▪ Learning about the language, lifestyle and culture of English-speaking world.

BLOCK 5. Literacy Education

• Enjoy literacy by reading books of reference and of own selection and other audiovisual artistic fields like theatre, television, radio and movies, in order to understand the world and human condition, for language enrichment and aesthetic sensibility.


BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation

▪ Listen and understand oral expressions with different levels of complexity like instructions and explanations, oral interactions or recordings with visual support and been able to get detailed information within context.

▪ Oral interactions in real and pretend situations giving verbal and non-verbal responses of their choice from a selection in context and progressively with less guidance.

▪ Produce known oral texts previously through active participation in songs, presentations, role plays, recitals, guided interactions or through work prepared with a model and help, showing interest to express themselves orally in individual and group activities.

▪ Develop basic strategies to understand oral expression: use visual context, non-verbal communication, and previous knowledge about the topic of the unit and transfer them to a real situation using the foreign language.

▪ Value a foreign language as a tool for communication.

BLOCK 2. Reading and writing

▪ Reading and understanding different types of texts, in digital and in paper, adapted to the linguistic competence of the student, using general and specific information, in order to complete an activity or for reading enjoyment. .

▪ Guided use of reading strategies (using elements from visual contexts and previous knowledge about the topic or familiar situations), identifying the most relevant information, inferring the meaning of the words and common expressions.

▪ Reading and writing their own texts of daily life situations close to their own experience; invitations, greeting cards, brochures, notes...

▪ Compositions using a model, of a variety of simple texts, using expressions and phrases with multiple purposes.

▪ Using technology to read, write and share information.

▪ Show interest in the care and presentation of written work.

BLOCK 3. Knowledge of the language.

3.1. Linguistic knowledge

▪ Begin to recognise and reproduce the sounds, rhythm, stress and intonation.

-Vowel sounds: /e/æ/

▪ Identify and use the lexical terms:

-Objects: balloon, car, doll, stickers, crayon, card.

-Birthday presents: cake, birthday, present, watch, robot.

-School: teacher, door, window, close, open, stand up, sit down, please, office, hall, classroom, library, canteen.

▪ Understand and apply grammar rules correctly.

Language structures:

-Regular plurals.

-What are they? They’re (balls).

-How many (balls)? (three) balls.

-That’s a robot. This is a watch.

-What’s this/that?


-This is the…That’s…they’re…

▪ Associate global writing, pronunciation and meaning from written examples.

▪ Get familiar with the use of basic strategies of the production of written texts based on a model: chose the addressee, the purpose and content.

▪ Interest and curiosity in widening knowledge related to the English language in different situations.

3.2. Reflection on learning.

▪ Develop effective language-learning practices.

- Use prior knowledge.

- Follow instructions

- Use the skills of observation.

- Remember new words.

- Flexible thinking.

- Play a memory game.

- Reflect on their own work and self-evaluate themselves at the end of the Unit.

BLOCK 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

▪ Recognise and learn basic forms of social interactions in a foreign language.

▪ Show a receptive attitude towards those who speak a different language than their own.

▪ Interdisciplinary contents:

- Maths: To count.

- Social Studies: school life.

- Arts and music: sing a song, act out a story, mime, draw, make a project.

- Linguistic abilities: reading and interpretation of a cartoon story. Presentation skills.

BLOCK 5. Literacy Education

Literacy genre:

Cartoon stories:

Cars and dolls. PB, page 18

That’s a robot. PB page 20.

The frogs! PB pages 22-23.

Oral and written text production:

Dialogue reproduction

A chant: Vowel sounds-Review 1. PB, page 26. ‘Simon says’. TB page 23 & 26.

A song: Cars and dolls. PB, page 19.


Linguistic competence

All sections and activities of the Unit contribute to the development of the communication aspect of the linguistic competence, especially the activities:

▪ Listen and chant (Review 1 PB page 26), Listen and sing (PB page 19), Listen and say (Unit 2b-lesson 2 PB page 21).

▪ Play a game (Unit 2b-lesson 2 PB page 21). ‘Simon says’ TB pages 23, 36.

▪ Listen to the story. Then act out (Unit 2a-lesson1 TB page 18). Act out a story (Unit 2b-lesson1 TB page 20. Unit 2c-lesson 2 TB page 23).

Mathematical competence

Mathematical competence consists in the ability to use and relate numbers, basic number operations, symbols, and mathematical thinking. Also, the use and knowledge of basic Maths skills and concepts (different types of numbers, measurements, symbols, geometry concepts, among others).

This competence is developed in the Unit through:

- Count, Identify and use vocabulary about numbers 1-20.

Competence in knowledge and interaction with the physical world

Part of this competence is the awareness of the physical space; it's social interactions and human activities and abilities to interact in it.

- Show respect to others and themselves:(Listen, take turns and respond appropriately when asking and answering questions)

- Perceive and interact with the physical space throughout the knowledge of cross-curricular lessons and interdisciplinary sections: Poster projects with stickers, cross-curricular worksheets (Social science: Parts of the school).

- Social Studies: learning about the places where things belong (Parts of the school).

Data processing and digital competence

• Use means of information and situations of diverse types of communication to combine communication and reading skills:

- Stickers, cut-out, etc (connect visual and text information)

▪ Look at photographs as a mean of information: (Social science PB page 24 Cross-curricular, (AB page 97).

▪ Interpret and process information from tables and pictures.

- Tick charts for each lesson.

▪ Practice and get familiar with a variety of digital competences and information throughout the course applying the components of the methods:

- Active Teach for Interactive Whiteboards -(interactive PB and AB, audio material, digital flashcards, word cards and story cards, extra activities, interdisciplinary digital posters, Reader, interactive games, download PDF section with printables, tests, videos with real characters related to the Unit, Interactive board games, a version available as a PDF with Worksheets to copy, tests, etc).

- Active Book (an Active Teach version to use at home).

- Class Audio CDs.


- Course web page

Interpersonal, social and civil competence

This competence relates to building basic essential communication skills and learning to interact with others in an appropriate manner, regardless of their background. Also, understanding how to express opinions appropriately and knowing how to behave in familiar situations of negotiation and transaction.

This competence is developed through the knowledge of different interdisciplinary sections related to the unit:

- Understand dialogues and communication exchanges.

- Socialise and participate in classroom activities, playing and following classroom rules, in pairs and in groups: Play a game, Unit 2b (PB, page 21).

- Learn to participate and collaborate with peers, acting out the story of the unit: The frogs! (PB pages 22-23).

▪ Learning a language implies the knowledge of the cultural aspects tied to those who speak it. History always refers to different social aspects and democratic values of a society.

▪ This competence is developed through interdisciplinary sections related to the theme of the Unit.

- Learn codes of conduct in school and help others.

Interpersonal, social and civic competences have as an objective learning to communicate with others with understanding. (Social science section).

Cultural and artistic competence

This competence is developed in the Unit through the following activities:

▪ Sing songs, rhymes and chants:

▪ A chant: Review 1 (PB page 26).

▪ A song: Cars and dolls (PB page 19).

▪ Immerse in the English language and culture through reading and understanding a story: The frogs! (PB pages 22-23).

Cultural and artistic competence has as an objective the development and value of the imagination, initiative and creativity. (Social science project PB page 25)

Learning to learn competence

Learning to learn competence objective is for students to reflect on what they are learning and how they are learning it, motivating them to use their own abilities and to be conscious of their learning processes and able to evaluate their own learning. This competence is developed in lesson ‘Your project’ of the Social science unit.

Autonomy and personal initiative

Autonomy and personal initiative has as an objective the development of one's own criteria and foster social values like respect, cooperation, and teamwork. This competence is practice through different activities through the eight lessons of the unit.

Emotional Competence

An emotional competence is about the ability to understand and control emotions, to be aware of others emotions and feelings and establishes positive relations with others. The competence aims to help students to be better and happier person who approaches life in a positive manner personally and socially.

This competence is mastered when the student is able to approach any activity taking risks in a responsible manner, establishing positive relations with others. This implies the development and empowerment of personal self-esteem, trusting in themselves and their possibilities.

- Express feelings and emotions: in all dialogues and communications. (PB, pages 18, 20), acting out a story: The frogs! (PB pages 22-23).

- Dancing and movement (Sing along and perform actions-Cars and dolls PB page 19. Mime TB page 25).

- Overcome inhibitions through songs and music: Sing songs and chants:

- A chant: PB page 26.

- A song: PB page 19.

This competence is developed across the eight lessons of the Unit.


Extra-practice and extension activities

▪ Pupils Book (Pages 18-27):

-Pre-reading and pre-writing activities.

▪ Active Book; activities and interactive games to practice for language practice:

- Flashcards, Word cards, posters, videos and Reader.

▪ Activity Book (pages 12-19):

- Pre-reading and pre-writing activities.

- Picture Dictionary with key vocabulary stickers. (Pages 90-91, 97).

▪ The Reader (in digital and print):

▪ Flashcards and Word cards (Birthdays).

▪ Story cards.

▪ Teacher’s Resource Materials:

- Worksheets to copy.

- Warm-up and round-up activities.

- Cross-curricular Worksheets.

- Mini Flashcards, Mini Word cards.

- Board game.

- Activities for the song.

- Interdisciplinary posters and stickers.

- Extra practice and challenging activities (for fast learners).

▪ Active Teach, activities and interacting games for language practice.


Formative Evaluation

Constant supervision during class.

Complete the numbered exercises. (PB pages 18-25).

Summative evaluation

Active Teach Resources section:

Unit quiz.


Progress Review 1-lessons 1 & 2 (Diagnostic Test).


Activity Book:

- Self-evaluation activity at the end of the Unit (‘What about you?’ Lesson 4, page 17).

- My picture dictionary: Cross-curricular links Pages 90-91, 97 & CD1 Tracks 53 & 54.

Active Teach Resources section:

- ‘I can do it!’ worksheet.

Evaluation criteria:

BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation

▪ Participate in oral interactions:

- Identify and say vocabulary of the unit.

- Talk about birthdays and presents.

- Use vocabulary about people and places in a school.

- Mention classroom vocabulary.

- Sing songs.

- Name objects.

- Ask and answer questions with regular plurals.

▪ Understand simple oral texts within the classroom's context:

- Recognise the characters.

- Recognise vocabulary of the unit.

- Recognise and understand school vocabulary.

- Understand a story using visual prompts.

- Understand and answer questions about people, places and objects.

BLOCK 2. Reading and writing

▪ Read simple words and phrases – Pre-reading activities (Optional):

- Be able to read the numbers from 1 to 10.

- Be able to read vocabulary about birthdays.

- Be able to read vocabulary about people and places in a school.

- Follow the text of a cartoon story.

- Be able to read and identify information to answer questions.

▪ Write simple words and phrases- Pre-writing activities (Optional):

- Be able to write their names.

- Be able to write the numbers as digits and words.

- Be able to trace, copy and complete the vocabulary of the unit.

- Be able to write about your classroom.

- Be able to write about your school.

BLOCK 3. Knowledge of the language.

▪ Identify, apply and use the vocabulary of the unit:

-Objects: balloon, car, doll, stickers, crayon, card.

-Birthday presents: cake, birthday, present, watch, robot.

-School: teacher, door, window, close, open, stand up, sit down, please, office, hall, classroom, library, canteen.

▪ Understand and apply grammar rules correctly.

Language structures:

-Regular plurals.

-What are they? They’re (balls).

-How many (balls)? (three) balls.

-That’s a robot. This is a watch.

-What’s this/that?


-This is the…That’s…they’re…

Receptive language:

-Happy birthday.

-Lovely, thank you.

-Lots of.

Recycled Language:


-Numbers 1-20.

-You can see…

-She’s nice.

▪ Recognise and reproduce sounds, rhythm, stress and intonation:

- Vowel sounds: /e/æ/

▪ Develop effective language-learning practices.

- Use prior knowledge.

- Follow instructions

- Remember new words.

- Logical thinking: sequencing, ordering, labelling.

- Reflect on their own work and self-evaluate themselves at the end of the Unit.

BLOCK 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

▪ Recognise and learn basic forms of social interactions in a foreign language.

- Ask and answer questions in English.

- Learn a version of a traditional game (‘Simon says’).

- Take care of belongings.

- Help each other.

- Appreciate individuality.

- Work together.

▪ Show a receptive attitude towards those who speak a different language than their own.

▪ Learning about the language, lifestyle and culture of English-speaking world.

BLOCK 5. Literacy Education

• Enjoy literacy by reading books of reference and of own selection and other audiovisual artistic fields like theatre, television, radio and movies, in order to understand the world and human condition, for language enrichment and aesthetic sensibility.

UNIT 3: Family

3a-She’s pretty.

3b-Is he your grandpa?

3c-My family.


BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation

▪ Participate in oral interactions:

- Identify and say vocabulary of the unit.

- Talk about family members.

- Mention vocabulary from previous units.

- Sing a song about families.

- Name and describe relationships between family members.

- Ask and answer questions about family members.

- To answer and use the verb ‘be’ in statements.

▪ Understand simple oral texts within the classroom's context:

- Recognise the characters.

- Recognise vocabulary of the unit.

- Recognise and use vocabulary about families.

- Understand a cartoon story using visual prompts.

- Understand and answer questions about families.

- Identify family members.

- Understand the use of the verb ‘be’.

BLOCK 2. Reading and writing

▪ Read simple words and phrases – Pre-reading activities (Optional):

- Be able to read the numbers from 1 to 10.

- Be able to read vocabulary about families.

- Follow the text of a cartoon story.

- Be able to read and understand short descriptions of families.

- Consolidate vocabulary.

▪ Write simple words and phrases- Pre-writing activities (Optional):

- Be able to write their names.

- Be able to trace, copy and complete the vocabulary of the unit.

- Be able to write about personal details.

- Be able to write using capital letters and full stops.

BLOCK 3. Knowledge of the language.

▪ Identify, apply and use the vocabulary of the unit:

-Family: mum, dad, brother, sister, baby, boy, girl, grandma, grandpa, friend.

▪ Understand and apply grammar rules correctly.

Language structures:

-The verb ‘be’.


-This is my (mum). He’s my (brother), she’s my (sister)

-Who’s he/she?

-He’s/she’s my…

Receptive language:

-Meet…She’s pretty, Help! Sorry! Nice, funny.

Recycled Language:


-robot, monkey, kangaroo.

▪ Recognise and reproduce sounds, rhythm, stress and intonation:

- Vowel sounds: /I/ e/

▪ Develop effective language-learning practices.

- Use prior knowledge.

- Follow instructions

- Remember new words.

- Logical thinking: patterns

- Reflect on their own work and self-evaluate themselves at the end of the Unit.

BLOCK 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

▪ Recognise and learn basic forms of social interactions in a foreign language.

- Ask and answer questions in English.

- Learn a version of a traditional game.

- Take care of belongings.

- Help each other.

- Appreciate individuality.

- Work together.

▪ Show a receptive attitude towards those who speak a different language than their own.

▪ Learning about the language, lifestyle and culture of English-speaking world.

BLOCK 5. Literacy Education

• Enjoy literacy by reading books of reference and of own selection and other audiovisual artistic fields like theatre, television, radio and movies, in order to understand the world and human condition, for language enrichment and aesthetic sensibility.


BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation

▪ Listen and understand oral expressions with different levels of complexity like instructions and explanations, oral interactions or recordings with visual support and been able to get detailed information within context.

▪ Oral interactions in real and pretend situations giving verbal and non-verbal responses of their choice from a selection in context and progressively with less guidance.

▪ Produce known oral texts previously through active participation in songs, presentations, role plays, recitals, guided interactions or through work prepared with a model and help, showing interest to express themselves orally in individual and group activities.

▪ Develop basic strategies to understand oral expression: use visual context, non-verbal communication, and previous knowledge about the topic of the unit and transfer them to a real situation using the foreign language.

▪ Value a foreign language as a tool for communication.

BLOCK 2. Reading and writing

▪ Reading and understanding different types of texts, in digital and in paper, adapted to the linguistic competence of the student, using general and specific information, in order to complete an activity or for reading enjoyment. .

▪ Guided use of reading strategies (using elements from visual contexts and previous knowledge about the topic or familiar situations), identifying the most relevant information, inferring the meaning of the words and common expressions.

▪ Reading and writing their own texts of daily life situations close to their own experience; invitations, greeting cards, brochures, notes...

▪ Compositions using a model, of a variety of simple texts, using expressions and phrases with multiple purposes.

▪ Using technology to read, write and share information.

▪ Show interest in the care and presentation of written work.

BLOCK 3. Knowledge of the language.

3.1. Linguistic knowledge

▪ Begin to recognise and reproduce the sounds, rhythm, stress and intonation.

-Vowel sounds: /I/ e/

▪ Identify and use the lexical terms:

- Family: mum, dad, brother, sister, baby, boy, girl, grandma, grandpa, friend.

▪ Understand and apply grammar rules correctly.

Language structures:

-The verb ‘be’.


-This is my (mum). He’s my (brother), she’s my (sister)

-Who’s he/she?

-He’s/she’s my…

▪ Associate global writing, pronunciation and meaning from written examples.

▪ Get familiar with the use of basic strategies of the production of written texts based on a model: chose the addressee, the purpose and content.

▪ Interest and curiosity in widening knowledge related to the English language in different situations.

3.2. Reflection on learning.

▪ Develop effective language-learning practices.

- Use prior knowledge.

- Follow instructions

- Use the skills of observation.

- Remember new words.

- Flexible thinking.

- Play a guessing game.

- Reflect on their own work and self-evaluate themselves at the end of the Unit.

BLOCK 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

▪ Recognise and learn basic forms of social interactions in a foreign language.

▪ Show a receptive attitude towards those who speak a different language than their own.

▪ Interdisciplinary contents:

- Maths: To count.

- Sciences:

- Social Studies: family life.

- Arts and music: Sing a song, draw.

- Linguistic abilities: reading and interpretation of a story.

BLOCK 5. Literacy Education

Literacy genre:

Cartoon stories:

She’s pretty. PB page 28.

Is he your grandpa? PB page 30.


My family. PB page 32.

Oral and written text production:

Dialogue reproduction:

A song: She’s pretty PB page 28


Linguistic competence

All sections and activities of the Unit contribute to the development of the communication aspect of the linguistic competence, especially the activities:

▪ Listen and sing (PB page 29), Listen and say (PB page 29, 31).

▪ Play a game (PB page 31).

▪ Listen to the story. Then act out (TB page 28). Act out a story (TB page 30).

Mathematical competence

Mathematical competence consists in the ability to use and relate numbers, basic number operations, symbols, and mathematical thinking. Also, the use and knowledge of basic Maths skills and concepts (different types of numbers, measurements, symbols, geometry concepts, among others).

This competence is developed in the Unit through:

- Count, Identify and use vocabulary about numbers.

Competence in knowledge and interaction with the physical world

Part of this competence is the awareness of the physical space; it's social interactions and human activities and abilities to interact in it.

- Show respect to others and themselves:(Take turns, listen to one another when playing, acting, asking and answering questions)

- Perceive and interact with the physical space throughout the knowledge of cross-curricular lessons and interdisciplinary sections: Poster projects with stickers, cross-curricular worksheets.

- Social Studies: learning about the people and relationships.

Data processing and digital competence

• Use means of information and situations of diverse types of communication to combine communication and reading skills:

- Stickers, cut-out, etc (connect visual and text information)

▪ Look at photographs as a mean of information: (My family (PB pages 32-33).

▪ Interpret and process information from tables and pictures.

- Tick charts for each lesson.

▪ Practice and get familiar with a variety of digital competences and information throughout the course applying the components of the methods:

- Active Teach for Interactive Whiteboards -(interactive PB and AB, audio material, digital flashcards, word cards and story cards, extra activities, interdisciplinary digital posters, Reader, interactive games, download PDF section with printables, tests, videos with real characters related to the Unit, Interactive board games, a version available as a PDF with Worksheets to copy, tests, etc).

- Active Book (an Active Teach version to use at home).

- Class Audio CDs.


- Course web page

Interpersonal, social and civil competence

This competence relates to building basic essential communication skills and learning to interact with others in an appropriate manner, regardless of their background. Also, understanding how to express opinions appropriately and knowing how to behave in familiar situations of negotiation and transaction.

This competence is developed through the knowledge of different interdisciplinary sections related to the unit:

- Understand dialogues and communication exchanges.

- Socialise and participate in classroom activities, playing and following classroom rules, in pairs and in groups: Play a game, Unit 3b (PB, page 31).

- Learn to participate and collaborate with peers, acting out the story of the unit: She’s Pretty and Is he your grandpa? Units 3a, 3b (PB, pages 28, 30).

▪ Learning a language implies the knowledge of the cultural aspects tied to those who speak it. History always refers to different social aspects and democratic values of a society.

▪ This competence is developed through interdisciplinary sections related to the theme of the Unit.

- Learn codes of conduct and help others.

Interpersonal, social and civic competences have as an objective learning to communicate with others with understanding. (Unit 3b Lesson 2 and Unit 3c lesson 2)

Cultural and artistic competence

This competence is developed in the Unit through the following activities:

▪ Sing songs, rhymes and chants:

-A song: She’s Pretty PB page 29

▪ Immerse in the English language and culture through reading and understanding a story: She’s Pretty and Is he your grandpa?

Cultural and artistic competence has as an objective the development and value of the imagination, initiative and creativity.

Learning to learn competence

Learning to learn competence objective is for students to reflect on what they are learning and how they are learning it, motivating them to use their own abilities and to be conscious of their learning processes and able to evaluate their own learning. This competence is developed in lesson 6 of Unit 3c.

Autonomy and personal initiative

Autonomy and personal initiative has as an objective the development of one's own criteria and foster social values like respect, cooperation, and teamwork. This competence is practice through different activities through the six lessons of the unit.

Emotional Competence

An emotional competence is about the ability to understand and control emotions, to be aware of others emotions and feelings and establishes positive relations with others. The competence aims to help students to be better and happier person who approaches life in a positive manner personally and socially.

This competence is mastered when the student is able to approach any activity taking risks in a responsible manner, establishing positive relations with others. This implies the development and empowerment of personal self-esteem, trusting in themselves and their possibilities.

- Express feelings and emotions: in all dialogues and communications. (PB, pages 10-17), acting out a story: Dressing up Bart (PB page 13).

- Dancing and movement (Act out the story, PB page 13).

- Overcome inhibitions through songs and music: Sing songs and chants:

- A chant: What’s this? PB, page 10.

- A song: Colours, PB, page 12.

This competence is developed across the eight lessons of the Unit.


Extra-practice and extension activities

▪ Pupils Book (Pages 28-33):

- Cut-outs. (For Lesson 2 of Unit 3b, page 31).

▪ Active Book; activities and interactive games to practice for language practice:

- Flashcards, Word cards, posters, videos and Reader.

▪ Activity Book (Pages 20-25):

- Pre-reading and pre-writing activities.

- Picture Dictionary (Page 91).

▪ The Reader (in digital and print):

▪ Flashcards and Word cards (family members).

▪ Story cards.

▪ Teacher’s Resource Materials:

- Worksheets to copy.

- Cross-curricular Worksheets.

- Mini Flashcards, Mini Word cards.

- Board game.

- Activities for the song.

- Interdisciplinary posters and stickers.

- Extra practice and challenging activities (for fast learners).

▪ Active Teach, activities and interacting games for language practice.


Formative Evaluation

Constant supervision during class.

Complete the numbered exercises. (PB pages 28-33).

Summative evaluation

Active Teach Resources section:

-Unit quiz.


Activity Book:

- Self-evaluation activity at the end of the Unit (‘What about you?’ Lesson, page 25).

Active Teach Resources section:

- ‘I can do it! worksheet.

Evaluation criteria:

BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation

▪ Participate in oral interactions:

- Identify and say vocabulary of the unit.

- Talk about family members.

- Mention vocabulary from previous units.

- Sing a song about families.

- Name and describe relationships between family members.

- Ask and answer questions about family members.

- To answer and use the verb ‘be’ in statements.

▪ Understand simple oral texts within the classroom's context:

- Recognise the characters.

- Recognise vocabulary of the unit.

- Recognise and use vocabulary about families.

- Understand a cartoon story using visual prompts.

- Understand and answer questions about families.

- Identify family members.

- Understand the use of the verb ‘be’.

BLOCK 2. Reading and writing

▪ Read simple words and phrases – Pre-reading activities (Optional):

- Be able to read the numbers from 1 to 10.

- Be able to read vocabulary about families.

- Follow the text of a cartoon story.

- Be able to read and understand short descriptions of families.

- Consolidate vocabulary.

▪ Write simple words and phrases- Pre-writing activities (Optional):

- Be able to write their names.

- Be able to trace, copy and complete the vocabulary of the unit.

- Be able to write about personal details.

- Be able to write using capital letters and full stops.

BLOCK 3. Knowledge of the language.

▪ Identify, apply and use the vocabulary of the unit:

-Family: mum, dad, brother, sister, baby, boy, girl, grandma, grandpa, friend.

▪ Understand and apply grammar rules correctly.

Language structures:

-The verb ‘be’.


-This is my (mum). He’s my (brother), she’s my (sister)

-Who’s he/she?

-He’s/she’s my…

Receptive language:

-Meet…She’s pretty, Help! Sorry! Nice, funny.

Recycled Language:


-robot, monkey, kangaroo.

▪ Recognise and reproduce sounds, rhythm, stress and intonation:

- Vowel sounds: /I/ e/

▪ Develop effective language-learning practices.

- Use prior knowledge.

- Follow instructions

- Remember new words.

- Logical thinking: patterns

- Reflect on their own work and self-evaluate themselves at the end of the Unit.

BLOCK 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

▪ Recognise and learn basic forms of social interactions in a foreign language.

- Ask and answer questions in English.

- Learn a version of a traditional game.

- Take care of belongings.

- Help each other.

- Appreciate individuality.

- Work together.

▪ Show a receptive attitude towards those who speak a different language than their own.

▪ Learning about the language, lifestyle and culture of English-speaking world.

BLOCK 5. Literacy Education

• Enjoy literacy by reading books of reference and of own selection and other audiovisual artistic fields like theatre, television, radio and movies, in order to understand the world and human condition, for language enrichment and aesthetic sensibility.

UNIT 4: Dressing up.

4a-We’re cowboys.

4b-Are we pirates?

4c-the grey duck.

Maths-Numbers to 100.

Review 2.


BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation

▪ Participate in oral interactions:

- Identify and say vocabulary of the unit.

- Talk about dressing up.

- Use the verb ‘to be’.

- Sing a song.

- Say a chant.

- Name plural nouns: people, animals, objects.

- To use ‘We’re, You’re, They’re with plural nouns.

- Ask and answer affirmative and negative questions.

- To count to 100 in tens and ones and use vocabulary about numbers.

▪ Understand simple oral texts within the classroom's context:

- Recognise the characters.

- Identify the people.

- Recognise vocabulary of the unit.

- Recognise and understand vocabulary about dressing up.

- Recognise and understand plural nouns: people, animals, objects.

- Understand a longer cartoon story using visual prompts.

- Understand and answer affirmative and negative questions.

- Sing a song.

- Chant.

- Count to 100 in tens and ones.

BLOCK 2. Reading and writing

▪ Read simple words and phrases – Pre-reading activities (Optional):

- Be able to read the numbers from 1 to 100.

- Be able to read vocabulary about dressing up.

- Follow the text of a cartoon story.

- Follow the text of a song.

- Be able to read and identify the verb ‘to be’

- To be bale to read and understand affirmative and negative questions.

▪ Write simple words and phrases- Pre-writing activities (Optional):

- Be able to write their names.

- Be able to trace, copy and complete the vocabulary of the unit.

- To write using long and short forms of the verb ‘to be’.

- Be able to write about their family.

- Be able to write affirmative and negative answers to questions.

BLOCK 3. Knowledge of the language.

▪ Identify, apply and use the vocabulary of the unit:

-Dressing up: box, clothes, spy, dancer, cowboy, pirate, clown, king, crown.

-Story Vocabulary: duck, swan, sad, happy, small, big.

▪ Understand and apply grammar rules correctly.

Language structures:

-Are we/they (pirates)?

-We/you/they’re (cowboys), spies.

-Yes, we/they are.

-No, we/they aren’t.

-Plural nouns.

-Numbers 10-100.


-Your turn.

Receptive language:

-Carnival, Wow! Be careful.

-With golden (crowns).

-Bye bye.

-I love you.


-It’s easy.

Recycled Language:

-What are they? They’re…

-Is he/she/it a…? Yes, he/she/is. No, he/she/it isn’t.


-Stand up, say, sit down.

-Family words.

-This is…



▪ Recognise and reproduce sounds, rhythm, stress and intonation:

-Vowel sounds: /I/ e/

▪ Develop effective language-learning practices.

- Use prior knowledge.

- Follow instructions

- Remember new words.

- Logical thinking: patterns, recognise repetition, match pictures/numbers and words.

- Reflect on their own work and self-evaluate themselves at the end of the Unit.

BLOCK 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

▪ Recognise and learn basic forms of social interactions in a foreign language.

- Ask and answer questions in English.

- Learn a version of a traditional game.

- Take care of belongings.

- Help each other.

- Appreciate individuality.

- Work together.

▪ Show a receptive attitude towards those who speak a different language than their own.

▪ Learning about the language, lifestyle and culture of English-speaking world.

BLOCK 5. Literacy Education

• Enjoy literacy by reading books of reference and of own selection and other audiovisual artistic fields like theatre, television, radio and movies, in order to understand the world and human condition, for language enrichment and aesthetic sensibility.


BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation

▪ Listen and understand oral expressions with different levels of complexity like instructions and explanations, oral interactions or recordings with visual support and been able to get detailed information within context.

▪ Oral interactions in real and pretend situations giving verbal and non-verbal responses of their choice from a selection in context and progressively with less guidance.

▪ Produce known oral texts previously through active participation in songs, presentations, role plays, recitals, guided interactions or through work prepared with a model and help, showing interest to express themselves orally in individual and group activities.

▪ Develop basic strategies to understand oral expression: use visual context, non-verbal communication, and previous knowledge about the topic of the unit and transfer them to a real situation using the foreign language.

▪ Value a foreign language as a tool for communication.

BLOCK 2. Reading and writing

▪ Reading and understanding different types of texts, in digital and in paper, adapted to the linguistic competence of the student, using general and specific information, in order to complete an activity or for reading enjoyment. .

▪ Guided use of reading strategies (using elements from visual contexts and previous knowledge about the topic or familiar situations), identifying the most relevant information, inferring the meaning of the words and common expressions.

▪ Reading and writing their own texts of daily life situations close to their own experience; invitations, greeting cards, brochures, notes...

▪ Compositions using a model, of a variety of simple texts, using expressions and phrases with multiple purposes.

▪ Using technology to read, write and share information.

▪ Show interest in the care and presentation of written work.

BLOCK 3. Knowledge of the language.

3.1. Linguistic knowledge

▪ Begin to recognise and reproduce the sounds, rhythm, stress and intonation.

-Vowel sounds: /I/ e/

▪ Identify and use the lexical terms:

-Dressing-up: box, clothes, spy, dancer, cowboy, pirate, clown, king, crown.

-Story Vocabulary: duck, swan, sad, happy, small, big.

▪ Understand and apply grammar rules correctly.

Language structures:

-Are we/they (pirates)?

-We/you/they’re (cowboys), spies.

-Yes, we/they are.

-No, we/they aren’t.

-Plural nouns.

-Numbers 10-100.


-Your turn.

▪ Associate global writing, pronunciation and meaning from written examples.

▪ Get familiar with the use of basic strategies of the production of written texts based on a model: chose the addressee, the purpose and content.

▪ Interest and curiosity in widening knowledge related to the English language in different situations.

3.2. Reflection on learning.

▪ Develop effective language-learning practices.

- Use prior knowledge.

- Follow instructions

- Use the skills of observation.

- Remember new words.

- Flexible thinking.

- Play a guessing game.

- Reflect on their own work and self-evaluate themselves at the end of the Unit.

BLOCK 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

▪ Recognise and learn basic forms of social interactions in a foreign language.

▪ Show a receptive attitude towards those who speak a different language than their own.

▪ Interdisciplinary contents:

- Maths: To recognise numbers as digits and words. To count in tens and ones. To do simple mental additions. Make a number square.

- Social Studies: school life.

- Arts and music: sing a song, draw.

- Linguistic abilities: reading and interpretation of a cartoon story.

BLOCK 5. Literacy Education

Literacy genre:

Cartoon stories:

We’re cowboys. PB page 34.

The grey duck. PB pages 38-39.

Oral and written text production:

Dialogue reproduction

A chant: ‘Six big kings..’ Review 2. PB, page 42.

A song: ‘Stand up and say’ PB page 35. ‘Are we pirates?’ PB page 36.


Linguistic competence

All sections and activities of the Unit contribute to the development of the communication aspect of the linguistic competence, especially the activities:

▪ Listen and chant (Six big kings..’ Review 2. PB, page 42.), Listen and sing (‘Stand up and say’ PB page 35. ‘Are we pirates?’ PB page 36.)

▪ Play a game (‘Are they clowns?’ PB page 37 ‘Hangman’ warm-up TB page 43. Pirate trail game-Review 2 PB page 43).

▪ Listen to the story. Then act out (‘We’re cowboys’ TB page 34). Act out a story (‘The grey duck’ PB pages 38-39).

Mathematical competence

Mathematical competence consists in the ability to use and relate numbers, basic number operations, symbols, and mathematical thinking. Also, the use and knowledge of basic Maths skills and concepts (different types of numbers, measurements, symbols, geometry concepts, among others).

This competence is developed in the Unit through:

-To recognise numbers as digits and words.

-To count in tens and ones.

-To do simple mental additions.

-Make a number square.

Competence in knowledge and interaction with the physical world

Part of this competence is the awareness of the physical space; it's social interactions and human activities and abilities to interact in it.

- Show respect to others and themselves:(Take turns when playing games, asking and answering questions and acting).

- Perceive and interact with the physical space throughout the knowledge of cross-curricular lessons and interdisciplinary sections: Poster projects with stickers, cross-curricular worksheets (Make a number square).

- Social Studies: learning about the places where things belong (Dressing-up costumes).

Data processing and digital competence

• Use means of information and situations of diverse types of communication to combine communication and reading skills:

- Cut-out (connect visual and text information)

▪ Look at photographs as a mean of information: (Family photographs).

▪ Interpret and process information from tables and pictures.

- Tables, tick charts, flow diagrams.

▪ Practice and get familiar with a variety of digital competences and information throughout the course applying the components of the methods:

- Active Teach for Interactive Whiteboards -(interactive PB and AB, audio material, digital flashcards, word cards and story cards, extra activities, interdisciplinary digital posters, Reader, interactive games, download PDF section with printables, tests, videos with real characters related to the Unit, Interactive board games, a version available as a PDF with Worksheets to copy, tests, etc).

- Active Book (an Active Teach version to use at home).

- Class Audio CDs.


- Course web page

Interpersonal, social and civil competence

This competence relates to building basic essential communication skills and learning to interact with others in an appropriate manner, regardless of their background. Also, understanding how to express opinions appropriately and knowing how to behave in familiar situations of negotiation and transaction.

This competence is developed through the knowledge of different interdisciplinary sections related to the unit:

- Understand dialogues and communication exchanges.

- Socialise and participate in classroom activities, playing and following classroom rules, in pairs and in groups: Play a game (‘Are they clowns?’ PB page 37 ‘Hangman’ warm-up TB page 43. Pirate trail game-Review 2 PB page 43).

▪ Learn to participate and collaborate with peers, acting out the story of the unit: -‘The grey duck’ PB pages 38-39.

▪ Learning a language implies the knowledge of the cultural aspects tied to those who speak it. History always refers to different social aspects and democratic values of a society.

▪ This competence is developed through interdisciplinary sections related to the theme of the Unit.

- Learn codes of conduct and help others.

Interpersonal, social and civic competences have as an objective learning to communicate with others with understanding. (Unit 4a Lesson 2, Unit 4b lesson 2, Maths Unit lesson 2 & Review 2 lesson 2).

Cultural and artistic competence

This competence is developed in the Unit through the following activities:

▪ Sing songs, rhymes and chants:

▪ A chant: Six big kings..’ Review 2. PB, page 42.

▪ A song: Stand up and say’ PB page 35. ‘Are we pirates?’ PB page 36.

▪ Immerse in the English language and culture through reading and understanding a story: -‘The grey duck’ PB pages 38-39

Cultural and artistic competence has as an objective the development and value of the imagination, initiative and creativity. (Unit 4c-Lesson 2 Activity 4.)

Learning to learn competence

Learning to learn competence objective is for students to reflect on what they are learning and how they are learning it, motivating them to use their own abilities and to be conscious of their learning processes and able to evaluate their own learning. This competence is developed in the 2 lessons of the Review Unit 2.

Autonomy and personal initiative

Autonomy and personal initiative has as an objective the development of one's own criteria and foster social values like respect, cooperation, and teamwork. This competence is practice through different activities through the ten lessons of the unit.

Emotional Competence

An emotional competence is about the ability to understand and control emotions, to be aware of others emotions and feelings and establishes positive relations with others. The competence aims to help students to be better and happier person who approaches life in a positive manner personally and socially.

This competence is mastered when the student is able to approach any activity taking risks in a responsible manner, establishing positive relations with others. This implies the development and empowerment of personal self-esteem, trusting in themselves and their possibilities.

- Express feelings and emotions: in all dialogues and communications. (PB, pages 10-17), acting out a story: Dressing up Bart (PB page 13).

- Dancing and movement (Act out the story, PB page 13).

- Overcome inhibitions through songs and music: Sing songs and chants:

- A chant: What’s this? PB, page 10.

- A song: Colours, PB, page 12.

This competence is developed across the eight lessons of the Unit.


Extra-practice and extension activities

▪ Pupils Book (Pages 34-43):

-Pre-reading and pre-writing activities.

▪ Active Book; activities and interactive games to practice for language practice:

- Flashcards, Word cards, posters, videos and Reader.

▪ Activity Book (Pages 26-33):

- Pre-reading and pre-writing activities.

- Cut-outs. (For Lesson 2 of Unit 4b).

▪ The Reader (in digital and print):

▪ Flashcards and Word cards (The grey duck).

▪ Story cards.

▪ Teacher’s Resource Materials:

- Worksheets to copy.

- Cross-curricular Worksheets.

- Mini Flashcards, Mini Word cards.

- Board game.

- Activities for the song.

- Interdisciplinary posters and stickers.

- Extra practice and challenging activities (for fast learners).

▪ Active Teach, activities and interacting games for language practice.


Formative Evaluation

Constant supervision during class.

Complete the numbered exercises. (PB pages 34-41).

Summative evaluation

Active Teach Resources section:


Tests: Progress Review 2 & attainment test. (Diagnostic Test).


Activity Book:

- Self-evaluation activity at the end of the Unit (‘What about you?’ Lesson 4, page 31. Review 2 page 33).

- My Picture Dictionary (pages 91-92) & CD2 Track 19

Pupil Book:

-Review 2 (pages 42,43).

Active Teach Resources section:

- ‘I can do it!’ worksheet.

Evaluation criteria:

BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation

▪ Participate in oral interactions:

- Identify and say vocabulary of the unit.

- Talk about dressing up.

- Use the verb ‘to be’.

- Sing a song.

- Say a chant.

- Name plural nouns: people, animals, objects.

- To use ‘We’re, You’re, They’re with plural nouns.

- Ask and answer affirmative and negative questions.

- To count to 100 in tens and ones and use vocabulary about numbers.

▪ Understand simple oral texts within the classroom's context:

- Recognise the characters.

- Identify the people.

- Recognise vocabulary of the unit.

- Recognise and understand vocabulary about dressing up.

- Recognise and understand plural nouns: people, animals, objects.

- Understand a longer cartoon story using visual prompts.

- Understand and answer affirmative and negative questions.

- Sing a song.

- Chant.

- Count to 100 in tens and ones.

BLOCK 2. Reading and writing

▪ Read simple words and phrases – Pre-reading activities (Optional):

- Be able to read the numbers from 1 to 100.

- Be able to read vocabulary about dressing up.

- Follow the text of a cartoon story.

- Follow the text of a song.

- Be able to read and identify the verb ‘to be’

- To be bale to read and understand affirmative and negative questions.

▪ Write simple words and phrases- Pre-writing activities (Optional):

- Be able to write their names.

- Be able to trace, copy and complete the vocabulary of the unit.

- To write using long and short forms of the verb ‘to be’.

- Be able to write about their family.

- Be able to write affirmative and negative answers to questions.

BLOCK 3. Knowledge of the language.

▪ Identify, apply and use the vocabulary of the unit:

-Dressing-up: box, clothes, spy, dancer, cowboy, pirate, clown, king, crown.

-Story Vocabulary: duck, swan, sad, happy, small, big.

▪ Understand and apply grammar rules correctly.

Language structures:

-Are we/they (pirates)?

-We/you/they’re (cowboys), spies.

-Yes, we/they are.

-No, we/they aren’t.

-Plural nouns.

-Numbers 10-100.


-Your turn.

Receptive language:

-Carnival, Wow! Be careful.

-With golden (crowns).

-Bye bye.

-I love you.


-It’s easy.

Recycled Language:

-What are they? They’re…

-Is he/she/it a…? Yes, he/she/is. No, he/she/it isn’t.


-Stand up, say, sit down.

-Family words.

-This is…



▪ Recognise and reproduce sounds, rhythm, stress and intonation:

-Vowel sounds: /I/ e/

▪ Develop effective language-learning practices.

- Use prior knowledge.

- Follow instructions

- Remember new words.

- Logical thinking: patterns, recognise repetition, match pictures/numbers and words.

- Reflect on their own work and self-evaluate themselves at the end of the Unit.

BLOCK 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

▪ Recognise and learn basic forms of social interactions in a foreign language.

- Ask and answer questions in English.

- Learn a version of a traditional game.

- Take care of belongings.

- Help each other.

- Appreciate individuality.

- Work together.

▪ Show a receptive attitude towards those who speak a different language than their own.

▪ Learning about the language, lifestyle and culture of English-speaking world.

BLOCK 5. Literacy Education

• Enjoy literacy by reading books of reference and of own selection and other audiovisual artistic fields like theatre, television, radio and movies, in order to understand the world and human condition, for language enrichment and aesthetic sensibility.

UNIT 5: Toys.

5a-It’s his kite.

5b-They’re our toys.

5c-Our favourite toys.


BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation

▪ Participate in oral interactions:

- Identify and say vocabulary of the unit.

- Talk about their favourite toy.

- Use possessive adjectives to talk about possessions.

- Sing a song.

- Name different kinds of toys.

- Ask and answer questions about favourite toys.

▪ Understand simple oral texts within the classroom's context:

- Recognise the characters.

- Identify possessions from descriptions.

- Identify the correct object.

- Understand a story using visual prompts.

- Understand and answer questions.

BLOCK 2. Reading and writing

▪ Read simple words and phrases – Pre-reading activities (Optional):

- Be able to read the numbers from 1 to 10.

- Be able to read vocabulary about toys.

- Be able to read and understand descriptions of toys.

- Follow the text of a cartoon story.

- Follow the words of a song.

▪ Write simple words and phrases- Pre-writing activities (Optional):

- Be able to trace, copy and complete the vocabulary of the unit.

- Identify word boundaries, capital letters and full stops.

- Be able to write about their toys.

BLOCK 3. Knowledge of the language.

▪ Identify, apply and use the vocabulary of the unit:

-Toys: kite, computer game, radio, bike, rollerblades, train,

-Descriptions: cloudy, old, new, fast, slow

-Winner, prize.

▪ Understand and apply grammar rules correctly.

Language structures:

-Possessive adjectives: my, your, his, her, its, our, their.

Receptive language:

-Be careful, come back.

-What a terrible mess.


-Here are…


-Look at…

-Thank you.

Recycled Language:

-What’s that? This is…

-What are they? They’re…


-Family: brother, friend, mum, teacher.

▪ Recognise and reproduce sounds, rhythm, stress and intonation:

- The sounds: /ɒ/ʌ/

▪ Develop effective language-learning practices.

- Use prior knowledge.

- Follow instructions

- Remember new words.

- Logical thinking: patterns, matching skills.

- Reflect on their own work and self-evaluate themselves at the end of the Unit.

BLOCK 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

▪ Recognise and learn basic forms of social interactions in a foreign language.

- Greet and say goodbye in English.

- Learn a version of a traditional game.

- Ask and answer questions in the form of an interview.

- Take care of belongings.

- Help each other.

- Appreciate individuality.

- Work together.

▪ Show a receptive attitude towards those who speak a different language than their own.

▪ Learning about the language, lifestyle and culture of English-speaking world.

BLOCK 5. Literacy Education

• Enjoy literacy by reading books of reference and of own selection and other audiovisual artistic fields like theatre, television, radio and movies, in order to understand the world and human condition, for language enrichment and aesthetic sensibility.


BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation

▪ Listen and understand oral expressions with different levels of complexity like instructions and explanations, oral interactions or recordings with visual support and been able to get detailed information within context.

▪ Oral interactions in real and pretend situations giving verbal and non-verbal responses of their choice from a selection in context and progressively with less guidance.

▪ Produce known oral texts previously through active participation in songs, presentations, role plays, recitals, guided interactions or through work prepared with a model and help, showing interest to express themselves orally in individual and group activities.

▪ Develop basic strategies to understand oral expression: use visual context, non-verbal communication, and previous knowledge about the topic of the unit and transfer them to a real situation using the foreign language.

▪ Value a foreign language as a tool for communication.

BLOCK 2. Reading and writing

▪ Reading and understanding different types of texts, in digital and in paper, adapted to the linguistic competence of the student, using general and specific information, in order to complete an activity or for reading enjoyment. .

▪ Guided use of reading strategies (using elements from visual contexts and previous knowledge about the topic or familiar situations), identifying the most relevant information, inferring the meaning of the words and common expressions.

▪ Reading and writing their own texts of daily life situations close to their own experience; invitations, greeting cards, brochures, notes...

▪ Compositions using a model, of a variety of simple texts, using expressions and phrases with multiple purposes.

▪ Using technology to read, write and share information.

▪ Show interest in the care and presentation of written work.

BLOCK 3. Knowledge of the language.

3.1. Linguistic knowledge

▪ Begin to recognise and reproduce the sounds, rhythm, stress and intonation.

-The sounds: /ɒ/ʌ/

▪ Identify and use the lexical terms:

-Toys: kite, computer game, radio, bike, rollerblades, train,

-Descriptions: cloudy, old, new, fast, slow

-Winner, prize.

▪ Understand and apply grammar rules correctly.

-Possessive adjectives: my, your, his, her, its, our, their.

▪ Associate global writing, pronunciation and meaning from written examples.

▪ Get familiar with the use of basic strategies of the production of written texts based on a model: chose the addressee, the purpose and content.

▪ Interest and curiosity in widening knowledge related to the English language in different situations.

3.2. Reflection on learning.

▪ Develop effective language-learning practices.

- Use prior knowledge.

- Follow instructions

- Use the skills of observation.

- Remember new words.

- Flexible thinking.

- Play games.

- Interview others and be interviewed.

- Reflect on their own work and self-evaluate themselves at the end of the Unit.

BLOCK 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

▪ Recognise and learn basic forms of social interactions in a foreign language.

▪ Show a receptive attitude towards those who speak a different language than their own.

▪ Interdisciplinary contents:

- Maths: To count.

- Social Studies: school life.

- Arts and music: sing a song, draw.

- Linguistic abilities: reading and interpretation of a story.

BLOCK 5. Literacy Education

Literacy genre:

Cartoon stories:

It’s his kite. PB page 44.

They’re our toys. PB page 46.

Oral and written text production:

Dialogue reproduction

A song: ‘What’s this? What’s that? PB page 45.


Description: Favourite toys. PB page 49.


Linguistic competence

All sections and activities of the Unit contribute to the development of the communication aspect of the linguistic competence, especially the activities:

▪ Listen and sing (‘What’s this? What’s that? PB page 45.),

▪ Play a game (Warm-up. TB page 48).

▪ Listen to the story. Then act out (TB page 44). Act out the dialogue (PB page 47).

Mathematical competence

Mathematical competence consists in the ability to use and relate numbers, basic number operations, symbols, and mathematical thinking. Also, the use and knowledge of basic Maths skills and concepts (different types of numbers, measurements, symbols, geometry concepts, among others).

This competence is developed in the Unit through:

- Count, Identify and use vocabulary about toys and numbers.

Competence in knowledge and interaction with the physical world

Part of this competence is the awareness of the physical space; it's social interactions and human activities and abilities to interact in it.

- Show respect to others and themselves:(Interview one another)

- Perceive and interact with the physical space throughout the knowledge of cross-curricular lessons and interdisciplinary sections: Poster projects with stickers, cross-curricular worksheets (Stickers).

- Social Studies: learning about the places where things belong (Favourite toys).

Data processing and digital competence

• Use means of information and situations of diverse types of communication to combine communication and reading skills:

- Stickers, cut-out, etc (connect visual and text information)

▪ Look at pictures as a mean of information: (PB page 49).

▪ Interpret and process information from tables and pictures.

- Tick charts for each lesson.

▪ Practice and get familiar with a variety of digital competences and information throughout the course applying the components of the methods:

- Active Teach for Interactive Whiteboards -(interactive PB and AB, audio material, digital flashcards, word cards and story cards, extra activities, interdisciplinary digital posters, Reader, interactive games, download PDF section with printables, tests, videos with real characters related to the Unit, Interactive board games, a version available as a PDF with Worksheets to copy, tests, etc).

- Active Book (an Active Teach version to use at home).

- Class Audio CDs.


- Course web page

Interpersonal, social and civil competence

This competence relates to building basic essential communication skills and learning to interact with others in an appropriate manner, regardless of their background. Also, understanding how to express opinions appropriately and knowing how to behave in familiar situations of negotiation and transaction.

This competence is developed through the knowledge of different interdisciplinary sections related to the unit:

- Understand dialogues and communication exchanges.

- Socialise and participate in classroom activities, playing and following classroom rules, in pairs and in groups: Interview one another PB page 49.

Learn to participate and collaborate with peers, acting out the story of the unit: It’s his kite. PB page 44. They’re our toys. PB page 46.

Acting out the dialogue:(PB page 47).


▪ Learning a language implies the knowledge of the cultural aspects tied to those who speak it. History always refers to different social aspects and democratic values of a society.

▪ This competence is developed through interdisciplinary sections related to the theme of the Unit.

- Learn codes of conduct and help others.

Interpersonal, social and civic competences have as an objective learning to communicate with others with understanding. (Unit 5c Lesson 2 Activity 6)

Cultural and artistic competence

This competence is developed in the Unit through the following activities:

▪ Sing songs, rhymes and chants:

▪ A song: What’s this? What’s that? PB page 45.

▪ Immerse in the English language and culture through reading and understanding a story: It’s his kite. PB page 44. They’re our toys. PB page 46.

Cultural and artistic competence has as an objective the development and value of the imagination, initiative and creativity. (Unit 5c Lesson 2 AB page 39).

Learning to learn competence

Learning to learn competence objective is for students to reflect on what they are learning and how they are learning it, motivating them to use their own abilities and to be conscious of their learning processes and able to evaluate their own learning. This competence is developed in lesson 2 of the Unit 5c.

Autonomy and personal initiative

Autonomy and personal initiative has as an objective the development of one's own criteria and foster social values like respect, cooperation, and teamwork. This competence is practice through different activities through the six lessons of the unit.

Emotional Competence

An emotional competence is about the ability to understand and control emotions, to be aware of others emotions and feelings and establishes positive relations with others. The competence aims to help students to be better and happier person who approaches life in a positive manner personally and socially.

This competence is mastered when the student is able to approach any activity taking risks in a responsible manner, establishing positive relations with others. This implies the development and empowerment of personal self-esteem, trusting in themselves and their possibilities.

- Express feelings and emotions: in all dialogues and communications. (PB page 47).), acting out a story: It’s his kite. PB page 44. They’re our toys. PB page 46.

- Dancing and movement (Mime and sing. Warm-up TB page 44. Sing along with actions PB page 45).

- Overcome inhibitions through songs and music: Sing songs and chants:

- A song: What’s this? what’s that? PB page 45

This competence is developed across the six lessons of the Unit.


Extra-practice and extension activities

▪ Pupils Book (pages 44-49 ):

-Pre-reading and pre-writing activities.


▪ Active Book; activities and interactive games to practice for language practice:

- Flashcards, Word cards, posters, videos and Reader.

▪ Activity Book (pages 34-39):

- Picture Dictionary (pages 92-92).

▪ The Reader (in digital and print):

▪ Flashcards and Word cards (toys).

▪ Story cards.

▪ Teacher’s Resource Materials:

- Worksheets to copy.

- Cross-curricular Worksheets.

- Mini Flashcards, Mini Word cards.

- Board game.

- Activities for the song.

- Interdisciplinary posters and stickers.

- Extra practice and challenging activities (for fast learners).

▪ Active Teach, activities and interacting games for language practice.


Formative Evaluation

Constant supervision during class.

Complete the numbered exercises. (PB pages 44-49).

Summative evaluation

Active Teach Resources section:

Unit quiz.


Activity Book:

- Self-evaluation activity at the end of the Unit (‘What about you?’ page 39).

- Active Teach Resources section:

‘I can do it!’ worksheet.

Evaluation criteria:

BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation

▪ Participate in oral interactions:

- Identify and say vocabulary of the unit.

- Talk about their favourite toy.

- Use possessive adjectives to talk about possessions.

- Sing a song.

- Name different kinds of toys.

- Ask and answer questions about favourite toys.

▪ Understand simple oral texts within the classroom's context:

- Recognise the characters.

- Identify possessions from descriptions.

- Identify the correct object.

- Understand a story using visual prompts.

- Understand and answer questions.

BLOCK 2. Reading and writing

▪ Read simple words and phrases – Pre-reading activities (Optional):

- Be able to read the numbers from 1 to 10.

- Be able to read vocabulary about toys.

- Be able to read and understand descriptions of toys.

- Follow the text of a cartoon story.

- Follow the words of a song.

▪ Write simple words and phrases- Pre-writing activities (Optional):

- Be able to trace, copy and complete the vocabulary of the unit.

- Identify word boundaries, capital letters and full stops.

- Be able to write about their toys.

BLOCK 3. Knowledge of the language.

▪ Identify, apply and use the vocabulary of the unit:

-Toys: kite, computer game, radio, bike, rollerblades, train,

-Descriptions: cloudy, old, new, fast, slow

-Winner, prize.

▪ Understand and apply grammar rules correctly.

Language structures:

-Possessive adjectives: my, your, his, her, its, our, their.

Receptive language:

-Be careful, come back.

-What a terrible mess.


-Here are…


-Look at…

-Thank you.

Recycled Language:

-What’s that? This is…

-What are they? They’re…


-Family: brother, friend, mum, teacher.

▪ Recognise and reproduce sounds, rhythm, stress and intonation:

- The sounds: /ɒ/ʌ/

▪ Develop effective language-learning practices.

- Use prior knowledge.

- Follow instructions

- Remember new words.

- Logical thinking: patterns, matching skills.

- Reflect on their own work and self-evaluate themselves at the end of the Unit.

BLOCK 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

▪ Recognise and learn basic forms of social interactions in a foreign language.

- Greet and say goodbye in English.

- Learn a version of a traditional game.

- Take care of belongings.

- Help each other.

- Appreciate individuality.

- Work together.

▪ Show a receptive attitude towards those who speak a different language than their own.

▪ Learning about the language, lifestyle and culture of English-speaking world.

BLOCK 5. Literacy Education

• Enjoy literacy by reading books of reference and of own selection and other audiovisual artistic fields like theatre, television, radio and movies, in order to understand the world and human condition, for language enrichment and aesthetic sensibility.

UNIT 6: Parts of the body.

6a-She’s got a pet.

6b-Has it got wings?

6c-Sam, the circus boy!

Science-Classifying animals.

Review 3.


BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation

▪ Participate in oral interactions:

- Identify and say vocabulary of the unit.

- Talk about parts of the body.

- Identify adjectives.

- Use ‘have got’ in affirmative sentences.

- Sing a song.

- Name different animals.

- Ask and answer affirmative and negative questions.

▪ Understand simple oral texts within the classroom's context:

- Recognise the characters.

- Recognise the vocabulary of the unit.

- Recognise the parts of the body.

- Name animals.

- Identify the correct person.

- A song.

- To recognise ‘have got’ in questions and short answers (all forms).

- Understand a longer story using visual prompts.

- Understand and answer affirmative and negative questions.

BLOCK 2. Reading and writing

▪ Read simple words and phrases – Pre-reading activities (Optional):

- Be able to read vocabulary of the unit.

- Be able to read vocabulary about body parts.

- Be able to read vocabulary about animals.

- Follow the text of a longer story.

- Follow the text of a song.

- To read and understand comprehension questions.

▪ Write simple words and phrases- Pre-writing activities (Optional):

- Be able to trace, copy and complete the vocabulary of the unit.

- Be able to write using ‘have got’ in affirmative and negative statements and answers.

- Be able to identify adjectives.

- Be able to write about a friend.

BLOCK 3. Knowledge of the language.

▪ Identify, apply and use the vocabulary of the unit:

-Parts of the body: head, body, arm(s), leg(s), hand(s), feet, wing(s), ear, mouth, nose, eye, hair, trunk, feathers, fur, scales, tail.

-Animals: pet, butterfly.

-Adjectives: funny, long, short, strong.


▪ Understand and apply grammar rules correctly.

Language structures:

-Verb-have got. He’s/she’s/It’s/We’ve/They’ve got…

-Has he/she/it got? Have they got?

-Yes, they have. No, they haven’t.

Receptive language:

-beautiful, lucky, everywhere, quick.

-beat, stamp, turn around, ground.

Recycled Language:



-Big, small, long.

-Boy, girl, insect.

-Sit down, clap, dance.

▪ Recognise and reproduce sounds, rhythm, stress and intonation:

- The sounds: /ɒ/ʌ/

- Rhythm, stress and intonation of a chant.

▪ Develop effective language-learning practices.

- Use prior knowledge.

- Follow instructions

- Remember new words.

- Logical thinking: classify animals.

- Reflect on their own work and self-evaluate themselves at the end of the Unit.

BLOCK 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

▪ Recognise and learn basic forms of social interactions in a foreign language.

- Ask and answer questions in English.

- Learn a version of a traditional game.

- Take care of belongings.

- Help each other.

- Appreciate individuality.

- Work together.

▪ Show a receptive attitude towards those who speak a different language than their own.

▪ Learning about the language, lifestyle and culture of English-speaking world.

BLOCK 5. Literacy Education

• Enjoy literacy by reading books of reference and of own selection and other audiovisual artistic fields like theatre, television, radio and movies, in order to understand the world and human condition, for language enrichment and aesthetic sensibility.


BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation

▪ Listen and understand oral expressions with different levels of complexity like instructions and explanations, oral interactions or recordings with visual support and been able to get detailed information within context.

▪ Oral interactions in real and pretend situations giving verbal and non-verbal responses of their choice from a selection in context and progressively with less guidance.

▪ Produce known oral texts previously through active participation in songs, presentations, role plays, recitals, guided interactions or through work prepared with a model and help, showing interest to express themselves orally in individual and group activities.

▪ Develop basic strategies to understand oral expression: use visual context, non-verbal communication, and previous knowledge about the topic of the unit and transfer them to a real situation using the foreign language.

▪ Value a foreign language as a tool for communication.

BLOCK 2. Reading and writing

▪ Reading and understanding different types of texts, in digital and in paper, adapted to the linguistic competence of the student, using general and specific information, in order to complete an activity or for reading enjoyment. .

▪ Guided use of reading strategies (using elements from visual contexts and previous knowledge about the topic or familiar situations), identifying the most relevant information, inferring the meaning of the words and common expressions.

▪ Reading and writing their own texts of daily life situations close to their own experience; invitations, greeting cards, brochures, notes...

▪ Compositions using a model, of a variety of simple texts, using expressions and phrases with multiple purposes.

▪ Using technology to read, write and share information.

▪ Show interest in the care and presentation of written work.

BLOCK 3. Knowledge of the language.

3.1. Linguistic knowledge

▪ Begin to recognise and reproduce the sounds, rhythm, stress and intonation.

-The sounds: /ɒ/ʌ/

-Rhythm, stress and intonation of a chant.

▪ Identify and use the lexical terms:

-Parts of the body: head, body, arm(s), leg(s), hand(s), feet, wing(s), ear, mouth, nose, eye, hair, trunk, feathers, fur, scales, tail.

-Animals: pet, butterfly.

-Adjectives: funny, long, short, strong.


▪ Understand and apply grammar rules correctly.

-Identify the correct person in the verb-‘have got’:

-He’s/she’s/It’s/We’ve/They’ve got…

-Has he/she/it got? Have they got?

-Yes, they have. No, they haven’t.

-Use of adjectives.

▪ Associate global writing, pronunciation and meaning from written examples.

▪ Get familiar with the use of basic strategies of the production of written texts based on a model: chose the addressee, the purpose and content.

▪ Interest and curiosity in widening knowledge related to the English language in different situations.

3.2. Reflection on learning.

▪ Develop effective language-learning practices.

- Use prior knowledge.

- Follow instructions

- Use the skills of observation.

- Remember new words.

- Flexible thinking.

- Play a guessing game.

- Reflect on their own work and self-evaluate themselves at the end of the Unit.

BLOCK 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

▪ Recognise and learn basic forms of social interactions in a foreign language.

▪ Show a receptive attitude towards those who speak a different language than their own.

▪ Interdisciplinary contents:

- Maths: To count, order, complete a tick chart,

- Sciences: Classify animals.

- Social Studies: school life.

- Arts and music: Sing a song, chant, draw.

- Linguistic abilities: reading and interpretation of a story and information text.

BLOCK 5. Literacy Education

Literacy genre:


Sam, the circus boy! (PB pages 54-55).

Cartoon stories:

She’s got a pet. (PB page 50).

Has it got wings (PB page 52).

Oral and written text production:

Dialogue reproduction

A chant: Lots of frogs in the sun. PB page 58.

A song: ‘We are boys and we are girls’ PB page 51.


Linguistic competence

All sections and activities of the Unit contribute to the development of the communication aspect of the linguistic competence, especially the activities:

▪ Listen and chant (PB page 58), Listen and sing (PB page 51).

▪ Play a game (Unit 6b (PB, page 53).

▪ Listen to the story. Then act out (PB pages 50, 52). Act out a story (PB page 55).

▪ Present a project (Science lesson 2 PB page 57).

Mathematical competence

Mathematical competence consists in the ability to use and relate numbers, basic number operations, symbols, and mathematical thinking. Also, the use and knowledge of basic Maths skills and concepts (different types of numbers, measurements, symbols, geometry concepts, among others).

This competence is developed in the Unit through:

- Count, Identify and use vocabulary with numbers.

- Complete a tick chart.

Competence in knowledge and interaction with the physical world

Part of this competence is the awareness of the physical space; it's social interactions and human activities and abilities to interact in it.

- Show respect to others and themselves:(Play games, act out, listen, take turns)

- Perceive and interact with the physical space throughout the knowledge of cross-curricular lessons and interdisciplinary sections: Poster projects with stickers, cross-curricular worksheets (AB page 98).

- Social Studies: learning about the places where things belong (body parts).

Data processing and digital competence

• Use means of information and situations of diverse types of communication to combine communication and reading skills:

- Stickers, cut-out, etc (connect visual and text information)

▪ Look at photographs as a mean of information: (Cross-curricular, (PB page 98).

▪ Interpret and process information from tables and pictures.

- Tick charts for science lesson.

▪ Practice and get familiar with a variety of digital competences and information throughout the course applying the components of the methods:

- Active Teach for Interactive Whiteboards -(interactive PB and AB, audio material, digital flashcards, word cards and story cards, extra activities, interdisciplinary digital posters, Reader, interactive games, download PDF section with printables, tests, videos with real characters related to the Unit, Interactive board games, a version available as a PDF with Worksheets to copy, tests, etc).

- Active Book (an Active Teach version to use at home).

- Class Audio CDs.


- Course web page

Interpersonal, social and civil competence

This competence relates to building basic essential communication skills and learning to interact with others in an appropriate manner, regardless of their background. Also, understanding how to express opinions appropriately and knowing how to behave in familiar situations of negotiation and transaction.

This competence is developed through the knowledge of different interdisciplinary sections related to the unit:

- Understand dialogues and communication exchanges.

- Socialise and participate in classroom activities, playing and following classroom rules, in pairs and in groups: Play a game, Unit 6b (PB, page 53).

Learn to participate and collaborate with peers, acting out the story of the unit: Sam, the circus boy! (PB pages 54-55).

▪ Learning a language implies the knowledge of the cultural aspects tied to those who speak it. History always refers to different social aspects and democratic values of a society.

▪ This competence is developed through interdisciplinary sections related to the theme of the Unit.

- Learn codes of conduct and help others.

▪ Interpersonal, social and civic competences have as an objective learning to communicate with others with understanding. (Unit 6b Lesson 2, Present a project (Science lesson 2).

Cultural and artistic competence

This competence is developed in the Unit through the following activities:

▪ Sing songs, rhymes and chants:

▪ A chant: PB page 58.

▪ A song: PB page 51.

▪ Immerse in the English language and culture through reading and understanding a story: PB pages 50, 52. PB page 55.

▪ Cultural and artistic competence has as an objective the development and value of the imagination, initiative and creativity:

-Draw a friend (Unit 6c, Lesson 2, Activity 5. TB page 55)

-Present a project (Science lesson 2 PB page 57).

Learning to learn competence

Learning to learn competence objective is for students to reflect on what they are learning and how they are learning it, motivating them to use their own abilities and to be conscious of their learning processes and able to evaluate their own learning. This competence is developed in Review 3.

Autonomy and personal initiative

Autonomy and personal initiative has as an objective the development of one's own criteria and foster social values like respect, cooperation, and teamwork. This competence is practice through different activities through the ten lessons of the unit.

Emotional Competence

An emotional competence is about the ability to understand and control emotions, to be aware of others emotions and feelings and establishes positive relations with others. The competence aims to help students to be better and happier person who approaches life in a positive manner personally and socially.

This competence is mastered when the student is able to approach any activity taking risks in a responsible manner, establishing positive relations with others. This implies the development and empowerment of personal self-esteem, trusting in themselves and their possibilities.

Express feelings and emotions: in all dialogues and communications. (PB, pages 50-59), acting out a story: Sam, the circus boy! (PB pages 54-55).

Dancing and movement (Act out the story, Sam, the circus boy! (PB pages 54-55).

- Overcome inhibitions through songs and music: Sing songs and chants:

-A chant: PB page 58.

-A song: PB page 51.

This competence is developed across the ten lessons of the Unit.


Extra-practice and extension activities

▪ Pupils Book (pages 50-59):

-Pre-reading and pre-writing activities.

- Cutouts. (For Activity 7 of Unit 6b).

▪ Active Book; activities and interactive games to practice for language practice:

- Flashcards, Word cards, posters, videos and Reader.

▪ Activity Book (pages 40-47):

- Pre-reading and pre-writing activities.

- Picture Dictionary (page 93).

▪ The Reader (in digital and print):

▪ Flashcards and Word cards (story vocabulary).

▪ Story cards.

▪ Teacher’s Resource Materials:

- Worksheets to copy.

- Cross-curricular Worksheets.

- Mini Flashcards, Mini Word cards.

- Board game.

- Activities for the song.

- Interdisciplinary posters and stickers.

- Extra practice and challenging activities (for fast learners).

▪ Active Teach, activities and interacting games for language practice.


Formative Evaluation

Constant supervision during class.

Complete the numbered exercises. (PB pages 50-59).

Summative evaluation

Active Teach Resources section:

-Unit quiz.

Tests: Progress Review 3 (Diagnostic Test).


Active Teach Resources section:

-‘I can do it! work sheet’.

Activity Book:

- Self-evaluation activity at the end of the Unit (Lesson ‘what about you?’ page 45).

-My Picture Dictionary pages 92-93, 98 & CD2 Tracks 49, 50 & 130.

Pupil’s Book:

- Review 3 Pages 58-59.

Evaluation criteria:

BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation

▪ Participate in oral interactions:

- Identify and say vocabulary of the unit.

- Talk about parts of the body.

- Identify adjectives.

- Use ‘have got’ in affirmative sentences.

- Sing a song.

- Name different animals.

- Ask and answer affirmative and negative questions.

▪ Understand simple oral texts within the classroom's context:

- Recognise the characters.

- Recognise the vocabulary of the unit.

- Recognise the parts of the body.

- Name animals.

- Identify the correct person.

- A song.

- To recognise ‘have got’ in questions and short answers (all forms).

- Understand a longer story using visual prompts.

- Understand and answer affirmative and negative questions.

BLOCK 2. Reading and writing

▪ Read simple words and phrases – Pre-reading activities (Optional):

- Be able to read vocabulary of the unit.

- Be able to read vocabulary about body parts.

- Be able to read vocabulary about animals.

- Follow the text of a longer story.

- Follow the text of a song.

- To read and understand comprehension questions.

▪ Write simple words and phrases- Pre-writing activities (Optional):

- Be able to trace, copy and complete the vocabulary of the unit.

- Be able to write using ‘have got’ in affirmative and negative statements and answers.

- Be able to identify adjectives.

- Be able to write about a friend.

BLOCK 3. Knowledge of the language.

▪ Identify, apply and use the vocabulary of the unit:

-Parts of the body: head, body, arm(s), leg(s), hand(s), feet, wing(s), ear, mouth, nose, eye, hair, trunk, feathers, fur, scales, tail.

-Animals: pet, butterfly.

-Adjectives: funny, long, short, strong.


▪ Understand and apply grammar rules correctly.

Language structures:

-Verb-have got. He’s/she’s/It’s/We’ve/They’ve got…

-Has he/she/it got? Have they got?

-Yes, they have. No, they haven’t.

Receptive language:

-beautiful, lucky, everywhere, quick.

-beat, stamp, turn around, ground.

Recycled Language:



-Big, small, long.

-Boy, girl, insect.

-Sit down, clap, dance.

▪ Recognise and reproduce sounds, rhythm, stress and intonation:

- The sounds: /ɒ/ʌ/

- Rhythm, stress and intonation of a chant.

▪ Develop effective language-learning practices.

- Use prior knowledge.

- Follow instructions

- Remember new words.

- Logical thinking: classify animals.

- Reflect on their own work and self-evaluate themselves at the end of the Unit.

BLOCK 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

▪ Recognise and learn basic forms of social interactions in a foreign language.

- Ask and answer questions in English.

- Learn a version of a traditional game.

- Take care of belongings.

- Help each other.

- Appreciate individuality.

- Work together.

▪ Show a receptive attitude towards those who speak a different language than their own.

▪ Learning about the language, lifestyle and culture of English-speaking world.

BLOCK 5. Literacy Education

• Enjoy literacy by reading books of reference and of own selection and other audio-visual artistic fields like theatre, television, radio and movies, in order to understand the world and human condition, for language enrichment and aesthetic sensibility.

UNIT 7: In the playground.

7a-There’s a town.

7b-Where’s Chatter?

7c-My town.


BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation

▪ Participate in oral interactions:

- Identify and say vocabulary of the unit.

- Talk about locations, towns.

- Identify and say prepositions of place.

- Use ‘There’s, there are’

- Make decisions.

- Sing a song.

- Name characters, people, places.

- Describe your town.

- Ask and answer questions.

▪ Understand simple oral texts within the classroom's context:

- Recognise the characters.

- Recognise vocabulary of the unit.

- Recognise locations.

- Understand a cartoon story using visual prompts.

- Understand and answer questions about people and places.

BLOCK 2. Reading and writing

▪ Read simple words and phrases – Pre-reading activities (Optional):

- Be able to read the vocabulary of the unit.

- Be able to read vocabulary about locations.

- Be able to read information text about towns.

- Be able to read and understand short descriptions of towns.

- Follow the text of a cartoon story.

- Follow the text of a song.

▪ Write simple words and phrases- Pre-writing activities (Optional):

- Be able to trace, copy and complete the vocabulary of the unit.

- Be able to write about your town.

- Be able to write prepositions of place.

BLOCK 3. Knowledge of the language.

▪ Identify, apply and use the vocabulary of the unit:

-Locations: tree, house, swimming pool, park, river, playground, tree house, swing, shop, slide, climbing frame, bus.

▪ Understand and apply grammar rules correctly.

Language structures:

-Prepositions of place: in, on, under, next to.

-There’s….There are…

-What’s the matter? I’m bored. I know. Let’s…Good idea, come on.

Receptive language:

-Fantastic, Let’s…I don’t know.

Recycled Language:

-Adjectives: big, pretty



-Lots of…

-Town/park words., zoo.

-Bag, ball. school, bike.

▪ Recognise and reproduce sounds, rhythm, stress and intonation:

- The sounds: /a/eɪ/

▪ Develop effective language-learning practices.

- Use prior knowledge.

- Follow instructions

- Remember new words.

- Logical thinking: match, identify.

- Reflect on their own work and self-evaluate themselves at the end of the Unit.

BLOCK 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

▪ Recognise and learn basic forms of social interactions in a foreign language.

- Ask and answer questions in English.

- Learn a version of a traditional game.

- Take care of belongings.

- Help each other.

- Appreciate individuality.

- Work together.

▪ Show a receptive attitude towards those who speak a different language than their own.

▪ Learning about the language, lifestyle and culture of English-speaking world.

BLOCK 5. Literacy Education

• Enjoy literacy by reading books of reference and of own selection and other audio-visual artistic fields like theatre, television, radio and movies, in order to understand the world and human condition, for language enrichment and aesthetic sensibility.


BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation

▪ Listen and understand oral expressions with different levels of complexity like instructions and explanations, oral interactions or recordings with visual support and been able to get detailed information within context.

▪ Oral interactions in real and pretend situations giving verbal and non-verbal responses of their choice from a selection in context and progressively with less guidance.

▪ Produce known oral texts previously through active participation in songs, presentations, role plays, recitals, guided interactions or through work prepared with a model and help, showing interest to express themselves orally in individual and group activities.

▪ Develop basic strategies to understand oral expression: use visual context, non-verbal communication, and previous knowledge about the topic of the unit and transfer them to a real situation using the foreign language.

▪ Value a foreign language as a tool for communication.

BLOCK 2. Reading and writing

▪ Reading and understanding different types of texts, in digital and in paper, adapted to the linguistic competence of the student, using general and specific information, in order to complete an activity or for reading enjoyment. .

▪ Guided use of reading strategies (using elements from visual contexts and previous knowledge about the topic or familiar situations), identifying the most relevant information, inferring the meaning of the words and common expressions.

▪ Reading and writing their own texts of daily life situations close to their own experience; invitations, greeting cards, brochures, notes...

▪ Compositions using a model, of a variety of simple texts, using expressions and phrases with multiple purposes.

▪ Using technology to read, write and share information.

▪ Show interest in the care and presentation of written work.

BLOCK 3. Knowledge of the language.

3.1. Linguistic knowledge

▪ Begin to recognise and reproduce the sounds, rhythm, stress and intonation.

-The sounds: /a/eɪ/

▪ Identify and use the lexical terms:

-Locations: tree, house, swimming pool, park, river, playground, tree house, swing, shop, slide, climbing frame, bus.

▪ Understand and apply grammar rules correctly.

Language structures:

-Prepositions of place: in, on, under, next to.

-There’s….There are…

-What’s the matter? I’m bored. I know. Let’s…Good idea, come on.

▪ Associate global writing, pronunciation and meaning from written examples.

▪ Get familiar with the use of basic strategies of the production of written texts based on a model: chose the addressee, the purpose and content.

▪ Interest and curiosity in widening knowledge related to the English language in different situations.

3.2. Reflection on learning.

▪ Develop effective language-learning practices.

- Use prior knowledge.

- Follow instructions

- Use the skills of observation.

- Remember new words.

- Flexible thinking.

- Play a memory game.

- Reflect on their own work and self-evaluate themselves at the end of the Unit.

BLOCK 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

▪ Recognise and learn basic forms of social interactions in a foreign language.

▪ Show a receptive attitude towards those who speak a different language than their own.

▪ Interdisciplinary contents:

- Maths: To count.

- Social Studies: school life. My town.

- Arts and music: Sing a song, draw.

- Linguistic abilities: reading and interpretation of a story and information texts.

BLOCK 5. Literacy Education

Literacy genre:

Cartoon stories:

There’s a town. PB page 60.

Where’s Chatter? PB page 62.

Information Text:

Descriptions of towns. PB page 64.

Oral and written text production:

Dialogue reproduction

A song: There’s a town. PB, page 61.


Linguistic competence

All sections and activities of the Unit contribute to the development of the communication aspect of the linguistic competence, especially the activities:

▪ Listen and sing (PB, page 61.)

▪ Play a game (PB page 63).

▪ Listen to the story. Then act out (Where’s Chatter? PB page 62).

▪ Act out the dialogue. (PB page 65).

Mathematical competence

Mathematical competence consists in the ability to use and relate numbers, basic number operations, symbols, and mathematical thinking. Also, the use and knowledge of basic Maths skills and concepts (different types of numbers, measurements, symbols, geometry concepts, among others).

This competence is developed in the Unit through:

- Count, Identify and use vocabulary about numbers.

Competence in knowledge and interaction with the physical world

Part of this competence is the awareness of the physical space; it's social interactions and human activities and abilities to interact in it.

- Show respect to others and themselves:(Take turns to read, listen, act out, play games.)

- Perceive and interact with the physical space throughout the knowledge of cross-curricular lessons and interdisciplinary sections: Poster projects with stickers, cross-curricular worksheets .

- Social Studies: learning about the places where things belong (My town).

Data processing and digital competence

• Use means of information and situations of diverse types of communication to combine communication and reading skills:

- Stickers, cut-out, etc (connect visual and text information)

▪ Look at photographs as a mean of information: My town (PB page 64).

▪ Interpret and process information from tables and pictures.

▪ Practice and get familiar with a variety of digital competences and information throughout the course applying the components of the methods:

- Active Teach for Interactive Whiteboards -(interactive PB and AB, audio material, digital flashcards, word cards and story cards, extra activities, interdisciplinary digital posters, Reader, interactive games, download PDF section with printables, tests, videos with real characters related to the Unit, Interactive board games, a version available as a PDF with Worksheets to copy, tests, etc).

- Active Book (an Active Teach version to use at home).

- Class Audio CDs.


- Course web page

Interpersonal, social and civil competence

This competence relates to building basic essential communication skills and learning to interact with others in an appropriate manner, regardless of their background. Also, understanding how to express opinions appropriately and knowing how to behave in familiar situations of negotiation and transaction.

This competence is developed through the knowledge of different interdisciplinary sections related to the unit:

- Understand dialogues and communication exchanges.

- Socialise and participate in classroom activities, playing and following classroom rules, in pairs and in groups: Play a game, Unit 7b (PB, page 63).

- Learn to participate and collaborate with peers, acting out the story of the unit: Where’s Chatter PB page 62.

▪ Learning a language implies the knowledge of the cultural aspects tied to those who speak it. History always refers to different social aspects and democratic values of a society.

▪ This competence is developed through interdisciplinary sections related to the theme of the Unit.

- Learn codes of conduct and help others.

Interpersonal, social and civic competences have as an objective learning to communicate with others with understanding. (Unit 7a Activity 6, Unit 7b Activity 6, Unit 7c Activity 6)

Cultural and artistic competence

This competence is developed in the Unit through the following activities:

▪ Sing songs, rhymes and chants:

▪ A song: There’s a town, PB, page 61.

▪ Immerse in the English language and culture through reading and understanding a story: Where’s Chatter?

Cultural and artistic competence has as an objective the development and value of the imagination, initiative and creativity. (Unit 7c. Activity Book page 53)

Learning to learn competence

Learning to learn competence objective is for students to reflect on what they are learning and how they are learning it, motivating them to use their own abilities and to be conscious of their learning processes and able to evaluate their own learning. This competence is developed in lesson 2 of the Unit 7c.

Autonomy and personal initiative

Autonomy and personal initiative has as an objective the development of one's own criteria and foster social values like respect, cooperation, and teamwork. This competence is practice through different activities through the six lessons of the unit.

Emotional Competence

An emotional competence is about the ability to understand and control emotions, to be aware of others emotions and feelings and establishes positive relations with others. The competence aims to help students to be better and happier person who approaches life in a positive manner personally and socially.

This competence is mastered when the student is able to approach any activity taking risks in a responsible manner, establishing positive relations with others. This implies the development and empowerment of personal self-esteem, trusting in themselves and their possibilities.

- Express feelings and emotions: in all dialogues and communications. (PB, page 65), acting out a story: Where’s Chatter? (PB page 62).

- Dancing and movement (Act out the story, PB page 62).

- Overcome inhibitions through songs and music: Sing songs and chants:

- A song: There’s a town, PB, page 61.

This competence is developed across the six lessons of the Unit.


Extra-practice and extension activities

▪ Pupils Book (Pages 60-65):

-Pre-reading and pre-writing activities.

- Cut-outs. (For Lesson 2, Activity 6 of Unit 7c).

▪ Active Book; activities and interactive games to practice for language practice:

- Flashcards, Word cards, posters, videos and Reader.

▪ Activity Book (Pages 48-53):

- Picture Dictionary (Page 94).

▪ The Reader (in digital and print):

▪ Flashcards and Word cards (Locations).

▪ Story cards.

▪ Teacher’s Resource Materials:

- Worksheets to copy.

- Cross-curricular Worksheets.

- Mini Flashcards, Mini Word cards.

- Board game.

- Activities for the song.

- Interdisciplinary posters and stickers.

- Extra practice and challenging activities (for fast learners).

▪ Active Teach, activities and interacting games for language practice.


Formative Evaluation

Constant supervision during class.

Complete the numbered exercises. (PB pages 60-65).

Summative evaluation

Active Teach Resources section:

-Unit quiz.


Activity Book:

- Self-evaluation activity at the end of the Unit 7c (Activity 6, page 53).

Active Teach Resources section:

- ‘I can do it!’ worksheet.

Evaluation criteria:

BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation

▪ Participate in oral interactions:

- Identify and say vocabulary of the unit.

- Talk about locations, towns.

- Identify and say prepositions of place.

- Use ‘There’s, there are’

- Make decisions.

- Sing a song.

- Name characters, people, places.

- Describe your town.

- Ask and answer questions.

▪ Understand simple oral texts within the classroom's context:

- Recognise the characters.

- Recognise vocabulary of the unit.

- Recognise locations.

- Understand a cartoon story using visual prompts.

- Understand and answer questions about people and places.

BLOCK 2. Reading and writing

▪ Read simple words and phrases – Pre-reading activities (Optional):

- Be able to read the vocabulary of the unit.

- Be able to read vocabulary about locations.

- Be able to read information text about towns.

- Be able to read and understand short descriptions of towns.

- Follow the text of a cartoon story.

- Follow the text of a song.

▪ Write simple words and phrases- Pre-writing activities (Optional):

- Be able to trace, copy and complete the vocabulary of the unit.

- Be able to write about your town.

- Be able to write prepositions of place.

BLOCK 3. Knowledge of the language.

▪ Identify, apply and use the vocabulary of the unit:

-Locations: tree, house, swimming pool, park, river, playground, tree house, swing, shop, slide, climbing frame, bus.

▪ Understand and apply grammar rules correctly.

Language structures:

-Prepositions of place: in, on, under, next to.

-There’s….There are…

-What’s the matter? I’m bored. I know. Let’s…Good idea, come on.

Receptive language:

-Fantastic, Let’s…I don’t know.

Recycled Language:

-Adjectives: big, pretty



-Lots of…

-Town/park words., zoo.

-Bag, ball. school, bike.

▪ Recognise and reproduce sounds, rhythm, stress and intonation:

- The sounds: /a/eɪ/

▪ Develop effective language-learning practices.

- Use prior knowledge.

- Follow instructions

- Remember new words.

- Logical thinking: match, identify.

- Reflect on their own work and self-evaluate themselves at the end of the Unit.

BLOCK 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

▪ Recognise and learn basic forms of social interactions in a foreign language.

- Ask and answer questions in English.

- Learn a version of a traditional game.

- Take care of belongings.

- Help each other.

- Appreciate individuality.

- Work together.

▪ Show a receptive attitude towards those who speak a different language than their own.

▪ Learning about the language, lifestyle and culture of English-speaking world.

BLOCK 5. Literacy Education

• Enjoy literacy by reading books of reference and of own selection and other audio-visual artistic fields like theatre, television, radio and movies, in order to understand the world and human condition, for language enrichment and aesthetic sensibility.

UNIT 8: Hobbies.

8a-She can sing.

8b-Can you skip?

8c-Where’s my mobile phone?

Science-Our senses.

Review 4.


BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation

▪ Participate in oral interactions:

- Identify and say vocabulary of the unit.

- Talk about hobbies.

- Identify action verbs.

- Use ‘can’ and can’t for ability in statements.

- Sing a song.

- Chant.

- Name the senses.

- Ask and answer affirmative and negative questions.

▪ Understand simple oral texts within the classroom's context:

- Recognise the characters.

- Recognise the vocabulary of the unit.

- Recognise action verbs.

- Recognise the five senses.

- Understand a cartoon story using visual prompts.

- Understand and follow the words of a song.

- Understand and answer questions about hobbies.

- Identify the correct answer.

BLOCK 2. Reading and writing

▪ Read simple words and phrases – Pre-reading activities (Optional):

- Be able to read vocabulary of the unit.

- Be able to read action words.

- Be able to read about the five senses.

- Be able to ask and answer short questions with can/can’t.

- Follow the text of a cartoon story.

▪ Write simple words and phrases- Pre-writing activities (Optional):

- Be able to trace, copy and complete the vocabulary of the unit.

- Be able to write using can/can’t for ability in statements.

- Be able to write about your bedroom.

- Be able to write using commas with and in a list.

- Be able to write about your senses.

BLOCK 3. Knowledge of the language.

▪ Identify, apply and use the vocabulary of the unit:

-Action verbs: ride, swim, climb, sing, jump, play the guitar, roller blade, fly, skip, do a handstand, walk, run, carry.

-Adjectives: High, fast,

-Mobile phone, cupboard, computer, bookcase, table, bed.

-The senses: hear, smell, taste, touch, see.

▪ Understand and apply grammar rules correctly.

Language structures:

-I/He/She/They can//can’t + verb.

-Can you/he/she/they…?

-Yes, I/he/she/they can…

-No, I/he/she/they can’t…

Receptive language:

-Fantastic, That’s terrible, It’s Ok, touch, sky.

-Come and play, things, everyone.

-Living room, idea.


Recycled Language:

-Bike, tree, Wow!, look, Be careful.

-Read, write, count, clap, turn around, ground.


-Classroom objects.

-Prepositions of place.

-What’s the matter? Lots of.


-Food items.

▪ Recognise and reproduce sounds, rhythm, stress and intonation:

-The sounds: /a/eɪ/

-Rhythm, stress and intonation for chant ‘there’s a snake on the cake’.

▪ Develop effective language-learning practices.

- Use prior knowledge.

- Follow instructions

- Remember new words.

- Logical thinking: patterns, problem solving, summarise.

- Reflect on their own work and self-evaluate themselves at the end of the Unit.

BLOCK 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

▪ Recognise and learn basic forms of social interactions in a foreign language.

- Ask and answer questions in English.

- Learn a version of a traditional game.

- Take care of belongings.

- Help each other.

- Appreciate individuality.

- Work together.

▪ Show a receptive attitude towards those who speak a different language than their own.

▪ Learning about the language, lifestyle and culture of English-speaking world.

BLOCK 5. Literacy Education

• Enjoy literacy by reading books of reference and of own selection and other audiovisual artistic fields like theatre, television, radio and movies, in order to understand the world and human condition, for language enrichment and aesthetic sensibility.


BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation

▪ Listen and understand oral expressions with different levels of complexity like instructions and explanations, oral interactions or recordings with visual support and been able to get detailed information within context.

▪ Oral interactions in real and pretend situations giving verbal and non-verbal responses of their choice from a selection in context and progressively with less guidance.

▪ Produce known oral texts previously through active participation in songs, presentations, role plays, recitals, guided interactions or through work prepared with a model and help, showing interest to express themselves orally in individual and group activities.

▪ Develop basic strategies to understand oral expression: use visual context, non-verbal communication, and previous knowledge about the topic of the unit and transfer them to a real situation using the foreign language.

▪ Value a foreign language as a tool for communication.

BLOCK 2. Reading and writing

▪ Reading and understanding different types of texts, in digital and in paper, adapted to the linguistic competence of the student, using general and specific information, in order to complete an activity or for reading enjoyment. .

▪ Guided use of reading strategies (using elements from visual contexts and previous knowledge about the topic or familiar situations), identifying the most relevant information, inferring the meaning of the words and common expressions.

▪ Reading and writing their own texts of daily life situations close to their own experience; invitations, greeting cards, brochures, notes...

▪ Compositions using a model, of a variety of simple texts, using expressions and phrases with multiple purposes.

▪ Using technology to read, write and share information.

▪ Show interest in the care and presentation of written work.

BLOCK 3. Knowledge of the language.

3.1. Linguistic knowledge

▪ Begin to recognise and reproduce the sounds, rhythm, stress and intonation.

-The sounds: /a/eɪ/

-Rhythm, stress and intonation for chant ‘There’s a snake on the cake’.

▪ Identify and use the lexical terms:

-Action verbs: ride, swim, climb, sing, jump, play the guitar, roller blade, fly, skip, do a handstand, walk, run, carry.

-Adjectives: High, fast,

-Mobile phone, cupboard, computer, bookcase, table, bed.

-The senses: hear, smell, taste, touch, see.

▪ Understand and apply grammar rules correctly.

Language structures:

-I/He/She/They can//can’t + verb.

-Can you/he/she/they…?

-Yes, I/he/she/they can…

-No, I/he/she/they can’t…

▪ Associate global writing, pronunciation and meaning from written examples.

▪ Get familiar with the use of basic strategies of the production of written texts based on a model: chose the addressee, the purpose and content.

▪ Interest and curiosity in widening knowledge related to the English language in different situations.

3.2. Reflection on learning.

▪ Develop effective language-learning practices.

- Use prior knowledge.

- Follow instructions

- Use the skills of observation.

- Remember new words.

- Flexible thinking.

- Play a guessing game.

- Reflect on their own work and self-evaluate themselves at the end of the Unit.

BLOCK 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

▪ Recognise and learn basic forms of social interactions in a foreign language.

▪ Show a receptive attitude towards those who speak a different language than their own.

▪ Interdisciplinary contents:

- Maths: To count, complete tick charts,

- Sciences: The five senses.

- Social Studies: school life.

- Arts and music: Sing a song, chant, draw.

- Linguistic abilities: reading and interpretation of a story and information texts. Present a project.

BLOCK 5. Literacy Education

Literacy genre:

Cartoon stories:

She can sing. PB page 66.

Can you skip? PB page 68.

Where’s my mobile phone? PB pages 70-71.

Information text.

Our senses. PB page 72.

Oral and written text production:

Dialogue reproduction

A chant: -There’s a snake on the cake. PB page 74.

A song: She can sing. PB page 67.


Linguistic competence

All sections and activities of the Unit contribute to the development of the communication aspect of the linguistic competence, especially the activities:

▪ Listen and chant (PB page 74.), Listen and sing (PB page 67.)

▪ Play a game (PB pages 69, 75).

▪ Listen to the story. Then act out (PB pages 66, 68). Act out a story (PB pages 70-71).

Mathematical competence

Mathematical competence consists in the ability to use and relate numbers, basic number operations, symbols, and mathematical thinking. Also, the use and knowledge of basic Maths skills and concepts (different types of numbers, measurements, symbols, geometry concepts, among others).

This competence is developed in the Unit through:

- Count, Identify and use vocabulary about numbers.

- Complete tick charts.

Competence in knowledge and interaction with the physical world

Part of this competence is the awareness of the physical space; it's social interactions and human activities and abilities to interact in it.

- Show respect to others and themselves:(take turns to speak, act, play games)

- Perceive and interact with the physical space throughout the knowledge of cross-curricular lessons and interdisciplinary sections: Poster projects with stickers, cross-curricular worksheets .

- Social Studies: learning about the places where things belong.

Data processing and digital competence

• Use means of information and situations of diverse types of communication to combine communication and reading skills:

- Stickers, cut-out, etc (connect visual and text information)

▪ Look at photographs as a mean of information: (Cross-curricular, (AB page 98) and Science (PB page 72)

▪ Interpret and process information from tables and pictures.

- Tick charts for each lesson.

▪ Practice and get familiar with a variety of digital competences and information throughout the course applying the components of the methods:

- Active Teach for Interactive Whiteboards -(interactive PB and AB, audio material, digital flashcards, word cards and story cards, extra activities, interdisciplinary digital posters, Reader, interactive games, download PDF section with printables, tests, videos with real characters related to the Unit, Interactive board games, a version available as a PDF with Worksheets to copy, tests, etc).

- Active Book (an Active Teach version to use at home).

- Class Audio CDs.


- Course web page

Interpersonal, social and civil competence

This competence relates to building basic essential communication skills and learning to interact with others in an appropriate manner, regardless of their background. Also, understanding how to express opinions appropriately and knowing how to behave in familiar situations of negotiation and transaction.

This competence is developed through the knowledge of different interdisciplinary sections related to the unit:

- Understand dialogues and communication exchanges.

- Socialise and participate in classroom activities, playing and following classroom rules, in pairs and in groups: Play a game, Unit 8b (PB, page 69) & Review 4 (PB page75).

Learn to participate and collaborate with peers, acting out the story of the unit: She can sing. PB page 66.

Can you skip? PB page 68.

Where’s my mobile phone? PB pages 70-71.

▪ Learning a language implies the knowledge of the cultural aspects tied to those who speak it. History always refers to different social aspects and democratic values of a society.

▪ This competence is developed through interdisciplinary sections related to the theme of the Unit.

- Learn codes of conduct and help others.

Interpersonal, social and civic competences have as an objective learning to communicate with others with understanding. (Unit 8b, Activity 7, 8c Activity 5, Review 4 activity 4)

Cultural and artistic competence

This competence is developed in the Unit through the following activities:

▪ Sing songs, rhymes and chants:

▪ A chant: -There’s a snake on the cake. PB page 74.

▪ A song: She can sing. PB page 67.

Immerse in the English language and culture through reading and understanding a story: She can sing. PB page 66. Can you skip? PB page 68. Where’s my mobile phone? PB pages 70-71.

Cultural and artistic competence has as an objective the development and value of the imagination, initiative and creativity. (Science Unit: PB page 73)

Learning to learn competence

Learning to learn competence objective is for students to reflect on what they are learning and how they are learning it, motivating them to use their own abilities and to be conscious of their learning processes and able to evaluate their own learning. This competence is developed in Review 4.

Autonomy and personal initiative

Autonomy and personal initiative has as an objective the development of one's own criteria and foster social values like respect, cooperation, and teamwork. This competence is practice through different activities through the ten lessons of the unit.

Emotional Competence

An emotional competence is about the ability to understand and control emotions, to be aware of others emotions and feelings and establishes positive relations with others. The competence aims to help students to be better and happier person who approaches life in a positive manner personally and socially.

This competence is mastered when the student is able to approach any activity taking risks in a responsible manner, establishing positive relations with others. This implies the development and empowerment of personal self-esteem, trusting in themselves and their possibilities.

Express feelings and emotions: in all dialogues and communications. (PB, pages 10-17), acting out a story: She can sing. PB page 66. Can you skip? PB page 68.

Where’s my mobile phone? PB pages 70-71.

- Dancing and movement (Act out the story, PB pages 66, 68, 70-71).

- Overcome inhibitions through songs and music: Sing songs and chants:

- A chant: There’s a snake on the cake. PB page 74

- A song: she can sing. PB page 67.

This competence is developed across the ten lessons of the Unit.


Extra-practice and extension activities

▪ Pupils Book (pages 66-75 ):

-Pre-reading and pre-writing activities.

▪ Active Book; activities and interactive games to practice for language practice:

- Flashcards, Word cards, posters, videos and Reader.

▪ Activity Book (pages 54-61):

- Picture Dictionary (Pages 94-95).

▪ The Reader (in digital and print):

▪ Story cards.

▪ Teacher’s Resource Materials:

- Worksheets to copy.

- Cross-curricular Worksheets.

- Mini Flashcards, Mini Word cards.

- Board game.

- Activities for the song.

- Interdisciplinary posters and stickers.

- Extra practice and challenging activities (for fast learners).

▪ Active Teach, activities and interacting games for language practice.


Formative Evaluation

Constant supervision during class.

Complete the numbered exercises. (PB pages 66-75).

Summative evaluation

Active Teach Resources section:

-Unit quiz.


-Progress Review 4(Diagnostic Test).

-Attainment Test.


Activity Book:

- Self-evaluation activity at the end of Unit 8c (‘What about you? page 59).

- Review 4 (Page 61).

- My Picture dictionary: Cross curricular links (pages 94-95, 98) & CD2 Tracks 80, 81

Active Teach Resources section:

-‘I can do it!’ worksheet.

Pupil’s Book:

- Review 4 (Pages 74-75).

Evaluation criteria:

BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation

▪ Participate in oral interactions:

- Identify and say vocabulary of the unit.

- Talk about hobbies.

- Identify action verbs.

- Use ‘can’ and can’t for ability in statements.

- Sing a song.

- Chant.

- Name the senses.

- Ask and answer affirmative and negative questions.

▪ Understand simple oral texts within the classroom's context:

- Recognise the characters.

- Recognise the vocabulary of the unit.

- Recognise action verbs.

- Recognise the five senses.

- Understand a cartoon story using visual prompts.

- Understand and follow the words of a song.

- Understand and answer questions about hobbies.

- Identify the correct answer.

BLOCK 2. Reading and writing

▪ Read simple words and phrases – Pre-reading activities (Optional):

- Be able to read vocabulary of the unit.

- Be able to read action words.

- Be able to read about the five senses.

- Be able to ask and answer short questions with can/can’t.

- Follow the text of a cartoon story.

▪ Write simple words and phrases- Pre-writing activities (Optional):

- Be able to trace, copy and complete the vocabulary of the unit.

- Be able to write using can/can’t for ability in statements.

- Be able to write about your bedroom.

- Be able to write using commas with and in a list.

- Be able to write about your senses.

BLOCK 3. Knowledge of the language.

▪ Identify, apply and use the vocabulary of the unit:

-Action verbs: ride, swim, climb, sing, jump, play the guitar, roller blade, fly, skip, do a handstand, walk, run, carry.

-Adjectives: High, fast,

-Mobile phone, cupboard, computer, bookcase, table, bed.

The senses: hear, smell, taste, touch, see.

▪ Understand and apply grammar rules correctly.

Language structures:

-I/He/She/They can//can’t + verb.

-Can you/he/she/they…?

-Yes, I/he/she/they can…

-No, I/he/she/they can’t…

Receptive language:

-Fantastic, That’s terrible, It’s Ok, touch, sky.

-Come and play, things, everyone.

-Living room, idea.


Recycled Language:

-Bike, tree, Wow!, look, Be careful.

-Read, write, count, clap, turn around, ground.


-Classroom objects.

-Prepositions of place.

-What’s the matter? Lots of.


-Food items.

▪ Recognise and reproduce sounds, rhythm, stress and intonation:

-The sounds: /a/eɪ/

-Rhythm, stress and intonation for chant ‘there’s a snake on the cake’.

▪ Develop effective language-learning practices.

- Use prior knowledge.

- Follow instructions

- Remember new words.

- Logical thinking: patterns, problem solving, summarise.

- Reflect on their own work and self-evaluate themselves at the end of the Unit.

BLOCK 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

▪ Recognise and learn basic forms of social interactions in a foreign language.

- Ask and answer questions in English.

- Learn a version of a traditional game.

- Take care of belongings.

- Help each other.

- Appreciate individuality.

- Work together.

▪ Show a receptive attitude towards those who speak a different language than their own.

▪ Learning about the language, lifestyle and culture of English-speaking world.

BLOCK 5. Literacy Education

• Enjoy literacy by reading books of reference and of own selection and other audiovisual artistic fields like theatre, television, radio and movies, in order to understand the world and human condition, for language enrichment and aesthetic sensibility.

UNIT 9: Food.

9a-We like breakfast.

9b-Patty likes fish.

9c-What’s on the menu?


BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation

▪ Participate in oral interactions:

- Identify and say vocabulary of the unit.

- Talk about favourite foods.

- Express likes and dislikes.

- Order food and drink.

- Sing a song.

- Ask and answer questions about food.

▪ Understand simple oral texts within the classroom's context:

- Recognise the vocabulary of the unit.

- Understand a cartoon story using visual prompts.

- Understand a conversation about food.

- Identify what food and drink children have ordered.

- Understand and answer questions about food.

BLOCK 2. Reading and writing

▪ Read simple words and phrases – Pre-reading activities (Optional):

- Be able to read vocabulary about food.

- Follow the text of a cartoon story.

- Be able to read and understand a menu.

- Be able to read a conversation about food.

▪ Write simple words and phrases- Pre-writing activities (Optional):

- Be able to trace, copy and complete the vocabulary of the unit.

- Be able to write using ‘and’ or ‘but’.

- Be able to write about food you like/don’t like.

BLOCK 3. Knowledge of the language.

▪ Identify, apply and use the vocabulary of the unit:

-Food: breakfast, bread, honey, milk, egg, orange, lunch, spaghetti, soup, chicken, potatoes, fish, pizza, fruit, banana, juice, dessert


▪ Understand and apply grammar rules correctly.

Language structures:

-The present simple: like, want:

-I/you/We/They like/don’t like…

-He/She likes/doesn’t like…

-(Peter) wants…

-(Sam) wants (soup)

Affirmative and negative questions and short answers:

-Can I have…please?

-Do you want…? Anything else?

Receptive language:

-It’s time for…Hooray!, naughty.

-How about you?, morning.

-Do you like/want…?

-sauce, dessert, mashed potato, What about you?

Recycled Language:

-Where’s…? There’s… There are…

-Has got, It’s time for…

-Burger, sausages, sandwich, cheese, salad, tomato, ice cream, chips.

▪ Recognise and reproduce sounds, rhythm, stress and intonation:

- The sound: /aI/

▪ Develop effective language-learning practices.

- Use prior knowledge.

- Follow instructions

- Remember new words.

- Logical thinking: patterns, problem solving.

- Reflect on their own work and self-evaluate themselves at the end of the Unit.

BLOCK 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

▪ Recognise and learn basic forms of social interactions in a foreign language.

- Ask and answer affirmative and negative questions in English.

- Express likes and dislikes in English.

- Order food and drink in English.

- Learn a version of a traditional game.

- Take care of belongings.

- Help each other.

- Appreciate individuality.

- Work together.

▪ Show a receptive attitude towards those who speak a different language than their own.

▪ Learning about the language, lifestyle and culture of English-speaking world.

BLOCK 5. Literacy Education

• Enjoy literacy by reading books of reference and of own selection and other audiovisual artistic fields like theatre, television, radio and movies, in order to understand the world and human condition, for language enrichment and aesthetic sensibility.


BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation

▪ Listen and understand oral expressions with different levels of complexity like instructions and explanations, oral interactions or recordings with visual support and been able to get detailed information within context.

▪ Oral interactions in real and pretend situations giving verbal and non-verbal responses of their choice from a selection in context and progressively with less guidance.

▪ Produce known oral texts previously through active participation in songs, presentations, role plays, recitals, guided interactions or through work prepared with a model and help, showing interest to express themselves orally in individual and group activities.

▪ Develop basic strategies to understand oral expression: use visual context, non-verbal communication, and previous knowledge about the topic of the unit and transfer them to a real situation using the foreign language.

▪ Value a foreign language as a tool for communication.

BLOCK 2. Reading and writing

▪ Reading and understanding different types of texts, in digital and in paper, adapted to the linguistic competence of the student, using general and specific information, in order to complete an activity or for reading enjoyment. .

▪ Guided use of reading strategies (using elements from visual contexts and previous knowledge about the topic or familiar situations), identifying the most relevant information, inferring the meaning of the words and common expressions.

▪ Reading and writing their own texts of daily life situations close to their own experience; invitations, greeting cards, brochures, notes...

▪ Compositions using a model, of a variety of simple texts, using expressions and phrases with multiple purposes.

▪ Using technology to read, write and share information.

▪ Show interest in the care and presentation of written work.

BLOCK 3. Knowledge of the language.

3.1. Linguistic knowledge

▪ Begin to recognise and reproduce the sounds, rhythm, stress and intonation.

-The sound: /aI/

▪ Identify and use the lexical terms:

-Food: breakfast, bread, honey, milk, egg, orange, lunch, spaghetti, soup, chicken, potatoes, fish, pizza, fruit, banana, juice, dessert


▪ Understand and apply grammar rules correctly.

Language structures:

-The present simple: like, want:

-I/you/We/They like/don’t like…

-He/She likes/doesn’t like…

-(Peter) wants…

-(Sam) wants (soup)

Affirmative and negative questions and short answers:

-Can I have…please?

-Do you want…? Anything else?

▪ Associate global writing, pronunciation and meaning from written examples.

▪ Get familiar with the use of basic strategies of the production of written texts based on a model: chose the addressee, the purpose and content.

▪ Interest and curiosity in widening knowledge related to the English language in different situations.

3.2. Reflection on learning.

▪ Develop effective language-learning practices.

- Use prior knowledge.

- Follow instructions

- Use the skills of observation.

- Remember new words.

- Flexible thinking.

- Reflect on their own work and self-evaluate themselves at the end of the Unit.

BLOCK 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

▪ Recognise and learn basic forms of social interactions in a foreign language.

▪ Show a receptive attitude towards those who speak a different language than their own.

▪ Interdisciplinary contents:

- Maths: To count, complete tick charts.

- Social Studies: school life, food and restaurants.

- Arts and music: Sing a song, draw.

- Linguistic abilities: reading and interpretation of a cartoon story, menu, simple charts and dialogues.

BLOCK 5. Literacy Education

Literacy genre:

Cartoon stories:

We like breakfast. PB page 76.

Patty likes fish. PB page 78.


Menu and dialogue. PB page 80.

Oral and written text production:

Dialogue reproduction

A song: We like breakfast. PB page 77.


Linguistic competence

All sections and activities of the Unit contribute to the development of the communication aspect of the linguistic competence, especially the activities:

▪ Listen and sing (PB page 77.)

▪ Listen to the story. Then act out (PB pages 76, 78).

▪ Act out being in a restaurant (PB page 81).

Mathematical competence

Mathematical competence consists in the ability to use and relate numbers, basic number operations, symbols, and mathematical thinking. Also, the use and knowledge of basic Maths skills and concepts (different types of numbers, measurements, symbols, geometry concepts, among others).

This competence is developed in the Unit through:

- Count, Identify and use vocabulary about numbers.

- Complete tick charts.

Competence in knowledge and interaction with the physical world

Part of this competence is the awareness of the physical space; it's social interactions and human activities and abilities to interact in it.

- Show respect to others and themselves:(Take turns to speak, act out, ask and answer questions)

- Perceive and interact with the physical space throughout the knowledge of cross-curricular lessons and interdisciplinary sections: Poster projects with stickers, cross-curricular worksheets.

- Social Studies: learning about the places where things belong (food and restaurants).

Data processing and digital competence

• Use means of information and situations of diverse types of communication to combine communication and reading skills:

- Stickers, cut-out, etc (connect visual and text information)

▪ Look at photographs as a mean of information.

▪ Interpret and process information from tables and pictures.

- Tick charts for Activity & pupil book lessons.

▪ Practice and get familiar with a variety of digital competences and information throughout the course applying the components of the methods:

- Active Teach for Interactive Whiteboards -(interactive PB and AB, audio material, digital flashcards, word cards and story cards, extra activities, interdisciplinary digital posters, Reader, interactive games, download PDF section with printables, tests, videos with real characters related to the Unit, Interactive board games, a version available as a PDF with Worksheets to copy, tests, etc).

- Active Book (an Active Teach version to use at home).

- Class Audio CDs.


- Course web page

Interpersonal, social and civil competence

This competence relates to building basic essential communication skills and learning to interact with others in an appropriate manner, regardless of their background. Also, understanding how to express opinions appropriately and knowing how to behave in familiar situations of negotiation and transaction.

This competence is developed through the knowledge of different interdisciplinary sections related to the unit:

- Understand dialogues and communication exchanges.

- Socialise and participate in classroom activities, playing and following classroom rules, in pairs and in groups: Act out. PB page 81.

- Learn to participate and collaborate with peers, acting out the story of the unit: We like breakfast (PB page 76) & Patty likes fish (PB page 78).

▪ Learning a language implies the knowledge of the cultural aspects tied to those who speak it. History always refers to different social aspects and democratic values of a society.

▪ This competence is developed through interdisciplinary sections related to the theme of the Unit.

- Learn codes of conduct and help others.

Interpersonal, social and civic competences have as an objective learning to communicate with others with understanding. (Unit 9b, 9c)

Cultural and artistic competence

This competence is developed in the Unit through the following activities:

▪ Sing songs, rhymes and chants:

▪ A song: We like breakfast PB page 77.

▪ Immerse in the English language and culture through reading and understanding a story: We like breakfast (PB page 76) & Patty likes fish (PB page 78).

Cultural and artistic competence has as an objective the development and value of the imagination, initiative and creativity (Unit 9c Lesson 2 Activity 7).

Learning to learn competence

Learning to learn competence objective is for students to reflect on what they are learning and how they are learning it, motivating them to use their own abilities and to be conscious of their learning processes and able to evaluate their own learning. This competence is developed in lesson 2 of the Unit 9c.

Autonomy and personal initiative

Autonomy and personal initiative has as an objective the development of one's own criteria and foster social values like respect, cooperation, and teamwork. This competence is practice through different activities through the six lessons of the unit.

Emotional Competence

An emotional competence is about the ability to understand and control emotions, to be aware of others emotions and feelings and establishes positive relations with others. The competence aims to help students to be better and happier person who approaches life in a positive manner personally and socially.

This competence is mastered when the student is able to approach any activity taking risks in a responsible manner, establishing positive relations with others. This implies the development and empowerment of personal self-esteem, trusting in themselves and their possibilities.

- Express feelings and emotions: in all dialogues and communications. (PB, pages 76-81), acting out a story: We like breakfast (PB page 76) & Patty likes fish (PB page 78).

- Dancing and movement (Act out the story, PB pages 76, 78).

- Overcome inhibitions through songs and music: Sing songs and chants:

- A song: We like breakfast (PB page 76).

This competence is developed across the eight lessons of the Unit.


Extra-practice and extension activities

▪ Pupils Book (pages 76-81 ):

-Pre-reading and pre-writing activities.

- Cut-outs. (For Lesson of Unit 9c).

▪ Active Book; activities and interactive games to practice for language practice:

- Flashcards, Word cards, posters, videos and Reader.

▪ Activity Book (pages 62-67):

- Pre-reading and pre-writing activities.

- Picture Dictionary (Page 95).

▪ The Reader (in digital and print):

▪ Flashcards and Word cards (food).

▪ Story cards.

▪ Teacher’s Resource Materials:

- Worksheets to copy.

- Cross-curricular Worksheets.

- Mini Flashcards, Mini Word cards.

- Board game.

- Activities for the song.

- Interdisciplinary posters and stickers.

- Extra practice and challenging activities (for fast learners).

▪ Active Teach, activities and interacting games for language practice.


Formative Evaluation

Constant supervision during class.

Complete the numbered exercises. (PB pages 76-81).

Summative evaluation

Active Teach Resources section:

-Unit quiz.


Activity Book:

- Self-evaluation activity at the end of the Unit 9c (What about you? Lesson , page 67 ).

Active Teach Resources section:

- ‘I can do it!’ worksheet.

Evaluation criteria:

BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation

▪ Participate in oral interactions:

- Identify and say vocabulary of the unit.

- Talk about favourite foods.

- Express likes and dislikes.

- Order food and drink.

- Sing a song.

- Ask and answer questions about food.

▪ Understand simple oral texts within the classroom's context:

- Recognise the vocabulary of the unit.

- Understand a cartoon story using visual prompts.

- Understand a conversation about food.

- Identify what food and drink children have ordered.

- Understand and answer questions about food.

BLOCK 2. Reading and writing

▪ Read simple words and phrases – Pre-reading activities (Optional):

- Be able to read vocabulary about food.

- Follow the text of a cartoon story.

- Be able to read and understand a menu.

- Be able to read a conversation about food.

▪ Write simple words and phrases- Pre-writing activities (Optional):

- Be able to trace, copy and complete the vocabulary of the unit.

- Be able to write using ‘and’ or ‘but’.

- Be able to write about food you like/don’t like.

BLOCK 3. Knowledge of the language.

▪ Identify, apply and use the vocabulary of the unit:

-Food: breakfast, bread, honey, milk, egg, orange, lunch, spaghetti, soup, chicken, potatoes, fish, pizza, fruit, banana, juice, dessert


▪ Understand and apply grammar rules correctly.

Language structures:

-The present simple: like, want:

-I/you/We/They like/don’t like…

-He/She likes/doesn’t like…

-(Peter) wants…

-(Sam) wants (soup)

Affirmative and negative questions and short answers:

-Can I have…please?

-Do you want…? Anything else?

Receptive language:

-It’s time for…Hooray!, naughty.

-How about you?, morning.

-Do you like/want…?

-sauce, dessert, mashed potato, What about you?

Recycled Language:

-Where’s…? There’s… There are…

-Has got, It’s time for…

-Burger, sausages, sandwich, cheese, salad, tomato, ice cream, chips.

▪ Recognise and reproduce sounds, rhythm, stress and intonation:

- The sound: /aI/

▪ Develop effective language-learning practices.

- Use prior knowledge.

- Follow instructions

- Remember new words.

- Logical thinking: patterns, problem solving.

- Reflect on their own work and self-evaluate themselves at the end of the Unit.

BLOCK 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

▪ Recognise and learn basic forms of social interactions in a foreign language.

- Ask and answer affirmative and negative questions in English.

- Express likes and dislikes in English.

- Order food and drink in English.

- Learn a version of a traditional game.

- Take care of belongings.

- Help each other.

- Appreciate individuality.

- Work together.

▪ Show a receptive attitude towards those who speak a different language than their own.

▪ Learning about the language, lifestyle and culture of English-speaking world.

BLOCK 5. Literacy Education

• Enjoy literacy by reading books of reference and of own selection and other audiovisual artistic fields like theatre, television, radio and movies, in order to understand the world and human condition, for language enrichment and aesthetic sensibility.

UNIT 10: Daily routines.

10a-He gets up at seven o’clock.

10b-Does Rob go to the zoo every day?


Social Science-A healthy life.

Review 5.


BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation

▪ Participate in oral interactions:

- Identify and say vocabulary of the unit.

- Talk about daily routines.

- Use the present simple tense to talk about routines.

- Sing a song.

- Name the days of the week.

- Ask and answer present simple questions.

- Present a project.

▪ Understand simple oral texts within the classroom's context:

- Recognise the vocabulary of the unit.

- Recognise verbs describing daily routine.

- Identify the correct information.

- Learn about how to stay healthy.

- Understand a cartoon story using visual prompts.

- Understand and answer questions in the present simple.

BLOCK 2. Reading and writing

▪ Read simple words and phrases – Pre-reading activities (Optional):

- Be able to read the numbers from 1 to 10.

- Be able to read vocabulary about daily routines.

- Identify verbs.

- Be able to read about how to stay healthy.

- Be able to read and understand a longer story.

- Be able to answer comprehension questions.

- Follow the text of a cartoon story.

▪ Write simple words and phrases- Pre-writing activities (Optional):

- Be able to write their names.

- Be able to trace, copy and complete the vocabulary of the unit.

- Be able to read descriptions of daily routines.

- Be able to write answers to cloze procedure questions related to text of the story of the unit.

- Be able to identify verbs and write using present simple tense.

- Be able to write about what you do after school.

- Be able to write about your life.


BLOCK 3. Knowledge of the language.

▪ Identify, apply and use the vocabulary of the unit:

-Daily routine: (seven) o’clock, get up, have breakfast, clean my teeth, go to school, every day,

-Days of the week.

-People, police officer, fire fighter, help, visit, do my homework.

-Healthy life: healthy, morning, night, wash, eat, sleep, well, sweets.

▪ Understand and apply grammar rules correctly.

Language structures:

The present simple tense:

-He cleans, she gets up, It drinks

Present simple questions and short answers (third person):

-Does he (go)…? Yes, he does./No, he doesn’t.

Receptive language:

-What’s the time?

-Help!, meet, eat.

-Thank you., It’s my pleasure., Have a good day., Well done., Don’t mention it.

Recycled Language:

-friend, animal, zoo, school, teacher, children.


-strong, fly.

-work, before, after, meal, toilet.

▪ Recognise and reproduce sounds, rhythm, stress and intonation:

-The sound: /aI/

-The rhythm, stress and intonation of a chant.

▪ Develop effective language-learning practices.

- Use prior knowledge.

- Follow instructions

- Remember new words.

- Logical thinking: patterns, problem solving, cloze procedure,

- Reflect on their own work and self-evaluate themselves at the end of the Unit.

BLOCK 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

▪ Recognise and learn basic forms of social interactions in a foreign language.

- Ask and answer questions in English.

- Learn a version of a traditional game.

- Take care of belongings.

- Help each other.

- Appreciate individuality.

- Work together.

▪ Show a receptive attitude towards those who speak a different language than their own.

▪ Learning about the language, lifestyle and culture of English-speaking world.

BLOCK 5. Literacy Education

• Enjoy literacy by reading books of reference and of own selection and other audiovisual artistic fields like theatre, television, radio and movies, in order to understand the world and human condition, for language enrichment and aesthetic sensibility.


BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation

▪ Listen and understand oral expressions with different levels of complexity like instructions and explanations, oral interactions or recordings with visual support and been able to get detailed information within context.

▪ Oral interactions in real and pretend situations giving verbal and non-verbal responses of their choice from a selection in context and progressively with less guidance.

▪ Produce known oral texts previously through active participation in songs, presentations, role plays, recitals, guided interactions or through work prepared with a model and help, showing interest to express themselves orally in individual and group activities.

▪ Develop basic strategies to understand oral expression: use visual context, non-verbal communication, and previous knowledge about the topic of the unit and transfer them to a real situation using the foreign language.

▪ Value a foreign language as a tool for communication.

BLOCK 2. Reading and writing

▪ Reading and understanding different types of texts, in digital and in paper, adapted to the linguistic competence of the student, using general and specific information, in order to complete an activity or for reading enjoyment. .

▪ Guided use of reading strategies (using elements from visual contexts and previous knowledge about the topic or familiar situations), identifying the most relevant information, inferring the meaning of the words and common expressions.

▪ Reading and writing their own texts of daily life situations close to their own experience; invitations, greeting cards, brochures, notes...

▪ Compositions using a model, of a variety of simple texts, using expressions and phrases with multiple purposes.

▪ Using technology to read, write and share information.

▪ Show interest in the care and presentation of written work.

BLOCK 3. Knowledge of the language.

3.1. Linguistic knowledge

▪ Begin to recognise and reproduce the sounds, rhythm, stress and intonation.

-The sound: /aI/

-The rhythm, stress and intonation of a chant.

▪ Identify and use the lexical terms:

-Daily routine: (seven) o’clock, get up, have breakfast, clean my teeth, go to school, every day,

-Days of the week.

-People, police officer, fire fighter, help, visit, do my homework.

-Healthy life: healthy, morning, night, wash, eat, sleep, well, sweets.

▪ Understand and apply grammar rules correctly.

Language structures:

The present simple tense:

-He cleans, she gets up, It drinks

Present simple questions and short answers (third person):

-Does he (go)…? Yes, he does./No, he doesn’t.

▪ Associate global writing, pronunciation and meaning from written examples.

▪ Get familiar with the use of basic strategies of the production of written texts based on a model: chose the addressee, the purpose and content.

▪ Interest and curiosity in widening knowledge related to the English language in different situations.

3.2. Reflection on learning.

▪ Develop effective language-learning practices.

- Use prior knowledge.

- Follow instructions

- Use the skills of observation.

- Remember new words.

- Flexible thinking.

- Play a miming game.

- Reflect on their own work and self-evaluate themselves at the end of the Unit.

BLOCK 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

▪ Recognise and learn basic forms of social interactions in a foreign language.

▪ Show a receptive attitude towards those who speak a different language than their own.

▪ Interdisciplinary contents:

- Maths: To count, complete charts.

- Social Studies: a healthy life.

- Arts and music: Sing a song, draw.

- Linguistic abilities: reading and interpretation of a story, comprehension of non-fiction texts, Presentation of a project.

BLOCK 5. Literacy Education

Literacy genre:

Cartoon stories:

He gets up at seven o’clock. PB page 82.

Does Rob go to the zoo every day? PB page 84.

Superboy! PB pages 86-87.

Non fiction:

A healthy life. PB page 88.

Oral and written text production:

Dialogue reproduction:

A chant: A slide, a bike and five white kites. PB page 90.

A song: He gets up at seven o’clock. PB page 83.


Linguistic competence

All sections and activities of the Unit contribute to the development of the communication aspect of the linguistic competence, especially the activities:

▪ Listen and chant (PB page 90.), Listen and sing (PB page 83.)

▪ Play a game (PB page 85, 91).

▪ Listen to the story. Then act out (PB pages 82, 84.). Act out a story (PB pages 86-87.).

Mathematical competence

Mathematical competence consists in the ability to use and relate numbers, basic number operations, symbols, and mathematical thinking. Also, the use and knowledge of basic Maths skills and concepts (different types of numbers, measurements, symbols, geometry concepts, among others).

This competence is developed in the Unit through:

- Count, Identify and use vocabulary about numbers.

- Complete a chart.

Competence in knowledge and interaction with the physical world

Part of this competence is the awareness of the physical space; it's social interactions and human activities and abilities to interact in it.

- Show respect to others and themselves:(Take turns to listen, speak, act, mime, play games)

- Perceive and interact with the physical space throughout the knowledge of cross-curricular lessons and interdisciplinary sections: Poster projects with stickers, cross-curricular worksheets (Social sciences).

- Social Studies: learning about daily routines and how to have a healthy life.

Data processing and digital competence

• Use means of information and situations of diverse types of communication to combine communication and reading skills:

- Stickers, cut-out, etc (connect visual and text information)

▪ Look at photographs as a mean of information: (Cross-curricular, (AB page 98).

▪ Interpret and process information from tables and pictures.

- Charts for Social Science Unit.

▪ Practice and get familiar with a variety of digital competences and information throughout the course applying the components of the methods:

- Active Teach for Interactive Whiteboards -(interactive PB and AB, audio material, digital flashcards, word cards and story cards, extra activities, interdisciplinary digital posters, Reader, interactive games, download PDF section with printables, tests, videos with real characters related to the Unit, Interactive board games, a version available as a PDF with Worksheets to copy, tests, etc).

- Active Book (an Active Teach version to use at home).

- Class Audio CDs.


- Course web page

Interpersonal, social and civil competence

This competence relates to building basic essential communication skills and learning to interact with others in an appropriate manner, regardless of their background. Also, understanding how to express opinions appropriately and knowing how to behave in familiar situations of negotiation and transaction.

This competence is developed through the knowledge of different interdisciplinary sections related to the unit:

- Understand dialogues and communication exchanges.

- Socialise and participate in classroom activities, playing and following classroom rules, in pairs and in groups: Play a game, Unit 10b (PB, page 85).

- Learn to participate and collaborate with peers, acting out the story of the unit: Superboy! PB pages 86-87.

▪ Learning a language implies the knowledge of the cultural aspects tied to those who speak it. History always refers to different social aspects and democratic values of a society.

▪ This competence is developed through interdisciplinary sections related to the theme of the Unit.

- Learn codes of conduct and help others.

Interpersonal, social and civic competences have as an objective learning to communicate with others with understanding. (Unit 10b-Activity 6, Unit10c-Activity 5, Social Science Unit-Activity 5.)

Cultural and artistic competence

This competence is developed in the Unit through the following activities:

▪ Sing songs, rhymes and chants:

A chant: A slide, a bike and five white kites. PB page 90.

A song: He gets up at seven o’clock. PB page 83.

▪ Immerse in the English language and culture through reading and understanding a story: Superboy! PB pages 86-87.

Cultural and artistic competence has as an objective the development and value of the imagination, initiative and creativity. (Social Science Unit: Present a project PB page 89)

Learning to learn competence

Learning to learn competence objective is for students to reflect on what they are learning and how they are learning it, motivating them to use their own abilities and to be conscious of their learning processes and able to evaluate their own learning. This competence is developed in the Review 5 lesson of the Unit.

Autonomy and personal initiative

Autonomy and personal initiative has as an objective the development of one's own criteria and foster social values like respect, cooperation, and teamwork. This competence is practice through different activities through the ten lessons of the unit.

Emotional Competence

An emotional competence is about the ability to understand and control emotions, to be aware of others emotions and feelings and establishes positive relations with others. The competence aims to help students to be better and happier person who approaches life in a positive manner personally and socially.

This competence is mastered when the student is able to approach any activity taking risks in a responsible manner, establishing positive relations with others. This implies the development and empowerment of personal self-esteem, trusting in themselves and their possibilities.

- Express feelings and emotions: in all dialogues and communications. (PB, pages 82-91), acting out a story: Superboy! (PB page 87).

- Dancing and movement (Act out the story, PB page 87).

- Overcome inhibitions through songs and music: Sing songs and chants:

- A chant: A slide, a bike and five white kites. PB page 90.

- A song: He gets up at seven o’clock. PB page 83.

This competence is developed across the ten lessons of the Unit.


Extra-practice and extension activities

▪ Pupils Book (pages 82-91):

-Pre-reading and pre-writing activities.

▪ Active Book; activities and interactive games to practice for language practice:

- Flashcards, Word cards, posters, videos and Reader.

▪ Activity Book (pages 68-75):

- Pre-reading and pre-writing activities.

- Picture Dictionary (pages 95, 96, 98).

▪ The Reader (in digital and print):

▪ Flashcards and Word cards (Daily routine and ‘Superboy!’ story vocabulary).

▪ Story cards.

▪ Teacher’s Resource Materials:

- Worksheets to copy.

- Cross-curricular Worksheets.

- Mini Flashcards, Mini Word cards.

- Board game.

- Activities for the song.

- Interdisciplinary posters and stickers.

- Extra practice and challenging activities (for fast learners).

▪ Active Teach, activities and interacting games for language practice.


Formative Evaluation

Constant supervision during class.

Complete the numbered exercises. (PB pages 82-91).

Summative evaluation

Active Teach Resources section:

Unit quiz.

Tests: Progress Review 5(Diagnostic Test).

Pupil’s Book:

Review 5 (pages 90-91).


Active Teach Resources section:

-‘I can do it!’ worksheet.

Activity Book:

- Self-evaluation activity at the end of the Unit (‘What about you?’ page 73).

- Review 5 (page 75).

- My Picture Dictionary & Cross-curricular links (Pages 95-96, 98) & CD3 Tracks 29 & 30.

Pupil’s Book:

- Review 5; Lesson 2 (The trail game) PB page 91.

Evaluation criteria:

BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation

▪ Participate in oral interactions:

- Identify and say vocabulary of the unit.

- Talk about daily routines.

- Use the present simple tense to talk about routines.

- Sing a song.

- Name the days of the week.

- Ask and answer present simple questions.

- Present a project.

▪ Understand simple oral texts within the classroom's context:

- Recognise the vocabulary of the unit.

- Recognise verbs describing daily routine.

- Identify the correct information.

- Learn about how to stay healthy.

- Understand a cartoon story using visual prompts.

- Understand and answer questions in the present simple.

BLOCK 2. Reading and writing

▪ Read simple words and phrases – Pre-reading activities (Optional):

- Be able to read the numbers from 1 to 10.

- Be able to read vocabulary about daily routines.

- Identify verbs.

- Be able to read about how to stay healthy.

- Be able to read and understand a longer story.

- Be able to answer comprehension questions.

- Follow the text of a cartoon story.

▪ Write simple words and phrases- Pre-writing activities (Optional):

- Be able to write their names.

- Be able to trace, copy and complete the vocabulary of the unit.

- Be able to read descriptions of daily routines.

- Be able to write answers to cloze procedure questions related to text of the story of the unit.

- Be able to identify verbs and write using present simple tense.

- Be able to write about what you do after school.

- Be able to write about your life.

BLOCK 3. Knowledge of the language.

▪ Identify, apply and use the vocabulary of the unit:

-Daily routine: (seven) o’clock, get up, have breakfast, clean my teeth, go to school, every day,

-Days of the week.

-People, police officer, fire fighter, help, visit, do my homework.

-Healthy life: healthy, morning, night, wash, eat, sleep, well, sweets.

▪ Understand and apply grammar rules correctly.

Language structures:

The present simple tense:

-He cleans, she gets up, It drinks

Present simple questions and short answers (third person):

-Does he (go)…? Yes, he does./No, he doesn’t.

Receptive language:

-What’s the time?

-Help!, meet, eat.

-Thank you., It’s my pleasure., Have a good day., Well done., Don’t mention it.

Recycled Language:

-friend, animal, zoo, school, teacher, children.


-strong, fly.

-work, before, after, meal, toilet.

▪ Recognise and reproduce sounds, rhythm, stress and intonation:

-The sound: /aI/

-The rhythm, stress and intonation of a chant.

▪ Develop effective language-learning practices.

- Use prior knowledge.

- Follow instructions

- Remember new words.

- Logical thinking: patterns, problem solving, cloze procedure,

- Reflect on their own work and self-evaluate themselves at the end of the Unit.

BLOCK 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

▪ Recognise and learn basic forms of social interactions in a foreign language.

- Ask and answer questions in English.

- Learn a version of a traditional game.

- Take care of belongings.

- Help each other.

- Appreciate individuality.

- Work together.

▪ Show a receptive attitude towards those who speak a different language than their own.

▪ Learning about the language, lifestyle and culture of English-speaking world.

BLOCK 5. Literacy Education

• Enjoy literacy by reading books of reference and of own selection and other audiovisual artistic fields like theatre, television, radio and movies, in order to understand the world and human condition, for language enrichment and aesthetic sensibility.

UNIT 11: Activities, Clothes.

11a-I’m playing a game.

11b-They’re having a shower.

11c-Me and my friends.


BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation

▪ Participate in oral interactions:

- Identify and say vocabulary of the unit.

- Talk about activities.

- Mention action verbs in the present continuous tense.

- Use clothes vocabulary.

- Sing a song.

- Describe and identify the correct child.

- Ask and answer questions.

▪ Understand simple oral texts within the classroom's context:

- Recognise the vocabulary of the unit.

- Recognise action verbs.

- Recognise clothes vocabulary.

- Understand a cartoon story using visual prompts.

- Identify the correct children from descriptions of what they’re wearing/doing.

- Identify the correct information.

- Understand and answer questions about

BLOCK 2. Reading and writing

▪ Read simple words and phrases – Pre-reading activities (Optional):

- Be able to read the numbers from 1 to 10.

- Be able to read vocabulary about activities.

- Be able to read about me and my friends.

- Identify pictures from descriptions.

- Follow the text of a story

▪ Write simple words and phrases- Pre-writing activities (Optional):

- Be able to trace, copy and complete the vocabulary of the unit.

- Be able to write short forms of is and has.

- Be able to write using the present continuous tense (affirmative).

- Be able to write about you and your friend.

BLOCK 3. Knowledge of the language.

▪ Identify, apply and use the vocabulary of the unit:

Action verbs: play, read, sleep, hide, come,

Clothes vocabulary: wet, dry, trousers, shoes, dress, sweater, have a shower,

-water pistol, on, under.

▪ Understand and apply grammar rules correctly.

Language structures:

The present continuous tense (affirmative):

-I’m/He’s/She’s (playing).

-He’s/she’s wearing…

-We’re/You’re/They’re (wearing)…

Receptive language:

-Ssh!, Hey ho, away we go,

Recycled Language:

-has got, look, big, run.

-clothes, colours.

▪ Recognise and reproduce sounds, rhythm, stress and intonation:

-The sound: /əʊ/

▪ Develop effective language-learning practices.

- Use prior knowledge.

- Follow instructions

- Remember new words.

- Logical thinking: patterns, problem solving.

- Reflect on their own work and self-evaluate themselves at the end of the Unit.

BLOCK 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

▪ Recognise and learn basic forms of social interactions in a foreign language.

- Ask and answer questions in English.

- Learn a version of a traditional game.

- Take care of belongings.

- Help each other.

- Appreciate individuality.

- Work together.

▪ Show a receptive attitude towards those who speak a different language than their own.

▪ Learning about the language, lifestyle and culture of English-speaking world.

BLOCK 5. Literacy Education

• Enjoy literacy by reading books of reference and of own selection and other audiovisual artistic fields like theatre, television, radio and movies, in order to understand the world and human condition, for language enrichment and aesthetic sensibility.


BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation

▪ Listen and understand oral expressions with different levels of complexity like instructions and explanations, oral interactions or recordings with visual support and been able to get detailed information within context.

▪ Oral interactions in real and pretend situations giving verbal and non-verbal responses of their choice from a selection in context and progressively with less guidance.

▪ Produce known oral texts previously through active participation in songs, presentations, role plays, recitals, guided interactions or through work prepared with a model and help, showing interest to express themselves orally in individual and group activities.

▪ Develop basic strategies to understand oral expression: use visual context, non-verbal communication, and previous knowledge about the topic of the unit and transfer them to a real situation using the foreign language.

▪ Value a foreign language as a tool for communication.

BLOCK 2. Reading and writing

▪ Reading and understanding different types of texts, in digital and in paper, adapted to the linguistic competence of the student, using general and specific information, in order to complete an activity or for reading enjoyment. .

▪ Guided use of reading strategies (using elements from visual contexts and previous knowledge about the topic or familiar situations), identifying the most relevant information, inferring the meaning of the words and common expressions.

▪ Reading and writing their own texts of daily life situations close to their own experience; invitations, greeting cards, brochures, notes...

▪ Compositions using a model, of a variety of simple texts, using expressions and phrases with multiple purposes.

▪ Using technology to read, write and share information.

▪ Show interest in the care and presentation of written work.

BLOCK 3. Knowledge of the language.

3.1. Linguistic knowledge

▪ Begin to recognise and reproduce the sounds, rhythm, stress and intonation.

-The sound: /əʊ/

▪ Identify and use the lexical terms:

Action verbs: play, read, sleep, hide, come,

Clothes vocabulary: wet, dry, trousers, shoes, dress, sweater, have a shower,

-water pistol, on, under.

▪ Understand and apply grammar rules correctly.

Language structures:

The present continuous tense (affirmative):

-I’m/He’s/She’s (playing).

-He’s/she’s wearing…

-We’re/You’re/They’re (wearing)…

▪ Associate global writing, pronunciation and meaning from written examples.

▪ Get familiar with the use of basic strategies of the production of written texts based on a model: chose the addressee, the purpose and content.

▪ Interest and curiosity in widening knowledge related to the English language in different situations.

3.2. Reflection on learning.

▪ Develop effective language-learning practices.

- Use prior knowledge.

- Follow instructions

- Use the skills of observation.

- Remember new words.

- Flexible thinking.

- Play a guessing game.

- Reflect on their own work and self-evaluate themselves at the end of the Unit.

BLOCK 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

▪ Recognise and learn basic forms of social interactions in a foreign language.

▪ Show a receptive attitude towards those who speak a different language than their own.

▪ Interdisciplinary contents:

- Maths: To count.

- Social Studies: school life.

- Arts and music: Sing a song, draw.

- Linguistic abilities: reading and interpretation of a story, ask and answer questions, play a guessing game, describe what children are wearing.

BLOCK 5. Literacy Education

Literacy genre:

Cartoon stories:

I’m playing a game. PB page 92.

They’re having a shower. PB page 94.

Oral and written text production:

Dialogue reproduction:

A song: I’m playing a game. PB page 93.


Linguistic competence

All sections and activities of the Unit contribute to the development of the communication aspect of the linguistic competence, especially the activities:

• Listen and sing (PB page 93).

• Play a game (PB pages 95, 97).

• Listen to the story. Then act out (PB pages 92, 94).

Mathematical competence

Mathematical competence consists in the ability to use and relate numbers, basic number operations, symbols, and mathematical thinking. Also, the use and knowledge of basic Maths skills and concepts (different types of numbers, measurements, symbols, geometry concepts, among others).

This competence is developed in the Unit through:

- Count, Identify and use vocabulary about numbers.

Competence in knowledge and interaction with the physical world

Part of this competence is the awareness of the physical space; it's social interactions and human activities and abilities to interact in it.

- Show respect to others and themselves:(Take turns to listen, speak, ask and answer questions, act out, play games).

- Perceive and interact with the physical space throughout the knowledge of cross-curricular lessons and interdisciplinary sections: Poster projects with stickers, cross-curricular worksheets.

- Social Studies: learning about the places where things belong (Clothes).

Data processing and digital competence

• Use means of information and situations of diverse types of communication to combine communication and reading skills:

- Stickers, cut-out, etc (connect visual and text information)

▪ Look at pictures as a mean of information.

▪ Interpret and process information from tables and pictures.

- Picture charts for each lesson.

▪ Practice and get familiar with a variety of digital competences and information throughout the course applying the components of the methods:

- Active Teach for Interactive Whiteboards -(interactive PB and AB, audio material, digital flashcards, word cards and story cards, extra activities, interdisciplinary digital posters, Reader, interactive games, download PDF section with printables, tests, videos with real characters related to the Unit, Interactive board games, a version available as a PDF with Worksheets to copy, tests, etc).

- Active Book (an Active Teach version to use at home).

- Class Audio CDs.


- Course web page

Interpersonal, social and civil competence

This competence relates to building basic essential communication skills and learning to interact with others in an appropriate manner, regardless of their background. Also, understanding how to express opinions appropriately and knowing how to behave in familiar situations of negotiation and transaction.

This competence is developed through the knowledge of different interdisciplinary sections related to the unit:

- Understand dialogues and communication exchanges.

- Socialise and participate in classroom activities, playing and following classroom rules, in pairs and in groups: Play a game, Unit 11b (PB, page 95) Unit 11c (PB page 97).

Learn to participate and collaborate with peers, acting out the story of the unit:

I’m playing a game. PB page 92.

They’re having a shower. PB page 94.


▪ Learning a language implies the knowledge of the cultural aspects tied to those who speak it. History always refers to different social aspects and democratic values of a society.

▪ This competence is developed through interdisciplinary sections related to the theme of the Unit.

- Learn codes of conduct and help others.

Interpersonal, social and civic competences have as an objective learning to communicate with others with understanding. (Unit 11b-Activity 7, 11c-Activity 6).

Cultural and artistic competence

This competence is developed in the Unit through the following activities:

▪ Sing songs, rhymes and chants:

▪ A song: I’m playing a game. PB page 93.

Immerse in the English language and culture through reading and understanding a story: I’m playing a game. PB page 92, They’re having a shower. PB page 94.

Cultural and artistic competence has as an objective the development and value of the imagination, initiative and creativity. (Unit 11c-AB page 81-activity 5)

Learning to learn competence

Learning to learn competence objective is for students to reflect on what they are learning and how they are learning it, motivating them to use their own abilities and to be conscious of their learning processes and able to evaluate their own learning. This competence is developed in lesson 2 of the Unit 11c.

Autonomy and personal initiative

Autonomy and personal initiative has as an objective the development of one's own criteria and foster social values like respect, cooperation, and teamwork. This competence is practice through different activities through the six lessons of the unit.

Emotional Competence

An emotional competence is about the ability to understand and control emotions, to be aware of others emotions and feelings and establishes positive relations with others. The competence aims to help students to be better and happier person who approaches life in a positive manner personally and socially.

This competence is mastered when the student is able to approach any activity taking risks in a responsible manner, establishing positive relations with others. This implies the development and empowerment of personal self-esteem, trusting in themselves and their possibilities.

Express feelings and emotions: in all dialogues and communications. (PB, pages 92-97), acting out a story: I’m playing a game. PB page 92, They’re having a shower. PB page 94.

- Dancing and movement (Act out the story, PB pages 92, 94).

- Overcome inhibitions through songs and music: Sing songs and chants:

- A song: I’m playing a game. PB page 93.

This competence is developed across the six lessons of the Unit.


Extra-practice and extension activities

▪ Pupils Book (Pages 92-97 ):

-Pre-reading and pre-writing activities.

▪ Active Book; activities and interactive games to practice for language practice:

- Flashcards, Word cards, posters, videos and Reader.

▪ Activity Book (Pages 76-81):

- Pre-reading and pre-writing activities.

- Picture Dictionary (Pages 96-97).

▪ The Reader (in digital and print):

▪ Flashcards and Word cards (Actions, activities, toys).

▪ Story cards.

▪ Teacher’s Resource Materials:

- Worksheets to copy.

- Cross-curricular Worksheets.

- Mini Flashcards, Mini Word cards.

- Board game.

- Activities for the song.

- Interdisciplinary posters and stickers.

- Extra practice and challenging activities (for fast learners).

▪ Active Teach, activities and interacting games for language practice.


Formative Evaluation

Constant supervision during class.

Complete the numbered exercises. (PB pages 92-97).

Summative evaluation

Active Teach Resources section:

Unit quiz.


Activity Book:

- Self-evaluation activity at the end of the Unit (‘What about you?’, page 81 ).

Active Teach Resources section:

- ‘I can do it!’ worksheet.

Evaluation criteria:

BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation

▪ Participate in oral interactions:

- Identify and say vocabulary of the unit.

- Talk about activities.

- Mention action verbs in the present continuous tense.

- Use clothes vocabulary.

- Sing a song.

- Describe and identify the correct child.

- Ask and answer questions.

▪ Understand simple oral texts within the classroom's context:

- Recognise the vocabulary of the unit.

- Recognise action verbs.

- Recognise clothes vocabulary.

- Understand a cartoon story using visual prompts.

- Identify the correct children from descriptions of what they’re wearing/doing.

- Identify the correct information.

- Understand and answer questions about

BLOCK 2. Reading and writing

▪ Read simple words and phrases – Pre-reading activities (Optional):

- Be able to read the numbers from 1 to 10.

- Be able to read vocabulary about activities.

- Be able to read about my friends and me.

- Identify pictures from descriptions.

- Follow the text of a story

▪ Write simple words and phrases- Pre-writing activities (Optional):

- Be able to trace, copy and complete the vocabulary of the unit.

- Be able to write short forms of is and has.

- Be able to write using the present continuous tense (affirmative).

- Be able to write about you and your friend.

BLOCK 3. Knowledge of the language.

▪ Identify, apply and use the vocabulary of the unit:

Action verbs: play, read, sleep, hide, come,

Clothes vocabulary: wet, dry, trousers, shoes, dress, sweater, have a shower,

-water pistol, on, under.

▪ Understand and apply grammar rules correctly.

Language structures:

The present continuous tense (affirmative):

-I’m/He’s/She’s (playing).

-He’s/she’s wearing…

-We’re/You’re/They’re (wearing)…

Receptive language:

-Ssh!, Hey ho, away we go,

Recycled Language:

-has got, look, big, run.

-clothes, colours.

▪ Recognise and reproduce sounds, rhythm, stress and intonation:

-The sound: /əʊ/

▪ Develop effective language-learning practices.

- Use prior knowledge.

- Follow instructions

- Remember new words.

- Logical thinking: patterns, problem solving.

- Reflect on their own work and self-evaluate themselves at the end of the Unit.

BLOCK 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

▪ Recognise and learn basic forms of social interactions in a foreign language.

- Ask and answer questions in English.

- Learn a version of a traditional game.

- Take care of belongings.

- Help each other.

- Appreciate individuality.

- Work together.

▪ Show a receptive attitude towards those who speak a different language than their own.

▪ Learning about the language, lifestyle and culture of English-speaking world.

BLOCK 5. Literacy Education

• Enjoy literacy by reading books of reference and of own selection and other audiovisual artistic fields like theatre, television, radio and movies, in order to understand the world and human condition, for language enrichment and aesthetic sensibility.

UNIT 12: Sports.

12a-They aren’t swimming.

12b-Are they sleeping?

12c-Jane and the giant.

Social Science: Other homes.

Review 6.


BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation

▪ Participate in oral interactions:

- Identify and say vocabulary of the unit.

- Talk about sports.

- Identify vocabulary about different homes.

- Use the present continuous tense (negative).

- Sing a song.

- Say a chant.

- Ask and answer present continuous questions.

- Present a project.

▪ Understand simple oral texts within the classroom's context:

- Recognise the vocabulary of the unit.

- Recognise sports vocabulary.

- Recognise vocabulary about homes.

- Understand a story using visual prompts.

- Understand and answer present continuous questions.

- Learn about different kinds of homes in different countries.

BLOCK 2. Reading and writing

▪ Read simple words and phrases – Pre-reading activities (Optional):

- Be able to read vocabulary about sports.

- Follow and understand the text of a longer story.

- Be able to read vocabulary and text about different homes.

- Be able to read and understand present questions.

▪ Write simple words and phrases- Pre-writing activities (Optional):

- Be able to trace, copy and complete the vocabulary of the unit.

- Be able to write about you, your family and friends.

- Be able to use apostrophes when writing.

- Be able to answer questions in the present continuous tense (negative).

- Be able to write about your own home and compare with a different kind of home.

BLOCK 3. Knowledge of the language.

▪ Identify, apply and use the vocabulary of the unit:

-Sports: basketball, volleyball, football, tennis.

-idea, tired, noise, dream, drink, roar, snore, upstairs, giant, living room, bathroom, kitchen, bedroom, ghost, scared.

-Homes: flat, mobile home, houseboat, wooden house, city, country.

▪ Understand and apply grammar rules correctly.

Language structures:

The present continuous tense (negative):

-I’m not/He isn’t/She isn’t/We aren’t/They aren’t (playing).

Present continuous questions and short answers:

-Are you/they (sleeping)?

-Yes, he/she/it is. No, he/she/it isn’t.

Receptive language:

-Splish, splash, sea, terrible, Guess again, terrible, toast, sweet dreams, Japan, America, India, Sweden.

Recycled Language:

-Present continuous (affirmative)

-Dog, cat, girl, boy, baby.


-Sleep, animal, read, write, do, play, hide, eat, cake, jump, bed.

-House, door, window, noise, table, hide, big, shower, cupboard, strong, idea.

-Parts of the body.

-Present continuous, have got.

-Rooms of the house.


-There is/are…

-Present simple.

▪ Recognise and reproduce sounds, rhythm, stress and intonation:

-The sound: /əʊ/

-Chant to practise the sound: /əʊ/ ‘Rose is on the phone at home’.

▪ Develop effective language-learning practices.

- Use prior knowledge.

- Follow instructions

- Remember new words.

- Logical thinking: patterns, problem solving, matching, comparing,

- Reflect on their own work and self-evaluate themselves at the end of the Unit.

BLOCK 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

▪ Recognise and learn basic forms of social interactions in a foreign language.

- Ask and answer questions in English.

- Learn a version of a traditional game.

- Take care of belongings.

- Help each other.

- Appreciate individuality.

- Work together.

▪ Show a receptive attitude towards those who speak a different language than their own.

▪ Learning about the language, lifestyle and culture of English-speaking world.

BLOCK 5. Literacy Education

• Enjoy literacy by reading books of reference and of own selection and other audiovisual artistic fields like theatre, television, radio and movies, in order to understand the world and human condition, for language enrichment and aesthetic sensibility.


BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation

▪ Listen and understand oral expressions with different levels of complexity like instructions and explanations, oral interactions or recordings with visual support and been able to get detailed information within context.

▪ Oral interactions in real and pretend situations giving verbal and non-verbal responses of their choice from a selection in context and progressively with less guidance.

▪ Produce known oral texts previously through active participation in songs, presentations, role plays, recitals, guided interactions or through work prepared with a model and help, showing interest to express themselves orally in individual and group activities.

▪ Develop basic strategies to understand oral expression: use visual context, non-verbal communication, and previous knowledge about the topic of the unit and transfer them to a real situation using the foreign language.

▪ Value a foreign language as a tool for communication.

BLOCK 2. Reading and writing

▪ Reading and understanding different types of texts, in digital and in paper, adapted to the linguistic competence of the student, using general and specific information, in order to complete an activity or for reading enjoyment. .

▪ Guided use of reading strategies (using elements from visual contexts and previous knowledge about the topic or familiar situations), identifying the most relevant information, inferring the meaning of the words and common expressions.

▪ Reading and writing their own texts of daily life situations close to their own experience; invitations, greeting cards, brochures, notes...

▪ Compositions using a model, of a variety of simple texts, using expressions and phrases with multiple purposes.

▪ Using technology to read, write and share information.

▪ Show interest in the care and presentation of written work.

BLOCK 3. Knowledge of the language.

3.1. Linguistic knowledge

▪ Begin to recognise and reproduce the sounds, rhythm, stress and intonation.

-The sound: /əʊ/

-Chant to practise the sound: /əʊ/ ‘Rose is on the phone at home’.

▪ Identify and use the lexical terms:

-Sports: basketball, volleyball, football, tennis.

-idea, tired, noise, dream, drink, roar, snore, upstairs, giant, living room, bathroom, kitchen, bedroom, ghost, scared.

-Homes: flat, mobile home, houseboat, wooden house, city, country.

▪ Understand and apply grammar rules correctly.

Language structures:

The present continuous tense (negative):

-I’m not/He isn’t/She isn’t/We aren’t/They aren’t (playing).

Present continuous questions and short answers:

-Are you/they (sleeping)?

-Yes, he/she/it is. No, he/she/it isn’t.

▪ Associate global writing, pronunciation and meaning from written examples.

▪ Get familiar with the use of basic strategies of the production of written texts based on a model: chose the addressee, the purpose and content.

▪ Interest and curiosity in widening knowledge related to the English language in different situations.

3.2. Reflection on learning.

▪ Develop effective language-learning practices.

- Use prior knowledge.

- Follow instructions

- Use the skills of observation.

- Remember new words.

- Flexible thinking.

- Play a miming game.

- Reflect on their own work and self-evaluate themselves at the end of the Unit.

BLOCK 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

▪ Recognise and learn basic forms of social interactions in a foreign language.

▪ Show a receptive attitude towards those who speak a different language than their own.

▪ Interdisciplinary contents:

- Maths: To count complete charts.

- Social Studies: school life, different homes in different places.

- Arts and music: sing a song, chant, mime, draw, make and present a project.

- Linguistic abilities: reading and interpretation of a story, presentation skills.

BLOCK 5. Literacy Education

Literacy genre:

Cartoon stories:

They aren’t swimming PB page 98.

Are they sleeping? PB page 100.

Jane and the giant. PB page 102.

Non-Fiction text:

Other homes. PB page 104.

Oral and written text production:

Dialogue reproduction

A chant: Rose is on the phone at home. PB page 106.

A song: They aren’t swimming. PB page 99.


Linguistic competence

All sections and activities of the Unit contribute to the development of the communication aspect of the linguistic competence, especially the activities:

▪ Listen and chant (PB page 106.), Listen and sing (PB page 99.).

▪ Play a game (PB pages 101, 107).

▪ Listen to the story. Then act out (PB page 98.). Act out a story (PB page 102).

Mathematical competence

Mathematical competence consists in the ability to use and relate numbers, basic number operations, symbols, and mathematical thinking. Also, the use and knowledge of basic Maths skills and concepts (different types of numbers, measurements, symbols, geometry concepts, among others).

This competence is developed in the Unit through:

- Count, Identify and use vocabulary about numbers.

- Complete charts.

Competence in knowledge and interaction with the physical world

Part of this competence is the awareness of the physical space; it's social interactions and human activities and abilities to interact in it.

- Show respect to others and themselves:(Take turns to listen speak, present, act, mime and ask and answer questions).

- Perceive and interact with the physical space throughout the knowledge of cross-curricular lessons and interdisciplinary sections: Poster projects with stickers, cross-curricular worksheets (Social Science).

- Social Studies: learning about the places where things belong (Different homes in different places).

Data processing and digital competence

• Use means of information and situations of diverse types of communication to combine communication and reading skills:

- Stickers, cut-out, etc (connect visual and text information)

▪ Look at photographs as a mean of information: (Cross-curricular, (PB page 98).

▪ Interpret and process information from tables and pictures.

- Tick charts for each lesson.

▪ Practice and get familiar with a variety of digital competences and information throughout the course applying the components of the methods:

- Active Teach for Interactive Whiteboards -(interactive PB and AB, audio material, digital flashcards, word cards and story cards, extra activities, interdisciplinary digital posters, Reader, interactive games, download PDF section with printables, tests, videos with real characters related to the Unit, Interactive board games, a version available as a PDF with Worksheets to copy, tests, etc).

- Active Book (an Active Teach version to use at home).

- Class Audio CDs.


- Course web page

Interpersonal, social and civil competence

This competence relates to building basic essential communication skills and learning to interact with others in an appropriate manner, regardless of their background. Also, understanding how to express opinions appropriately and knowing how to behave in familiar situations of negotiation and transaction.

This competence is developed through the knowledge of different interdisciplinary sections related to the unit:

- Understand dialogues and communication exchanges.

- Socialise and participate in classroom activities, playing and following classroom rules, in pairs and in groups: Play a game, Unit 12b (PB, page 101) Review 6 (PB page 107).

Learn to participate and collaborate with peers, acting out the story of the unit: They aren’t swimming PB page 98, Jane and the giant PB page 102.

▪ Learning a language implies the knowledge of the cultural aspects tied to those who speak it. History always refers to different social aspects and democratic values of a society.

▪ This competence is developed through interdisciplinary sections related to the theme of the Unit.

- Learn codes of conduct and help others.

Interpersonal, social and civic competences have as an objective learning to communicate with others with understanding. (Social Science section)

Cultural and artistic competence

This competence is developed in the Unit through the following activities:

▪ Sing songs, rhymes and chants:

A chant: Rose is on the phone at home. PB page 106.

A song: They aren’t swimming. PB page 99.

Immerse in the English language and culture through reading and understanding a story: They aren’t swimming PB page 98.

Are they sleeping? PB page 100.

Jane and the giant. PB page 102.

Cultural and artistic competence has as an objective the development and value of the imagination, initiative and creativity. (Social science section, present a project)

Learning to learn competence

Learning to learn competence objective is for students to reflect on what they are learning and how they are learning it, motivating them to use their own abilities and to be conscious of their learning processes and able to evaluate their own learning. This competence is developed in lesson 2 Activity 6 of the Social Science section.

Autonomy and personal initiative

Autonomy and personal initiative has as an objective the development of one's own criteria and foster social values like respect, cooperation, and teamwork. This competence is practice through different activities through the ten lessons of the unit.

Emotional Competence

An emotional competence is about the ability to understand and control emotions, to be aware of others emotions and feelings and establishes positive relations with others. The competence aims to help students to be better and happier person who approaches life in a positive manner personally and socially.

This competence is mastered when the student is able to approach any activity taking risks in a responsible manner, establishing positive relations with others. This implies the development and empowerment of personal self-esteem, trusting in themselves and their possibilities.

- Express feelings and emotions: in all dialogues and communications. (PB, pages 98-107), acting out a story: They aren’t swimming (PB page 98), Jane and the giant (PB pages 102-103).

- Dancing and movement Act out the story, (PB pages 98, 102-103)

- Overcome inhibitions through songs and music: Sing songs and chants:

A chant: Rose is on the phone at home. PB page 106.

A song: They aren’t swimming. PB page 99.

- This competence is developed across the ten lessons of the Unit.


Extra-practice and extension activities

▪ Pupils Book (Pages 98-107 ):

- Reference bar at the bottom of the page.

- Cut-outs. (For Lesson of Unit 12b).

▪ Active Book; activities and interactive games to practice for language practice:

- Flashcards, Word cards, posters, videos and Reader.

▪ Activity Book (Pages 82-89):

- Pre-reading and pre-writing activities.

- Picture Dictionary (Page 97, 98).

▪ The Reader (in digital and print):

▪ Flashcards and Word cards (Sports, story words).

▪ Story cards.

▪ Teacher’s Resource Materials:

- Worksheets to copy.

- Cross-curricular Worksheets.

- Mini Flashcards, Mini Word cards.

- Board game.

- Activities for the song.

- Interdisciplinary posters and stickers.

- Extra practice and challenging activities (for fast learners).

▪ Active Teach, activities and interacting games for language practice.


Formative Evaluation

Constant supervision during class.

Complete the numbered exercises. (Pages 98-107).

Summative evaluation

Active Teach Resources section:

Unit quiz.

Review 6.


Progress Review 4 (Diagnostic Test).

Attainment test.


Activity Book:

- Self-evaluation activity at the end of the Unit (‘what about you?’ page 87 ).

- Review 6.

- My Picture Dictionary and Cross-Curricular (Pages 96-97, 98) & CD3 Tracks 61,62.

Active Teach Resources section:

-‘I can do it!’ worksheet.

Pupil’s Book:

- Review 6 (pages 106-107).

Evaluation criteria:

BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation

▪ Participate in oral interactions:

- Identify and say vocabulary of the unit.

- Talk about sports.

- Identify vocabulary about different homes.

- Use the present continuous tense (negative).

- Sing a song.

- Say a chant.

- Ask and answer present continuous questions.

- Present a project.

▪ Understand simple oral texts within the classroom's context:

- Recognise the vocabulary of the unit.

- Recognise sports vocabulary.

- Recognise vocabulary about homes.

- Understand a story using visual prompts.

- Understand and answer present continuous questions.

- Learn about different kinds of homes in different countries.

BLOCK 2. Reading and writing

▪ Read simple words and phrases – Pre-reading activities (Optional):

- Be able to read vocabulary about sports.

- Follow and understand the text of a longer story.

- Be able to read vocabulary and text about different homes.

- Be able to read and understand present questions.

▪ Write simple words and phrases- Pre-writing activities (Optional):

- Be able to trace, copy and complete the vocabulary of the unit.

- Be able to write about you, your family and friends.

- Be able to use apostrophes when writing.

- Be able to answer questions in the present continuous tense (negative).

- Be able to write about your own home and compare with a different kind of home.

BLOCK 3. Knowledge of the language.

▪ Identify, apply and use the vocabulary of the unit:

-Sports: basketball, volleyball, football, tennis.

-idea, tired, noise, dream, drink, roar, snore, upstairs, giant, living room, bathroom, kitchen, bedroom, ghost, scared.

-Homes: flat, mobile home, houseboat, wooden house, city, country.

▪ Understand and apply grammar rules correctly.

Language structures:

The present continuous tense (negative):

-I’m not/He isn’t/She isn’t/We aren’t/They aren’t (playing).

Present continuous questions and short answers:

-Are you/they (sleeping)?

-Yes, he/she/it is. No, he/she/it isn’t.

Receptive language:

-Splish, splash, sea, terrible, Guess again, terrible, toast, sweet dreams, Japan, America, India, Sweden.

Recycled Language:

-Present continuous (affirmative)

-Dog, cat, girl, boy, baby.


-Sleep, animal, read, write, do, play, hide, eat, cake, jump, bed.

-House, door, window, noise, table, hide, big, shower, cupboard, strong, idea.

-Parts of the body.

-Present continuous, have got.

-Rooms of the house.


-There is/are…

-Present simple.

▪ Recognise and reproduce sounds, rhythm, stress and intonation:

-The sound: /əʊ/

-Chant to practise the sound: /əʊ/ ‘Rose is on the phone at home’.

▪ Develop effective language-learning practices.

- Use prior knowledge.

- Follow instructions

- Remember new words.

- Logical thinking: patterns, problem solving, matching, comparing,

- Reflect on their own work and self-evaluate themselves at the end of the Unit.

BLOCK 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

▪ Recognise and learn basic forms of social interactions in a foreign language.

- Ask and answer questions in English.

- Learn a version of a traditional game.

- Take care of belongings.

- Help each other.

- Appreciate individuality.

- Work together.

▪ Show a receptive attitude towards those who speak a different language than their own.

▪ Learning about the language, lifestyle and culture of English-speaking world.

BLOCK 5. Literacy Education

• Enjoy literacy by reading books of reference and of own selection and other audiovisual artistic fields like theatre, television, radio and movies, in order to understand the world and human condition, for language enrichment and aesthetic sensibility.

The Yazoo Music Show.

World Animal Day.

International Children’s Day.


BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation

▪ Participate in oral interactions:

- Identify and say vocabulary of Yazoo 2.

- Talk about Festivals.

- Mention grammar of Yazoo 2.

- Sing a song.

- Perform a musical.

- Name animals and pets.

- Ask and answer questions.

▪ Understand simple oral texts within the classroom's context:

- Recognise vocabulary of the book.

- Understand a musical script.

- Learn about World Animal Day.

- Learn about Children’s Day.

- Understand and answer questions.

- Consolidate language and grammar in an enjoyable way.

BLOCK 2. Reading and writing

▪ Read simple words and phrases – Pre-reading activities (Optional):

- Be able to read the vocabulary of the unit.

- Be able to read vocabulary from Yazoo 2.

- Follow the text of a musical script.

- Read vocabulary about festivals.

▪ Write simple words and phrases- Pre-writing activities (Optional):

- Be able to trace, copy and complete the vocabulary of the unit.

- Be able to write answers to simple questions.

BLOCK 3. Knowledge of the language.

▪ Identify, apply and use the vocabulary of the unit:

-Vocabulary from Yazoo 2.

-Food, water, home, exercise, give.

-World, picnic, art, swap.

▪ Understand and apply grammar rules correctly.

Language structures:

-Grammar from Yazoo 2.

-Here’s…this is…That’s…Let’s….Is it…? Yes, it is/No, it isn’t.

Receptive language:

-Celebrate, forever, together, have fun.

Recycled Language:

-pet, new, ball, happy, play, love, today, every day, people, school, toys, friends, play.

▪ Recognise and reproduce sounds, rhythm, stress and intonation:

- The sounds practised in Yazoo 2.

▪ Develop effective language-learning practices.

- Use prior knowledge.

- Follow instructions

- Remember new words.

- Logical thinking: patterns.

- Reflect on their own work and self-evaluate themselves at the end of the Unit.

BLOCK 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

▪ Recognise and learn basic forms of social interactions in a foreign language.

- Perform a musical in English.

- Learn a version of a traditional game.

- Take care of belongings.

- Help each other.

- Appreciate individuality.

- Work together.

- Celebrate an International Festival.

▪ Show a receptive attitude towards those who speak a different language than their own.

▪ Learning about the language, lifestyle and culture of English-speaking world.

BLOCK 5. Literacy Education

• Enjoy literacy by reading books of reference and of own selection and other audiovisual artistic fields like theatre, television, radio and movies, in order to understand the world and human condition, for language enrichment and aesthetic sensibility.


BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation

▪ Listen and understand oral expressions with different levels of complexity like instructions and explanations, oral interactions or recordings with visual support and been able to get detailed information within context.

▪ Oral interactions in real and pretend situations giving verbal and non-verbal responses of their choice from a selection in context and progressively with less guidance.

▪ Produce known oral texts previously through active participation in songs, presentations, role plays, recitals, guided interactions or through work prepared with a model and help, showing interest to express themselves orally in individual and group activities.

▪ Develop basic strategies to understand oral expression: use visual context, non-verbal communication, and previous knowledge about the topic of the unit and transfer them to a real situation using the foreign language.

▪ Value a foreign language as a tool for communication.

BLOCK 2. Reading and writing

▪ Reading and understanding different types of texts, in digital and in paper, adapted to the linguistic competence of the student, using general and specific information, in order to complete an activity or for reading enjoyment. .

▪ Guided use of reading strategies (using elements from visual contexts and previous knowledge about the topic or familiar situations), identifying the most relevant information, inferring the meaning of the words and common expressions.

▪ Reading and writing their own texts of daily life situations close to their own experience; invitations, greeting cards, brochures, notes...

▪ Compositions using a model, of a variety of simple texts, using expressions and phrases with multiple purposes.

▪ Using technology to read, write and share information.

▪ Show interest in the care and presentation of written work.

BLOCK 3. Knowledge of the language.

3.1. Linguistic knowledge

▪ Begin to recognise and reproduce the sounds, rhythm, stress and intonation.

-The sounds practised in Yazoo 2.

▪ Identify and use the lexical terms:

-Vocabulary from Yazoo 2.

-Food, water, home, exercise, give.

-World, picnic, art, swap.

▪ Understand and apply grammar rules correctly.

-Grammar from Yazoo 2.

-Here’s…this is…That’s…Let’s….Is it…? Yes, it is/No, it isn’t.

▪ Associate global writing, pronunciation and meaning from written examples.

▪ Get familiar with the use of basic strategies of the production of written texts based on a model: chose the addressee, the purpose and content.

▪ Interest and curiosity in widening knowledge related to the English language in different situations.

3.2. Reflection on learning.

▪ Develop effective language-learning practices.

- Use prior knowledge.

- Follow instructions

- Use the skills of observation.

- Remember new words.

- Flexible thinking.

- Play a memory game to revise vocabulary.

- Reflect on their own work and self-evaluate themselves at the end of the book.

BLOCK 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

▪ Recognise and learn basic forms of social interactions in a foreign language.

▪ Show a receptive attitude towards those who speak a different language than their own.

▪ Interdisciplinary contents:

- Maths: To count.

- Social Studies: Festivals: World Animal Day, International Children’s Day.

- Arts and music: make a card, make a mask, sing a song, perform a musical, draw.

- Linguistic abilities: reading and interpretation of musical script, performing skills.

BLOCK 5. Literacy Education

Literacy genre:

Non-Fiction Text:

The Yazoo Music Show PB pages 108-109.

Oral and written text production:

Dialogue reproduction:

A song: World Animal Day PB, page 111.

A song: International Children’s Day PB page 112.

A musical show: PB pages 108-109.


Linguistic competence

All sections and activities of the Unit contribute to the development of the communication aspect of the linguistic competence, especially the activities:

▪ Listen and sing (PB pages 111, 112)

▪ Play a game (TB page 108).

▪ Listen to the musical score then act out (PB pages 108-109).

Mathematical competence

Mathematical competence consists in the ability to use and relate numbers, basic number operations, symbols, and mathematical thinking. Also, the use and knowledge of basic Maths skills and concepts (different types of numbers, measurements, symbols, geometry concepts, among others).

This competence is developed in the Unit through:

- Count, Identify and use vocabulary about numbers.

Competence in knowledge and interaction with the physical world

Part of this competence is the awareness of the physical space; it's social interactions and human activities and abilities to interact in it.

- Show respect to others and themselves:(Perform in a musical, have a party, play games, sing, take turns to ask and answer questions, listen and speak).

- Perceive and interact with the physical space throughout the knowledge of cross-curricular lessons and interdisciplinary sections: Poster projects with stickers, cross-curricular worksheets (AB page 98).

- Social Studies: learning about festivals (PB pages 110-112).

Data processing and digital competence

• Use means of information and situations of diverse types of communication to combine communication and reading skills:

- Stickers, cut-out, etc (connect visual and text information)

▪ Look at photographs as a mean of information: (Cross-curricular, (AB page 98).

▪ Interpret and process information from tables and pictures.

- Tick charts for each lesson.

▪ Practice and get familiar with a variety of digital competences and information throughout the course applying the components of the methods:

- Active Teach for Interactive Whiteboards -(interactive PB and AB, audio material, digital flashcards, word cards and story cards, extra activities, interdisciplinary digital posters, Reader, interactive games, download PDF section with printables, tests, videos with real characters related to the Unit, Interactive board games, a version available as a PDF with Worksheets to copy, tests, etc).

- Active Book (an Active Teach version to use at home).

- Class Audio CDs.


- Course web page

Interpersonal, social and civil competence

This competence relates to building basic essential communication skills and learning to interact with others in an appropriate manner, regardless of their background. Also, understanding how to express opinions appropriately and knowing how to behave in familiar situations of negotiation and transaction.

This competence is developed through the knowledge of different interdisciplinary sections related to the unit:

- Understand dialogues and communication exchanges.

- Socialise and participate in classroom activities, playing and following classroom rules, in pairs and in groups: Play a game (TB, page 108).

- Learn to participate and collaborate with peers, acting out the script: The Yazoo Music Show (PB pages 108-109).

▪ Learning a language implies the knowledge of the cultural aspects tied to those who speak it. History always refers to different social aspects and democratic values of a society.

▪ This competence is developed through interdisciplinary sections related to the theme of the Unit.

- Learn codes of conduct and help others.

Interpersonal, social and civic competences have as an objective learning to communicate with others with understanding.

Cultural and artistic competence

This competence is developed in the Unit through the following activities:

▪ Sing songs, rhymes and chants:

-A song: World Animal Day PB, page 111.

-A song: International Children’s Day PB page 112.

-A musical show: PB pages 108-109.

▪ Immerse in the English language and culture through reading and understanding a text.

Cultural and artistic competence has as an objective the development and value of the imagination, initiative and creativity.

Learning to learn competence

Learning to learn competence objective is for students to reflect on what they are learning and how they are learning it, motivating them to use their own abilities and to be conscious of their learning processes and able to evaluate their own learning. This competence is developed in lesson 1 of the Yazoo Music Show.

Autonomy and personal initiative

Autonomy and personal initiative has as an objective the development of one's own criteria and foster social values like respect, cooperation, and teamwork. This competence is practice through different activities through the three lessons of the unit.

Emotional Competence

An emotional competence is about the ability to understand and control emotions, to be aware of others emotions and feelings and establishes positive relations with others. The competence aims to help students to be better and happier person who approaches life in a positive manner personally and socially.

This competence is mastered when the student is able to approach any activity taking risks in a responsible manner, establishing positive relations with others. This implies the development and empowerment of personal self-esteem, trusting in themselves and their possibilities.

- Express feelings and emotions: in all dialogues and communications. (PB, pages 108-112), acting out a production: The Yazoo Music Show (PB page 108-109).

- Dancing and movement (The Yazoo Music Show).

- Overcome inhibitions through songs and music: Sing songs and chants:

A song: World Animal Day PB, page 111.

A song: International Children’s Day PB page 112.

A musical show: PB pages 108-109.

- This competence is developed across the three lessons of the Unit.


Extra-practice and extension activities

▪ Pupils Book (pages 108-112):

-Pre-reading and pre-writing activities.

▪ Active Book; activities and interactive games to practice for language practice:

- Flashcards, Word cards, posters, videos and Reader.

▪ Activity Book (Page 98):

- Cross-curricular (Page 98).

▪ The Reader (in digital and print):

▪ Flashcards and Word cards (Yazoo 2 vocabulary).

▪ Story cards.

▪ Teacher’s Resource Materials:

- Worksheets to copy.

- Cross-curricular Worksheets.

- Mini Flashcards, Mini Word cards.

- Board game.

- Activities for the song.

- Interdisciplinary posters and stickers.

- Extra practice and challenging activities (for fast learners).

▪ Active Teach, activities and interacting games for language practice.


Formative Evaluation

Constant supervision during class.

Complete the numbered exercises. (PB pages 108-112).

Summative evaluation

The End of Year Performance: The Yazoo Music Show.


Activity Book:

-My Picture Dictionary: Festivals.

Pupil’s Book:

- Self-evaluation activity at the end of the Unit (Review vocabulary learned in Yazoo 2).

Evaluation criteria:

BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation

▪ Participate in oral interactions:

- Identify and say vocabulary of Yazoo 2.

- Talk about Festivals.

- Mention grammar of Yazoo 2.

- Sing a song.

- Perform a musical.

- Name animals and pets.

- Ask and answer questions.

▪ Understand simple oral texts within the classroom's context:

- Recognise vocabulary of the book.

- Understand a musical script.

- Learn about World Animal Day.

- Learn about Children’s Day.

- Understand and answer questions.

- Consolidate language and grammar in an enjoyable way.

BLOCK 2. Reading and writing

▪ Read simple words and phrases – Pre-reading activities (Optional):

- Be able to read the vocabulary of the unit.

- Be able to read vocabulary from Yazoo 2.

- Follow the text of a musical script.

- Read vocabulary about festivals.

▪ Write simple words and phrases- Pre-writing activities (Optional):

- Be able to trace, copy and complete the vocabulary of the unit.

- Be able to write answers to simple questions.

BLOCK 3. Knowledge of the language.

▪ Identify, apply and use the vocabulary of the unit:

-Vocabulary from Yazoo 2.

-Food, water, home, exercise, give.

-World, picnic, art, swap.

▪ Understand and apply grammar rules correctly.

Language structures:

-Grammar from Yazoo 2.

-Here’s…this is…That’s…Let’s….Is it…? Yes, it is/No, it isn’t.

Receptive language:

-Celebrate, forever, together, have fun.

Recycled Language:

-pet, new, ball, happy, play, love, today, every day, people, school, toys, friends, play.

▪ Recognise and reproduce sounds, rhythm, stress and intonation:

- The sounds practised in Yazoo 2.

▪ Develop effective language-learning practices.

- Use prior knowledge.

- Follow instructions

- Remember new words.

- Logical thinking: patterns.

- Reflect on their own work and self-evaluate themselves at the end of the Unit.

BLOCK 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

▪ Recognise and learn basic forms of social interactions in a foreign language.

- Perform a musical in English.

- Learn a version of a traditional game.

- Take care of belongings.

- Help each other.

- Appreciate individuality.

- Work together.

- Celebrate an International Festival.

▪ Show a receptive attitude towards those who speak a different language than their own.

▪ Learning about the language, lifestyle and culture of English-speaking world.

BLOCK 5. Literacy Education

• Enjoy literacy by reading books of reference and of own selection and other audiovisual artistic fields like theatre, television, radio and movies, in order to understand the world and human condition, for language enrichment and aesthetic sensibility.


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